#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # # Copyright (C) 2007-2012 IPFire Team # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################### use strict; use Net::IPv4Addr qw( :all ); use Switch; # enable only the following on debugging purpose #use warnings; #use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/header.pl"; &Header::showhttpheaders(); my @network=(); my @masklen=(); my @colour=(); my %netsettings=(); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings", \%netsettings); #workaround to suppress a warning when a variable is used only once my @dummy = ( ${Header::table1colour} ); undef (@dummy); # Read the connection tracking table. open(CONNTRACK, "/usr/local/bin/getconntracktable | sort -k 5,5 --numeric-sort --reverse |") or die "Unable to read conntrack table"; my @conntrack = ; close(CONNTRACK); # Collect data for the @network array. # Add Firewall Localhost push(@network, ''); push(@masklen, ''); push(@colour, ${Header::colourfw}); if (open(IP, "${General::swroot}/red/local-ipaddress")) { my $redip = ; close(IP); chomp $redip; push(@network, $redip); push(@masklen, ''); push(@colour, ${Header::colourfw}); } # Add STATIC RED aliases if ($netsettings{'RED_DEV'}) { my $aliasfile = "${General::swroot}/ethernet/aliases"; open(ALIASES, $aliasfile) or die 'Unable to open aliases file.'; my @aliases = ; close(ALIASES); # We have a RED eth iface if ($netsettings{'RED_TYPE'} eq 'STATIC') { # We have a STATIC RED eth iface foreach my $line (@aliases) { chomp($line); my @temp = split(/\,/,$line); if ($temp[0]) { push(@network, $temp[0]); push(@masklen, $netsettings{'RED_NETMASK'} ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourfw} ); } } } } # Add Green Firewall Interface push(@network, $netsettings{'GREEN_ADDRESS'}); push(@masklen, "" ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourfw} ); # Add Green Network to Array push(@network, $netsettings{'GREEN_NETADDRESS'}); push(@masklen, $netsettings{'GREEN_NETMASK'} ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourgreen} ); # Add Green Routes to Array my @routes = `/sbin/route -n | /bin/grep $netsettings{'GREEN_DEV'}`; foreach my $route (@routes) { chomp($route); my @temp = split(/[\t ]+/, $route); push(@network, $temp[0]); push(@masklen, $temp[2]); push(@colour, ${Header::colourgreen} ); } # Add Blue Firewall Interface push(@network, $netsettings{'BLUE_ADDRESS'}); push(@masklen, "" ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourfw} ); # Add Blue Network if ($netsettings{'BLUE_DEV'}) { push(@network, $netsettings{'BLUE_NETADDRESS'}); push(@masklen, $netsettings{'BLUE_NETMASK'} ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourblue} ); # Add Blue Routes to Array @routes = `/sbin/route -n | /bin/grep $netsettings{'BLUE_DEV'}`; foreach my $route (@routes) { chomp($route); my @temp = split(/[\t ]+/, $route); push(@network, $temp[0]); push(@masklen, $temp[2]); push(@colour, ${Header::colourblue} ); } } # Add Orange Network if ($netsettings{'ORANGE_DEV'}) { push(@network, $netsettings{'ORANGE_NETADDRESS'}); push(@masklen, $netsettings{'ORANGE_NETMASK'} ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourorange} ); # Add Orange Routes to Array @routes = `/sbin/route -n | /bin/grep $netsettings{'ORANGE_DEV'}`; foreach my $route (@routes) { chomp($route); my @temp = split(/[\t ]+/, $route); push(@network, $temp[0]); push(@masklen, $temp[2]); push(@colour, ${Header::colourorange} ); } } # Add OpenVPN net and RED/BLUE/ORANGE entry (when appropriate) if (-e "${General::swroot}/ovpn/settings") { my %ovpnsettings = (); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ovpn/settings", \%ovpnsettings); my @tempovpnsubnet = split("\/",$ovpnsettings{'DOVPN_SUBNET'}); # add OpenVPN net