]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/fs/rock/RockRebuild.cc
Cleanup: use C++ cerrno instead of C errno.h
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / fs / rock / RockRebuild.cc
1 /*
2 * DEBUG: section 79 Disk IO Routines
3 */
5 #include "squid.h"
6 #include "disk.h"
7 #include "fs/rock/RockDbCell.h"
8 #include "fs/rock/RockRebuild.h"
9 #include "fs/rock/RockSwapDir.h"
10 #include "globals.h"
11 #include "ipc/StoreMap.h"
12 #include "md5.h"
13 #include "SquidTime.h"
14 #include "store_rebuild.h"
15 #include "tools.h"
16 #include "typedefs.h"
18 #include <cerrno>
22 /**
23 \defgroup RockFsRebuild Rock Store Rebuild
24 \ingroup Filesystems
25 *
26 \section Overview Overview
27 * Several layers of information are manipualted during the rebuild:
28 \par
29 * Store Entry: Response message plus all the metainformation associated with
30 * it. Identified by store key. At any given time, from Squid point
31 * of view, there is only one entry with a given key, but several
32 * different entries with the same key can be observed in any historical
33 * archive (such as an access log or a store database).
34 \par
35 * Slot chain: A sequence of db slots representing a Store Entry state at
36 * some point in time. Identified by key+version combination. Due to
37 * transaction aborts, crashes, and idle periods, some chains may contain
38 * incomplete or stale information. We assume that no two different chains
39 * have the same key and version. If that assumption fails, we may serve a
40 * hodgepodge entry during rebuild, until "extra" slots are loaded/noticed.
41 \par
42 * Db slot: A db record containing a piece of a single store entry and linked
43 * to other slots with the same key and version fields, forming a chain.
44 * Slots are identified by their absolute position in the database file,
45 * which is naturally unique.
46 \par
47 * Except for the "mapped", "freed", and "more" fields, LoadingEntry info is
48 * entry-level and is stored at fileno position. In other words, the array of
49 * LoadingEntries should be interpreted as two arrays, one that maps slot ID
50 * to the LoadingEntry::mapped/free/more members, and the second one that maps
51 * fileno to all other LoadingEntry members. StoreMap maps slot key to fileno.
52 \par
53 * When information from the newly loaded db slot contradicts the entry-level
54 * information collected so far (e.g., the versions do not match or the total
55 * chain size after the slot contribution exceeds the expected number), the
56 * whole entry (and not just the chain or the slot!) is declared corrupted.
57 \par
58 * Why invalidate the whole entry? Rock Store is written for high-load
59 * environments with large caches, where there is usually very few idle slots
60 * in the database. A space occupied by a purged entry is usually immediately
61 * reclaimed. A Squid crash or a transaction abort is rather unlikely to
62 * leave a relatively large number of stale slots in the database. Thus, the
63 * number of potentially corrupted entries is relatively small. On the other
64 * hand, the damage from serving a single hadgepodge entry may be significant
65 * to the user. In such an environment, invalidating the whole entry has
66 * negligible performance impact but saves us from high-damage bugs.
