############################################################################### # IPFire.org - An Open Source Firewall Solution # # Copyright (C) - IPFire Development Team # ############################################################################### name = iproute2 version = 3.3.0 release = 1 groups = Networking/Tools url = http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/Net:Iproute2 license = GPLv2+ summary = Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools. description The iproute package contains networking utilities (ip and rtmon, for \ example) which are designed to use the advanced networking \ capabilities of the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel. end source_dl = sources = %{thisapp}.tar.xz build requires bison db4-devel flex libnl-devel linux-atm-devel >= 2.5.1 iptables-devel end prepare_cmds sed -e "s/_VERSION_/%{version}/" man/man8/ss.8 end export RPM_OPT_FLAGS = %{CFLAGS} export LIBDIR = %{libdir} export IPT_LIB_DIR = %{libdir}/xtables install # The installation routine that comes with that package # is totally unusable for use, so do it manually. mkdir -pv \ %{BUILDROOT}%{includedir} \ %{BUILDROOT}%{sbindir} \ %{BUILDROOT}%{mandir}/man{3,8} \ %{BUILDROOT}%{datadir}/tc \ %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir}/tc \ %{BUILDROOT}%{sysconfdir}/iproute2 # Install binaries. for bin in genl/genl ip/{ifcfg,ip,routef,routel,rtpr} tc/tc \ misc/{arpd,ifstat,lnstat,nstat,rtacct,ss}; do install -v -m 755 ${bin} %{BUILDROOT}%{sbindir} done ln -svf lnstat %{BUILDROOT}%{sbindir}/ctstat ln -svf lnstat %{BUILDROOT}%{sbindir}/rtstat # Install libs. for lib in tc/q_atm.so tc/m_xt.so; do install -v -m 755 ${lib} %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir}/tc done ln -svf m_xt.so %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir}/tc/m_ipt.so # libnetlink install -v -m 644 include/libnetlink.h %{BUILDROOT}%{includedir} install -v -m 644 lib/libnetlink.a %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir} # Install documentation. install -v -m 644 man/man3/*.3 %{BUILDROOT}%{mandir}/man3 install -v -m 644 man/man8/*.8 %{BUILDROOT}%{mandir}/man8 ln -svf lnstat.8 %{BUILDROOT}%{mandir}/man8/ctstat.8 ln -svf lnstat.8 %{BUILDROOT}%{mandir}/man8/rtstat.8 ln -svf routel.8 %{BUILDROOT}%{mandir}/man8/routef.8 for sh in netem/normal.dist netem/pareto.dist netem/paretonormal.dist; do install -v -m 644 ${sh} %{BUILDROOT}%{datadir}/tc done # Install configuration. install -v -m 644 etc/iproute2/* %{BUILDROOT}%{sysconfdir}/iproute2 end # Keep libnetlink.a. keep_libraries %{libdir}/libnetlink.a end end packages package %{name} groups += Base configfiles = %{sysconfdir}/iproute2 end package %{name}-devel template DEVEL end package %{name}-debuginfo template DEBUGINFO end end