############################################################################### # IPFire.org - An Open Source Firewall Solution # # Copyright (C) - IPFire Development Team # ############################################################################### name = perl version = 5.14.2 # Never reset release in this package, just increase. release = 8 maintainer = Michael Tremer groups = Development/Languages url = http://www.perl.org/ license = GPL+ or Artistic and GPLv2+ or Artistic summary = Practical Extraction and Report Language. description Perl is a high-level programming language with roots in C, sed, awk and shell scripting. Perl is good at handling processes and files, and is especially good at handling text. Perl's hallmarks are practicality and efficiency. While it is used to do a lot of different things, Perl's most common applications are system administration utilities and web programming. A large proportion of the CGI scripts on the web are written in Perl. You need the perl package installed on your system so that your system can handle Perl scripts. end source_dl = http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/ build requires db4-devel gcc-c++ gdbm-devel iana-etc perl procps zlib-devel end # Perl passes -fstack-protector, if no argument is passed that enables the SSP. # So we need to pass it explicitely. CFLAGS += -fstack-protector-all prepare_cmds sed -i 's/command /command[ -]/' makedepend.SH end build sed -i -e "s|BUILD_ZLIB\s*= True|BUILD_ZLIB = False|" \ -e "s|INCLUDE\s*= ./zlib-src|INCLUDE = /usr/include|" \ -e "s|LIB\s*= ./zlib-src|LIB = /usr/lib|" \ cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in sh ./Configure -des \ -Doptimize="%{CFLAGS}" \ -Dversion=%{version} \ -Dmyhostname=localhost \ -Dperladmin=root@localhost \ -Dcc="gcc" \ -Dcf_by="%{DISTRO_VENDOR}" \ -Dprefix=/usr \ -Dvendorprefix=/usr \ -Dsiteprefix="/usr/local" \ -Dsitelib="/usr/local/share/perl5" \ -Dsitearch="/usr/local/lib/perl5" \ -Dprivlib="/usr/share/perl5" \ -Dvendorlib="/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl" \ -Darchlib="/usr/lib/perl5" \ -Dvendorarch="/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl" \ -Darchname=%{arch}-linux-thread-multi \ -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isr" \ -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \ -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \ -Duseshrplib \ -Dusethreads \ -Duseithreads \ -Duselargefiles \ -Dd_semctl_semun \ -Di_db \ -Ui_ndbm \ -Di_gdbm \ -Di_shadow \ -Di_syslog \ -Dman3ext=3pm \ -Duseperlio \ -Dinstallusrbinperl=n \ -Ubincompat5005 \ -Uversiononly \ -Dd_gethostent_r_proto \ -Ud_endhostent_r_proto \ -Ud_sethostent_r_proto \ -Ud_endprotoent_r_proto \ -Ud_setprotoent_r_proto \ -Ud_endservent_r_proto \ -Ud_setservent_r_proto \ -Dscriptdir="/usr/bin" make %{PARALLELISMFLAGS} end #test # make test #end install_cmds # Remove precreated directories rm -rfv %{BUILDROOT}/usr/local end end quality-agent whitelist_rpath /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib/perl5/CORE end end # This variable contains the constant version string # of this perl package. perl_requires := %{name}=%{thisver} perl_filter_requires perl>=[0-9]\:.* end packages package perl requires perl-libs=%{thisver} end provides # Compat provides perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.2) perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.1) perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.0) # Threading provides perl(:WITH_ITHREADS) perl(:WITH_THREADS) # Largefile provides perl(:WITH_LARGEFILES) # PerlIO provides perl(:WITH_PERLIO) # File provides perl(abbrev.pl) perl(assert.pl) perl(bigfloat.pl) perl(bigint.pl) perl(bigrat.pl) perl(bytes_heavy.pl) perl(cacheout.pl) perl(complete.pl) perl(ctime.pl) perl(dotsh.pl) perl(dumpvar.pl) perl(exceptions.pl) perl(fastcwd.pl) perl(find.pl) perl(finddepth.pl) perl(flush.pl) perl(ftp.pl) perl(getcwd.pl) perl(getopt.pl) perl(getopts.pl) perl(hostname.pl) perl(importenv.pl) perllook.pl) perl(newgetopt.pl) perl(open2.pl) perl(open3.pl) perl(perl5db.pl) perl(pwd.pl) perl(shellwords.pl) perl(stat.pl) perl(syslog.pl) perl(tainted.pl) perl(termcap.pl) perl(timelocal.pl) perl(utf8_heavy.pl) perl(validate.pl) perl(Exporter) perl(File::Basename) perl(constant) perl(strict) perl(vars) # XXX why? perl(Mac::InternetConfig) perl(NDBM_File) end filter_requires %{perl_filter_requires} DBIx InternetConfig perl\(Mac perl\(NDBM_File perl\(VMS end filter_provides Carp perl\(Carp\) end end package perl-libs template LIBS provides libperl.so end files /usr/lib/perl5/CORE/libperl.so end end package perl-devel template DEVEL files /usr/bin/enc2xs /usr/share/man/man1/enc2xs* /usr/share/perl5/Encode/ /usr/bin/h2xs /usr/share/man/man1/h2xs* /usr/bin/libnetcfg /usr/share/man/man1/libnetcfg* /usr/bin/perlivp /usr/share/man/man1/perlivp* /usr/lib/perl5/CORE/*.h /usr/bin/xsubpp /usr/share/man/man1/xsubpp* /usr/share/man/man1/perlxs* end end #package perl-tests # summary = Testsuite to check your Perl installation. # description-perl-tests # This package contains the test suite included with perl %{thisver}. # Install this if you want to test your Perl installation (binary and core # modules). # end # # files # /usr/lib/perl5-tests # end #end package perl-Archive-Extract epoch = 0 version = 0.48 arch = noarch summary = Generic archive extracting mechanism. description Archive::Extract is a generic archive extraction mechanism. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Archive/Extract.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Archive::Extract.3* end end package perl-Archive-Tar epoch = 0 version = 1.76 arch = noarch summary = A module for Perl manipulation of .tar files. description Archive::Tar provides an object oriented mechanism for handling tar files. It provides class methods for quick and easy files handling while also allowing for the creation of tar file objects for custom manipulation. If you have the IO::Zlib module installed, Archive::Tar will also support compressed or gzipped tar files. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/bin/ptar /usr/bin/ptardiff /usr/bin/ptargrep /usr/share/perl5/Archive/Tar.pm /usr/share/man/man1/ptar.1* /usr/share/man/man1/ptardiff.1* /usr/share/man/man1/ptargrep.1* /usr/share/man/man3/Archive::Tar* end end package perl-Class-ISA epoch = 0 version = 0.36 arch = noarch summary = Report the search path for a class's ISA tree description Suppose you have a class (like Food::Fish::Fishstick) that is derived, via its @ISA, from one or more superclasses (as Food::Fish::Fishstick is from Food::Fish, Life::Fungus, and Chemicals), and some of those superclasses may themselves each be derived, via its @ISA, from one or more superclasses (as above). end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Class/ISA.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Class::ISA.3* end end package perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib epoch = 0 version = 2.033 summary = Low-Level Interface to the zlib compression library. description This module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library. It is used by IO::Compress::Zlib. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Compress/Raw/Zlib/ /usr/share/man/man3/Compress::Raw::Zlib* end end package perl-CGI epoch = 0 version = 3.49 arch = noarch summary = Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses description CGI.pm is a stable, complete and mature solution for processing and preparing HTTP requests and responses. Major features including processing form submissions, file uploads, reading and writing cookies, query string generation and manipulation, and processing and preparing HTTP headers. Some HTML generation utilities are included as well. CGI.pm performs very well in in a vanilla CGI.pm environment and also comes with built-in support for mod_perl and mod_perl2 as well as FastCGI. end requires %{perl_requires} end provides perl(CGI)=%{version} end filter_requires perl\(FCGI\) end files /usr/share/perl5/CGI /usr/share/perl5/CGI.pm /usr/share/man/man3/CGI.3* /usr/share/man/man3/CGI::*.3* end end package perl-CPAN epoch = 0 version = 1.9600.01 arch = noarch summary = Query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites. description Query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Digest::SHA) end provides cpan cpan=$(version-perl-CPAN) end filter_requires perl\(Mac::BuildTools\) end files /usr/bin/cpan /usr/share/perl5/CPAN* /usr/share/man/man1/cpan.1* /usr/share/man/man3/CPAN* end end package perl-CPAN-Meta epoch = 0 version = 2.110440 arch = noarch summary = Distribution metadata for a CPAN dist. description Software distributions released to the CPAN include a META.json or, for older distributions, META.yml, which describes the distribution, its contents, and the requirements for building and installing the distribution. The data structure stored in the META.json file is described in CPAN::Meta::Spec. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta.pm /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/Converter.pm /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/Feature.pm /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/History.pm /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/Prereqs.pm /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/Spec.pm /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/Validator.pm /usr/share/man/man5/CPAN::Meta.* end end package perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML epoch = 0 version = 0.0003 arch = noarch summary = Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files. description This module implements a subset of the YAML specification for use in reading and writing CPAN metadata files like META.yml and MYMETA.yml. It should not be used for any other general YAML parsing or generation task. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/YAML.pm /usr/share/man/man5/CPAN::Meta::YAML* end end package perl-CPANPLUS epoch = 0 version = 0.9103 arch = noarch summary = API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrors. description The CPANPLUS library is an API to the CPAN mirrors and a collection of interactive shells, commandline programs, etc, that use this API. