]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/helper.h
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[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / helper.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2017 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 /* DEBUG: section 84 Helper process maintenance */
11 #ifndef SQUID_HELPER_H
12 #define SQUID_HELPER_H
14 #include "base/AsyncCall.h"
15 #include "base/InstanceId.h"
16 #include "cbdata.h"
17 #include "comm/forward.h"
18 #include "dlink.h"
19 #include "helper/ChildConfig.h"
20 #include "helper/forward.h"
21 #include "helper/Reply.h"
22 #include "helper/Request.h"
23 #include "ip/Address.h"
24 #include "sbuf/SBuf.h"
26 #include <list>
27 #include <map>
28 #include <queue>
30 class Packable;
31 class wordlist;
33 namespace Helper
34 {
35 /// Holds the required data to serve a helper request.
36 class Xaction {
37 MEMPROXY_CLASS(Helper::Xaction);
38 public:
39 Xaction(HLPCB *c, void *d, const char *b): request(c, d, b) {}
40 Helper::Request request;
41 Helper::Reply reply;
42 };
43 }
45 /**
46 * Managers a set of individual helper processes with a common queue of requests.
47 *
48 * With respect to load, a helper goes through these states (roughly):
49 * idle: no processes are working on requests (and no requests are queued);
50 * normal: some, but not all processes are working (and no requests are queued);
51 * busy: all processes are working (and some requests are possibly queued);
52 * overloaded: a busy helper with more than queue-size requests in the queue.
53 *
54 * A busy helper queues new requests and issues a WARNING every 10 minutes or so.
55 * An overloaded helper either drops new requests or keeps queuing them, depending on
56 * whether the caller can handle dropped requests (trySubmit vs helperSubmit APIs).
57 * If an overloaded helper has been overloaded for 3+ minutes, an attempt to use
58 * it results in on-persistent-overload action, which may kill worker.
59 */
60 class helper
61 {
62 CBDATA_CLASS(helper);
64 public:
65 inline helper(const char *name) :
66 cmdline(NULL),
67 id_name(name),
68 ipc_type(0),
69 droppedRequests(0),
70 overloadStart(0),
71 last_queue_warn(0),
72 last_restart(0),
73 timeout(0),
74 retryTimedOut(false),
75 retryBrokenHelper(false),
76 eom('\n') {
77 memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
78 }
79 ~helper();
81 /// \returns next request in the queue, or nil.
82 Helper::Xaction *nextRequest();
84 /// If possible, submit request. Otherwise, either kill Squid or return false.
85 bool trySubmit(const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data);
87 /// Submits a request to the helper or add it to the queue if none of
88 /// the servers is available.
89 void submitRequest(Helper::Xaction *r);
91 /// Dump some stats about the helper state to a Packable object
92 void packStatsInto(Packable *p, const char *label = NULL) const;
93 /// whether the helper will be in "overloaded" state after one more request
94 /// already overloaded helpers return true
95 bool willOverload() const;
97 public:
98 wordlist *cmdline;
99 dlink_list servers;
100 std::queue<Helper::Xaction *> queue;
101 const char *id_name;
102 Helper::ChildConfig childs; ///< Configuration settings for number running.
103 int ipc_type;
104 Ip::Address addr;
105 unsigned int droppedRequests; ///< requests not sent during helper overload
106 time_t overloadStart; ///< when the helper became overloaded (zero if it is not)
107 time_t last_queue_warn;
108 time_t last_restart;
109 time_t timeout; ///< Requests timeout
110 bool retryTimedOut; ///< Whether the timed-out requests must retried
111 bool retryBrokenHelper; ///< Whether the requests must retried on BH replies
112 SBuf onTimedOutResponse; ///< The response to use when helper response timedout
113 char eom; ///< The char which marks the end of (response) message, normally '\n'
115 struct _stats {
116 int requests;
117 int replies;
118 int timedout;
119 int queue_size;
120 int avg_svc_time;
121 } stats;
123 protected:
124 friend void helperSubmit(helper * hlp, const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data);
125 bool queueFull() const;
126 bool overloaded() const;
127 void syncQueueStats();
128 bool prepSubmit();
129 void submit(const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data);
130 };
132 class statefulhelper : public helper
133 {
134 CBDATA_CLASS(statefulhelper);
136 public:
137 inline statefulhelper(const char *name) : helper(name), datapool(NULL) {}
138 inline ~statefulhelper() {}
140 public:
141 MemAllocator *datapool;
143 private:
144 friend void helperStatefulSubmit(statefulhelper * hlp, const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data, helper_stateful_server * lastserver);
145 void submit(const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data, helper_stateful_server *lastserver);
146 bool trySubmit(const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data, helper_stateful_server *lastserver);
147 };
149 /**
150 * Fields shared between stateless and stateful helper servers.
