.\" Hey Emacs! This file is -*- nroff -*- source. .\" This page is in the public domain. - aeb .\" .TH GRANTPT 3 2008-06-14 "GNU" "Linux Programmer's Manual" .SH NAME grantpt \- grant access to the slave pseudoterminal .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .BR "#define _XOPEN_SOURCE" " /* See feature_test_macros(7) */" .br .B #include .sp .BI "int grantpt(int " fd ");" .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR grantpt () function changes the mode and owner of the slave pseudoterminal device corresponding to the master pseudoterminal referred to by .IR fd . The user ID of the slave is set to the real UID of the calling process. The group ID is set to an unspecified value (e.g., \fItty\fP). The mode of the slave is set to 0620 (crw\-\-w\-\-\-\-). .PP The behavior of .BR grantpt () is unspecified if a signal handler is installed to catch .B SIGCHLD signals. .SH RETURN VALUE When successful, .BR grantpt () returns 0. Otherwise, it returns \-1 and sets .I errno appropriately. .SH ERRORS .TP .B EACCES The corresponding slave pseudoterminal could not be accessed. .TP .B EBADF The .I fd argument is not a valid open file descriptor. .TP .B EINVAL The .I fd argument is valid but not associated with a master pseudoterminal. .SH VERSIONS .BR grantpt () is provided in glibc since version 2.1. .SH CONFORMING TO POSIX.1-2001. .SH NOTES This is part of the UNIX 98 pseudoterminal support, see .BR pts (4). Many systems implement this function via a set-user-ID helper binary called "pt_chown". With Linux devpts no such helper binary is required. .SH SEE ALSO .BR open (2), .BR posix_openpt (3), .BR ptsname (3), .BR unlockpt (3), .BR pts (4), .BR pty (7)