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Digest::SHA) perl(Module::Pluggable)>=2.4 perl(Module::CoreList) end provides perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build=0.06 end filter_requires %{perl_filter_requires} DBIx Your::Module::Here perl\(DBD::SQLite\) end files /usr/bin/cpan2dist /usr/bin/cpanp /usr/bin/cpanp-run-perl /usr/share/perl5/CPANPLUS* /usr/share/man/man1/cpan2dist.1* /usr/share/man/man1/cpanp.1* /usr/share/man/man3/CPANPLUS* end end package perl-Carp epoch = 0 version = 1.20 arch = noarch summary = Alternative warn and die for modules. description The Carp routines are useful in your own modules because they act like die() or warn(), but with a message which is more likely to be useful to a user of your module. In the case of cluck, confess, and longmess that context is a summary of every call in the call-stack. For a shorter message you can use carp or croak which report the error as being from where your module was called. There is no guarantee that that is where the error was, but it is a good educated guess. end requires %{perl_requires} end # Do not export unversioned module filter_provides = ^perl\(Carp\)\s*$ files /usr/share/perl5/Carp* /usr/share/man3/Carp* end end package perl-Digest epoch = 0 version = 1.16 arch = noarch summary = Modules that calculate message digests. description The Digest:: modules calculate digests, also called "fingerprints" or "hashes", of some data, called a message. The digest is (usually) some small/fixed size string. The actual size of the digest depend of the algorithm used. The message is simply a sequence of arbitrary bytes or bits. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(MIME::Base64) end files /usr/lib/perl5/Digest !/usr/lib/perl5/Digest/* /usr/share/perl5/Digest.pm /usr/share/perl5/Digest/base.pm /usr/share/perl5/Digest/file.pm /usr/share/man/man5/Digest.3* /usr/share/man/man5/Digest::base.3* /usr/share/man/man5/Digest::file.3* end end package perl-Digest-MD5 epoch = 0 version = 2.51 summary = Perl Interface to the MD5 Algorithm. description The Digest::MD5 module allows you to use the RSA Data Security Inc. MD5 Message Digest algorithm from within Perl programs. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Digest::base)>=1.00 end files /usr/lib/perl5/Digest/MD5.pm /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Digest/MD5 /usr/share/man/man3/Digest::MD5.3* end end package perl-Digest-SHA epoch = 0 version = 5.61 summary = Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512. description Digest::SHA is a complete implementation of the NIST Secure Hash Standard. It gives Perl programmers a convenient way to calculate SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 message digests. The module can handle all types of input, including partial-byte data. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Digest::base) perl(MIME::Base64) end files /usr/bin/shasum /usr/share/perl5/Digest/SHA* /usr/share/man/man1/shasum.1* /usr/share/man/man3/Digest::SHA.3* end end package perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder epoch = 0 version = 0.280203 arch = noarch summary = Compile and link C code for Perl modules. description This module can build the C portions of Perl modules by invoking the appropriate compilers and linkers in a cross-platform manner. It was motivated by the Module::Build project, but may be useful for other purposes as well. end requires %{perl_requires} perl-devel end files /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/CBuilder* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::CBuilder* end end package perl-ExtUtils-Embed epoch = 0 version = 1.30 arch = noarch summary = Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications. description Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications. end requires %{perl_requires} perl-devel end files /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Embed* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Embed* end end package perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker epoch = 0 version = 6.57_05 arch = noarch summary = Create a module Makefile. description Create a module Makefile. end requires %{perl_requires} perl-devel perl(Test::Harness) end files /usr/bin/instmodsh /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Command/ /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Install.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Installed.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Liblist/ /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Liblist.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/MANIFEST.SKIP /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/MM*.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/MY.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Manifest.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Mkbootstrap.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Mksymlists.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/Packlist.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/testlib.pm /usr/share/man/man1/instmodsh.1* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Command::MM* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Install.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Installed.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Liblist.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::MM* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::MY.