]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/store_rebuild.cc
Henrik's fixes for DW adding FD to AIOCB bugs
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / store_rebuild.cc
1 /*
2 * $Id: store_rebuild.cc,v 1.46 1998/08/24 22:06:48 wessels Exp $
3 *
4 * DEBUG: section 20 Store Rebuild Routines
5 * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels
6 *
7 * SQUID Internet Object Cache http://squid.nlanr.net/Squid/
8 * ----------------------------------------------------------
9 *
10 * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from the
11 * Internet community. Development is led by Duane Wessels of the
12 * National Laboratory for Applied Network Research and funded by the
13 * National Science Foundation. Squid is Copyrighted (C) 1998 by
14 * Duane Wessels and the University of California San Diego. Please
15 * see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid incorporates
16 * software developed and/or copyrighted by other sources. Please see
17 * the CREDITS file for full details.
18 *
19 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
22 * (at your option) any later version.
23 *
24 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27 * GNU General Public License for more details.
28 *
29 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
31 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
32 *
33 */
35 #include "squid.h"
37 #define STORE_META_BUFSZ 4096
40 typedef struct _rebuild_dir rebuild_dir;
41 typedef int RBHD(rebuild_dir * d);
43 struct _rebuild_dir {
44 int dirn;
45 int n_read;
46 FILE *log;
47 int speed;
48 int clean;
49 int curlvl1;
50 int curlvl2;
51 int flag;
52 int done;
53 int in_dir;
54 int fn;
55 struct dirent *entry;
56 DIR *td;
57 RBHD *rebuild_func;
58 rebuild_dir *next;
59 char fullpath[SQUID_MAXPATHLEN];
60 char fullfilename[SQUID_MAXPATHLEN];
61 };
63 struct storeRebuildState {
64 rebuild_dir *rebuild_dir;
65 int objcount; /* # objects successfully reloaded */
66 int expcount; /* # objects expired */
67 int linecount; /* # lines parsed from cache logfile */
68 int statcount; /* # entries from directory walking */
69 int clashcount; /* # swapfile clashes avoided */
70 int dupcount; /* # duplicates purged */
71 int cancelcount; /* # SWAP_LOG_DEL objects purged */
72 int invalid; /* # bad lines */
73 int badflags; /* # bad e->flags */
74 int need_to_validate;
75 int bad_log_op;
76 int zero_object_sz;
77 time_t start;
78 time_t stop;
79 } RebuildState;
81 typedef struct valid_ctrl_t {
82 struct stat *sb;
83 StoreEntry *e;
84 STVLDCB *callback;
85 void *callback_data;
86 } valid_ctrl_t;
88 static RBHD storeRebuildFromDirectory;
89 static RBHD storeRebuildFromSwapLog;
90 static void storeRebuildComplete(void);
91 static EVH storeRebuildADirectory;
92 static int storeGetNextFile(rebuild_dir *, int *sfileno, int *size);
93 static StoreEntry *storeAddDiskRestore(const cache_key * key,
94 int file_number,
95 size_t swap_file_sz,
96 time_t expires,
97 time_t timestamp,
98 time_t lastref,
99 time_t lastmod,
100 u_num32 refcount,
101 u_num32 flags,
102 int clean);
103 static AIOCB storeValidateComplete;
105 static int
106 storeRebuildFromDirectory(rebuild_dir * d)
107 {
108 LOCAL_ARRAY(char, hdr_buf, DISK_PAGE_SIZE);
109 StoreEntry *e = NULL;
110 StoreEntry tmpe;
111 cache_key key[MD5_DIGEST_CHARS];
112 int sfileno = 0;
113 int count;
114 int size;
115 struct stat sb;
116 int swap_hdr_len;
117 int fd = -1;
