]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/http/one/ResponseParser.cc
SourceFormat Enforcement
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / http / one / ResponseParser.cc
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2017 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 #include "squid.h"
10 #include "Debug.h"
11 #include "http/one/ResponseParser.h"
12 #include "http/one/Tokenizer.h"
13 #include "http/ProtocolVersion.h"
14 #include "profiler/Profiler.h"
15 #include "SquidConfig.h"
17 const SBuf Http::One::ResponseParser::IcyMagic("ICY ");
19 Http1::Parser::size_type
20 Http::One::ResponseParser::firstLineSize() const
21 {
22 Http1::Parser::size_type result = 0;
24 switch (msgProtocol_.protocol)
25 {
26 case AnyP::PROTO_HTTP:
27 result += Http1magic.length();
28 break;
29 case AnyP::PROTO_ICY:
30 result += IcyMagic.length();
31 break;
32 default: // no other protocols supported
33 return result;
34 }
35 // NP: the parser does not accept >2 DIGIT for version numbers
36 if (msgProtocol_.minor > 9)
37 result += 2;
38 else
39 result += 1;
41 result += 5; /* 5 octets in: SP status SP */
42 result += reasonPhrase_.length();
43 result += 2; /* CRLF terminator */
44 return result;
45 }
47 // NP: we found the protocol version and consumed it already.
48 // just need the status code and reason phrase
49 int
50 Http::One::ResponseParser::parseResponseStatusAndReason(Http1::Tokenizer &tok, const CharacterSet &WspDelim)
51 {
52 if (!completedStatus_) {
53 debugs(74, 9, "seek status-code in: " << tok.remaining().substr(0,10) << "...");
54 /* RFC 7230 section 3.1.2 - status code is 3 DIGIT octets.
55 * There is no limit on what those octets may be.
56 * 000 through 999 are all valid.
57 */
58 int64_t statusValue;
59 if (tok.int64(statusValue, 10, false, 3) && tok.skipOne(WspDelim)) {
61 debugs(74, 6, "found int64 status-code=" << statusValue);
62 statusCode_ = static_cast<Http::StatusCode>(statusValue);
64 buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
65 completedStatus_ = true;
67 } else if (tok.atEnd()) {
68 debugs(74, 6, "Parser needs more data");
69 return 0; // need more to be sure we have it all
71 } else {
72 debugs(74, 6, "invalid status-line. invalid code.");
73 return -1; // invalid status, a single SP terminator required
74 }
75 // NOTE: any whitespace after the single SP is part of the reason phrase.
76 }
78 /* RFC 7230 says we SHOULD ignore the reason phrase content
79 * but it has a definite valid vs invalid character set.
80 * We interpret the SHOULD as ignoring absence and syntax, but
81 * producing an error if it contains an invalid octet.
82 */
84 debugs(74, 9, "seek reason-phrase in: " << tok.remaining().substr(0,50) << "...");
86 // if we got here we are still looking for reason-phrase bytes
87 static const CharacterSet phraseChars = CharacterSet::WSP + CharacterSet::VCHAR + CharacterSet::OBSTEXT;
88 (void)tok.prefix(reasonPhrase_, phraseChars); // optional, no error if missing
89 try {
90 if (skipLineTerminator(tok)) {
91 debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
92 buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
93 return 1;
94 }
95 reasonPhrase_.clear();
96 return 0; // need more to be sure we have it all
98 } catch (const std::exception &ex) {
99 debugs(74, 6, "invalid status-line: " << ex.what());
100 }
101 return -1;
102 }
104 /**
105 * Attempt to parse the method field out of an HTTP message status-line.
106 *
107 * Governed by:
108 * RFC 1945 section 6.1
109 * RFC 7230 section 2.6, 3.1 and 3.5
110 *
111 * Parsing state is stored between calls. The current implementation uses
112 * checkpoints after each successful status-line field.
113 * The return value tells you whether the parsing is completed or not.
114 *
115 * \retval -1 an error occurred.
116 * \retval 1 successful parse. statusCode_ and maybe reasonPhrase_ are filled and buffer consumed including first delimiter.