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::MakeMaker* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Manifest.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Mksymlists.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::Packlist.3* /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::testlib.3* end end package perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS epoch = 0 version = 2.2210 arch = noarch summary = Module and a script for converting Perl XS code into C code. description ExtUtils::ParseXS will compile XS code into C code by embedding the constructs necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates the glue necessary to let Perl access those functions. end requires %{perl_requires} perl-devel end files /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm /usr/share/perl5/ExtUtils/xsubpp /usr/share/man/man3/ExtUtils::ParseXS.3* end end package perl-File-Fetch epoch = 1 version = 0.32 arch = noarch summary = Generic file fetching mechanism. description File::Fetch is a generic file fetching mechanism. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(IPC::Cmd)>=0.36 perl(Module::Load::Conditional)>=0.04 perl(Params::Check)>=0.07 end files /usr/share/perl5/File/Fetch.pm /usr/share/man/man3/File::Fetch.3* end end package perl-HTTP-Tiny epoch = 0 version = 0.012 arch = noarch summary = A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client. description This is a very simple HTTP/1.1 client, designed primarily for doing simple GET requests without the overhead of a large framework like LWP::UserAgent. It is more correct and more complete than HTTP::Lite. It supports proxies (currently only non-authenticating ones) and redirection. It also correctly resumes after EINTR. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Carp) perl(IO::Socket) end files /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Tiny.pm /usr/share/man/man5/HTTP::Tiny* end end package perl-IO-Compress epoch = 0 version = 2.033 summary = IO::Compress wrapper for modules. description This module is the base class for all IO::Compress and IO::Uncompress modules. This module is not intended for direct use in application code. Its sole purpose is to to be sub-classed by IO::Compress modules. end requires %{perl_requires} end provides perl(IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2) end files /usr/share/perl5/Compress/Zlib.pm /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Compress/Zlib/ /usr/share/man/man3/Compress::Zlib* /usr/share/perl5/File/GlobMapper.pm /usr/share/perl5/IO/Compress/Base/ /usr/share/perl5/IO/Compress/Base.pm /usr/share/perl5/IO/Uncompress/AnyUncompress.pm /usr/share/perl5/IO/Uncompress/Base.pm /usr/share/man/man3/File::GlobMapper.* /usr/share/man/man3/IO::Compress::Base.* /usr/share/man/man3/IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress.* /usr/share/man/man3/IO::Uncompress::Base.* end end package perl-IO-Zlib epoch = 0 version = 1.10 arch = noarch summary = Perl IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib. description This modules provides an IO:: style interface to the Compress::Zlib package. The main advantage is that you can use an IO::Zlib object in much the same way as an IO::File object so you can have common code that doesn't know which sort of file it is using. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Compress::Zlib) end files /usr/share/perl5/IO/Zlib.pm /usr/share/man/man3/IO::Zlib.* end end package perl-IPC-Cmd epoch = 0 version = 0.70 arch = noarch summary = Finding and running system commands made easy. description IPC::Cmd allows you to run commands, interactively if desired, in a platform independent way, but have them still work. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) end files /usr/share/perl5/IPC/Cmd.pm /usr/share/man/man3/IPC::Cmd.3* end end package perl-JSON-PP epoch = 0 version = 2.27150 arch = noarch summary = JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module. description JSON::XS is the fastest and most proper JSON module on CPAN. It is written by Marc Lehmann in C, so must be compiled and installed in the used environment. JSON::PP is a pure-Perl module and is compatible with JSON::XS. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/bin/json_pp /usr/share/perl5/JSON/PP /usr/share/perl5/JSON/PP.pm /usr/share/man/man1/json_pp.1* /usr/share/man/man3/JSON::PP.3* /usr/share/man/man3/JSON::PP::Boolean.3pm* end end package perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple epoch = 0 version = 0.21 arch = noarch license = MIT summary = Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon. description This module is a simple wrapper around Locale::Maketext::Lexicon, designed to alleviate the need of creating Language Classes for module authors. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Locale/Maketext/Simple.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Locale::Maketext::Simple.