.\" Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Kerrisk .\" .\" %%%LICENSE_START(VERBATIM) .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are .\" preserved on all copies. .\" .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a .\" permission notice identical to this one. .\" .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this .\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date. The author(s) assume no .\" responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from .\" the use of the information contained herein. The author(s) may not .\" have taken the same level of care in the production of this manual, .\" which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working .\" professionally. .\" .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work. .\" %%%LICENSE_END .\" .TH DELETE_MODULE 2 2014-05-10 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual" .SH NAME delete_module \- unload a kernel module .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .BI "int delete_module(const char *" name ", int " flags ); .fi .IR Note : No declaration of this system call is provided in glibc headers; see NOTES. .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR delete_module () system call attempts to remove the unused loadable module entry identified by .IR name . If the module has an .I exit function, then that function is executed before unloading the module. The .IR flags argument is used to modify the behavior of the system call, as described below. This system call requires privilege. Module removal is attempted according to the following rules: .IP 1. 4 If there are other loaded modules that depend on (i.e., refer to symbols defined in) this module, then the call fails. .IP 2. Otherwise, if the reference count for the module (i.e., the number of processes currently using the module) is zero, then the module is immediately unloaded. .IP 3. If a module has a nonzero reference count, then the behavior depends on the bits set in .IR flags . In normal usage (see NOTES), the .BR O_NONBLOCK flag is always specified, and the .BR O_TRUNC flag may additionally be specified. .\" O_TRUNC == KMOD_REMOVE_FORCE in kmod library .\" O_NONBLOCK == KMOD_REMOVE_NOWAIT in kmod library The various combinations for .I flags have the following effect: .RS 4 .TP .B flags == O_NONBLOCK The call returns immediately, with an error. .TP .B flags == (O_NONBLOCK | O_TRUNC) The module is unloaded immediately, regardless of whether it has a nonzero reference count. .TP .B (flags & O_NONBLOCK) == 0 If .I flags does not specify .BR O_NONBLOCK , the following steps occur: .RS .IP * 3 The module is marked so that no new references are permitted. .IP * If the module's reference count is nonzero, the caller is placed in an uninterruptible sleep state .RB ( TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ) until the reference count is zero, at which point the call unblocks. .IP * The module is unloaded in the usual way. .RE .RE .PP The .B O_TRUNC flag has one further effect on the rules described above. By default, if a module has an .I init function but no .I exit function, then an attempt to remove the module will fail. However, if .BR O_TRUNC was specified, this requirement is bypassed. .PP Using the .B O_TRUNC flag is dangerous! If the kernel was not built with .BR CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD , this flag is silently ignored. (Normally, .BR CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD is enabled.) Using this flag taints the kernel (TAINT_FORCED_RMMOD). .SH RETURN VALUE On success, zero is returned. On error, \-1 is returned and .I errno is set appropriately. .SH ERRORS .TP .B EBUSY The module is not "live" (i.e., it is still being initialized or is already marked for removal); or, the module has an .I init function but has no .I exit function, and .B O_TRUNC was not specified in .IR flags . .TP .B EFAULT .I name refers to a location outside the process's accessible address space. .TP .B ENOENT No module by that name exists. .TP .B EPERM The caller was not privileged (did not have the .B CAP_SYS_MODULE capability), or module unloading is disabled (see .IR /proc/sys/kernel/modules_disabled in .BR proc (5)). .TP .B EWOULDBLOCK Other modules depend on this module; or, .BR O_NONBLOCK was specified in .IR flags , but the reference count of this module is nonzero and .B O_TRUNC was not specified in .IR flags . .SH CONFORMING TO .BR delete_module () is Linux-specific. .SH NOTES The .BR delete_module () system call is not supported by glibc. No declaration is provided in glibc headers, but, through a quirk of history, glibc does export an ABI for this system call. Therefore, in order to employ this system call, it is sufficient to manually declare the interface in your code; alternatively, you can invoke the system call using .BR syscall (2). The uninterruptible sleep that may occur if .BR O_NONBLOCK is omitted from .IR flags is considered undesirable, because the sleeping process is left in an unkillable state. As at Linux 3.7, specifying .BR O_NONBLOCK is optional, but in future kernels it is likely to become mandatory. .SS Linux 2.4 and earlier In Linux 2.4 and earlier, the system call took only one argument: .BI " int delete_module(const char *" name ); If .I name is NULL, all unused modules marked auto-clean are removed. Some further details of differences in the behavior of .BR delete_module () in Linux 2.4 and earlier are .I not currently explained in this manual page. .SH SEE ALSO .BR create_module (2), .BR init_module (2), .BR query_module (2), .BR lsmod (8), .BR modprobe (8), .BR rmmod (8)