118 tlv *tlv_list;
119 tlv *t;
120 assert(d != NULL);
121 debug(20, 3) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: DIR #%d\n", d->dirn);
122 for (count = 0; count < d->speed; count++) {
123 assert(fd == -1);
124 fd = storeGetNextFile(d, &sfileno, &size);
125 if (fd == -2) {
126 debug(20, 1) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: DIR #%d done!\n", d->dirn);
127 storeDirCloseTmpSwapLog(d->dirn);
128 store_rebuilding = 0;
129 return -1;
130 } else if (fd < 0) {
131 continue;
132 }
133 assert(fd > -1);
134 /* lets get file stats here */
135 if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0) {
136 debug(20, 1) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: fstat(FD %d): %s\n",
137 fd, xstrerror());
138 file_close(fd);
139 fd = -1;
140 continue;
141 }
142 if ((++RebuildState.statcount & 0xFFFF) == 0)
143 debug(20, 1) (" %7d files opened so far.\n",
144 RebuildState.statcount);
145 debug(20, 9) ("file_in: fd=%d %08X\n", fd, sfileno);
146 if (read(fd, hdr_buf, DISK_PAGE_SIZE) < 0) {
147 debug(20, 1) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: read(FD %d): %s\n",
148 fd, xstrerror());
149 file_close(fd);
150 fd = -1;
151 continue;
152 }
153 file_close(fd);
154 fd = -1;
155 swap_hdr_len = 0;
156 tlv_list = storeSwapMetaUnpack(hdr_buf, &swap_hdr_len);
157 if (tlv_list == NULL) {
158 debug(20, 1) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: failed to get meta data\n");
159 storeUnlinkFileno(sfileno);
160 continue;
161 }
162 debug(20, 3) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: successful swap meta unpacking\n");
163 memset(key, '\0', MD5_DIGEST_CHARS);
164 memset(&tmpe, '\0', sizeof(StoreEntry));
165 for (t = tlv_list; t; t = t->next) {
166 switch (t->type) {
167 case STORE_META_KEY:
168 assert(t->length == MD5_DIGEST_CHARS);
169 xmemcpy(key, t->value, MD5_DIGEST_CHARS);
170 break;
171 case STORE_META_STD:
172 assert(t->length == STORE_HDR_METASIZE);
173 xmemcpy(&tmpe.timestamp, t->value, STORE_HDR_METASIZE);
174 break;
175 default:
176 break;
177 }
178 }
179 storeSwapTLVFree(tlv_list);
180 tlv_list = NULL;
181 if (storeKeyNull(key)) {
182 debug(20, 1) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: NULL key\n");
183 storeUnlinkFileno(sfileno);
184 continue;
185 }
186 tmpe.key = key;
187 /* check sizes */
188 if (tmpe.swap_file_sz == 0) {
189 tmpe.swap_file_sz = sb.st_size;
190 } else if (tmpe.swap_file_sz == sb.st_size - swap_hdr_len) {
191 tmpe.swap_file_sz = sb.st_size;
192 } else if (tmpe.swap_file_sz != sb.st_size) {
193 debug(20, 1) ("storeRebuildFromDirectory: SIZE MISMATCH %d!=%d\n",
194 tmpe.swap_file_sz, (int) sb.st_size);
195 storeUnlinkFileno(sfileno);
196 continue;
197 }
198 if (EBIT_TEST(tmpe.flag, KEY_PRIVATE)) {
199 storeUnlinkFileno(sfileno);
200 RebuildState.badflags++;
201 continue;
202 }
203 e = storeGet(key);
204 if (e && e->lastref >= tmpe.lastref) {
205 /* key already exists, current entry is newer */
206 /* keep old, ignore new */
207 RebuildState.dupcount++;
208 continue;
209 } else if (NULL != e) {
210 /* URL already exists, this swapfile not being used */
211 /* junk old, load new */
212 storeRelease(e); /* release old entry */
213 RebuildState.dupcount++;
214 }
215 RebuildState.objcount++;
216 storeEntryDump(&tmpe, 5);
217 e = storeAddDiskRestore(key,
218 sfileno,
219 tmpe.swap_file_sz,
220 tmpe.expires,
221 tmpe.timestamp,
222 tmpe.lastref,
223 tmpe.lastmod,
224 tmpe.refcount, /* refcount */
