]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/fs/rock/RockIoState.cc
Merge from trunk
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / fs / rock / RockIoState.cc
1 /*
2 * DEBUG: section 79 Disk IO Routines
3 */
5 #include "squid.h"
6 #include "base/TextException.h"
7 #include "CollapsedForwarding.h"
8 #include "DiskIO/DiskIOModule.h"
9 #include "DiskIO/DiskIOStrategy.h"
10 #include "DiskIO/WriteRequest.h"
11 #include "fs/rock/RockIoRequests.h"
12 #include "fs/rock/RockIoState.h"
13 #include "fs/rock/RockSwapDir.h"
14 #include "globals.h"
15 #include "Mem.h"
16 #include "MemObject.h"
17 #include "Parsing.h"
18 #include "Transients.h"
20 Rock::IoState::IoState(Rock::SwapDir::Pointer &aDir,
21 StoreEntry *anEntry,
22 StoreIOState::STFNCB *cbFile,
23 StoreIOState::STIOCB *cbIo,
24 void *data):
25 readableAnchor_(NULL),
26 writeableAnchor_(NULL),
27 sidCurrent(-1),
28 dir(aDir),
29 slotSize(dir->slotSize),
30 objOffset(0),
31 theBuf(dir->slotSize)
32 {
33 e = anEntry;
34 e->lock("rock I/O");
35 // anchor, swap_filen, and swap_dirn are set by the caller
36 file_callback = cbFile;
37 callback = cbIo;
38 callback_data = cbdataReference(data);
39 ++store_open_disk_fd; // TODO: use a dedicated counter?
40 //theFile is set by SwapDir because it depends on DiskIOStrategy
41 }
43 Rock::IoState::~IoState()
44 {
45 --store_open_disk_fd;
47 // The dir map entry may still be open for reading at the point because
48 // the map entry lock is associated with StoreEntry, not IoState.
49 // assert(!readableAnchor_);
50 assert(shutting_down || !writeableAnchor_);
52 if (callback_data)
53 cbdataReferenceDone(callback_data);
54 theFile = NULL;
56 e->unlock("rock I/O");
57 }
59 void
60 Rock::IoState::file(const RefCount<DiskFile> &aFile)
61 {
62 assert(!theFile);
63 assert(aFile != NULL);
64 theFile = aFile;
65 }
67 const Ipc::StoreMapAnchor &
68 Rock::IoState::readAnchor() const
69 {
70 assert(readableAnchor_);
71 return *readableAnchor_;
72 }
74 Ipc::StoreMapAnchor &
75 Rock::IoState::writeAnchor()
76 {
77 assert(writeableAnchor_);
78 return *writeableAnchor_;
79 }
81 /// convenience wrapper returning the map slot we are reading now
82 const Ipc::StoreMapSlice &
83 Rock::IoState::currentReadableSlice() const
84 {
85 return dir->map->readableSlice(swap_filen, sidCurrent);
86 }
88 void
89 Rock::IoState::read_(char *buf, size_t len, off_t coreOff, STRCB *cb, void *data)
90 {
91 debugs(79, 7, swap_filen << " reads from " << coreOff);
93 assert(theFile != NULL);
94 assert(coreOff >= 0);
96 // if we are dealing with the first read or
97 // if the offset went backwords, start searching from the beginning
98 if (sidCurrent < 0 || coreOff < objOffset) {
99 sidCurrent = readAnchor().start;
100 objOffset = 0;
101 }
103 while (sidCurrent >= 0 && coreOff >= objOffset + currentReadableSlice().size) {
104 objOffset += currentReadableSlice().size;
105 sidCurrent = currentReadableSlice().next;
106 }
108 assert(read.callback == NULL);
109 assert(read.callback_data == NULL);
110 read.callback = cb;
111 read.callback_data = cbdataReference(data);
113 // punt if read offset is too big (because of client bugs or collapsing)
114 if (sidCurrent < 0) {
115 debugs(79, 5, "no " << coreOff << " in " << *e);
116 callReaderBack(buf, 0);
117 return;
118 }
120 offset_ = coreOff;
121 len = min(len,
122 static_cast<size_t>(objOffset + currentReadableSlice().size - coreOff));
123 const uint64_t diskOffset = dir->diskOffset(sidCurrent);
124 theFile->read(new ReadRequest(::ReadRequest(buf,
125 diskOffset + sizeof(DbCellHeader) + coreOff - objOffset, len), this));
126 }
128 void
129 Rock::IoState::callReaderBack(const char *buf, int rlen)
130 {
131 debugs(79, 5, rlen << " bytes for " << *e);
132 StoreIOState::STRCB *callb = read.callback;
133 assert(callb);
134 read.callback = NULL;
135 void *cbdata;
136 if (cbdataReferenceValidDone(read.callback_data, &cbdata))
137 callb(cbdata, buf, rlen, this);
138 }
140 /// wraps tryWrite() to handle deep write failures centrally and safely
141 bool
142 Rock::IoState::write(char const *buf, size_t size, off_t coreOff, FREE *dtor)
143 {
144 bool success = false;
145 try {
146 tryWrite(buf, size, coreOff);
147 success = true;
148 } catch (const std::exception &ex) { // TODO: should we catch ... as well?
