//po4a: entry man manual = mkfs.cramfs(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: System Administration :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: mkfs.cramfs == NAME mkfs.cramfs - make compressed ROM file system == SYNOPSIS *mkfs.cramfs* [options] _directory file_ == DESCRIPTION Files on cramfs file systems are zlib-compressed one page at a time to allow random read access. The metadata is not compressed, but is expressed in a terse representation that is more space-efficient than conventional file systems. The file system is intentionally read-only to simplify its design; random write access for compressed files is difficult to implement. cramfs ships with a utility (*mkcramfs*(8)) to pack files into new cramfs images. File sizes are limited to less than 16 MB. Maximum file system size is a little under 272 MB. (The last file on the file system must begin before the 256 MB block, but can extend past it.) == ARGUMENTS The _directory_ is simply the root of the directory tree that we want to generate a compressed filesystem out of. The _file_ will contain the cram file system, which later can be mounted. == OPTIONS *-v*:: Enable verbose messaging. *-E*:: Treat all warnings as errors, which are reflected as command exit status. *-b* _blocksize_:: Use defined block size, which has to be divisible by page size. *-e* _edition_:: Use defined file system edition number in superblock. *-N* _big, little, host_:: Use defined endianness. Value defaults to _host_. *-i* _file_:: Insert a _file_ to cramfs file system. *-n* _name_:: Set name of the cramfs file system. *-p*:: Pad by 512 bytes for boot code. *-s*:: This option is ignored. Originally the *-s* turned on directory entry sorting. *-z*:: Make explicit holes. *-l*[=_mode_]:: Use exclusive BSD lock for device or file it operates. The optional argument _mode_ can be _yes_, _no_ (or 1 and 0) or _nonblock_. If the \fImode\fR argument is omitted, it defaults to _"yes"_. This option overwrites environment variable *$LOCK_BLOCK_DEVICE*. The default is not to use any lock at all, but it's recommended to avoid collisions with udevd or other tools. include::man-common/help-version.adoc[] == EXIT STATUS *0*:: success *8*:: operation error, such as unable to allocate memory == SEE ALSO *fsck.cramfs*(8), *mount*(8) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]