117 * \retval 0 more data is needed to complete the parse
118 */
119 int
120 Http::One::ResponseParser::parseResponseFirstLine()
121 {
122 Http1::Tokenizer tok(buf_);
124 CharacterSet WspDelim = CharacterSet::SP; // strict parse only accepts SP
126 if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
127 // RFC 7230 section 3.5
128 // tolerant parser MAY accept any of SP, HTAB, VT (%x0B), FF (%x0C), or bare CR
129 // as whitespace between status-line fields
130 WspDelim += CharacterSet::HTAB
131 + CharacterSet("VT,FF","\x0B\x0C")
132 + CharacterSet::CR;
133 }
135 if (msgProtocol_.protocol != AnyP::PROTO_NONE) {
136 debugs(74, 6, "continue incremental parse for " << msgProtocol_);
137 debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
138 // we already found the magic, but not the full line. keep going.
139 return parseResponseStatusAndReason(tok, WspDelim);
141 } else if (tok.skip(Http1magic)) {
142 debugs(74, 6, "found prefix magic " << Http1magic);
143 // HTTP Response status-line parse
145 // magic contains major version, still need to find minor DIGIT
146 int64_t verMinor;
147 if (tok.int64(verMinor, 10, false, 1) && tok.skipOne(WspDelim)) {
148 msgProtocol_.protocol = AnyP::PROTO_HTTP;
149 msgProtocol_.major = 1;
150 msgProtocol_.minor = static_cast<unsigned int>(verMinor);
152 debugs(74, 6, "found version=" << msgProtocol_);
154 debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
155 buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
156 return parseResponseStatusAndReason(tok, WspDelim);
158 } else if (tok.atEnd())
159 return 0; // need more to be sure we have it all
160 else
161 return -1; // invalid version or delimiter, a single SP terminator required
163 } else if (tok.skip(IcyMagic)) {
164 debugs(74, 6, "found prefix magic " << IcyMagic);
165 // ICY Response status-line parse (same as HTTP/1 after the magic version)
166 msgProtocol_.protocol = AnyP::PROTO_ICY;
167 // NP: ICY has no /major.minor details
168 debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
169 buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
170 return parseResponseStatusAndReason(tok, WspDelim);
172 } else if (buf_.length() > Http1magic.length() && buf_.length() > IcyMagic.length()) {
173 debugs(74, 2, "unknown/missing prefix magic. Interpreting as HTTP/0.9");
174 // found something that looks like an HTTP/0.9 response
175 // Gateway/Transform it into HTTP/1.1
176 msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(1,1);
177 // XXX: probably should use version 0.9 here and upgrade on output,
178 // but the old code did 1.1 transformation now.
179 statusCode_ = Http::scOkay;
180 static const SBuf gatewayPhrase("Gatewaying");
181 reasonPhrase_ = gatewayPhrase;
182 static const SBuf fakeHttpMimeBlock("X-Transformed-From: HTTP/0.9\r\n"
183 /* Server: visible_appname_string */
184 "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"
185 /* Date: squid_curtime */
186 "Expires: -1\r\n\r\n");
187 mimeHeaderBlock_ = fakeHttpMimeBlock;
188 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
189 return 1; // no more parsing
190 }
192 return 0; // need more to parse anything.
193 }
195 bool
196 Http::One::ResponseParser::parse(const SBuf &aBuf)
197 {
198 buf_ = aBuf;
199 debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "Parse buf={length=" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
201 // stage 1: locate the status-line
202 if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_NONE) {
203 // RFC 7230 explicitly states whether garbage whitespace is to be handled
204 // at each point of the message framing boundaries.
205 // It omits mentioning garbage prior to HTTP Responses.
206 // Therefore, if we receive anything at all treat it as Response message.
207 if (!buf_.isEmpty())
208 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_FIRST;
209 else
210 return false;
211 }
213 // stage 2: parse the status-line
214 if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_FIRST) {
215 PROF_start(HttpParserParseReplyLine);
217 const int retcode = parseResponseFirstLine();
219 // first-line (or a look-alike) found successfully.
220 if (retcode > 0 && parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_FIRST)
221 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_MIME;
222 debugs(74, 5, "status-line: retval " << retcode);
223 debugs(74, 5, "status-line: proto " << msgProtocol_);
224 debugs(74, 5, "status-line: status-code " << statusCode_);
225 debugs(74, 5, "status-line: reason-phrase " << reasonPhrase_);
226 debugs(74, 5, "Parser: bytes processed=" << (aBuf.length()-buf_.length()));
227 PROF_stop(HttpParserParseReplyLine);
229 // syntax errors already
230 if (retcode < 0) {
231 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
232 parseStatusCode = Http::scInvalidHeader;
233 return false;
234 }
235 }
237 // stage 3: locate the mime header block
238 if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_MIME) {
239 if (!grabMimeBlock("Response", Config.maxReplyHeaderSize))
240 return false;
241 }
243 return !needsMoreData();
244 }