149 debugs(79, 2, "db write error: " << ex.what());
150 dir->writeError(*e);
151 finishedWriting(DISK_ERROR);
152 // 'this' might be gone beyond this point; fall through to free buf
153 }
155 // careful: 'this' might be gone here
157 if (dtor)
158 (dtor)(const_cast<char*>(buf)); // cast due to a broken API?
160 return success;
161 }
163 /**
164 * Possibly send data to be written to disk:
165 * We only write data when full slot is accumulated or when close() is called.
166 * We buffer, in part, to avoid forcing OS to _read_ old unwritten portions of
167 * the slot when the write does not end at the page or sector boundary.
168 */
169 void
170 Rock::IoState::tryWrite(char const *buf, size_t size, off_t coreOff)
171 {
172 debugs(79, 7, swap_filen << " writes " << size << " more");
174 // either this is the first write or append; we do not support write gaps
175 assert(!coreOff || coreOff == -1);
177 // allocate the first slice during the first write
178 if (!coreOff) {
179 assert(sidCurrent < 0);
180 sidCurrent = reserveSlotForWriting(); // throws on failures
181 assert(sidCurrent >= 0);
182 writeAnchor().start = sidCurrent;
183 }
185 // buffer incoming data in slot buffer and write overflowing or final slots
186 // quit when no data left or we stopped writing on reentrant error
187 while (size > 0 && theFile != NULL) {
188 assert(sidCurrent >= 0);
189 const size_t processed = writeToBuffer(buf, size);
190 buf += processed;
191 size -= processed;
192 const bool overflow = size > 0;
194 // We do not write a full buffer without overflow because
195 // we would not yet know what to set the nextSlot to.
196 if (overflow) {
197 const SlotId sidNext = reserveSlotForWriting(); // throws
198 assert(sidNext >= 0);
199 writeToDisk(sidNext);
200 } else if (Store::Root().transientReaders(*e)) {
201 // write partial buffer for all remote hit readers to see
202 writeBufToDisk(-1, false);
203 }
204 }
206 }
208 /// Buffers incoming data for the current slot.
209 /// \return the number of bytes buffered
210 size_t
211 Rock::IoState::writeToBuffer(char const *buf, size_t size)
212 {
213 // do not buffer a cell header for nothing
214 if (!size)
215 return 0;
217 if (!theBuf.size) {
218 // will fill the header in writeToDisk when the next slot is known
219 theBuf.appended(sizeof(DbCellHeader));
220 }
222 size_t forCurrentSlot = min(size, static_cast<size_t>(theBuf.spaceSize()));
223 theBuf.append(buf, forCurrentSlot);
224 offset_ += forCurrentSlot; // so that Core thinks we wrote it
225 return forCurrentSlot;
226 }
228 /// write what was buffered during write() calls
229 /// negative sidNext means this is the last write request for this entry
230 void
231 Rock::IoState::writeToDisk(const SlotId sidNext)
232 {
233 assert(theFile != NULL);
234 assert(theBuf.size >= sizeof(DbCellHeader));
236 // TODO: if DiskIO module is mmap-based, we should be writing whole pages
237 // to avoid triggering read-page;new_head+old_tail;write-page overheads
239 writeBufToDisk(sidNext, sidNext < 0);
240 theBuf.clear();
242 sidCurrent = sidNext;
243 }
245 /// creates and submits a request to write current slot buffer to disk
246 /// eof is true if and only this is the last slot
247 void
248 Rock::IoState::writeBufToDisk(const SlotId sidNext, bool eof)
249 {
250 // no slots after the last/eof slot (but partial slots may have a nil next)
251 assert(!eof || sidNext < 0);
253 // finalize db cell header
254 DbCellHeader header;
255 memcpy(header.key, e->key, sizeof(header.key));
256 header.firstSlot = writeAnchor().start;
257 header.nextSlot = sidNext;
258 header.payloadSize = theBuf.size - sizeof(DbCellHeader);
259 header.entrySize = eof ? offset_ : 0; // storeSwapOutFileClosed sets swap_file_sz after write
260 header.version = writeAnchor().basics.timestamp;
262 // copy finalized db cell header into buffer
263 memcpy(theBuf.mem, &header, sizeof(DbCellHeader));
265 // and now allocate another buffer for the WriteRequest so that
266 // we can support concurrent WriteRequests (and to ease cleaning)
267 // TODO: should we limit the number of outstanding requests?
