]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/auth/negotiate/SSPI/negotiate_sspi_auth.cc
Bug 5428: Warn if pkg-config is not found (#1902)
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / auth / negotiate / SSPI / negotiate_sspi_auth.cc
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 /*
10 * negotiate_sspi_auth: helper for Negotiate Authentication for Squid Cache
11 *
12 * (C)2005 Guido Serassio - Acme Consulting S.r.l.
13 *
14 * Authors:
15 * Guido Serassio <guido.serassio@acmeconsulting.it>
16 * Acme Consulting S.r.l., Italy <http://www.acmeconsulting.it>
17 *
18 * With contributions from others mentioned in the change history section
19 * below.
20 *
21 * Based on previous work of Francesco Chemolli and Robert Collins.
22 *
23 * Dependencies: Windows 2000 and later.
24 *
25 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
26 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
27 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
28 * (at your option) any later version.
29 *
30 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
31 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
33 * GNU General Public License for more details.
34 *
35 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
36 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
37 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
38 *
39 * History:
40 *
41 * Version 1.0
42 * 29-10-2005 Guido Serassio
43 * First release.
44 */
46 #include "squid.h"
47 #include "base64.h"
48 #include "helper/protocol_defines.h"
49 #include "ntlmauth/ntlmauth.h"
50 #include "ntlmauth/support_bits.cci"
51 #include "sspi/sspwin32.h"
52 #include "util.h"
54 #include <cctype>
56 #include <getopt.h>
57 #endif
59 int Negotiate_packet_debug_enabled = 0;
60 static int have_serverblob;
62 /* A couple of harmless helper macros */
63 #define SEND(X) debug("sending '%s' to squid\n",X); printf(X "\n");
64 #ifdef __GNUC__
65 #define SEND2(X,Y...) debug("sending '" X "' to squid\n",Y); printf(X "\n",Y);
66 #define SEND3(X,Y...) debug("sending '" X "' to squid\n",Y); printf(X "\n",Y);
67 #else
68 /* no gcc, no debugging. varargs macros are a gcc extension */
69 #define SEND2(X,Y) debug("sending '" X "' to squid\n",Y); printf(X "\n",Y);
70 #define SEND3(X,Y,Z) debug("sending '" X "' to squid\n",Y,Z); printf(X "\n",Y,Z);
71 #endif
73 /*
74 * options:
75 * -d enable debugging.
76 * -v enable verbose Negotiate packet debugging.
77 */
78 char *my_program_name = nullptr;
80 static void
81 usage()
82 {
83 fprintf(stderr,
84 "Usage: %s [-d] [-v] [-h]\n"
85 " -d enable debugging.\n"
86 " -v enable verbose Negotiate packet debugging.\n"
87 " -h this message\n\n",
88 my_program_name);
89 }
91 static void
92 process_options(int argc, char *argv[])
93 {
94 int opt, had_error = 0;
96 opterr = 0;
97 while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hdv"))) {
98 switch (opt) {
99 case 'd':
100 debug_enabled = 1;
101 break;
102 case 'v':
103 debug_enabled = 1;
104 Negotiate_packet_debug_enabled = 1;
105 break;
106 case 'h':
107 usage();
108 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
109 case '?':
110 opt = optopt;
111 [[fallthrough]];
112 default:
113 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown option: -%c. Exiting\n", opt);
114 usage();
115 had_error = 1;
116 }
117 }
118 if (had_error)
119 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
120 }
122 static bool
123 token_decode(size_t *decodedLen, uint8_t decoded[], const char *buf)
124 {
125 struct base64_decode_ctx ctx;
126 base64_decode_init(&ctx);
127 if (!base64_decode_update(&ctx, decodedLen, decoded, strlen(buf), buf) ||
128 !base64_decode_final(&ctx)) {
129 SEND("BH base64 decode failed");
130 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: base64 decoding failed for: '%s'\n", buf);
131 return false;
132 }
133 return true;
134 }
136 static int
137 manage_request()
138 {
139 char buf[HELPER_INPUT_BUFFER];
140 uint8_t decoded[HELPER_INPUT_BUFFER];
141 size_t decodedLen = 0;
142 char helper_command[3];
143 char *c;
144 int status;
145 int oversized = 0;
146 char *ErrorMessage;
147 static char cred[SSP_MAX_CRED_LEN + 1];
148 BOOL Done = FALSE;
150 do {
151 if (fgets(buf, HELPER_INPUT_BUFFER, stdin))
152 return 0;
154 c = static_cast<char*>(memchr(buf, '\n', HELPER_INPUT_BUFFER));
155 if (c) {
156 if (oversized) {
157 SEND("BH illegal request received");
158 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Illegal request received: '%s'\n", buf);
159 return 1;
160 }
161 *c = '\0';
162 } else {
163 fprintf(stderr, "No newline in '%s'\n", buf);
164 oversized = 1;
165 }
166 } while (!c);