push(@network, $tempovpnsubnet[0]); push(@masklen, $tempovpnsubnet[1]); push(@colour, ${Header::colourovpn} ); # add BLUE:port / proto if (($ovpnsettings{'ENABLED_BLUE'} eq 'on') && $netsettings{'BLUE_DEV'}) { push(@network, $netsettings{'BLUE_ADDRESS'} ); push(@masklen, '' ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourovpn}); } # add ORANGE:port / proto if (($ovpnsettings{'ENABLED_ORANGE'} eq 'on') && $netsettings{'ORANGE_DEV'}) { push(@network, $netsettings{'ORANGE_ADDRESS'} ); push(@masklen, '' ); push(@colour, ${Header::colourovpn} ); } } open(IPSEC, "/var/ipfire/vpn/config"); my @ipsec = ; close(IPSEC); foreach my $line (@ipsec) { my @vpn = split(',', $line); my ($network, $mask) = split("/", $vpn[12]); if (!&General::validip($mask)) { $mask = ipv4_cidr2msk($mask); } push(@network, $network); push(@masklen, $mask); push(@colour, ${Header::colourvpn}); } # Show the page. &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'connections'}, 1, ''); &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left'); &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'connection tracking'}); # Print legend. print < $Lang::tr{'legend'} : $Lang::tr{'lan'} $Lang::tr{'internet'} $Lang::tr{'dmz'} $Lang::tr{'wireless'} IPFire $Lang::tr{'vpn'} $Lang::tr{'OpenVPN'}
END # Print table header. print < $Lang::tr{'protocol'} $Lang::tr{'source ip and port'}   $Lang::tr{'dest ip and port'}   $Lang::tr{'download'} /
$Lang::tr{'upload'} $Lang::tr{'connection'}
$Lang::tr{'status'} $Lang::tr{'expires'}
($Lang::tr{'seconds'}) END foreach my $line (@conntrack) { my @conn = split(' ', $line); # The first bit is the l3 protocol. my $l3proto = $conn[0]; # Skip everything that is not IPv4. if ($l3proto ne 'ipv4') { next; } # L4 protocol (tcp, udp, ...). my $l4proto = $conn[2]; if ($l4proto eq 'unknown') { $l4proto = ''; } # Source and destination. my $sip; my $dip; my $sport; my $dport; my @packets; my @bytes; my $ttl = $conn[4]; my $state; if ($l4proto eq 'tcp') { $state = $conn[5]; } # Kick out everything that is not IPv4. foreach my $item (@conn) { my ($key, $val) = split('=', $item); switch ($key) { case "src" { $sip = $val; } case "dst" { $dip = $val; } case "sport" { $sport = $val; } case "dport" { $dport = $val; } case "packets" { push(@packets, $val); } case "bytes" { push(@bytes, $val); } } } my $sip_colour = ipcolour($sip); my $dip_colour = ipcolour($dip); my $sserv = ''; if ($sport < 1024) { $sserv = uc(getservbyport($sport, lc($l4proto))); if ($sserv ne '') { $sserv = " ($sserv)"; } } my $dserv = ''; if ($dport < 1024) { $dserv = uc(getservbyport($dport, lc($l4proto))); if ($dserv ne '') { $dserv = " ($dserv)"; } } my $bytes_in = format_bytes($bytes[0]); my $bytes_out = format_bytes($bytes[1]); # Format TTL $ttl = format_time($ttl); print < $l4proto $sip $sport$sserv $dip $dport$dserv $bytes_in / $bytes_out $state $ttl END } # Close the main table. print ""; &Header::closebox(); &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage(); sub format_bytes($) { my $bytes = shift; my @units = ("B", "k", "M", "G", "T"); foreach my $unit (@units) { if ($bytes < 1024) { return sprintf("%d%s", $bytes, $unit); } $bytes /= 1024; } return sprintf("%d%s", $bytes, $units[$#units]); } sub format_time($) { my $time = shift; my $seconds = $time % 60; my $minutes = $time / 60; my $hours = 0; if ($minutes >= 60) { $hours = $minutes / 60; $minutes %= 60; } return sprintf("%3d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds); } sub ipcolour($) { my $id = 0; my $colour = ${Header::colourred}; my ($ip) = $_[0]; my $found = 0; foreach my $line (@network) { if ($network[$id] eq '') { $id++; } else { if (!$found && ipv4_in_network($network[$id], $masklen[$id], $ip) ) { $found = 1; $colour = $colour[$id]; } $id++; } } return $colour; } 1;