225 tmpe.flag, /* flags */
226 d->clean);
227 }
228 return count;
229 }
231 static int
232 storeRebuildFromSwapLog(rebuild_dir * d)
233 {
234 StoreEntry *e = NULL;
235 storeSwapLogData s;
236 size_t ss = sizeof(storeSwapLogData);
237 int count;
238 int used; /* is swapfile already in use? */
239 int disk_entry_newer; /* is the log entry newer than current entry? */
240 double x;
241 assert(d != NULL);
242 /* load a number of objects per invocation */
243 for (count = 0; count < d->speed; count++) {
244 if (fread(&s, ss, 1, d->log) != 1) {
245 debug(20, 1) ("Done reading Cache Dir #%d swaplog (%d entries)\n",
246 d->dirn, d->n_read);
247 fclose(d->log);
248 d->log = NULL;
249 storeDirCloseTmpSwapLog(d->dirn);
250 return -1;
251 }
252 d->n_read++;
253 if (s.op <= SWAP_LOG_NOP)
254 continue;
255 if (s.op >= SWAP_LOG_MAX)
256 continue;
257 s.swap_file_number = storeDirProperFileno(d->dirn, s.swap_file_number);
258 debug(20, 3) ("storeRebuildFromSwapLog: %s %s %08X\n",
259 swap_log_op_str[(int) s.op],
260 storeKeyText(s.key),
261 s.swap_file_number);
262 if (s.op == SWAP_LOG_ADD) {
263 (void) 0;
264 } else if (s.op == SWAP_LOG_DEL) {
265 if ((e = storeGet(s.key)) != NULL) {
266 /*
267 * Make sure we don't unlink the file, it might be
268 * in use by a subsequent entry. Also note that
269 * we don't have to subtract from store_swap_size
270 * because adding to store_swap_size happens in
271 * the cleanup procedure.
272 */
273 storeExpireNow(e);
274 storeSetPrivateKey(e);
276 if (e->swap_file_number > -1) {
277 storeDirMapBitReset(e->swap_file_number);
278 e->swap_file_number = -1;
279 }
280 RebuildState.objcount--;
281 RebuildState.cancelcount++;
282 }
283 continue;
284 } else {
285 x = log(++RebuildState.bad_log_op) / log(10.0);
286 if (0.0 == x - (double) (int) x)
287 debug(20, 1) ("WARNING: %d invalid swap log entries found\n",
288 RebuildState.bad_log_op);
289 RebuildState.invalid++;
290 continue;
291 }
292 if ((++RebuildState.linecount & 0xFFFF) == 0)
293 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Entries read so far.\n",
294 RebuildState.linecount);
295 if (!storeDirValidFileno(s.swap_file_number)) {
296 RebuildState.invalid++;
297 continue;
298 }
299 if (EBIT_TEST(s.flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) {
300 RebuildState.badflags++;
301 continue;
302 }
303 e = storeGet(s.key);
304 used = storeDirMapBitTest(s.swap_file_number);
305 /* If this URL already exists in the cache, does the swap log
306 * appear to have a newer entry? Compare 'lastref' from the
307 * swap log to e->lastref. */
308 disk_entry_newer = e ? (s.lastref > e->lastref ? 1 : 0) : 0;
309 if (used && !disk_entry_newer) {
310 /* log entry is old, ignore it */
311 RebuildState.clashcount++;
312 continue;
313 } else if (used && e && e->swap_file_number == s.swap_file_number) {
314 /* swapfile taken, same URL, newer, update meta */
315 /* XXX what if e->store_status != STORE_OK? */
316 e->lastref = s.timestamp;
317 e->timestamp = s.timestamp;
318 e->expires = s.expires;
319 e->lastmod = s.lastmod;
320 e->flag |= s.flags;
321 e->refcount += s.refcount;
322 continue;
323 } else if (used) {
324 /* swapfile in use, not by this URL, log entry is newer */
325 /* This is sorta bad: the log entry should NOT be newer at this
326 * point. If the log is dirty, the filesize check should have
327 * caught this. If the log is clean, there should never be a
328 * newer entry. */
