]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/tests/stub_store.cc
merge from trunk-r14768
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / tests / stub_store.cc
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 #include "squid.h"
10 #include "RequestFlags.h"
12 #define STUB_API "store.cc"
13 #include "tests/STUB.h"
15 const char *storeStatusStr[] = { };
16 const char *pingStatusStr[] = { };
17 const char *memStatusStr[] = { };
18 const char *swapStatusStr[] = { };
20 #include "RemovalPolicy.h"
21 RemovalPolicy * createRemovalPolicy(RemovalPolicySettings * settings) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
23 #include "Store.h"
24 StoreIoStats store_io_stats;
25 bool StoreEntry::checkDeferRead(int fd) const STUB_RETVAL(false)
26 const char *StoreEntry::getMD5Text() const STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
27 StoreEntry::StoreEntry() STUB
28 StoreEntry::~StoreEntry() STUB
29 HttpReply const *StoreEntry::getReply() const STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
30 void StoreEntry::write(StoreIOBuffer) STUB
31 bool StoreEntry::isAccepting() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
32 size_t StoreEntry::bytesWanted(Range<size_t> const, bool) const STUB_RETVAL(0)
33 void StoreEntry::complete() STUB
34 store_client_t StoreEntry::storeClientType() const STUB_RETVAL(STORE_NON_CLIENT)
35 char const *StoreEntry::getSerialisedMetaData() STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
36 void StoreEntry::replaceHttpReply(HttpReply *, bool andStartWriting) STUB
37 bool StoreEntry::mayStartSwapOut() STUB_RETVAL(false)
38 void StoreEntry::trimMemory(const bool preserveSwappable) STUB
39 void StoreEntry::abort() STUB
40 void StoreEntry::makePublic(const KeyScope scope) STUB
41 void StoreEntry::makePrivate() STUB
42 void StoreEntry::setPublicKey(const KeyScope scope) STUB
43 void StoreEntry::setPrivateKey() STUB
44 void StoreEntry::expireNow() STUB
45 void StoreEntry::releaseRequest() STUB
46 void StoreEntry::negativeCache() STUB
47 void StoreEntry::cacheNegatively() STUB
48 void StoreEntry::purgeMem() STUB
49 void StoreEntry::swapOut() STUB
50 void StoreEntry::swapOutFileClose(int how) STUB
51 const char *StoreEntry::url() const STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
52 bool StoreEntry::checkCachable() STUB_RETVAL(false)
53 int StoreEntry::checkNegativeHit() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
54 int StoreEntry::locked() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
55 int StoreEntry::validToSend() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
56 bool StoreEntry::memoryCachable() STUB_RETVAL(false)
57 MemObject *StoreEntry::makeMemObject() STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
58 void StoreEntry::createMemObject(const char *, const char *, const HttpRequestMethod &aMethod) STUB
59 void StoreEntry::dump(int debug_lvl) const STUB
60 void StoreEntry::hashDelete() STUB
61 void StoreEntry::hashInsert(const cache_key *) STUB
62 void StoreEntry::registerAbort(STABH * cb, void *) STUB
63 void StoreEntry::reset() STUB
64 void StoreEntry::setMemStatus(mem_status_t) STUB
65 bool StoreEntry::timestampsSet() STUB_RETVAL(false)
66 void StoreEntry::unregisterAbort() STUB
67 void StoreEntry::destroyMemObject() STUB
68 int StoreEntry::checkTooSmall() STUB_RETVAL(0)
69 void StoreEntry::delayAwareRead(const Comm::ConnectionPointer&, char *buf, int len, AsyncCall::Pointer callback) STUB
70 void StoreEntry::setNoDelay (bool const) STUB
71 bool StoreEntry::modifiedSince(HttpRequest * request) const STUB_RETVAL(false)
72 bool StoreEntry::hasIfMatchEtag(const HttpRequest &request) const STUB_RETVAL(false)
73 bool StoreEntry::hasIfNoneMatchEtag(const HttpRequest &request) const STUB_RETVAL(false)
