Features: ========= * config: configs that do not need to be matched by fnmatch() could be using a vector instead of a list. This way we could search in it by calling bsearch(). * index: drop the "open(), seek(), read()" implementation and use another one with mmap(). When lookup() is called and the file is not mmaped, mmap it. * create test-mock library to be LD_PRELOAD'ed before running the binaries so we're able to create unit tests * provide ELF manipulation to implement modinfo * Add functions to dump configuration * Add functions list all modules known by modules.dep * provide 1:1 compatibility with module-init-tools's modprobe - show modversions (needs elf manipulation) - dump configuration * provide modules.archive, a cache file with all modules compressed and a fast access. It's like a tar.gz, but with each entry compressed as opposed to the whole tar compressed, easy to pick individual entries, that is, more like .gz.tar. As zlib compression does not store the uncompressed file size, this could provide it. The file format should be something like: MAGIC-ID DIRECTORY-ENTRY-SIZE DIRECTORY (hash-like format, points to file offset and size) ENTRIES (each is a compressed module) Helper binary to: kmod-archive list kmod-archive add path.ko kmod-archive rm path.ko kmod-archive get path.ko kmod-archive exists path.ko Known Bugs: =========== Notes for future development: ============================= * Kill support for /etc/modprobe.conf * Kill support for map files Things to be added removed in kernel (check what is really needed): =================================================================== * list of currently loaded modules * module's size should be available under /sys * kill /proc/modules ?