# # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, AS IT IS OVERWRITTEN WHEN YOU INSTALL NEW # VERSIONS OF CUPS. Instead, create a "local.convs" file that # reflects your local configuration changes. # # Base MIME conversions file for CUPS. # # Copyright © 2007-2016 by Apple Inc. # Copyright © 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products. # # Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more # information. # ######################################################################## # # Format of Lines: # # source/type destination/type cost filter # # General Notes: # # The "cost" field is used to find the least costly filters to run # when converting a job file to a printable format. # # All filters *must* accept the standard command-line arguments # (job-id, user, title, copies, options, [filename or stdin]) to # work with CUPS. # ######################################################################## # # PostScript filters # application/postscript application/vnd.cups-postscript 66 pstops ######################################################################## # # Raster filters... # # PWG Raster filter for IPP Everywhere... application/vnd.cups-raster image/pwg-raster 100 rastertopwg application/vnd.cups-raster image/urf 100 rastertopwg ######################################################################## # # Raw filter... # # Uncomment the following filter to allow printing of arbitrary files # without the -oraw option. # @DEFAULT_RAW_PRINTING@application/octet-stream application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -