]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/repl/heap/store_repl_heap.cc
A modified / unified cbdata and mempool implementation. cbdata
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / repl / heap / store_repl_heap.cc
2 /*
3 * $Id: store_repl_heap.cc,v 1.3 2001/01/05 09:52:03 adrian Exp $
4 *
5 * DEBUG: section ? HEAP based removal policies
6 * AUTHOR: Henrik Nordstrom
7 *
8 * SQUID Internet Object Cache http://squid.nlanr.net/Squid/
9 * ----------------------------------------------------------
10 *
11 * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from the
12 * Internet community. Development is led by Duane Wessels of the
13 * National Laboratory for Applied Network Research and funded by the
14 * National Science Foundation. Squid is Copyrighted (C) 1998 by
15 * Duane Wessels and the University of California San Diego. Please
16 * see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid incorporates
17 * software developed and/or copyrighted by other sources. Please see
18 * the CREDITS file for full details.
19 *
20 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
21 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
22 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
23 * (at your option) any later version.
24 *
25 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
26 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
28 * GNU General Public License for more details.
29 *
30 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
31 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
32 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
33 *
34 */
36 #include "squid.h"
37 #include "heap.h"
38 #include "store_heap_replacement.h"
40 REMOVALPOLICYCREATE createRemovalPolicy_heap;
42 static int nr_heap_policies = 0;
44 typedef struct _HeapPolicyData HeapPolicyData;
45 struct _HeapPolicyData {
46 RemovalPolicy *policy;
47 heap *heap;
48 heap_key_func *keyfunc;
49 int count;
50 int nwalkers;
51 enum heap_entry_type {
53 } type;
54 };
56 /* Hack to avoid having to remember the RemovalPolicyNode location.
57 * Needed by the purge walker.
58 */
59 static enum heap_entry_type
60 heap_guessType(StoreEntry * entry, RemovalPolicyNode * node)
61 {
62 if (node == &entry->repl)
64 if (entry->mem_obj && node == &entry->mem_obj->repl)
65 return TYPE_STORE_MEM;
66 fatal("Heap Replacement: Unknown StoreEntry node type");
67 return TYPE_UNKNOWN;
68 }
69 #define SET_POLICY_NODE(entry,value) \
70 switch(heap->type) { \
71 case TYPE_STORE_ENTRY: entry->repl.data = value; break ; \
72 case TYPE_STORE_MEM: entry->mem_obj->repl.data = value ; break ; \
73 default: break; \
74 }
76 static void
77 heap_add(RemovalPolicy * policy, StoreEntry * entry, RemovalPolicyNode * node)
78 {
79 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
80 assert(!node->data);
81 if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_SPECIAL))
82 return; /* We won't manage these.. they messes things up */
83 node->data = heap_insert(heap->heap, entry);
84 heap->count += 1;
85 if (!heap->type)
86 heap->type = heap_guessType(entry, node);
87 /* Add a little more variance to the aging factor */
88 heap->heap->age += heap->heap->age / 100000000;
89 }
91 static void
92 heap_remove(RemovalPolicy * policy, StoreEntry * entry,
93 RemovalPolicyNode * node)
94 {
95 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
96 heap_node *hnode = node->data;
97 if (!hnode)
98 return;
99 heap_delete(heap->heap, hnode);
100 node->data = NULL;
101 heap->count -= 1;
102 }
104 static void
105 heap_referenced(RemovalPolicy * policy, const StoreEntry * entry,
106 RemovalPolicyNode * node)
107 {
108 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
109 heap_node *hnode = node->data;
110 if (!hnode)
111 return;
112 heap_update(heap->heap, hnode, (StoreEntry *) entry);
113 }
115 /** RemovalPolicyWalker **/
117 typedef struct _HeapWalkData HeapWalkData;
118 struct _HeapWalkData {
119 int current;
120 };
122 const StoreEntry *
123 heap_walkNext(RemovalPolicyWalker * walker)
124 {
125 HeapWalkData *heap_walk = walker->_data;
126 RemovalPolicy *policy = walker->_policy;
127 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
128 StoreEntry *entry;
129 if (heap_walk->current >= heap_nodes(heap->heap))
130 return NULL; /* done */
131 entry = (StoreEntry *) heap_peep(heap->heap, heap_walk->current++);
132 return entry;
133 }
135 static void
136 heap_walkDone(RemovalPolicyWalker * walker)
137 {
138 RemovalPolicy *policy = walker->_policy;
139 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
140 assert(strcmp(policy->_type, "heap") == 0);
141 assert(heap->nwalkers > 0);
142 heap->nwalkers -= 1;
143 safe_free(walker->_data);
144 cbdataFree(walker);
145 }
147 static RemovalPolicyWalker *
148 heap_walkInit(RemovalPolicy * policy)
149 {
150 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
151 RemovalPolicyWalker *walker;
152 HeapWalkData *heap_walk;
153 heap->nwalkers += 1;
154 walker = CBDATA_ALLOC(RemovalPolicyWalker, NULL);
155 heap_walk = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*heap_walk));
156 heap_walk->current = 0;
157 walker->_policy = policy;
158 walker->_data = heap_walk;
159 walker->Next = heap_walkNext;
160 walker->Done = heap_walkDone;
161 return walker;
162 }
164 /** RemovalPurgeWalker **/
166 typedef struct _HeapPurgeData HeapPurgeData;
167 struct _HeapPurgeData {
168 link_list *locked_entries;
169 heap_key min_age;
170 };
172 static StoreEntry *
173 heap_purgeNext(RemovalPurgeWalker * walker)
174 {
175 HeapPurgeData *heap_walker = walker->_data;
176 RemovalPolicy *policy = walker->_policy;
177 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
178 StoreEntry *entry;
179 heap_key age;
180 try_again:
181 if (!heap_nodes(heap->heap) > 0)
182 return NULL; /* done */
183 age = heap_peepminkey(heap->heap);
184 entry = heap_extractmin(heap->heap);
185 if (storeEntryLocked(entry)) {
186 linklistPush(&heap_walker->locked_entries, entry);
187 goto try_again;
188 }
189 heap_walker->min_age = age;
191 return entry;
192 }
194 static void
195 heap_purgeDone(RemovalPurgeWalker * walker)
196 {
197 HeapPurgeData *heap_walker = walker->_data;
198 RemovalPolicy *policy = walker->_policy;
199 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
200 StoreEntry *entry;
201 assert(strcmp(policy->_type, "heap") == 0);
202 assert(heap->nwalkers > 0);
203 heap->nwalkers -= 1;
204 if (heap_walker->min_age > 0) {
205 heap->heap->age = heap_walker->min_age;
206 debug(81, 3) ("heap_purgeDone: Heap age set to %f\n",
207 (double) heap->heap->age);
208 }
209 /*
210 * Reinsert the locked entries
211 */
212 while ((entry = linklistShift(&heap_walker->locked_entries))) {
213 heap_node *node = heap_insert(heap->heap, entry);
214 SET_POLICY_NODE(entry, node);
215 }
216 safe_free(walker->_data);
217 cbdataFree(walker);
218 }
220 static RemovalPurgeWalker *
221 heap_purgeInit(RemovalPolicy * policy, int max_scan)
222 {
223 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
224 RemovalPurgeWalker *walker;
225 HeapPurgeData *heap_walk;
226 heap->nwalkers += 1;
227 walker = CBDATA_ALLOC(RemovalPurgeWalker, NULL);
228 heap_walk = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*heap_walk));
229 heap_walk->min_age = 0.0;
230 heap_walk->locked_entries = NULL;
231 walker->_policy = policy;
232 walker->_data = heap_walk;
233 walker->max_scan = max_scan;
234 walker->Next = heap_purgeNext;
235 walker->Done = heap_purgeDone;
237 if (!verify_heap_property(heap->heap)) {
238 debug(81, 1) ("Heap property violated!\n");
239 }
240 #endif
241 return walker;
242 }
244 static void
245 heap_free(RemovalPolicy * policy)
246 {
247 HeapPolicyData *heap = policy->_data;
248 /* Make some verification of the policy state */
249 assert(strcmp(policy->_type, "heap") == 0);
250 assert(heap->nwalkers);
251 assert(heap->count);
252 /* Ok, time to destroy this policy */
253 safe_free(policy->_data);
254 memset(policy, 0, sizeof(*policy));
255 cbdataFree(policy);
256 }
258 RemovalPolicy *
259 createRemovalPolicy_heap(wordlist * args)
260 {
261 RemovalPolicy *policy;
262 HeapPolicyData *heap_data;
263 char *keytype;
264 /* Allocate the needed structures */
265 policy = CBDATA_ALLOC(RemovalPolicy, NULL);
266 heap_data = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*heap_data));
267 /* Initialize the policy data */
268 heap_data->policy = policy;
269 if (args) {
270 keytype = args->key;
271 args = args->next;
272 } else {
273 debug(81, 1) ("createRemovalPolicy_heap: No key type specified. Using LRU\n");
274 keytype = "LRU";
275 }
276 if (!strcmp(keytype, "GDSF"))
277 heap_data->keyfunc = HeapKeyGen_StoreEntry_GDSF;
278 else if (!strcmp(keytype, "LFUDA"))
279 heap_data->keyfunc = HeapKeyGen_StoreEntry_LFUDA;
280 else if (!strcmp(keytype, "LRU"))
281 heap_data->keyfunc = HeapKeyGen_StoreEntry_LRU;
282 else {
283 debug(81, 0) ("createRemovalPolicy_heap: Unknown key type \"%s\". Using LRU\n",
284 keytype);
285 heap_data->keyfunc = HeapKeyGen_StoreEntry_LRU;
286 }
287 /* No additional arguments expected */
288 assert(!args);
289 heap_data->heap = new_heap(1000, heap_data->keyfunc);
290 heap_data->heap->age = 1.0;
291 /* Populate the policy structure */
292 policy->_type = "heap";
293 policy->_data = heap_data;
294 policy->Free = heap_free;
295 policy->Add = heap_add;
296 policy->Remove = heap_remove;
297 policy->Referenced = NULL;
298 policy->Dereferenced = heap_referenced;
299 policy->WalkInit = heap_walkInit;
300 policy->PurgeInit = heap_purgeInit;
301 /* Increase policy usage count */
302 nr_heap_policies += 0;
303 return policy;
304 }