168 if ((strlen(buf) > 3) && Negotiate_packet_debug_enabled) {
169 if (!token_decode(&decodedLen, decoded, buf+3))
170 return 1;
171 strncpy(helper_command, buf, 2);
172 debug("Got '%s' from Squid with data:\n", helper_command);
173 hex_dump(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(decoded), decodedLen);
174 } else
175 debug("Got '%s' from Squid\n", buf);
177 if (memcmp(buf, "YR ", 3) == 0) { /* refresh-request */
178 /* figure out what we got */
179 if (!decodedLen /* already decoded */ && !token_decode(&decodedLen, decoded, buf+3))
180 return 1;
181 if (decodedLen < sizeof(ntlmhdr)) { /* decoding failure, return error */
182 SEND("NA * Packet format error");
183 return 1;
184 }
185 /* Obtain server blob against SSPI */
186 c = (char *) SSP_MakeNegotiateBlob(decoded, decodedLen, &Done, &status, cred);
188 if (status == SSP_OK) {
189 if (Done) {
190 lc(cred); /* let's lowercase them for our convenience */
191 have_serverblob = 0;
192 Done = FALSE;
193 if (Negotiate_packet_debug_enabled) {
194 if (!token_decode(&decodedLen, decoded, c))
195 return 1;
196 debug("sending 'AF' %s to squid with data:\n", cred);
197 if (c != NULL)
198 hex_dump(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(decoded), decodedLen);
199 else
200 fprintf(stderr, "No data available.\n");
201 printf("AF %s %s\n", c, cred);
202 } else
203 SEND3("AF %s %s", c, cred);
204 } else {
205 if (Negotiate_packet_debug_enabled) {
206 if (!token_decode(&decodedLen, decoded, c))
207 return 1;
208 debug("sending 'TT' to squid with data:\n");
209 hex_dump(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(decoded), decodedLen);
210 printf("TT %s\n", c);
211 } else {
212 SEND2("TT %s", c);
213 }
214 have_serverblob = 1;
215 }
216 } else
217 SEND("BH can't obtain server blob");
218 return 1;
219 }
220 if (memcmp(buf, "KK ", 3) == 0) { /* authenticate-request */
221 if (!have_serverblob) {
222 SEND("BH invalid server blob");
223 return 1;
224 }
225 /* figure out what we got */
226 if (!decodedLen /* already decoded */ && !token_decode(&decodedLen, decoded, buf+3))
227 return 1;
228 if (decodedLen < sizeof(ntlmhdr)) { /* decoding failure, return error */
229 SEND("NA * Packet format error");
230 return 1;
231 }
232 /* check against SSPI */
233 c = (char *) SSP_ValidateNegotiateCredentials(decoded, decodedLen, &Done, &status, cred);
235 if (status == SSP_ERROR) {
238 nullptr,
239 GetLastError(),
241 (LPTSTR) & ErrorMessage,
242 0,
243 nullptr);
244 if (ErrorMessage[strlen(ErrorMessage) - 1] == '\n')
245 ErrorMessage[strlen(ErrorMessage) - 1] = '\0';
246 if (ErrorMessage[strlen(ErrorMessage) - 1] == '\r')
247 ErrorMessage[strlen(ErrorMessage) - 1] = '\0';
248 SEND2("NA * %s", ErrorMessage);
249 LocalFree(ErrorMessage);
250 return 1;
251 }
252 if (Done) {
253 lc(cred); /* let's lowercase them for our convenience */
254 have_serverblob = 0;
255 Done = FALSE;
256 if (Negotiate_packet_debug_enabled) {
257 if (!token_decode(&decodedLen, decoded, c))
258 return 1;
259 debug("sending 'AF' %s to squid with data:\n", cred);
260 if (c != NULL)
261 hex_dump(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(decoded), decodedLen);
262 else
263 fprintf(stderr, "No data available.\n");
264 printf("AF %s %s\n", c, cred);
265 } else {
266 SEND3("AF %s %s", c, cred);
267 }
268 return 1;
269 } else {
270 if (Negotiate_packet_debug_enabled) {
271 if (!token_decode(&decodedLen, decoded, c))
272 return 1;
273 debug("sending 'TT' to squid with data:\n");
274 hex_dump(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(decoded), decodedLen);
275 printf("TT %s\n", c);
276 } else
277 SEND2("TT %s", c);
278 return 1;
279 }
281 } else { /* not an auth-request */
282 SEND("BH illegal request received");
283 fprintf(stderr, "Illegal request received: '%s'\n", buf);
284 return 1;
285 }
286 SEND("BH detected protocol error");
287 return 1;
288 /********* END ********/
289 }
291 int
292 main(int argc, char *argv[])
293 {
294 my_program_name = argv[0];
296 process_options(argc, argv);
298 debug("%s " VERSION " " SQUID_BUILD_INFO " starting up...\n", my_program_name);
300 if (LoadSecurityDll(SSP_NTLM, NEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_NAME) == NULL) {
301 fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: %s: can't initialize SSPI, exiting.\n", argv[0]);
302 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
303 }
304 debug("SSPI initialized OK\n");
306 atexit(UnloadSecurityDll);
308 /* initialize FDescs */
309 setbuf(stdout, nullptr);
310 setbuf(stderr, nullptr);
312 while (manage_request()) {
313 /* everything is done within manage_request */
314 }
315 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
316 }