]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/tests/SBufFindTest.cc
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[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / tests / SBufFindTest.cc
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2014 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 #include "squid.h"
10 #include "base/CharacterSet.h"
11 #include "SBufFindTest.h"
12 #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
13 #include <cppunit/Message.h>
14 #include <limits>
16 /* TODO: The whole SBufFindTest class is currently implemented as a single
17 CppUnit test case (because we do not want to register and report every one
18 of the thousands of generated test cases). Is there a better way to
19 integrate with CppUnit?
20 */
22 SBufFindTest::SBufFindTest():
23 caseLimit(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()),
24 errorLimit(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()),
25 randomSeed(1),
26 hushSimilar(true),
27 maxHayLength(40),
28 thePos(0),
29 thePlacement(placeEof),
30 theStringPos(0),
31 theBareNeedlePos(0),
32 theFindString(0),
33 theFindSBuf(0),
34 theReportFunc(),
35 theReportNeedle(),
36 theReportPos(),
37 theReportQuote('"'),
38 caseCount(0),
39 errorCount(0),
40 reportCount(0)
41 {
42 }
44 void
45 SBufFindTest::run()
46 {
47 srandom(randomSeed);
49 for (SBuf::size_type hayLen = 0U; hayLen <= maxHayLength; nextLen(hayLen, maxHayLength)) {
50 const SBuf cleanHay = RandomSBuf(hayLen);
52 const SBuf::size_type maxNeedleLen = hayLen + 10;
53 for (SBuf::size_type needleLen = 0U; needleLen <= maxNeedleLen; nextLen(needleLen, maxNeedleLen)) {
54 theSBufNeedle = RandomSBuf(needleLen);
56 for (int i = 0; i < placeEof; i++) {
57 thePlacement = Placement(i);
58 placeNeedle(cleanHay);
60 const SBuf::size_type maxArg =
61 max(theSBufHay.length(), theSBufNeedle.length()) + 10;
62 for (thePos = 0; thePos <= maxArg; nextLen(thePos, maxArg))
63 testAllMethods();
65 // the special npos value is not tested as the behavior is
66 // different from std::string (where the behavior is undefined)
67 // It is ad-hoc tested in testSBuf instead
68 //thePos = SBuf::npos;
69 //testAllMethods();
70 }
71 }
72 }
74 if (errorCount > 0) {
75 std::cerr << "Generated SBuf test cases: " << caseCount << std::endl;
76 std::cerr << "\tfailed cases: " << errorCount << std::endl;
77 std::cerr << "\treported cases: " << reportCount << std::endl;
78 std::cerr << "Asserting because some cases failed..." << std::endl;
79 CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!SBufFindTest::errorCount);
80 }
81 }
83 /// tests SBuf::find(string needle)
84 void
85 SBufFindTest::testFindDefs()
86 {
87 theFindString = theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.find(theStringNeedle);
88 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.find(theSBufNeedle);
89 checkResults("find");
90 }
92 /// tests SBuf::rfind(string needle)
93 void
94 SBufFindTest::testRFindDefs()
95 {
96 theFindString = theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.rfind(theStringNeedle);
97 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.rfind(theSBufNeedle);
98 checkResults("rfind");
99 }
101 /// tests SBuf::find(string needle, pos)
102 void
103 SBufFindTest::testFind()
104 {
105 theFindString = theStringHay.find(theStringNeedle, thePos);
106 theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.find(theStringNeedle);
107 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.find(theSBufNeedle, thePos);
108 checkResults("find");
109 }
111 /// tests SBuf::findFirstOf(string needle, pos)
112 void
113 SBufFindTest::testFindFirstOf()
114 {
115 theFindString = theStringHay.find_first_of(theStringNeedle, thePos);
116 theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.find_first_of(theStringNeedle);
117 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.findFirstOf(CharacterSet("cs",theSBufNeedle.c_str()), thePos);
118 checkResults("find_first_of");
119 }
121 /// tests SBuf::rfind(string needle, pos)
122 void
123 SBufFindTest::testRFind()
124 {
125 theFindString = theStringHay.rfind(theStringNeedle, thePos);
126 theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.rfind(theStringNeedle);
127 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.rfind(theSBufNeedle, thePos);
128 checkResults("rfind");
129 }
131 /// tests SBuf::find(char needle)
132 void
133 SBufFindTest::testFindCharDefs()
134 {
135 const char c = theStringNeedle[0];
136 theFindString = theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.find(c);
137 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.find(c);
138 checkResults("find");
139 }
141 /// tests SBuf::find(char needle, pos)
142 void
143 SBufFindTest::testFindChar()