151 */
152 class HelperServerBase
153 {
154 public:
155 /** Closes pipes to the helper safely.
156 * Handles the case where the read and write pipes are the same FD.
157 *
158 * \param name displayed for the helper being shutdown if logging an error
159 */
160 void closePipesSafely(const char *name);
162 /** Closes the reading pipe.
163 * If the read and write sockets are the same the write pipe will
164 * also be closed. Otherwise its left open for later handling.
165 *
166 * \param name displayed for the helper being shutdown if logging an error
167 */
168 void closeWritePipeSafely(const char *name);
170 public:
171 /// Helper program identifier; does not change when contents do,
172 /// including during assignment
173 const InstanceId<HelperServerBase> index;
174 int pid;
175 Ip::Address addr;
176 Comm::ConnectionPointer readPipe;
177 Comm::ConnectionPointer writePipe;
178 void *hIpc;
180 char *rbuf;
181 size_t rbuf_sz;
182 size_t roffset;
184 struct timeval dispatch_time;
185 struct timeval answer_time;
187 dlink_node link;
189 struct _helper_flags {
190 bool writing;
191 bool closing;
192 bool shutdown;
193 bool reserved;
194 } flags;
196 typedef std::list<Helper::Xaction *> Requests;
197 Requests requests; ///< requests in order of submission/expiration
199 struct {
200 uint64_t uses; //< requests sent to this helper
201 uint64_t replies; //< replies received from this helper
202 uint64_t pending; //< queued lookups waiting to be sent to this helper
203 uint64_t releases; //< times release() has been called on this helper (if stateful)
204 uint64_t timedout; //< requests which timed-out
205 } stats;
206 void initStats();
207 };
209 class MemBuf;
210 class CommTimeoutCbParams;
212 class helper_server : public HelperServerBase
213 {
214 CBDATA_CLASS(helper_server);
216 public:
217 uint64_t nextRequestId;
219 MemBuf *wqueue;
220 MemBuf *writebuf;
222 helper *parent;
224 /// The helper request Xaction object for the current reply .
225 /// A helper reply may be distributed to more than one of the retrieved
226 /// packets from helper. This member stores the Xaction object as long as
227 /// the end-of-message for current reply is not retrieved.
228 Helper::Xaction *replyXaction;
230 /// Whether to ignore current message, because it is timed-out or other reason
231 bool ignoreToEom;
233 // STL says storing std::list iterators is safe when changing the list
234 typedef std::map<uint64_t, Requests::iterator> RequestIndex;
235 RequestIndex requestsIndex; ///< maps request IDs to requests
237 /// Search in queue for the request with requestId, return the related
238 /// Xaction object and remove it from queue.
239 /// If concurrency is disabled then the requestId is ignored and the
240 /// Xaction of the next request in queue is retrieved.
241 Helper::Xaction *popRequest(int requestId);
243 /// Run over the active requests lists and forces a retry, or timedout reply
244 /// or the configured "on timeout response" for timedout requests.
245 void checkForTimedOutRequests(bool const retry);
247 /// Read timeout handler
248 static void requestTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &io);
249 };
251 class helper_stateful_server : public HelperServerBase
252 {
253 CBDATA_CLASS(helper_stateful_server);
255 public:
256 /* MemBuf wqueue; */
257 /* MemBuf writebuf; */
259 statefulhelper *parent;
261 void *data; /* State data used by the calling routines */
262 };
264 /* helper.c */
265 void helperOpenServers(helper * hlp);
266 void helperStatefulOpenServers(statefulhelper * hlp);
267 void helperSubmit(helper * hlp, const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data);
268 void helperStatefulSubmit(statefulhelper * hlp, const char *buf, HLPCB * callback, void *data, helper_stateful_server * lastserver);
269 void helperShutdown(helper * hlp);
270 void helperStatefulShutdown(statefulhelper * hlp);
271 void helperStatefulReleaseServer(helper_stateful_server * srv);
272 void *helperStatefulServerGetData(helper_stateful_server * srv);
274 #endif /* SQUID_HELPER_H */