$Lang::tr{'legend'}: |
$Lang::tr{'click to disable'} |
$Lang::tr{'click to enable'} |
$Lang::tr{'edit'} |
$Lang::tr{'remove'} |
## Ouf it's the end !
# Sort the "current" array according to choices
sub SortDataFile
our %entries = ();
# Sort pair of record received in $a $b special vars.
# When IP is specified use numeric sort else alpha.
# If sortname ends with 'Rev', do reverse sort.
sub fixedleasesort {
my $qs=''; # The sort field specified minus 'Rev'
if (rindex ($netsettings{'SORT_ALIASES'},'Rev') != -1) {
$qs=substr ($netsettings{'SORT_ALIASES'},0,length($netsettings{'SORT_ALIASES'})-3);
if ($qs eq 'IP') {
my @a = split(/\./,$entries{$a}->{$qs});
my @b = split(/\./,$entries{$b}->{$qs});
($b[0]<=>$a[0]) ||
($b[1]<=>$a[1]) ||
($b[2]<=>$a[2]) ||
} else {
$entries{$b}->{$qs} cmp $entries{$a}->{$qs};
} else { #not reverse
if ($qs eq 'IP') {
my @a = split(/\./,$entries{$a}->{$qs});
my @b = split(/\./,$entries{$b}->{$qs});
($a[0]<=>$b[0]) ||
($a[1]<=>$b[1]) ||
($a[2]<=>$b[2]) ||
} else {
$entries{$a}->{$qs} cmp $entries{$b}->{$qs};
#Use an associative array (%entries)
my $key = 0;
foreach my $line (@current) {
chomp( $line); #remove newline because can be on field 5 or 6 (addition of REMARK)
my @temp = split (',',$line);
# Build a pair 'Field Name',value for each of the data dataline.
# Each SORTABLE field must have is pair.
# Other data fields (non sortable) can be grouped in one
# Exemple
# F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 only F1 F2 for sorting
# my @record = ('KEY',$key++,
# 'F1',$temp[0],
# 'F2',$temp[1],
# 'DATA',join(',',@temp[2..4]) ); #group remainning values, with separator (,)
# The KEY,key record permits doublons. If removed, then F1 becomes the key without doublon permitted.
my @record = ('KEY',$key++,'IP',$temp[0],'ENABLED',$temp[1],'NAME',$temp[2]);
my $record = {}; # create a reference to empty hash
%{$record} = @record; # populate that hash with @record
$entries{$record->{KEY}} = $record; # add this to a hash of hashes
open(FILE, ">$datafile") or die 'Unable to open aliases file.';
# Each field value is printed , with the newline ! Don't forget separator and order of them.
foreach my $entry (sort fixedleasesort keys %entries) {
print FILE "$entries{$entry}->{IP},$entries{$entry}->{ENABLED},$entries{$entry}->{NAME}\n";
# Reload sorted @current
open (FILE, "$datafile");
@current =