Q: Why does dnsmasq open UDP ports >1024 as well as port 53. Is this a security problem/trojan/backdoor? A: The high ports that dnsmasq opens is for replies from the upstream nameserver(s). Queries from dnsmasq to upstream nameservers are sent from these ports and replies received to them. The reason for doing this is that most firewall setups block incoming packets _to_ port 53, in order to stop DNS queries from the outside world. If dnsmasq sent its queries from port 53 the replies would be _to_ port 53 and get blocked. This is not a security hole since dnsmasq will only accept replies to that port: queries are dropped. The replies must be to oustanding queries which dnsmasq has forwarded, otherwise they are dropped too. Addendum: dnsmasq now has the option "query-port" (-Q), which allows you to specify the UDP port to be used for this purpose. If not specified, the operating system will select an available port number just as it did before. Q: Why doesn't dnsmasq support DNS queries over TCP? Don't the RFC's specify that? A: Yes, they do, so technically dnsmasq is not RFC-compliant. In practice, the sorts of queries which dnsmasq is used for are always sent via UDP. Adding TCP support would make dnsmasq much more heavyweight for no practical benefit. If you really want to do zone transfers, forward port 53 TCP using in-kernel port-forwarding or a port-fowarder like rinetd. Q: When I send SIGUSR1 to dump the contents of the cache, some entries have no IP address and are for names like mymachine.mydomain.com.mydomain.com. What are these? A: They are negative entries: that's what the N flag means. Dnsmasq asked an upstream nameserver to resolve that address and it replied "doesn't exist, and won't exist for hours" so dnsmasq saved that information so that if _it_ gets asked the same question it can answer directly without having to go back to the upstream server again. The strange repeated domains result from the way resolvers search short names. See "man resolv.conf" for details. Q: Will dnsmasq compile/run on non-Linux systems? A: Yes, there is explicit support for *BSD and Solaris. For other systems, try altering the settings in config.h. A: Update for V2. Doing DHCP is rather non-portable, so there may be a few teething troubles. The initial 2.0 release is known to work on Linux 2.2.x, Linux 2.4.x and Linux 2.6.x with uclibc and glibc 2.3. It also works on FreeBSD 4.8. The crucial problem is sending raw packets, bypassing the IP stack. Dnsmasq contains code to do using PF_PACKET sockets (which is for Linux) and the Berkeley packet filter (which works with BSD). If you are trying to port to another Un*x, bpf is the most likeley candidate. See config.h Q: My companies' nameserver knows about some names which aren't in the public DNS. Even though I put it first in /etc/resolv.conf, it dosen't work: dnsmasq seems not to use the nameservers in the order given. What am I doing wrong? A: By default, dnsmasq treats all the nameservers it knows about as equal: it picks the one to use using an algorithm designed to avoid nameservers which aren't responding. To make dnsmasq use the servers in order, give it the -o flag. If you want some queries sent to a special server, think about using the -S flag to give the IP address of that server, and telling dnsmasq exactly which domains to use the server for. Q: OK, I've got queries to a private nameserver working, now how about reverse queries for a range of IP addresses? A: Use the standard DNS convention of .in-addr.arpa. For instance to send reverse queries on the range to to a nameserver at do server=/0.168.192.in-addr.arpa/ Q: Dnsmasq fails to start with an error like this: "dnsmasq: bind failed: Cannot assign requested address". What's the problem? A: This has been seen when a system is bringing up a PPP interface at boot time: by the time dnsmasq start the interface has been created, but not brought up and assigned an address. The easiest solution is to use --interface flags to specify which interfaces dnsmasq should listen on. Since you are unlikely to want dnsmasq to listen on a PPP interface and offer DNS service to the world, the problem is solved. Q: I'm running on BSD and dnsmasq won't accept long options on the command line. A: Dnsmasq when built on BSD systems doesn't use GNU getopt by default. You can either just use the single-letter options or change config.h and the Makefile to use getopt-long. Note that options in /etc/dnsmasq.conf must always be the long form, on all platforms. Q: Names on the internet are working fine, but looking up local names from /etc/hosts or DHCP doesn't seem to work. A: Resolver code sometime does strange things when given names without any dots in. Win2k and WinXP may not use the DNS at all and just try and look up the name using WINS. On unix look at "options ndots:" in "man resolv.conf" for details on this topic. Testing lookups using "nslookup" or "dig" will work, but then attempting to run "ping" will get a lookup failure, appending a dot to the end of the hostname will fix things. (ie "ping myhost" fails, but "ping myhost." works. The solution is to make sure that all your hosts have a domain set ("domain" in resolv.conf, the network applet in windows, or set a domain in your DHCP server). Any domain will do, but "localnet" is traditional. Now when you resolve "myhost" the resolver will attempt to look up "myhost.localnet" so you need to have dnsmasq reply to that name. The way to do that is to include the domain in each name on /etc/hosts and/or to use the --expand-hosts and --domain-suffix options. Q: Can I get dnsmasq to save the contents of its cache to disk when I shut my machine down and re-load when it starts again. A: No, that facility is not provided. Very few names in the DNS have their time-to-live set for longer than a few hours so most of the cache entries would have expired after a shutdown. For longer-lived names it's much cheaper to just reload them from the upstream server. Note that dnsmasq is not shut down between PPP sessions so go off-line and then on-line again will not lose the contents of the cache. Q: Who are Verisign, what do they have to do with the bogus-nxdomain option in dnsmasq and why should I wory about it? A: [note: this was written in September 2003, things may well change.] Versign run the .com and .net top-level-domains. They have just changed the configuration of their servers so that unknown .com and .net domains, instead of returning an error code NXDOMAIN, (no such domain) return the address of a host at Versign which runs a web server showing a search page. Most right-thinking people regard this new behaviour as