%{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "misc.hh" #include "pdnsexception.hh" #include "namespaces.hh" #include "iputils.hh" #define YYDEBUG 1 extern int yydebug; #include "bindparserclasses.hh" #define YYSTYPE char * extern "C" { int yyparse(void); int yylex(void); void yyrestart(FILE *); int yywrap(void); int yywrap(void) { return 1; } } extern int yydebug; const char *bind_directory; extern int linenumber; static void yyerror(const char *str) { extern char *current_filename; throw PDNSException("Error in bind configuration '"+string(current_filename)+"' on line "+std::to_string(linenumber)+": "+str); } extern FILE *yyin; static BindParser *parent; BindDomainInfo s_di; void BindParser::parse(const string &fname) { yydebug=0; yyin=fopen(fname.c_str(),"r"); yyrestart(yyin); if(!yyin) throw PDNSException("Unable to open '"+fname+"': "+strerror(errno)); linenumber=1; parent=this; extern char *current_filename; extern char *original_filename; current_filename=original_filename=(char*)fname.c_str(); yyparse(); // cerr<<"Need to parse "<& BindParser::getDomains() { return d_zonedomains; } void BindParser::setVerbose(bool verbose) { d_verbose=verbose; } void BindParser::commit(BindDomainInfo DI) { DI.hadFileDirective = (DI.filename != ""); if(DI.filename[0]!='/') DI.filename=d_dir+"/"+DI.filename; if(d_verbose) cerr<<"Domain "<commit(s_di); s_di.clear(); } | ZONETOK quotedname AWORD zone_block { s_di.name=DNSName($2); free($2); parent->commit(s_di); s_di.clear(); } ; global_options_command: OPTIONSTOK OBRACE options_commands EBRACE | LOGGINGTOK OBRACE options_commands EBRACE ; acl_command: ACLTOK quotedname acl_block | ACLTOK filename acl_block ; acl_block: OBRACE acls EBRACE ; acls: | acl SEMICOLON acls ; acl: AWORD ; options_commands: | options_command SEMICOLON options_commands ; options_command: command | global_options_command ; global_options_command: options_directory_command | also_notify_command ; options_directory_command: DIRECTORYTOK quotedname { parent->setDirectory($2); free($2); } ; also_notify_command: ALSONOTIFYTOK OBRACE also_notify_list EBRACE ; also_notify_list: | also_notify SEMICOLON also_notify_list ; also_notify: AWORD { parent->addAlsoNotify($1); free($1); } ; terms: /* empty */ | terms term ; term: AWORD | block | quotedname ; block: OBRACE commands EBRACE ; zone_block: OBRACE zone_commands EBRACE ; zone_commands: | zone_commands zone_command SEMICOLON ; /* commands in zone * in global scope also_notify_command is used instead of zone_also_notify_command */ zone_command: command | global_zone_command | zone_also_notify_command ; /* zone commands that also are available at global scope */ global_zone_command: zone_file_command | zone_type_command | zone_primaries_command ; zone_primaries_command: PRIMARYTOK OBRACE primaries EBRACE ; zone_also_notify_command: ALSONOTIFYTOK OBRACE zone_also_notify_list EBRACE ; zone_also_notify_list: | zone_also_notify SEMICOLON zone_also_notify_list ; zone_also_notify: AWORD { s_di.alsoNotify.insert($1); free($1); } ; primaries: /* empty */ | primaries primary SEMICOLON ; primary: AWORD { s_di.primaries.push_back(ComboAddress($1, 53)); free($1); } ; zone_file_command: FILETOK quotedname { // printf("Found a filename: '%s'\n",$2); s_di.filename=$2; free($2); } ; zone_type_command: TYPETOK AWORD { s_di.type=$2; free($2); } ; quotedname: QUOTEDWORD { $$=$1; } ; filename: AWORD ;