]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/tests/stub_libhttp.cc
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / tests / stub_libhttp.cc
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 #include "squid.h"
10 #include "client_side.h"
11 #include "comm/Connection.h"
12 #include "SquidConfig.h"
14 #define STUB_API "http/libhttp.la"
15 #include "STUB.h"
17 #include "http/ContentLengthInterpreter.h"
18 namespace Http
19 {
20 // XXX: use C++11 initialization for this class
21 Http::ContentLengthInterpreter::ContentLengthInterpreter():
22 value(-1),
23 headerWideProblem(nullptr),
24 debugLevel(Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser <= 0 ? DBG_IMPORTANT : 2),
25 sawBad(false),
26 needsSanitizing(false),
27 sawGood(false),
28 prohibitedAndIgnored_(nullptr)
29 {
30 }
31 bool ContentLengthInterpreter::checkField(const String &) STUB_RETVAL(false)
32 bool ContentLengthInterpreter::goodSuffix(const char *, const char * const) const STUB_RETVAL(false)
33 bool ContentLengthInterpreter::checkValue(const char *, const int) STUB_RETVAL(false)
34 bool ContentLengthInterpreter::checkList(const String &) STUB_RETVAL(false)
35 }
37 #include "http/Message.h"
38 namespace Http
39 {
40 Message::Message(http_hdr_owner_type) {STUB}
41 Message::~Message() {STUB}
42 void Message::packInto(Packable *, bool) const STUB
43 void Message::setContentLength(int64_t) STUB
44 bool Message::persistent() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
45 void Message::putCc(const HttpHdrCc *) STUB
46 bool Message::parse(const char *, const size_t, bool, Http::StatusCode *) STUB_RETVAL(false)
47 bool Message::parseCharBuf(const char *, ssize_t) STUB_RETVAL(false)
48 int Message::httpMsgParseStep(const char *, int, int) STUB_RETVAL(-1)
49 int Message::httpMsgParseError() STUB_RETVAL(0)
50 void Message::firstLineBuf(MemBuf&) STUB
51 void Message::hdrCacheInit() STUB
52 bool Message::parseHeader(Http1::Parser &, Http::ContentLengthInterpreter &) STUB_RETVAL(false)
53 }
55 #include "http/MethodType.h"
56 namespace Http
57 {
58 const SBuf MethodType_sb[1] = {SBuf()};
59 }
61 #include "http/RegisteredHeaders.h"
62 namespace Http
63 {
64 HeaderTableRecord::HeaderTableRecord() {STUB_NOP}
65 HeaderTableRecord::HeaderTableRecord(const char *) {STUB_NOP}
66 HeaderTableRecord::HeaderTableRecord(const char *, Http::HdrType, Http::HdrFieldType, int) {STUB}
67 HeaderLookupTable_t::HeaderLookupTable_t() {STUB_NOP}
68 const HeaderTableRecord& HeaderLookupTable_t::lookup(const char *, const std::size_t) const STUB_RETVAL(BadHdr)
69 const HeaderLookupTable_t HeaderLookupTable;
70 }
71 std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream&os, Http::HdrType) STUB_RETVAL(os)
73 #include "http/RequestMethod.h"
74 HttpRequestMethod::HttpRequestMethod(const SBuf &) {STUB}
75 void HttpRequestMethod::HttpRequestMethodXXX(char const *) STUB
76 const SBuf &HttpRequestMethod::image() const STUB_RETVAL(theImage)
77 bool HttpRequestMethod::isHttpSafe() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
78 bool HttpRequestMethod::isIdempotent() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
79 bool HttpRequestMethod::respMaybeCacheable() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
80 bool HttpRequestMethod::shouldInvalidate() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
81 bool HttpRequestMethod::purgesOthers() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
83 #include "http/StatusCode.h"
84 namespace Http
85 {
86 const char *StatusCodeString(const Http::StatusCode) STUB_RETVAL(nullptr)
87 }
89 #include "http/StatusLine.h"
90 namespace Http
91 {
92 void StatusLine::init() STUB
93 void StatusLine::clean() STUB
94 void StatusLine::set(const AnyP::ProtocolVersion &, Http::StatusCode, const char *) STUB
95 const char *StatusLine::reason() const STUB_RETVAL(nullptr)
96 void StatusLine::packInto(Packable *) const STUB
97 bool StatusLine::parse(const String &, const char *, const char *) STUB_RETVAL(false)
98 }
100 #include "http/Stream.h"
101 namespace Http
102 {
103 Stream::Stream(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, ClientHttpRequest *) {STUB}
104 Stream::~Stream() {STUB}
105 void Stream::registerWithConn() STUB
106 bool Stream::startOfOutput() const STUB
107 void Stream::writeComplete(size_t) STUB
108 void Stream::pullData() STUB
109 bool Stream::multipartRangeRequest() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
110 int64_t Stream::getNextRangeOffset() const STUB_RETVAL(-1)
111 bool Stream::canPackMoreRanges() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
112 size_t Stream::lengthToSend(Range<int64_t> const &) const STUB_RETVAL(0)
113 clientStream_status_t Stream::socketState() STUB_RETVAL(STREAM_NONE)
114 void Stream::sendStartOfMessage(HttpReply *, StoreIOBuffer) STUB
115 void Stream::sendBody(StoreIOBuffer) STUB
116 void Stream::noteSentBodyBytes(size_t) STUB
117 void Stream::buildRangeHeader(HttpReply *) STUB
118 clientStreamNode *Stream::getTail() const STUB_RETVAL(nullptr)
119 clientStreamNode *Stream::getClientReplyContext() const STUB_RETVAL(nullptr)
120 ConnStateData *Stream::getConn() const STUB_RETVAL(nullptr)
121 void Stream::noteIoError(const int) STUB
122 void Stream::finished() STUB
123 void Stream::initiateClose(const char *) STUB
124 void Stream::deferRecipientForLater(clientStreamNode *, HttpReply *, StoreIOBuffer) STUB
125 }