67 */
69 namespace Rock
70 {
72 /// maintains information about the store entry being loaded from disk
73 /// used for identifying partially stored/loaded entries
74 class LoadingEntry
75 {
76 public:
77 LoadingEntry(): size(0), version(0), state(leEmpty), anchored(0),
78 mapped(0), freed(0), more(-1) {}
80 /* store entry-level information indexed by sfileno */
81 uint64_t size; ///< payload seen so far
82 uint32_t version; ///< DbCellHeader::version to distinguish same-URL chains
83 uint32_t state:3; ///< current entry state (one of the State values)
84 uint32_t anchored:1; ///< whether we loaded the inode slot for this entry
86 /* db slot-level information indexed by slotId, starting with firstSlot */
87 uint32_t mapped:1; ///< whether this slot was added to a mapped entry
88 uint32_t freed:1; ///< whether this slot was marked as free
89 sfileno more:25; ///< another slot in some entry chain (unordered)
90 bool used() const { return freed || mapped || more != -1; }
92 /// possible entry states
93 typedef enum { leEmpty = 0, leLoading, leLoaded, leCorrupted, leIgnored } State;
94 };
96 } /* namespace Rock */
98 Rock::Rebuild::Rebuild(SwapDir *dir): AsyncJob("Rock::Rebuild"),
99 sd(dir),
100 entries(NULL),
101 dbSize(0),
102 dbEntrySize(0),
103 dbEntryLimit(0),
104 fd(-1),
105 dbOffset(0),
106 loadingPos(0),
107 validationPos(0)
108 {
109 assert(sd);
110 memset(&counts, 0, sizeof(counts));
111 dbSize = sd->diskOffsetLimit(); // we do not care about the trailer waste
112 dbEntrySize = sd->slotSize;
113 dbEntryLimit = sd->entryLimit();
114 }
116 Rock::Rebuild::~Rebuild()
117 {
118 if (fd >= 0)
119 file_close(fd);
120 delete[] entries;
121 }
123 /// prepares and initiates entry loading sequence
124 void
125 Rock::Rebuild::start()
126 {
127 // in SMP mode, only the disker is responsible for populating the map
128 if (UsingSmp() && !IamDiskProcess()) {
129 debugs(47, 2, "Non-disker skips rebuilding of cache_dir #" <<
130 sd->index << " from " << sd->filePath);
131 mustStop("non-disker");
132 return;
133 }
135 debugs(47, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Loading cache_dir #" << sd->index <<
136 " from " << sd->filePath);
138 fd = file_open(sd->filePath, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
139 if (fd < 0)
140 failure("cannot open db", errno);
142 char hdrBuf[SwapDir::HeaderSize];
143 if (read(fd, hdrBuf, sizeof(hdrBuf)) != SwapDir::HeaderSize)
144 failure("cannot read db header", errno);
146 // slot prefix of SM_PAGE_SIZE should fit both core entry header and ours
147 assert(sizeof(DbCellHeader) < SM_PAGE_SIZE);
148 buf.init(SM_PAGE_SIZE, SM_PAGE_SIZE);
150 dbOffset = SwapDir::HeaderSize;
151 loadingPos = 0;
153 entries = new LoadingEntry[dbEntryLimit];
155 checkpoint();
156 }
158 /// continues after a pause if not done
159 void
160 Rock::Rebuild::checkpoint()
161 {
162 if (!done())
163 eventAdd("Rock::Rebuild", Rock::Rebuild::Steps, this, 0.01, 1, true);
164 }
166 bool
167 Rock::Rebuild::doneAll() const
168 {
169 return dbOffset >= dbSize && validationPos >= dbEntryLimit &&
170 AsyncJob::doneAll();
171 }
173 void
174 Rock::Rebuild::Steps(void *data)
175 {
176 // use async call to enable job call protection that time events lack
177 CallJobHere(47, 5, static_cast<Rebuild*>(data), Rock::Rebuild, steps);
178 }
180 void
181 Rock::Rebuild::steps()
182 {
183 if (dbOffset < dbSize)
184 loadingSteps();
185 else
186 validationSteps();
188 checkpoint();
189 }
191 void
192 Rock::Rebuild::loadingSteps()
193 {
194 debugs(47,5, sd->index << " slot " << loadingPos << " at " <<
195 dbOffset << " <= " << dbSize);
197 // Balance our desire to maximize the number of entries processed at once
198 // (and, hence, minimize overheads and total rebuild time) with a
199 // requirement to also process Coordinator events, disk I/Os, etc.