268 size_t wBufCap = 0;
269 void *wBuf = memAllocBuf(theBuf.size, &wBufCap);
270 memcpy(wBuf, theBuf.mem, theBuf.size);
272 const uint64_t diskOffset = dir->diskOffset(sidCurrent);
273 debugs(79, 5, HERE << swap_filen << " at " << diskOffset << '+' <<
274 theBuf.size);
276 WriteRequest *const r = new WriteRequest(
277 ::WriteRequest(static_cast<char*>(wBuf), diskOffset, theBuf.size,
278 memFreeBufFunc(wBufCap)), this);
279 r->sidCurrent = sidCurrent;
280 r->sidNext = sidNext;
281 r->eof = eof;
283 // theFile->write may call writeCompleted immediatelly
284 theFile->write(r);
285 }
287 /// finds and returns a free db slot to fill or throws
288 Rock::SlotId
289 Rock::IoState::reserveSlotForWriting()
290 {
291 Ipc::Mem::PageId pageId;
292 if (dir->useFreeSlot(pageId))
293 return pageId.number-1;
295 // This may happen when the number of available db slots is close to the
296 // number of concurrent requests reading or writing those slots, which may
297 // happen when the db is "small" compared to the request traffic OR when we
298 // are rebuilding and have not loaded "many" entries or empty slots yet.
299 throw TexcHere("ran out of free db slots");
300 }
302 void
303 Rock::IoState::finishedWriting(const int errFlag)
304 {
305 // we incremented offset_ while accumulating data in write()
306 // we do not reset writeableAnchor_ here because we still keep the lock
307 CollapsedForwarding::Broadcast(*e);
308 callBack(errFlag);
309 }
311 void
312 Rock::IoState::close(int how)
313 {
314 debugs(79, 3, swap_filen << " offset: " << offset_ << " how: " << how <<
315 " buf: " << theBuf.size << " callback: " << callback);
317 if (!theFile) {
318 debugs(79, 3, "I/O already canceled");
319 assert(!callback);
320 // We keep writeableAnchor_ after callBack() on I/O errors.
321 assert(!readableAnchor_);
322 return;
323 }
325 switch (how) {
326 case wroteAll:
327 assert(theBuf.size > 0); // we never flush last bytes on our own
328 writeToDisk(-1); // flush last, yet unwritten slot to disk
329 return; // writeCompleted() will callBack()
331 case writerGone:
332 assert(writeableAnchor_);
333 dir->writeError(*e); // abort a partially stored entry
334 finishedWriting(DISK_ERROR);
335 return;
337 case readerDone:
338 callBack(0);
339 return;
340 }
341 }
343 /// close callback (STIOCB) dialer: breaks dependencies and
344 /// counts IOState concurrency level
345 class StoreIOStateCb: public CallDialer
346 {
347 public:
348 StoreIOStateCb(StoreIOState::STIOCB *cb, void *data, int err, const Rock::IoState::Pointer &anSio):
349 callback(NULL),
350 callback_data(NULL),
351 errflag(err),
352 sio(anSio) {
354 callback = cb;
355 callback_data = cbdataReference(data);
356 }
358 StoreIOStateCb(const StoreIOStateCb &cb):
359 callback(NULL),
360 callback_data(NULL),
361 errflag(cb.errflag),
362 sio(cb.sio) {
364 callback = cb.callback;
365 callback_data = cbdataReference(cb.callback_data);
366 }
368 virtual ~StoreIOStateCb() {
369 cbdataReferenceDone(callback_data); // may be nil already
370 }
372 void dial(AsyncCall &call) {
373 void *cbd;
374 if (cbdataReferenceValidDone(callback_data, &cbd) && callback)
375 callback(cbd, errflag, sio.getRaw());
376 }
378 bool canDial(AsyncCall &call) const {
379 return cbdataReferenceValid(callback_data) && callback;
380 }
382 virtual void print(std::ostream &os) const {
383 os << '(' << callback_data << ", err=" << errflag << ')';
384 }
386 private:
387 StoreIOStateCb &operator =(const StoreIOStateCb &cb); // not defined
389 StoreIOState::STIOCB *callback;
390 void *callback_data;
391 int errflag;
392 Rock::IoState::Pointer sio;
393 };
395 void
396 Rock::IoState::callBack(int errflag)
397 {
398 debugs(79,3, HERE << "errflag=" << errflag);
399 theFile = NULL;
401 AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(79,3, "SomeIoStateCloseCb",
402 StoreIOStateCb(callback, callback_data, errflag, this));
403 ScheduleCallHere(call);
405 callback = NULL;
406 cbdataReferenceDone(callback_data);
407 }