329 debug(20, 1) ("WARNING: newer swaplog entry for fileno %08X\n",
330 s.swap_file_number);
331 /* I'm tempted to remove the swapfile here just to be safe,
332 * but there is a bad race condition in the NOVM version if
333 * the swapfile has recently been opened for writing, but
334 * not yet opened for reading. Because we can't map
335 * swapfiles back to StoreEntrys, we don't know the state
336 * of the entry using that file. */
337 /* We'll assume the existing entry is valid, probably because
338 * were in a slow rebuild and the the swap file number got taken
339 * and the validation procedure hasn't run. */
340 assert(RebuildState.need_to_validate);
341 RebuildState.clashcount++;
342 continue;
343 } else if (e && !disk_entry_newer) {
344 /* key already exists, current entry is newer */
345 /* keep old, ignore new */
346 RebuildState.dupcount++;
347 continue;
348 } else if (e) {
349 /* key already exists, this swapfile not being used */
350 /* junk old, load new */
351 storeExpireNow(e);
352 storeSetPrivateKey(e);
354 if (e->swap_file_number > -1) {
355 storeDirMapBitReset(e->swap_file_number);
356 e->swap_file_number = -1;
357 }
358 RebuildState.dupcount++;
359 } else {
360 /* URL doesnt exist, swapfile not in use */
361 /* load new */
362 (void) 0;
363 }
364 /* update store_swap_size */
365 RebuildState.objcount++;
366 e = storeAddDiskRestore(s.key,
367 s.swap_file_number,
368 s.swap_file_sz,
369 s.expires,
370 s.timestamp,
371 s.lastref,
372 s.lastmod,
373 s.refcount,
374 s.flags,
375 d->clean);
376 storeDirSwapLog(e, SWAP_LOG_ADD);
377 }
378 return count;
379 }
381 static void
382 storeRebuildADirectory(void *unused)
383 {
384 int count;
385 rebuild_dir *d;
386 rebuild_dir **D;
387 if ((d = RebuildState.rebuild_dir) == NULL) {
388 storeRebuildComplete();
389 return;
390 }
391 count = d->rebuild_func(d);
392 RebuildState.rebuild_dir = d->next;
393 if (count < 0) {
394 xfree(d);
395 } else {
396 for (D = &RebuildState.rebuild_dir; *D; D = &(*D)->next);
397 *D = d;
398 d->next = NULL;
399 }
400 if (opt_foreground_rebuild)
401 storeRebuildADirectory(NULL);
402 else
403 eventAdd("storeRebuild", storeRebuildADirectory, NULL, 0.0, 1);
404 }
407 static void
408 storeConvertFile(const cache_key * key,
409 int file_number,
410 size_t swap_file_sz,
411 time_t expires,
412 time_t timestamp,
413 time_t lastref,
414 time_t lastmod,
415 u_short refcount,
416 u_short flags,
417 int clean)
418 {
419 int fd_r, fd_w;
420 int hdr_len, x, y;
421 LOCAL_ARRAY(char, swapfilename, SQUID_MAXPATHLEN);
422 LOCAL_ARRAY(char, copybuf, DISK_PAGE_SIZE);
423 char *buf;
424 tlv *tlv_list;
425 StoreEntry e;
426 e.key = key;
427 e.swap_file_sz = swap_file_sz;
428 e.expires = expires;
429 e.lastref = lastref;
430 e.refcount = refcount;
431 e.flag = flags;
432 storeSwapFullPath(file_number, swapfilename);
433 fd_r = file_open(swapfilename, O_RDONLY, NULL, NULL, NULL);
434 if (fd_r < 0)
435 return;
436 safeunlink(swapfilename, 1);
437 fd_w = file_open(swapfilename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
438 tlv_list = storeSwapMetaBuild(&e);
439 buf = storeSwapMetaPack(tlv_list, &hdr_len);
440 x = write(fd_w, buf, hdr_len);
441 while (x > 0) {
442 y = read(fd_r, copybuf, DISK_PAGE_SIZE);
443 x = write(fd_w, copybuf, y);
444 }
445 file_close(fd_r);
446 file_close(fd_w);
447 xfree(buf);
448 storeSwapTLVFree(tlv_list);
449 }
450 #endif
452 static int
453 storeGetNextFile(rebuild_dir * d, int *sfileno, int *size)