144 {
145 const char c = theStringNeedle[0];
146 theFindString = theStringHay.find(c, thePos);
147 theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.find(c);
148 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.find(c, thePos);
149 checkResults("find");
150 }
152 /// tests SBuf::rfind(char needle)
153 void
154 SBufFindTest::testRFindCharDefs()
155 {
156 const char c = theStringNeedle[0];
157 theFindString = theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.rfind(c);
158 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.rfind(c);
159 checkResults("rfind");
160 }
162 /// tests SBuf::rfind(char needle, pos)
163 void
164 SBufFindTest::testRFindChar()
165 {
166 const char c = theStringNeedle[0];
167 theFindString = theStringHay.rfind(c, thePos);
168 theBareNeedlePos = theStringHay.rfind(c);
169 theFindSBuf = theSBufHay.rfind(c, thePos);
170 checkResults("rfind");
171 }
173 /// whether the last SBuf and std::string find() results are the same
174 bool
175 SBufFindTest::resultsMatch() const
176 {
177 // this method is needed because SBuf and std::string use different
178 // size_types (and npos values); comparing the result values directly
179 // would lead to bugs
181 if (theFindString == std::string::npos && theFindSBuf == SBuf::npos)
182 return true; // both npos
184 // now safe to cast a non-negative SBuf result
185 return theFindString == static_cast<std::string::size_type>(theFindSBuf);
186 }
188 /// called at the end of test case to update state, detect and report failures
189 void
190 SBufFindTest::checkResults(const char *method)
191 {
192 ++caseCount;
193 if (!resultsMatch())
194 handleFailure(method);
195 }
197 /// helper function to convert "printable" Type to std::string
198 template<typename Type>
199 inline std::string
200 AnyToString(const Type &value)
201 {
202 std::stringstream sbuf;
203 sbuf << value;
204 return sbuf.str();
205 }
207 #if 0
208 /// helper function to convert SBuf position to a human-friendly string
209 inline std::string
210 PosToString(const SBuf::size_type pos)
211 {
212 return pos == SBuf::npos ? std::string("npos") : AnyToString(pos);
213 }
214 #endif
216 /// helper function to convert std::string position to a human-friendly string
217 inline std::string
218 PosToString(const std::string::size_type pos)
219 {
220 return pos == std::string::npos ? std::string("npos") : AnyToString(pos);
221 }
223 /// tests each supported SBuf::*find() method using generated hay, needle, pos
224 void
225 SBufFindTest::testAllMethods()
226 {
227 theStringHay = std::string(theSBufHay.rawContent(), theSBufHay.length());
228 theStringNeedle = std::string(theSBufNeedle.rawContent(), theSBufNeedle.length());
229 theBareNeedlePos = std::string::npos;
230 const std::string reportPos = PosToString(thePos);
232 // always test string search
233 {
234 theReportQuote = '"';
235 theReportNeedle = theStringNeedle;
237 theReportPos = "";
238 testFindDefs();
239 testRFindDefs();
241 theReportPos = reportPos;
242 testFind();
243 testRFind();
244 testFindFirstOf();
245 }
247 // if possible, test char search
248 if (!theStringNeedle.empty()) {
249 theReportQuote = '\'';
250 theReportNeedle = theStringNeedle[0];
252 theReportPos = "";
253 testFindCharDefs();
254 testRFindCharDefs();
256 theReportPos = reportPos;
257 testFindChar();
258 testRFindChar();
259 }
260 }
262 /// helper function to format a length-based key (part of case category string)
263 inline std::string
264 lengthKey(const std::string &str)
265 {
266 if (str.length() == 0)
267 return "0";
268 if (str.length() == 1)
269 return "1";
270 return "N";
271 }
273 /// formats position key (part of the case category string)
274 std::string
275 SBufFindTest::posKey() const
276 {
277 // the search position does not matter if needle is not in hay
278 if (theBareNeedlePos == std::string::npos)
279 return std::string();
281 if (thePos == SBuf::npos)
282 return ",npos";
284 if (thePos < theBareNeedlePos)
285 return ",posL"; // to the Left of the needle
287 if (thePos == theBareNeedlePos)
288 return ",posB"; // Beginning of the needle
290 if (thePos < theBareNeedlePos + theStringNeedle.length())
291 return ",posM"; // in the Middle of the needle
293 if (thePos == theBareNeedlePos + theStringNeedle.length())
294 return ",posE"; // at the End of the needle
296 if (thePos < theStringHay.length())
297 return ",posR"; // to the Right of the needle
299 return ",posP"; // past the hay
300 }
302 /// formats placement key (part of the case category string)
303 std::string
304 SBufFindTest::placementKey() const
305 {
306 // Ignore thePlacement because theBareNeedlePos covers it better: we may
307 // try to place the needle somewhere, but hay limits the actual placement.