200 const int maxSpentMsec = 50; // keep small: most RAM I/Os are under 1ms
201 const timeval loopStart = current_time;
203 int loaded = 0;
204 while (loaded < dbEntryLimit && dbOffset < dbSize) {
205 loadOneSlot();
206 dbOffset += dbEntrySize;
207 ++loadingPos;
208 ++loaded;
210 if (counts.scancount % 1000 == 0)
211 storeRebuildProgress(sd->index, dbEntryLimit, counts.scancount);
213 if (opt_foreground_rebuild)
214 continue; // skip "few entries at a time" check below
216 getCurrentTime();
217 const double elapsedMsec = tvSubMsec(loopStart, current_time);
218 if (elapsedMsec > maxSpentMsec || elapsedMsec < 0) {
219 debugs(47, 5, HERE << "pausing after " << loaded << " entries in " <<
220 elapsedMsec << "ms; " << (elapsedMsec/loaded) << "ms per entry");
221 break;
222 }
223 }
224 }
226 void
227 Rock::Rebuild::loadOneSlot()
228 {
229 debugs(47,5, sd->index << " slot " << loadingPos << " at " <<
230 dbOffset << " <= " << dbSize);
232 ++counts.scancount;
234 if (lseek(fd, dbOffset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
235 failure("cannot seek to db entry", errno);
237 buf.reset();
239 if (!storeRebuildLoadEntry(fd, sd->index, buf, counts))
240 return;
242 const SlotId slotId = loadingPos;
244 // get our header
245 DbCellHeader header;
246 if (buf.contentSize() < static_cast<mb_size_t>(sizeof(header))) {
247 debugs(47, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: cache_dir[" << sd->index << "]: " <<
248 "Ignoring truncated " << buf.contentSize() << "-byte " <<
249 "cache entry meta data at " << dbOffset);
250 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, true);
251 return;
252 }
253 memcpy(&header, buf.content(), sizeof(header));
254 if (header.empty()) {
255 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, false);
256 return;
257 }
258 if (!header.sane(dbEntrySize, dbEntryLimit)) {
259 debugs(47, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: cache_dir[" << sd->index << "]: " <<
260 "Ignoring malformed cache entry meta data at " << dbOffset);
261 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, true);
262 return;
263 }
264 buf.consume(sizeof(header)); // optimize to avoid memmove()
266 useNewSlot(slotId, header);
267 }
269 /// parse StoreEntry basics and add them to the map, returning true on success
270 bool
271 Rock::Rebuild::importEntry(Ipc::StoreMapAnchor &anchor, const sfileno fileno, const DbCellHeader &header)
272 {
273 cache_key key[SQUID_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
274 StoreEntry loadedE;
275 const uint64_t knownSize = header.entrySize > 0 ?
276 header.entrySize : anchor.basics.swap_file_sz.get();
277 if (!storeRebuildParseEntry(buf, loadedE, key, counts, knownSize))
278 return false;
280 // the entry size may still be unknown at this time
282 debugs(47, 8, "importing basics for entry " << fileno <<
283 " swap_file_sz: " << loadedE.swap_file_sz);
284 anchor.set(loadedE);
286 // we have not validated whether all db cells for this entry were loaded
287 EBIT_CLR(anchor.basics.flags, ENTRY_VALIDATED);
289 // loadedE->dump(5);
291 return true;
292 }
294 void
295 Rock::Rebuild::validationSteps()
296 {
297 debugs(47, 5, sd->index << " validating from " << validationPos);
299 // see loadingSteps() for the rationale; TODO: avoid duplication
300 const int maxSpentMsec = 50; // keep small: validation does not do I/O
301 const timeval loopStart = current_time;
303 int validated = 0;
304 while (validationPos < dbEntryLimit) {
305 validateOneEntry();
306 ++validationPos;
307 ++validated;
309 if (validationPos % 1000 == 0)
310 debugs(20, 2, "validated: " << validationPos);
312 if (opt_foreground_rebuild)
313 continue; // skip "few entries at a time" check below
315 getCurrentTime();
316 const double elapsedMsec = tvSubMsec(loopStart, current_time);
317 if (elapsedMsec > maxSpentMsec || elapsedMsec < 0) {
318 debugs(47, 5, "pausing after " << validated << " entries in " <<
319 elapsedMsec << "ms; " << (elapsedMsec/validated) << "ms per entry");
320 break;
321 }
322 }
323 }
325 void
326 Rock::Rebuild::validateOneEntry()
327 {
328 LoadingEntry &e = entries[validationPos];
329 switch (e.state) {
331 case LoadingEntry::leEmpty:
332 break; // no entry hashed to this position
334 case LoadingEntry::leLoading:
335 freeBadEntry(validationPos, "partially stored");
336 break;
338 case LoadingEntry::leLoaded:
339 break; // we have already unlocked this entry
341 case LoadingEntry::leCorrupted:
342 break; // we have already removed this entry
343 }
344 }
346 /// Marks remaining bad entry slots as free and unlocks the entry. The map
347 /// cannot do this because Loading entries may have holes in the slots chain.
