]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/SquidString.h
Bug 5428: Warn if pkg-config is not found (#1902)
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / SquidString.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 /* DEBUG: section 67 String */
14 #include "base/TextException.h"
15 #include "debug/Stream.h"
17 #include <ostream>
19 /* squid string placeholder (for printf) */
21 #define SQUIDSTRINGPH "%.*s"
22 #define SQUIDSTRINGPRINT(s) (s).psize(),(s).rawBuf()
23 #endif /* SQUIDSTRINGPH */
25 class String
26 {
28 public:
29 String() = default;
30 String(char const *);
31 String(String const &);
32 String(String && S) : size_(S.size_), len_(S.len_), buf_(S.buf_) {
33 S.buf_ = nullptr; // S is about to be destructed
34 S.size_ = S.len_ = 0;
35 }
36 ~String();
38 typedef size_t size_type; //storage size intentionally unspecified
39 const static size_type npos = static_cast<size_type>(-1);
41 String &operator =(char const *);
42 String &operator =(String const &);
43 String &operator =(String && S) {
44 if (this != &S) {
45 clean();
46 size_ = S.size_;
47 len_ = S.len_;
48 buf_ = S.buf_;
49 S.size_ = 0;
50 S.len_ = 0;
51 S.buf_ = nullptr; // S is about to be destructed
52 }
53 return *this;
54 }
56 bool operator ==(String const &) const;
57 bool operator !=(String const &) const;
59 /**
60 * Retrieve a single character in the string.
61 \param aPos Position of character to retrieve.
62 */
63 char operator [](unsigned int aPos) const {
64 assert(aPos < size_);
65 return buf_[aPos];
66 }
68 /// The absolute size limit on data held in a String.
69 /// Since Strings can be nil-terminated implicitly it is best to ensure
70 /// the useful content length is strictly less than this limit.
71 static size_type SizeMaxXXX() { return SizeMax_; }
73 size_type size() const { return len_; }
75 /// variant of size() suited to be used for printf-alikes.
76 /// throws when size() >= INT_MAX
77 int psize() const {
78 Must(size() < INT_MAX);
79 return size();
80 }
82 /**
83 * Returns a raw pointer to the underlying backing store. The caller has been
84 * verified not to make any assumptions about null-termination
85 */
86 char const * rawBuf() const { return buf_; }
88 /**
89 * Returns a raw pointer to the underlying backing store.
90 * The caller requires it to be null-terminated.
91 */
92 char const * termedBuf() const { return buf_; }
94 void assign(const char *str, int len);
95 void clean();
96 void reset(char const *str);
97 void append(char const *buf, int len);
98 void append(char const *buf);
99 void append(char const);
100 void append(String const &);
101 void absorb(String &old);
102 const char * pos(char const *aString) const;
103 const char * pos(char const ch) const;
104 ///offset from string start of the first occurrence of ch
105 /// returns String::npos if ch is not found
106 size_type find(char const ch) const;
107 size_type find(char const *aString) const;
108 const char * rpos(char const ch) const;
109 size_type rfind(char const ch) const;
110 int cmp(char const *) const;
111 int cmp(char const *, size_type count) const;
112 int cmp(String const &) const;
113 int caseCmp(char const *) const;
114 int caseCmp(char const *, size_type count) const;
115 int caseCmp(String const &str) const {
116 return caseCmp(str.rawBuf(),str.size());
117 }
119 /// Whether creating a totalLen-character string is safe (i.e., unlikely to assert).
120 /// Optional extras can be used for overflow-safe length addition.
121 /// Implementation has to add 1 because many String allocation methods do.
122 static bool CanGrowTo(size_type totalLen, const size_type extras = 0) { return SafeAdd(totalLen, extras) && SafeAdd(totalLen, 1); }
123 /// whether appending growthLen characters is safe (i.e., unlikely to assert)
124 bool canGrowBy(const size_type growthLen) const { return CanGrowTo(size(), growthLen); }
126 String substr(size_type from, size_type to) const;
128 void cut(size_type newLength);
130 private:
131 void allocAndFill(const char *str, int len);
132 void allocBuffer(size_type sz);
133 void setBuffer(char *buf, size_type sz);
135 bool defined() const {return buf_!=nullptr;}
136 bool undefined() const {return !defined();}
138 /* never reference these directly! */
139 size_type size_ = 0; /* buffer size; limited by SizeMax_ */
141 size_type len_ = 0; /* current length */
143 /// An earlier 64KB limit was meant to protect some fixed-size buffers, but
144 /// (a) we do not know where those buffers are (or whether they still exist)
145 /// (b) too many String users unknowingly exceeded that limit and asserted.
146 /// We are now using a larger limit to reduce the number of (b) cases,
147 /// especially cases where "compact" lists of items grow 50% in size when we
148 /// convert them to canonical form. The new limit is selected to withstand
149 /// concatenation and ~50% expansion of two HTTP headers limited by default
150 /// request_header_max_size and reply_header_max_size settings.
151 static const size_type SizeMax_ = 3*64*1024 - 1;
153 /// returns true after increasing the first argument by extra if the sum does not exceed SizeMax_
154 static bool SafeAdd(size_type &base, size_type extra) { if (extra <= SizeMax_ && base <= SizeMax_ - extra) { base += extra; return true; } return false; }
156 char *buf_ = nullptr;
158 void set(char const *loc, char const ch) {
159 if (loc < buf_ || loc > (buf_ + size_))
160 return;
161 buf_[loc-buf_] = ch;
162 }
164 void cutPointer(char const *loc) {
165 if (loc < buf_ || loc > (buf_ + size_))
166 return;
167 len_ = loc-buf_;
168 buf_[len_] = '\0';
169 }
170 };
172 inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, String const &aString)
173 {
174 os.write(aString.rawBuf(),aString.size());
175 return os;
176 }
178 inline bool operator<(const String &a, const String &b)
179 {
180 return a.cmp(b) < 0;
181 }
183 const char *checkNullString(const char *p);
184 int stringHasWhitespace(const char *);
185 int stringHasCntl(const char *);
186 char *strwordtok(char *buf, char **t);
188 #endif /* SQUID_SRC_SQUIDSTRING_H */