454 {
455 int fd = -1;
456 int used = 0;
457 debug(20, 3) ("storeGetNextFile: flag=%d, %d: /%02X/%02X\n",
458 d->flag,
459 d->dirn,
460 d->curlvl1,
461 d->curlvl2);
462 if (d->done)
463 return -2;
464 while (fd < 0 && d->done == 0) {
465 fd = -1;
466 if (0 == d->flag) { /* initialize, open first file */
467 d->done = 0;
468 d->curlvl1 = 0;
469 d->curlvl2 = 0;
470 d->in_dir = 0;
471 d->flag = 1;
472 assert(Config.cacheSwap.n_configured > 0);
473 }
474 if (0 == d->in_dir) { /* we need to read in a new directory */
475 snprintf(d->fullpath, SQUID_MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%02X/%02X",
476 Config.cacheSwap.swapDirs[d->dirn].path,
477 d->curlvl1, d->curlvl2);
478 if (d->flag && d->td != NULL)
479 closedir(d->td);
480 d->td = opendir(d->fullpath);
481 if (d->td == NULL) {
482 debug(50, 1) ("storeGetNextFile: opendir: %s: %s\n",
483 d->fullpath, xstrerror());
484 break;
485 }
486 d->entry = readdir(d->td); /* skip . and .. */
487 d->entry = readdir(d->td);
488 if (d->entry == NULL && errno == ENOENT)
489 debug(20, 1) ("storeGetNextFile: directory does not exist!.\n");
490 debug(20, 3) ("storeGetNextFile: Directory %s\n", d->fullpath);
491 }
492 if (d->td != NULL && (d->entry = readdir(d->td)) != NULL) {
493 d->in_dir++;
494 if (sscanf(d->entry->d_name, "%x", &d->fn) != 1) {
495 debug(20, 3) ("storeGetNextFile: invalid %s\n",
496 d->entry->d_name);
497 continue;
498 }
499 if (!storeFilenoBelongsHere(d->fn, d->dirn, d->curlvl1, d->curlvl2)) {
500 debug(20, 3) ("storeGetNextFile: %08X does not belong in %d/%d/%d\n",
501 d->fn, d->dirn, d->curlvl1, d->curlvl2);
502 continue;
503 }
504 d->fn = storeDirProperFileno(d->dirn, d->fn);
505 used = storeDirMapBitTest(d->fn);
506 if (used) {
507 debug(20, 3) ("storeGetNextFile: Locked, continuing with next.\n");
508 continue;
509 }
510 snprintf(d->fullfilename, SQUID_MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",
511 d->fullpath, d->entry->d_name);
512 debug(20, 3) ("storeGetNextFile: Opening %s\n", d->fullfilename);
513 fd = file_open(d->fullfilename, O_RDONLY, NULL, NULL, NULL);
514 if (fd < 0)
515 debug(50, 1) ("storeGetNextFile: %s: %s\n", d->fullfilename, xstrerror());
516 continue;
517 }
518 d->in_dir = 0;
519 if (++d->curlvl2 < Config.cacheSwap.swapDirs[d->dirn].l2)
520 continue;
521 d->curlvl2 = 0;
522 if (++d->curlvl1 < Config.cacheSwap.swapDirs[d->dirn].l1)
523 continue;
524 d->curlvl1 = 0;
525 d->done = 1;
526 }
527 *sfileno = d->fn;
528 return fd;
529 }
531 /* Add a new object to the cache with empty memory copy and pointer to disk
532 * use to rebuild store from disk. */
533 static StoreEntry *
534 storeAddDiskRestore(const cache_key * key,
535 int file_number,
536 size_t swap_file_sz,
537 time_t expires,
538 time_t timestamp,
539 time_t lastref,
540 time_t lastmod,
541 u_num32 refcount,
542 u_num32 flags,
543 int clean)
544 {
545 StoreEntry *e = NULL;
546 debug(20, 5) ("StoreAddDiskRestore: %s, fileno=%08X\n", storeKeyText(key), file_number);
547 /* if you call this you'd better be sure file_number is not
548 * already in use! */
550 e->store_status = STORE_OK;
551 storeSetMemStatus(e, NOT_IN_MEMORY);
552 e->swap_status = SWAPOUT_DONE;
553 e->swap_file_number = file_number;
554 e->swap_file_sz = swap_file_sz;
555 e->lock_count = 0;
556 e->refcount = 0;
557 e->lastref = lastref;
558 e->timestamp = timestamp;
559 e->expires = expires;
560 e->lastmod = lastmod;
561 e->refcount = refcount;
