Template: dma/mailname Type: string _Description: System mail name: The 'mail name' is the domain name used to 'qualify' mail addresses without a domain name. . This name will also be used by other programs. It should be the single, fully qualified domain name (FQDN). . Thus, if a mail address on the local host is foo@example.org, the correct value for this option would be example.org. Template: dma/relayhost Type: string _Description: Smarthost: Please enter the IP address or the host name of a mail server that this system should use as outgoing smarthost. If no smarthost is specified, dma will try to deliver all messages by itself. Template: dma/dbounceprog Type: string _Description: A program to handle double-bounces: Please enter the name of a program that dma will invoke when a bounced message bounces in its own right. Leave this blank to keep dma's default behavior of simply aborting the delivery, or specify the name or full path to a program that will process the double-bounce message.