348 void
349 Rock::Rebuild::freeBadEntry(const sfileno fileno, const char *eDescription)
350 {
351 debugs(47, 2, "cache_dir #" << sd->index << ' ' << eDescription <<
352 " entry " << fileno << " is ignored during rebuild");
354 Ipc::StoreMapAnchor &anchor = sd->map->writeableEntry(fileno);
356 bool freedSome = false;
357 // free all loaded non-anchor slots
358 SlotId slotId = entries[anchor.start].more;
359 while (slotId >= 0) {
360 const SlotId next = entries[slotId].more;
361 freeSlot(slotId, false);
362 slotId = next;
363 freedSome = true;
364 }
365 // free anchor slot if it was loaded
366 if (entries[fileno].anchored) {
367 freeSlot(anchor.start, false);
368 freedSome = true;
369 }
370 assert(freedSome);
372 sd->map->forgetWritingEntry(fileno);
373 ++counts.invalid;
374 }
376 void
377 Rock::Rebuild::swanSong()
378 {
379 debugs(47,3, HERE << "cache_dir #" << sd->index << " rebuild level: " <<
380 StoreController::store_dirs_rebuilding);
381 --StoreController::store_dirs_rebuilding;
382 storeRebuildComplete(&counts);
383 }
385 void
386 Rock::Rebuild::failure(const char *msg, int errNo)
387 {
388 debugs(47,5, sd->index << " slot " << loadingPos << " at " <<
389 dbOffset << " <= " << dbSize);
391 if (errNo)
392 debugs(47, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: Rock cache_dir rebuild failure: " << xstrerr(errNo));
393 debugs(47, DBG_CRITICAL, "Do you need to run 'squid -z' to initialize storage?");
395 assert(sd);
396 fatalf("Rock cache_dir[%d] rebuild of %s failed: %s.",
397 sd->index, sd->filePath, msg);
398 }
400 /// adds slot to the free slot index
401 void
402 Rock::Rebuild::freeSlot(const SlotId slotId, const bool invalid)
403 {
404 debugs(47,5, sd->index << " frees slot " << slotId);
405 LoadingEntry &le = entries[slotId];
406 assert(!le.freed);
407 le.freed = 1;
409 if (invalid) {
410 ++counts.invalid;
411 //sd->unlink(fileno); leave garbage on disk, it should not hurt
412 }
414 Ipc::Mem::PageId pageId;
415 pageId.pool = sd->index+1;
416 pageId.number = slotId+1;
417 sd->freeSlots->push(pageId);
418 }
420 /// adds slot to the free slot index but only if the slot is unused
421 void
422 Rock::Rebuild::freeSlotIfIdle(const SlotId slotId, const bool invalid)
423 {
424 const LoadingEntry &le = entries[slotId];
426 // mapped slots must be freed via freeBadEntry() to keep the map in sync
427 assert(!le.mapped);
429 if (!le.used())
430 freeSlot(slotId, invalid);
431 }
433 /// adds slot to the entry chain in the map
434 void
435 Rock::Rebuild::mapSlot(const SlotId slotId, const DbCellHeader &header)
436 {
437 LoadingEntry &le = entries[slotId];
438 assert(!le.mapped);
439 assert(!le.freed);
440 le.mapped = 1;
442 Ipc::StoreMapSlice slice;
443 slice.next = header.nextSlot;
444 slice.size = header.payloadSize;
445 sd->map->importSlice(slotId, slice);
446 }
448 /// adds slot to an existing entry chain; caller must check that the slot
449 /// belongs to the chain it is being added to
450 void
451 Rock::Rebuild::addSlotToEntry(const sfileno fileno, const SlotId slotId, const DbCellHeader &header)
452 {
453 LoadingEntry &le = entries[fileno];
454 Ipc::StoreMapAnchor &anchor = sd->map->writeableEntry(fileno);
456 assert(le.version == header.version);
458 // mark anchor as loaded or add the secondary slot to the chain
459 LoadingEntry &inode = entries[header.firstSlot];
460 if (header.firstSlot == slotId) {
461 debugs(47,5, "adding inode");
462 assert(!inode.freed);
463 le.anchored = 1;
464 } else {
465 debugs(47,9, "linking " << slotId << " to " << inode.more);
466 // we do not need to preserve the order
467 LoadingEntry &slice = entries[slotId];
468 assert(!slice.freed);
469 assert(slice.more < 0);
470 slice.more = inode.more;
471 inode.more = slotId;
472 }