562 e->flag = flags;
565 EBIT_CLR(e->flag, KEY_PRIVATE);
566 e->ping_status = PING_NONE;
568 storeDirMapBitSet(e->swap_file_number);
569 storeHashInsert(e, key); /* do it after we clear KEY_PRIVATE */
570 return e;
571 }
573 static void
574 storeCleanup(void *datanotused)
575 {
576 static int bucketnum = -1;
577 static int validnum = 0;
578 static int store_errors = 0;
579 StoreEntry *e;
580 hash_link *link_ptr = NULL;
581 hash_link *link_next = NULL;
582 if (++bucketnum >= store_hash_buckets) {
583 debug(20, 1) (" Completed Validation Procedure\n");
584 debug(20, 1) (" Validated %d Entries\n", validnum);
585 debug(20, 1) (" store_swap_size = %dk\n", store_swap_size);
586 store_rebuilding = 0;
587 if (opt_store_doublecheck)
588 assert(store_errors == 0);
589 if (store_digest)
590 storeDigestNoteStoreReady();
591 return;
592 }
593 link_next = hash_get_bucket(store_table, bucketnum);
594 while (NULL != (link_ptr = link_next)) {
595 link_next = link_ptr->next;
596 e = (StoreEntry *) link_ptr;
597 if (EBIT_TEST(e->flag, ENTRY_VALIDATED))
598 continue;
599 /*
600 * Calling storeRelease() has no effect because we're
601 * still in 'store_rebuilding' state
602 */
603 if (e->swap_file_number < 0)
604 continue;
605 if (opt_store_doublecheck) {
606 struct stat sb;
607 if (stat(storeSwapFullPath(e->swap_file_number, NULL), &sb) < 0) {
608 store_errors++;
609 debug(20, 0) ("storeCleanup: MISSING SWAP FILE\n");
610 debug(20, 0) ("storeCleanup: FILENO %08X\n", e->swap_file_number);
611 debug(20, 0) ("storeCleanup: PATH %s\n",
612 storeSwapFullPath(e->swap_file_number, NULL));
613 storeEntryDump(e, 0);
614 continue;
615 }
616 if (e->swap_file_sz != sb.st_size) {
617 store_errors++;
618 debug(20, 0) ("storeCleanup: SIZE MISMATCH\n");
619 debug(20, 0) ("storeCleanup: FILENO %08X\n", e->swap_file_number);
620 debug(20, 0) ("storeCleanup: PATH %s\n",
621 storeSwapFullPath(e->swap_file_number, NULL));
622 debug(20, 0) ("storeCleanup: ENTRY SIZE: %d, FILE SIZE: %d\n",
623 e->swap_file_sz, (int) sb.st_size);
624 storeEntryDump(e, 0);
625 continue;
626 }
627 }
629 /* Only set the file bit if we know its a valid entry */
630 /* otherwise, set it in the validation procedure */
631 storeDirUpdateSwapSize(e->swap_file_number, e->swap_file_sz, 1);
632 if ((++validnum & 0xFFFF) == 0)
633 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Entries Validated so far.\n", validnum);
634 }
635 eventAdd("storeCleanup", storeCleanup, NULL, 0.0, 1);
636 }
638 void
639 storeValidate(StoreEntry * e, STVLDCB * callback, void *callback_data, void *tag)
640 {
641 valid_ctrl_t *ctrlp;
642 char *path;
643 struct stat *sb;
644 #if !USE_ASYNC_IO
645 int x;
646 #endif
647 assert(!EBIT_TEST(e->flag, ENTRY_VALIDATED));
648 if (e->swap_file_number < 0) {
650 callback(callback_data, 0, 0);
651 return;
652 }
653 path = storeSwapFullPath(e->swap_file_number, NULL);
654 sb = xmalloc(sizeof(struct stat));
655 ctrlp = xmalloc(sizeof(valid_ctrl_t));
656 ctrlp->sb = sb;
657 ctrlp->e = e;
658 ctrlp->callback = callback;
659 ctrlp->callback_data = callback_data;
660 #if USE_ASYNC_IO
661 aioStat(path, sb, storeValidateComplete, ctrlp, tag);
662 #else
663 /*
664 * When evaluating the actual arguments in a function call, the order
665 * in which the arguments and the function expression are evaluated is
666 * not specified;
667 */
668 x = stat(path, sb);
669 storeValidateComplete(-1, ctrlp, x, errno);
670 #endif
671 return;
672 }
674 void
