This document describes the new features in CUPS 1.2. If you have never used CUPS before, read the "Overview of CUPS" document instead. CUPS 1.2 adds many new features to CUPS 1.1.x:


<-- 1. Networking a. IPv6 i. Next-generation Internet support ii. ???? b. Domain sockets i. Enhanced performance under load for local clients. ii. Authentication without passwords on platforms that support it. -->

CUPS 1.2 adds support for IPv6 and domain sockets. The IPv6 support allows CUPS to work with the next-generation Internet as well as taking advantage of automatic local network configuration. Domain sockets provide 5 to 10 times faster printing from the desktop.

Printer Browsing

<-- 2. Printer Browsing a. CUPS browsing updates i. "Delete" bit for printers ii. "lease-time" for printers so that clients and servers don't need the same browse timeout/interval settings iii. Additional attributes/default options for network-wide defaults iv. Network default printer v. Ability to control send and receive protocols independently b. Rendevous support c. LDAP support d. Per-printer sharing -->

CUPS 1.2 adds support for Bonjour/mDNS and LDAP-based printer sharing. Printers can be shared or "published" individually, allowing a server to only share specific printers, and you can set which protocols to use for local and remote printers. Previously CUPS would share all or none of its printers and use the same protocols for local and remote printers.

CUPS Browse Protocol

The CUPS browse protocol has also been upgraded. New type bits, authenticated, default, and deleted, provide key information to clients. The "authenticated" type bit tells clients that the print queue requires authentication when printing. The "default" type bit tells clients that the print queue should be used as the default unless the user sets a different one. The "deleted" type bit is set when a printer is deleted from the server - this allows the client to remove its copy of a printer immediately rather than waiting for it to timeout.

Previously, a change to the BrowseTimeout setting on the server had to be mirrored to each client. Browse packets now include printer lease time information which allows the server to use a different timeout setting than its clients, making configuration simpler and more reliable.

Browse packets can also now contain connection options to be used when printing to the server. This allows the administrator to require encryption or compress print jobs for certain printers. This is most often used when printing over limited-bandwidth WAN connections.

Web Interface

The web interface features an all-new administration interface which provides ...

IPP Support


Localization and Internationalization

Printer Drivers


CUPS Imaging API