474 if (header.firstSlot == slotId && !importEntry(anchor, fileno, header)) {
475 le.state = LoadingEntry::leCorrupted;
476 freeBadEntry(fileno, "corrupted metainfo");
477 return;
478 }
480 // set total entry size and/or check it for consistency
481 debugs(47, 8, "header.entrySize: " << header.entrySize << " swap_file_sz: " << anchor.basics.swap_file_sz);
482 uint64_t totalSize = header.entrySize;
483 assert(totalSize != static_cast<uint64_t>(-1));
484 if (!totalSize && anchor.basics.swap_file_sz) {
485 assert(anchor.basics.swap_file_sz != static_cast<uint64_t>(-1));
486 // perhaps we loaded a later slot (with entrySize) earlier
487 totalSize = anchor.basics.swap_file_sz;
488 } else if (totalSize && !anchor.basics.swap_file_sz) {
489 anchor.basics.swap_file_sz = totalSize;
490 assert(anchor.basics.swap_file_sz != static_cast<uint64_t>(-1));
491 } else if (totalSize != anchor.basics.swap_file_sz) {
492 le.state = LoadingEntry::leCorrupted;
493 freeBadEntry(fileno, "size mismatch");
494 return;
495 }
497 le.size += header.payloadSize;
499 if (totalSize > 0 && le.size > totalSize) { // overflow
500 debugs(47, 8, "overflow: " << le.size << " > " << totalSize);
501 le.state = LoadingEntry::leCorrupted;
502 freeBadEntry(fileno, "overflowing");
503 return;
504 }
506 mapSlot(slotId, header);
507 if (totalSize > 0 && le.size == totalSize) {
508 // entry fully loaded, unlock it
509 // we have validated that all db cells for this entry were loaded
510 EBIT_SET(anchor.basics.flags, ENTRY_VALIDATED);
511 le.state = LoadingEntry::leLoaded;
512 sd->map->closeForWriting(fileno, false);
513 ++counts.objcount;
514 }
515 }
517 /// initialize housekeeping information for a newly accepted entry
518 void
519 Rock::Rebuild::primeNewEntry(Ipc::StoreMap::Anchor &anchor, const sfileno fileno, const DbCellHeader &header)
520 {
521 anchor.setKey(reinterpret_cast<const cache_key*>(header.key));
522 assert(header.firstSlot >= 0);
523 anchor.start = header.firstSlot;
525 assert(anchor.basics.swap_file_sz != static_cast<uint64_t>(-1));
527 LoadingEntry &le = entries[fileno];
528 le.state = LoadingEntry::leLoading;
529 le.version = header.version;
530 le.size = 0;
531 }
533 /// handle a slot from an entry that we have not seen before
534 void
535 Rock::Rebuild::startNewEntry(const sfileno fileno, const SlotId slotId, const DbCellHeader &header)
536 {
537 // If some other from-disk entry is/was using this slot as its inode OR
538 // if some other from-disk entry is/was using our inode slot, then the
539 // entries are conflicting. We cannot identify other entries, so we just
540 // remove ours and hope that the others were/will be handled correctly.
541 const LoadingEntry &slice = entries[slotId];
542 const LoadingEntry &inode = entries[header.firstSlot];
543 if (slice.used() || inode.used()) {
544 debugs(47,8, "slice/inode used: " << slice.used() << inode.used());
545 LoadingEntry &le = entries[fileno];
546 le.state = LoadingEntry::leCorrupted;
547 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, slotId == header.firstSlot);
548 // if not idle, the other entry will handle its slice
549 ++counts.clashcount;
550 return;
551 }
553 // A miss may have been stored at our fileno while we were loading other
554 // slots from disk. We ought to preserve that entry because it is fresher.
555 const bool overwriteExisting = false;
556 if (Ipc::StoreMap::Anchor *anchor = sd->map->openForWritingAt(fileno, overwriteExisting)) {
557 primeNewEntry(*anchor, fileno, header);
558 addSlotToEntry(fileno, slotId, header); // may fail
559 assert(anchor->basics.swap_file_sz != static_cast<uint64_t>(-1));
560 } else {
561 // A new from-network entry is occupying our map slot; let it be, but
562 // save us from the trouble of going through the above motions again.