675 storeValidateComplete(int fd, void *data, int retcode, int errcode)
676 {
677 valid_ctrl_t *ctrlp = data;
678 struct stat *sb = ctrlp->sb;
679 StoreEntry *e = ctrlp->e;
680 char *path;
682 if (retcode == -2 && errcode == -2) {
683 xfree(sb);
684 xfree(ctrlp);
685 ctrlp->callback(ctrlp->callback_data, retcode, errcode);
686 return;
687 }
688 if (retcode < 0 && errcode == EWOULDBLOCK) {
689 path = storeSwapFullPath(e->swap_file_number, NULL);
690 retcode = stat(path, sb);
691 }
692 if (retcode < 0 || sb->st_size == 0 || sb->st_size != e->swap_file_sz) {
694 } else {
696 storeDirUpdateSwapSize(e->swap_file_number, e->swap_file_sz, 1);
697 }
698 errno = errcode;
699 ctrlp->callback(ctrlp->callback_data, retcode, errcode);
700 xfree(sb);
701 xfree(ctrlp);
702 }
704 /* meta data recreated from disk image in swap directory */
705 static void
706 storeRebuildComplete(void)
707 {
708 time_t r;
709 time_t stop;
710 stop = squid_curtime;
711 r = stop - RebuildState.start;
712 debug(20, 1) ("Finished rebuilding storage disk.\n");
713 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Entries read from previous logfile.\n",
714 RebuildState.linecount);
715 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Entries scanned from swap files.\n",
716 RebuildState.statcount);
717 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Invalid entries.\n", RebuildState.invalid);
718 debug(20, 1) (" %7d With invalid flags.\n", RebuildState.badflags);
719 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Objects loaded.\n", RebuildState.objcount);
720 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Objects expired.\n", RebuildState.expcount);
721 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Objects cancelled.\n", RebuildState.cancelcount);
722 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Duplicate URLs purged.\n", RebuildState.dupcount);
723 debug(20, 1) (" %7d Swapfile clashes avoided.\n", RebuildState.clashcount);
724 debug(20, 1) (" Took %d seconds (%6.1f objects/sec).\n",
725 r > 0 ? (int) r : 0,
726 (double) RebuildState.objcount / (r > 0 ? r : 1));
727 debug(20, 1) ("Beginning Validation Procedure\n");
728 eventAdd("storeCleanup", storeCleanup, NULL, 0.0, 1);
729 }
731 void
732 storeRebuildStart(void)
733 {
734 rebuild_dir *d;
735 int clean = 0;
736 int zero = 0;
737 FILE *fp;
738 int i;
739 memset(&RebuildState, '\0', sizeof(RebuildState));
740 RebuildState.start = squid_curtime;
741 for (i = 0; i < Config.cacheSwap.n_configured; i++) {
742 d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(rebuild_dir));
743 d->dirn = i;
744 d->speed = opt_foreground_rebuild ? 1 << 30 : 50;
745 /*
746 * If the swap.state file exists in the cache_dir, then
747 * we'll use storeRebuildFromSwapLog(), otherwise we'll
748 * use storeRebuildFromDirectory() to open up each file
749 * and suck in the meta data.
750 */
751 fp = storeDirOpenTmpSwapLog(i, &clean, &zero);
752 if (fp == NULL || zero) {
753 if (fp != NULL)
754 fclose(fp);
755 d->rebuild_func = storeRebuildFromDirectory;
756 } else {
757 d->rebuild_func = storeRebuildFromSwapLog;
758 d->log = fp;
759 d->clean = clean;
760 }
761 d->next = RebuildState.rebuild_dir;
762 RebuildState.rebuild_dir = d;
763 if (!clean)
764 RebuildState.need_to_validate = 1;
765 debug(20, 1) ("Rebuilding storage in Cache Dir #%d (%s)\n",
766 i, clean ? "CLEAN" : "DIRTY");
767 }
768 eventAdd("storeRebuild", storeRebuildADirectory, NULL, 0.0, 1);
769 }