]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/ric9/ipfire.org.git/blob - src/templates/downloads/cloud.html
downloads/cloud: add ogp metadata
[people/ric9/ipfire.org.git] / src / templates / downloads / cloud.html
1 {% extends "../base.html" %}
3 {% block title %}{{ _("Cloud") }}{% end block %}
5 {% block head %}
6 <!-- HTML Meta Tags -->
7 <meta name="description" content={{ _("IPFire - Cloud") }}>
8 <!-- Facebook Meta Tags -->
9 <meta property="og:url" content="https://www.ipfire.org/downloads/cloud">
10 <meta property="og:type" content="website">
11 <meta property="og:title" content="{{ page.title }} - IPFire">
12 <meta property="og:description" content="Explore IPFire in the Cloud. Enhance your cybersecurity measures by deploying IPFire in the cloud with one of our reliable partners.">
13 <meta property="og:image" content="https://www.ipfire.org/{{ static_url("img/ipfire-tux.png") }}">
15 <!-- Twitter Meta Tags -->
16 <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
17 <meta property="twitter:domain" content="ipfire.org">
18 <meta property="twitter:url" content="https://www.ipfire.org/downloads/cloud">
19 <meta name="twitter:title" content="www.ipfire.org - {{ page.title }}">
20 <meta name="twitter:description" content="Explore IPFire in the Cloud. Enhance your cybersecurity measures by deploying IPFire in the cloud with one of our reliable partners.">
21 <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://www.ipfire.org/{{ static_url("img/ipfire-tux.png") }}">
22 {% end block %}
24 {% block container %}
25 <section class="hero is-info">
26 <div class="hero-body">
27 <div class="container">
28 <nav class="breadcrumb" aria-label="breadcrumbs">
29 <ul>
30 <li>
31 <a href="/">Home</a>
32 </li>
33 <li>
34 <a href="/downloads">Downloads</a>
35 </li>
36 <li class="is-active">
37 <a href="#" aria-current="page">Cloud</a>
38 </li>
39 </ul>
40 </nav>
42 <h1 class="title">
43 {{ _("Cloud") }}
44 </h1>
46 <p class="subtitle">
47 {{ _("Explore IPFire In The Cloud") }}
48 </p>
49 </div>
50 </div>
51 </section>
53 <section class="section">
54 <div class="container">
55 <div class="block">
56 <div class="content is-size-5">
57 <p>
58 Unlock the flexibility of IPFire in the cloud by choosing from our
59 trusted cloud service providers.
60 These partners offer seamless integration and optimal performance for
61 hosting IPFire, ensuring robust network security in virtual environments.
62 </p>
64 <p>
65 Whether you're a small business, enterprise, or individual user, find
66 the right cloud provider to suit your needs.
67 Enhance your cybersecurity measures by deploying IPFire in the cloud
68 with one of our reliable partners.
69 </p>
70 </div>
71 </div>
72 </div>
73 </section>
75 <section class="section">
76 <div class="container">
77 <div class="columns is-multiline is-centered is-vcentered">
78 <div class="column is-one-third">
79 <div class="notification">
80 <figure class="image is-1by1">
81 <img src="{{ static_url("img/downloads/cloud/aws.svg") }}">
82 </figure>
84 <div class="block">
85 <div class="columns">
86 <div class="column">
87 <a class="button is-info is-fullwidth" href="https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-opiegephkjalm">
88 {{ _("ARM64") }}
89 </a>
90 </div>
92 <div class="column">
93 <a class="button is-info is-fullwidth" href="https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07HYRD4FX">
94 {{ _("x86") }}
95 </a>
96 </div>
97 </div>
98 </div>
100 <div class="block">
101 <a class="button is-white is-fullwidth" href="/docs/installation/aws">
102 {{ _("Documentation") }}
103 </a>
104 </div>
105 </div>
106 </div>
108 <div class="column is-one-third">
109 <div class="notification">
110 <figure class="image is-1by1">
111 <img src="{{ static_url("img/downloads/cloud/exoscale.svg") }}">
112 </figure>
114 <div class="block">
115 <a class="button is-info is-fullwidth" href="https://www.exoscale.com/marketplace/listing/lwl-ipfire-open-source-firewall-payg/">
116 {{ _("Go To Exoscale") }}
117 </a>
118 </div>
120 <div class="block">
121 <a class="button is-white is-fullwidth" href="/docs/installation/exoscale">
122 {{ _("Documentation") }}
123 </a>
124 </div>
125 </div>
126 </div>
128 <div class="column is-one-third">
129 <div class="notification">
130 <figure class="image is-1by1">
131 <img src="{{ static_url("img/downloads/cloud/hetzner.svg") }}">
132 </figure>
134 <div class="block">
135 <a class="button is-white is-fullwidth" href="/docs/installation/hetzner-cloud">
136 {{ _("Documentation") }}
137 </a>
138 </div>
139 </div>
140 </div>
141 </div>
142 </div>
143 </section>
145 <section class="section">
146 <div class="container">
147 <div class="block">
148 <h4 class="title is-4">Why Choose IPFire in the Cloud?</h4>
150 <ul>
151 <li>
152 <strong>Scalability:</strong>
153 Easily scale your network security infrastructure as your business grows.
154 </li>
156 <li>
157 <strong>Flexibility:</strong>
158 Enjoy the flexibility of cloud deployment with the robust security of IPFire.
159 </li>
161 <li>
162 <strong>Performance:</strong>
163 Leverage the high-performance capabilities of leading cloud providers for optimal security.
164 </li>
165 </ul>
166 </div>
168 <div class="block">
169 <h4 class="title is-4">Getting Started</h4>
171 <div class="content">
172 <p>
173 Explore the offerings of our featured cloud providers and select the one
174 that aligns with your requirements. Follow the integration guides and
175 documentation for a smooth deployment experience.
176 </p>
178 <p>
179 Secure your digital assets in the cloud with IPFire!
180 </p>
181 </div>
182 </div>
183 </div>
184 </section>
185 {% end block %}