563 LoadingEntry &le = entries[fileno];
564 le.state = LoadingEntry::leIgnored;
565 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, false);
566 }
567 }
569 /// does the header belong to the fileno entry being loaded?
570 bool
571 Rock::Rebuild::sameEntry(const sfileno fileno, const DbCellHeader &header) const
572 {
573 const Ipc::StoreMap::Anchor &anchor = sd->map->writeableEntry(fileno);
574 const LoadingEntry &le = entries[fileno];
575 // any order will work, but do fast comparisons first:
576 return le.version == header.version &&
577 anchor.start == static_cast<Ipc::StoreMapSliceId>(header.firstSlot) &&
578 anchor.sameKey(reinterpret_cast<const cache_key*>(header.key));
579 }
581 /// is the new header consistent with information already loaded?
582 bool
583 Rock::Rebuild::canAdd(const sfileno fileno, const SlotId slotId, const DbCellHeader &header) const
584 {
585 if (!sameEntry(fileno, header)) {
586 debugs(79, 7, "cannot add; wrong entry");
587 return false;
588 }
590 const LoadingEntry &le = entries[slotId];
591 // We cannot add a slot that was already declared free or mapped.
592 if (le.freed || le.mapped) {
593 debugs(79, 7, "cannot add; freed/mapped: " << le.freed << le.mapped);
594 return false;
595 }
597 if (slotId == header.firstSlot) {
598 // If we are the inode, the anchored flag cannot be set yet.
599 if (entries[fileno].anchored) {
600 debugs(79, 7, "cannot add; extra anchor");
601 return false;
602 }
604 // And there should have been some other slot for this entry to exist.
605 if (le.more < 0) {
606 debugs(79, 7, "cannot add; missing slots");
607 return false;
608 }
610 return true;
611 }
613 // We are the continuation slice so the more field is reserved for us.
614 if (le.more >= 0) {
615 debugs(79, 7, "cannot add; foreign slot");
616 return false;
617 }
619 return true;
620 }
622 /// handle freshly loaded (and validated) db slot header
623 void
624 Rock::Rebuild::useNewSlot(const SlotId slotId, const DbCellHeader &header)
625 {
626 LoadingEntry &slice = entries[slotId];
627 assert(!slice.freed); // we cannot free what was not loaded
629 const cache_key *const key =
630 reinterpret_cast<const cache_key*>(header.key);
631 const sfileno fileno = sd->map->anchorIndexByKey(key);
632 assert(0 <= fileno && fileno < dbEntryLimit);
634 LoadingEntry &le = entries[fileno];
635 debugs(47,9, "entry " << fileno << " state: " << le.state << ", inode: " <<
636 header.firstSlot << ", size: " << header.payloadSize);
638 switch (le.state) {
640 case LoadingEntry::leEmpty: {
641 startNewEntry(fileno, slotId, header);
642 break;
643 }
645 case LoadingEntry::leLoading: {
646 if (canAdd(fileno, slotId, header)) {
647 addSlotToEntry(fileno, slotId, header);
648 } else {
649 // either the loading chain or this slot is stale;
650 // be conservative and ignore both (and any future ones)
651 le.state = LoadingEntry::leCorrupted;
652 freeBadEntry(fileno, "duplicated");
653 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, slotId == header.firstSlot);
654 ++counts.dupcount;
655 }
656 break;
657 }
659 case LoadingEntry::leLoaded: {
660 // either the previously loaded chain or this slot is stale;
661 // be conservative and ignore both (and any future ones)
662 le.state = LoadingEntry::leCorrupted;
663 sd->map->freeEntry(fileno); // may not be immediately successful
664 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, slotId == header.firstSlot);
665 ++counts.dupcount;
666 break;
667 }
669 case LoadingEntry::leCorrupted: {
670 // previously seen slots messed things up so we must ignore this one
671 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, false);
672 break;
673 }
675 case LoadingEntry::leIgnored: {
676 // already replaced by a fresher or colliding from-network entry
677 freeSlotIfIdle(slotId, false);
678 break;
679 }
680 }
681 }