309 // the placent does not matter if needle is not in hay
310 if (theBareNeedlePos == std::string::npos)
311 return std::string();
313 if (theBareNeedlePos == 0)
314 return "@B"; // at the beggining of the hay string
315 if (theBareNeedlePos == theStringHay.length()-theStringNeedle.length())
316 return "@E"; // at the end of the hay string
317 return "@M"; // in the "middle" of the hay string
318 }
320 /// called when a test case fails; counts and possibly reports the failure
321 void
322 SBufFindTest::handleFailure(const char *method)
323 {
324 // line break after "........." printed for previous tests
325 if (!errorCount)
326 std::cerr << std::endl;
328 ++errorCount;
330 if (errorCount > errorLimit) {
331 std::cerr << "Will stop generating SBuf test cases because the " <<
332 "number of failed ones is over the limit: " << errorCount <<
333 " (after " << caseCount << " test cases)" << std::endl;
334 CPPUNIT_ASSERT(errorCount <= errorLimit);
335 /* NOTREACHED */
336 }
338 // format test case category; category allows us to hush failure reports
339 // for already seen categories with failed cases (to reduce output noise)
340 std::string category = "hay" + lengthKey(theStringHay) +
341 "." + method + '(';
342 if (theReportQuote == '"')
343 category += "needle" + lengthKey(theStringNeedle);
344 else
345 category += "char";
346 category += placementKey();
347 category += posKey();
348 category += ')';
350 if (hushSimilar) {
351 if (failedCats.find(category) != failedCats.end())
352 return; // do not report another similar test case failure
353 failedCats.insert(category);
354 }
356 std::string reportPos = theReportPos;
357 if (!reportPos.empty())
358 reportPos = ", " + reportPos;
360 std::cerr << "case" << caseCount << ": " <<
361 "SBuf(\"" << theStringHay << "\")." << method <<
362 "(" << theReportQuote << theReportNeedle << theReportQuote <<
363 reportPos << ") returns " << PosToString(theFindSBuf) <<
364 " instead of " << PosToString(theFindString) <<
365 std::endl <<
366 " std::string(\"" << theStringHay << "\")." << method <<
367 "(" << theReportQuote << theReportNeedle << theReportQuote <<
368 reportPos << ") returns " << PosToString(theFindString) <<
369 std::endl <<
370 " category: " << category << std::endl;
372 ++reportCount;
373 }
375 /// generates a random string of the specified length
376 SBuf
377 SBufFindTest::RandomSBuf(const int length)
378 {
379 static const char characters[] =
380 "0123456789"
382 "abcdefghijklomnpqrstuvwxyz";
383 // sizeof() counts the terminating zero at the end of characters
384 // TODO: add \0 character (needs reporting adjustments to print it as \0)
385 static const size_t charCount = sizeof(characters)-1;
387 char buf[length];
388 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
389 const unsigned int pos = random() % charCount;
390 assert(pos < sizeof(characters));
391 assert(characters[pos] > 32);
392 buf[i] = characters[random() % charCount];
393 }
395 return SBuf(buf, length);
396 }
398 /// increments len to quickly cover [0, max] range, slowing down in risky areas
399 /// jumps to max+1 if caseLimit is reached
400 void
401 SBufFindTest::nextLen(SBuf::size_type &len, const SBuf::size_type max)
402 {
403 assert(len <= max);
405 if (caseCount >= caseLimit)
406 len = max+1; // avoid future test cases
407 else if (len <= 10)
408 ++len; // move slowly at the beginning of the [0,max] range
409 else if (len >= max - 10)
410 ++len; // move slowly at the end of the [0,max] range
411 else {
412 // move fast in the middle of the [0,max] range
413 len += len/10 + 1;
415 // but do not overshoot the interesting area at the end of the range
416 if (len > max - 10)
417 len = max - 10;
418 }
419 }
421 /// Places the needle into the hay using cleanHay as a starting point.
422 void
423 SBufFindTest::placeNeedle(const SBuf &cleanHay)
424 {
425 // For simplicity, we do not overwrite clean hay characters but use them as
426 // needle suffix and/or prefix. Should not matter since hay length varies?
428 // TODO: support two needles per hay (explicitly)
429 // TODO: better handle cases where clean hay already contains needle
430 switch (thePlacement) {
431 case placeBeginning:
432 theSBufHay.assign(theSBufNeedle).append(cleanHay);
433 break;
435 case placeMiddle: {
436 const SBuf firstHalf = cleanHay.substr(0, cleanHay.length()/2);
437 const SBuf secondHalf = cleanHay.substr(cleanHay.length()/2);
438 theSBufHay.assign(firstHalf).append(theSBufNeedle).append(secondHalf);
439 break;
440 }
442 case placeEnd:
443 theSBufHay.assign(cleanHay).append(theSBufNeedle);
444 break;
446 case placeNowhere:
447 theSBufHay.assign(cleanHay);
448 break;
450 case placeEof:
451 assert(false); // should not happen
452 break;
453 }
454 }