broken :-). You can test to see if you are suffering Versign brokeness by run a command like host jlsdajkdalld.com If you get "jlsdajkdalld.com" does not exist, then all is fine, if host returns an IP address, then the DNS is broken. (Try a few different unlikely domains, just in case you picked a wierd one which really _is_ registered.) Assuming that your DNS is broken, and you want to fix it, simply note the IP address being returned and pass it to dnsmasq using the --bogus-nxdomain flag. Dnsmasq will check for results returning that address and substitute an NXDOMAIN instead. As of writing, the IP address in question for the .com and .net domains is is Various other, less prominent, registries pull the same stunt; there is a list of them all, and the addresses to block, at http://winware.org/bogus-domains.txt Q: This new DHCP server is well and good, but it doesn't work for me. What's the problem? A: There are a couple of configuration gotchas which have been encountered by people moving from the ISC dhcpd to the dnsmasq integrated DHCP daemon. Both are related to differences in in the way the two daemons bypass the IP stack to do "ground up" IP configuration and can lead to the dnsmasq daemon failing whilst the ISC one works. The first thing to check is the broadcast address set for the ethernet interface. This is normally the adddress on the connected network with all ones in the host part. For instance if the address of the ethernet interface is and the netmask is then the broadcast address should be Having a broadcast address which is not on the network to which the interface is connected kills things stone dead. The second potential problem relates to firewall rules: since the ISC daemon in some configurations bypasses the kernel firewall rules entirely, the ability to run the ISC daemon does not indicate that the current configuration is OK for the dnsmasq daemon. For the dnsmasq daemon to operate it's vital that UDP packets to and from ports 67 and 68 and broadcast packets with source address and destination address are not dropped by iptables/ipchains. Q: I'm running Debian, and my machines get an address fine with DHCP, but their names are not appearing in the DNS. A: By default, none of the DHCP clients send the host-name when asking for a lease. For most of the clients, you can set the host-name to send with the "hostname" keyword in /etc/network/interfaces. (See "man interfaces" for details.) That doesn't work for dhclient, were you have to add something like "send host-name daisy" to /etc/dhclient.conf Q: I'm network booting my machines, and trying to give them static DHCP-assigned addresses. The machine gets its correct address whilst booting, but then the OS starts and it seems to get allocated a different address. A: What is happening is this: The boot process sends a DHCP request and gets allocated the static address corresponding to its MAC address. The boot loader does not send a client-id. Then the OS starts and repeats the DHCP process, but it it does send a client-id. Dnsmasq cannot assume that the two requests are from the same machine (since the client ID's don't match) and even though the MAC address has a static allocation, that address is still in use by the first incarnation of the machine (the one from the boot, without a client ID.) dnsmasq therefore has to give the machine a dynamic address from its pool. There are three ways to solve this: (1) persuade your DHCP client not to send a client ID, or (2) set up the static assignment to the client ID, not the MAC address. The default client-id will be 01:, so change the dhcp-host line from "dhcp-host=11:22:33:44:55:66," to "dhcp-host=id:01:11:22:33:44:55:66," or (3) tell dnsmasq to ignore client IDs for a particular MAC address, like this: dhcp-host=11:22:33:44:55:66,id:* Q: What network types are supported by the DHCP server? A: Ethernet (and 802.11 wireless) are supported on all platforms. On Linux Token Ring is also supported. Q: What is this strange "bind-interface" option? A: The DNS spec says that the reply to a DNS query must come from the same address it was sent to. The traditional way to write an UDP server to do this is to find all of the addresses belonging to the machine (ie all the interfaces on the machine) and then create a socket for each interface which is bound to the address of the interface. Then when a packet is sent to address A, it is received on the socket bound to address A and when the reply is also sent via that socket, the source address is set to A by the kernel and everything works. This is the how dnsmasq works when "bind-interfaces" is set, with the obvious extension that is misses out creating sockets for some interfaces depending on the --interface, --address and --except-interface flags. The disadvantage of this approach is that it breaks if interfaces don't exist or are not configured when the daemon starts and does the socket creation step. In a hotplug-aware world this is a real problem. The alternative approach is to have only one socket, which is bound to the correct port and the wildcard IP address ( That socket will receive _all_ packets sent to port 53, no matter what destination address they have. This solves the problem of interfaces which are created or reconfigured after daemon start-up. To make this work is more complicated because of the "reply source address" problem. When a UDP packet is sent by a socket bound to its source address will be set to the address of one of the machine's interfaces, but which one is not determined and can vary depending on the OS being run. To get round this it is neccessary to use a scary advanced API to determine the address to which a query was sent, and force that to be the source address in the reply. For IPv4 this stuff in non-portable and quite often not even available (It's different between FreeBSD 5.x and Linux, for instance, and FreeBSD 4.x, Linux 2.0.x and OpenBSD don't have it at all.) Hence "bind-interfaces" has to always be available as a fall back. For IPv6 the API is standard and universally available. It could be argued that if the --interface or --address flags are used then binding interfaces is more appropriate, but using wildcard binding means that dnsmasq will quite happily start up after being told to use interfaces which don't exist, but which are created later. Wildcard binding breaks the scenario when dnsmasq is listening on one interface and another server (most probably BIND) is listening on another. It's not possible for BIND to bind to an (address,port) pair when dnsmasq has bound (wildcard,port), hence the ability to explicitly turn off wildcard binding.