/*! \file exclude.c \brief Handle exclusion of sites and users from the report. */ /*!\fn static void store_exclude_ip4(unsigned short int *addr,int mask) Store an IPv4 address to exclude from the report. A mask may be provided to exclude a subnet. \param addr The numbers of the IP address. \param mask The number of bits to mask when matching the IP address. */ /*! \fn static void store_exclude_url(char *url,int length) Store an URL to exclude from the report. If the URL contains a wildcard (*), only the part of the URL after the first dot encountered after the wildcard is stored. It serves to exclude a subdomain. \param url The URL to exclude. \param length The length of the URL in bytes. */ /*!\fn static void gethexclude(const char *hexfile, int debug) Get the list of the hosts to exclude from the report. You must call free_exclude() to free the memory allocated by this function. \param hexfile The name of the file to read. There is one host per line. Any line containing a # anywhere in the line is a comment. \param debug Set to \c true to print debug informations. */ /*! \fn static void getuexclude(const char *uexfile, int debug) Get the list of the users to exclude from the report. You must call free_exclude() to free the memory allocated by this function. \param uexfile The name of the file to read. There is one user per line. Any line containing a # anywhere in the line is a comment. \param debug Set to \c true to print debug informations. */ /*! \fn int vhexclude(const char *url) Tell if the site accessed by the user is excluded from the report. \param url The URL to check. \retval 1 The site is not excluded. \retval 0 The site is excluded. */ /*! \fn int vuexclude(const char *user) Tell if the user is excluded from the report. \param user The user to check. \retval 1 The user is not excluded. \retval 0 The user is excluded. */ /*! \fn bool is_indexonly(void) Tell if the exclusion list of the users mention the word "indexonly" meaning that the user only want to produce the index.html. \return \c True if only the index is requested or \c false if normal processing is requested. */ /*! \fn void free_exclude(void) Free the memory allocated by gethexclude() and getuexclude(). */