* end end package perl-Log-Message epoch = 0 version = 0.04 arch = noarch summary = Generic message storage mechanism. description Log::Message is a generic message storage mechanism. It allows you to store messages on a stack -- either shared or private -- and assign meta-data to it. Some meta-data will automatically be added for you, like a timestamp and a stack trace, but some can be filled in by the user, like a tag by which to identify it or group it, and a level at which to handle the message (for example, log it, or die with it). end requires %{perl_requires} end provides perl(Log::Message::Handlers)=%{version} end files /usr/share/perl5/Log/Message.pm /usr/share/perl5/Log/Message/Config.pm /usr/share/perl5/Log/Message/Handlers.pm /usr/share/perl5/Log/Message/Item.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Log::Message.3* /usr/share/man/man3/Log::Message::Config.3* /usr/share/man/man3/Log::Message::Handlers.3* /usr/share/man/man3/Log::Message::Item.3* end end package perl-Log-Message-Simple epoch = 0 version = 0.08 arch = noarch summary = Simplified frontend to Log::Message. description This module provides standardized logging facilities using the Log::Message module. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Log/Message/Simple.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Log::Message::Simple.3* end end package perl-Module-Build epoch = 0 version = 0.3800 arch = noarch summary = Perl module for building and installing Perl modules. description Module::Build is a system for building, testing, and installing Perl modules. It is meant to be an alternative to ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Developers may alter the behavior of the module through subclassing in a much more straightforward way than with MakeMaker. It also does not require a make on your system - most of the Module::Build code is pure-perl and written in a very cross-platform way. In fact, you don't even need a shell, so even platforms like MacOS (traditional) can use it fairly easily. Its only prerequisites are modules that are included with perl 5.6.0, and it works fine on perl 5.005 if you can install a few additional modules. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Archive::Tar)>=1.08 perl(CPAN::Meta)>=2.110420 perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)>=0.15 perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)>=1.02 end files /usr/bin/config_data /usr/share/perl5/inc/ /usr/share/perl5/Module/Build* /usr/share/man/man1/config_data.1* /usr/share/man/man3/Module::Build* /usr/share/man/man3/inc::latest.3* end end package perl-Module-CoreList epoch = 0 version = 2.49_01 arch = noarch summary = Perl core modules indexed by perl versions. description Module::CoreList contains the hash of hashes %Module::CoreList::version, this is keyed on perl version as indicated in $]. The second level hash is module => version pairs. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/bin/corelist /usr/share/perl5/Module/CoreList.pm /usr/share/man/man1/corelist* /usr/share/man/man3/Module::CoreList* end end package perl-Module-Load epoch = 0 version = 0.18 arch = noarch summary = Runtime require of both modules and files. description Module::Load eliminates the need to know whether you are trying to require either a file or a module. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Module/Load.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Module::Load.* end end package perl-Module-Load-Conditional epoch = 0 version = 0.44 arch = noarch summary = Looking up module information / loading at runtime. description Module::Load::Conditional provides simple ways to query and possibly load any of the modules you have installed on your system during runtime. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Module/Load/ /usr/share/man/man3/Module::Load::Conditional* end end package perl-Module-Loaded epoch = 0 version = 0.06 arch = noarch summary = Mark modules as loaded or unloaded. description When testing applications, often you find yourself needing to provide functionality in your test environment that would usually be provided by external modules. Rather than munging the %INC by hand to mark these external modules as loaded, so they are not attempted to be loaded by perl, this module offers you a very simple way to mark modules as loaded and/or unloaded. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Module/Loaded.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Module::Loaded* end end package perl-Module-Metadata epoch = 0 version = 1.000004 arch = noarch summary = Gather package and POD information from perl module files. description Gather package and POD information from perl module files. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Module/Metadata.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Module::Metadata.3pm* end end package perl-Module-Plugable epoch = 0 version = 3.90 arch = noarch summary = Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins. description Provides a simple but, hopefully, extensible way of having 'plugins' for your module. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Devel/InnerPackage.pm /usr/share/perl5/Module/Pluggable/ /usr/share/perl5/Module/Pluggable.