.\" .\" "$Id: cupsd.man.in 7600 2008-05-20 21:06:23Z mike $" .\" .\" cupsd man page for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). .\" .\" Copyright 2007-2009 by Apple Inc. .\" Copyright 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products. .\" .\" These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the .\" property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright .\" law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" .\" which should have been included with this file. If this file is .\" file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". .\" .TH cupsd 8 "CUPS" "9 March 2009" "Apple Inc." .SH NAME cupsd \- cups scheduler .SH SYNOPSIS .B cupsd [ -c .I config-file ] [ -f ] [ -F ] [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -t ] .SH DESCRIPTION \fIcupsd\fR is the scheduler for CUPS. It implements a printing system based upon the Internet Printing Protocol, version 2.1. If no options are specified on the command-line then the default configuration file \fI@CUPS_SERVERROOT@/cupsd.conf\fR will be used. .SH OPTIONS .TP 5 -c config-file .br Uses the named configuration file. .TP 5 -f .br Run \fIcupsd\fR in the foreground; the default is to run in the background as a "daemon". .TP 5 -F .br Run \fIcupsd\fR in the foreground but detach the process from the controlling terminal and current directory. This is useful for running \fIcupsd\fR from \fIinit(8)\fR. .TP 5 -h .br Shows the program usage. .TP 5 -l .br This option is passed to \fIcupsd\fR when it is run from \fIlaunchd(8)\fR. .TP 5 -t .br Test the configuration file for syntax errors. .SH COMPATIBILITY \fIcupsd\fR implements all of the required IPP/2.1 attributes and operations. It also implements several CUPS-specific administration operations. .SH SEE ALSO \fIbackend(7)\fR, \fIclasses.conf(5)\fR, \fIcups-deviced(8)\fR, \fIcups-driverd(8)\fR, \fIcups-lpd(8)\fR, \fIcups-polld(8)\fR, \fIcupsd.conf(5)\fR, \fIfilter(7)\fR, \fIlaunchd(8)\fR, \fImime.convs(5)\fR, \fImime.types(5)\fR, \fIprinters.conf(5)\fR, .br http://localhost:631/help .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright 2007-2009 by Apple Inc. .\" .\" End of "$Id: cupsd.man.in 7600 2008-05-20 21:06:23Z mike $". .\"