74 Store::Disk &StoreEntry::disk() const STUB_RETREF(Store::Disk)
75 size_t StoreEntry::inUseCount() STUB_RETVAL(0)
76 void StoreEntry::getPublicByRequestMethod(StoreClient * aClient, HttpRequest * request, const HttpRequestMethod& method) STUB
77 void StoreEntry::getPublicByRequest(StoreClient * aClient, HttpRequest * request) STUB
78 void StoreEntry::getPublic(StoreClient * aClient, const char *uri, const HttpRequestMethod& method) STUB
79 void *StoreEntry::operator new(size_t byteCount)
80 {
82 return new StoreEntry();
83 }
84 void StoreEntry::operator delete(void *address) STUB
85 void StoreEntry::setReleaseFlag() STUB
86 //#if USE_SQUID_ESI
87 //ESIElement::Pointer StoreEntry::cachedESITree STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
88 //#endif
89 void StoreEntry::buffer() STUB
90 void StoreEntry::flush() STUB
91 int StoreEntry::unlock(const char *) STUB_RETVAL(0)
92 int64_t StoreEntry::objectLen() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
93 int64_t StoreEntry::contentLen() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
94 void StoreEntry::lock(const char *) STUB
95 void StoreEntry::touch() STUB
96 void StoreEntry::release() STUB
97 void StoreEntry::append(char const *, int) STUB
98 void StoreEntry::vappendf(const char *, va_list) STUB
100 NullStoreEntry *NullStoreEntry::getInstance() STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
101 const char *NullStoreEntry::getMD5Text() const STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
102 void NullStoreEntry::operator delete(void *address) STUB
103 // private virtual. Why is this linked from outside?
104 const char *NullStoreEntry::getSerialisedMetaData() STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
106 Store::Controller &Store::Root() STUB_RETREF(Store::Controller)
107 void Store::Init(Store::Controller *root) STUB
108 void Store::FreeMemory() STUB
109 void Store::Stats(StoreEntry * output) STUB
110 void Store::Maintain(void *unused) STUB
111 int Store::Controller::store_dirs_rebuilding = 0;
112 StoreSearch *Store::Controller::search() STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
113 void Store::Controller::maintain() STUB
115 std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const StoreEntry &)
116 {
117 STUB
118 return os;
119 }
121 size_t storeEntryInUse() STUB_RETVAL(0)
122 void storeEntryReplaceObject(StoreEntry *, HttpReply *) STUB
123 StoreEntry *storeGetPublic(const char *uri, const HttpRequestMethod& method) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
124 StoreEntry *storeGetPublicByRequest(HttpRequest * request, const KeyScope scope) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
125 StoreEntry *storeGetPublicByRequestMethod(HttpRequest * request, const HttpRequestMethod& method, const KeyScope scope) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
126 StoreEntry *storeCreateEntry(const char *, const char *, const RequestFlags &, const HttpRequestMethod&) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
127 StoreEntry *storeCreatePureEntry(const char *storeId, const char *logUrl, const RequestFlags &, const HttpRequestMethod&) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
128 void storeConfigure(void) STUB
129 int expiresMoreThan(time_t, time_t) STUB_RETVAL(0)
130 void storeAppendPrintf(StoreEntry *, const char *,...) STUB
131 void storeAppendVPrintf(StoreEntry *, const char *, va_list ap) STUB
132 int storeTooManyDiskFilesOpen(void) STUB_RETVAL(0)
133 void storeHeapPositionUpdate(StoreEntry *, SwapDir *) STUB
134 void storeSwapFileNumberSet(StoreEntry * e, sfileno filn) STUB
135 void storeFsInit(void) STUB
136 void storeFsDone(void) STUB
137 void storeReplAdd(const char *, REMOVALPOLICYCREATE *) STUB
138 void destroyStoreEntry(void *) STUB
139 void storeGetMemSpace(int size) STUB