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Devel::InnerPackage* /usr/share/man/man3/Module::Pluggable* end end package perl-Object-Accessor epoch = 0 version = 0.38 arch = noarch summary = Perl module that allows per object accessors. description Object::Accessor provides an interface to create per object accessors (as opposed to per Class accessors, as, for example, Class::Accessor provides). end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Object/ /usr/share/man/man3/Object::Accessor* end end package perl-Package-Constants epoch = 0 version = 0.02 arch = noarch summary = List all constants declared in a package. description Package::Constants lists all the constants defined in a certain package. This can be useful for, among others, setting up an autogenerated @EXPORT/@EXPORT_OK for a Constants.pm file. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Package/ /usr/share/man/man3/Package::Constants* end end package perl-Params-Check epoch = 0 version = 0.28 arch = noarch summary = Generic input parsing/checking mechanism. description Params::Check is a generic input parsing/checking mechanism. end requires %{perl_requires} end provides perl(Params::Check) end files /usr/share/perl5/Params/ /usr/share/man/man3/Params::Check* end end package perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta epoch = 0 version = 1.4401 arch = noarch summary = Parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files. description Parse::CPAN::Meta is a parser for META.yml files, based on the parser half of YAML::Tiny. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Parse/CPAN/Meta.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Parse::CPAN::Meta.3* end end package perl-Path-Tools epoch = 0 version = 3.33 license = (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD summary = PathTools Perl module (Cwd, File::Spec). description PathTools Perl module (Cwd, File::Spec). end requires %{perl_requires} end filter_requires perl\(VMS\:\:Filespec\) end files /usr/lib/perl5/Cwd.pm /usr/lib/perl5/File/Spec* /usr/share/man/man3/Cwd* /usr/share/man/man3/File::Spec* end end package perl-Perl-OSType epoch = 0 version = 1.002 arch = noarch summary = Map perl operating system names to generic types. description Modules that provide OS-specific behaviors often need to know if the current operating system matches a more generic type of operating systems. For example, 'linux' is a type of 'Unix' operating system and so is 'freebsd'. This module provides a mapping between an operating system name as given by $^O and a more generic type. The initial version is based on the OS type mappings provided in Module::Build and ExtUtils::CBuilder (thus, Microsoft operating systems are given the type 'Windows' rather than 'Win32'). end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Perl/OSType.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Perl::OSType.3pm* end end package perl-Pod-Escapes epoch= 0 version = 1.04 arch = noarch summary = Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences. description This module provides things that are useful in decoding Pod E<...> sequences. Presumably, it should be used only by Pod parsers and/or formatters. end requires %{perl_requires} end filter_requires %{perl_filter_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Pod/Escapes.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Pod::Escapes.* end end package perl-Pod-Simple epoch = 0 version = 3.16 arch = noarch summary = Framework for parsing POD documentation. description Pod::Simple is a Perl library for parsing text in the Pod (plain old documentation) markup language that is typically used for writing documentation for Perl and for Perl modules. end requires %{perl_requires} end filter_requires %{perl_filter_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Pod/Simple/ /usr/share/perl5/Pod/Simple.pm /usr/share/perl5/Pod/Simple.pod /usr/share/man/man3/Pod::Simple* end end package perl-Scalar-List-Utils epoch = 0 version = 1.22 summary = A selection of general-utility scalar and list subroutines. description Scalar::Util and List::Util contain a selection of subroutines that people have expressed would be nice to have in the perl core, but the usage would not really be high enough to warrant the use of a keyword, and the size so small such that being individual extensions would be wasteful. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/lib/perl5/List /usr/lib/perl5/Scalar /usr/lib/perl5/auto/List /usr/share/man/man3/List::Util* /usr/share/man/man3/Scalar::Util* end end package perl-Term-UI epoch = 0 version = 0.26 arch = noarch summary = Term::ReadLine UI made easy. description Term::UI is a transparent way of eliminating the overhead of having to format a question and then validate the reply, informing the user if the answer was not proper and re-issuing the question. end requires %{perl_requires} perl(Log::Message::Simple) end files /usr/share/perl5/Term/UI/ /usr/share/perl5/Term/UI.pm /usr/share/man/man3/Term::UI* end end package perl-Test-Harness epoch = 0 version = 3.23 arch = noarch summary = Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics. description Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics. Use TAP::Parser, Test::Harness package was whole rewritten. end requires %{perl_requires} end filter_requires %{perl_filter_requires} end files /usr/bin/prove /usr/share/perl5/App* /usr/share/perl5/TAP* /usr/share/perl5/Test/Harness* /usr/share/man/man1/prove.1* /usr/share/man/man3/App* /usr/share/man/man3/TAP* /usr/share/man/man3/Test::Harness* end end package perl-Test-Simple epoch = 0 version = 0.98 arch = noarch summary = Basic utilities for writing tests. description Basic utilities for writing tests. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/Test/More* /usr/share/perl5/Test/Builder* /usr/share/perl5/Test/Simple* /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tutorial* /usr/share/man/man3/Test::More* /usr/share/man/man3/Test::Builder* /usr/share/man/man3/Test::Simple* /usr/share/man/man3/Test::Tutorial* end end package perl-Time-Piece epoch = 0 version = 1.20_01 summary = Time objects from localtime and gmtime. description The Time::Piece module replaces the standard localtime and gmtime functions with implementations that return objects. It does so in a backwards compatible manner, so that using localtime or gmtime as documented in perlfunc still behave as expected. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/lib/perl5/Time/Piece.pm /usr/lib/perl5/Time/Seconds.pm /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Time/Piece/ /usr/share/man/man3/Time::Piece.3* /usr/share/man/man3/Time::Seconds.3* end end package perl-Version-Requirements epoch = 0 version = 0.101020 arch = noarch summary = Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist. description A Version::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those specified in the META.yml or META.json files in CPAN distributions. It can be built up by adding more and more constraints, and it will reduce them to the simplest representation. end requires %{perl_requires} end # No files. files end end package perl-parent epoch = 0 version = 0.225 arch = noarch summary = Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time. description parent allows you to both load one or more modules, while setting up inheritance from those modules at the same time. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/parent.pm /usr/share/man/man3/parent.3* end end package perl-threads epoch = 0 version = 1.83 summary = Perl interpreter-based threads. description Since Perl 5.8, thread programming has been available using a model called interpreter threads which provides a new Perl interpreter for each thread, and, by default, results in no data or state information being shared between threads. (Prior to Perl 5.8, 5005threads was available through the Thread.pm API. This threading model has been deprecated, and was removed as of Perl 5.10.0.) As just mentioned, all variables are, by default, thread local. To use shared variables, you need to also load threads::shared. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/lib/perl5/auto/threads/threads* /usr/lib/perl5/threads.pm /usr/share/man/man3/threads.3* end end package perl-threads-shared epoch = 0 version = 1.37 summary = Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads. description By default, variables are private to each thread, and each newly created thread gets a private copy of each existing variable. This module allows you to share variables across different threads (and pseudo-forks on Win32). It is used together with the threads module. This module supports the sharing of the following data types only: scalars and scalar refs, arrays and array refs, and hashes and hash refs. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/lib/perl5/auto/threads/shared* /usr/lib/perl5/threads/shared* /usr/share/man/man3/threads::shared* end end package perl-version epoch = 0 version = 0.88 arch = noarch summary = Perl extension for Version Objects. description Perl extension for Version Objects. end requires %{perl_requires} end files /usr/share/perl5/version.pm /usr/share/perl5/version.pod /usr/share/perl5/version/ /usr/share/man/man3/version.3* /usr/share/man/man3/version::Internals.3* end end package perl-core epoch = 0 summary = Base perl metapackage. description A metapackage which requires all of the perl bits and modules in the upstream tarball from perl.org. end requires %{perl_requires} perl-libs perl-devel perl-Archive-Extract perl-Archive-Tar perl-Class-ISA perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib perl-CGI perl-CPAN perl-CPAN-Meta perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML perl-CPANPLUS perl-Carp perl-Digest perl-Digest-MD5 perl-Digest-SHA perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder perl-ExtUtils-Embed perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS perl-File-Fetch perl-HTTP-Tiny perl-IO-Compress perl-IO-Zlib perl-IPC-Cmd perl-JSON-PP perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple perl-Log-Message perl-Log-Message-Simple perl-Module-Build perl-Module-CoreList perl-Module-Load perl-Module-Load-Conditional perl-Module-Loaded perl-Module-Metadata perl-Module-Plugable perl-Object-Accessor perl-Package-Constants perl-Params-Check perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta perl-Perl-OSType perl-Path-Tools perl-Pod-Simple perl-Scalar-List-Utils perl-Term-UI perl-Test-Harness perl-Test-Simple perl-Time-Piece perl-parent perl-threads perl-threads-shared perl-version end # Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zarro. Uh uh. Nope. Sorry. files end end end