#!/usr/bin/env bash PATH=.:$PATH:/usr/sbin MAKE=${MAKE:-make} export PDNS=${PDNS:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_server} export PDNS2=${PDNS2:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_server} export PDNSRECURSOR=${PDNSRECURSOR:-${PWD}/../pdns/recursordist/pdns_recursor} export RECCONTROL=${RECCONTROL:-${PWD}/../pdns/recursordist/rec_control} export SDIG=${SDIG:-${PWD}/../pdns/sdig} export NOTIFY=${NOTIFY:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_notify} export NSEC3DIG=${NSEC3DIG:-${PWD}/../pdns/nsec3dig} export SAXFR=${SAXFR:-${PWD}/../pdns/saxfr} export ZONE2SQL=${ZONE2SQL:-${PWD}/../pdns/zone2sql} export ZONE2JSON=${ZONE2JSON:-${PWD}/../pdns/zone2json} export ZONE2LDAP=${ZONE2LDAP:-${PWD}/../pdns/zone2ldap} export PDNSUTIL=${PDNSUTIL:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdnsutil} export PDNSCONTROL=${PDNSCONTROL:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_control} unset _JAVA_OPTIONS spectest=$1 [ -z $spectest ] && spectest="" for prog in $SDIG $SAXFR $NOTIFY $NSEC3DIG; do if `echo $prog | grep -q '\.\./pdns'`; then ${MAKE} -C ../pdns ${prog##*../pdns/} || exit fi done export SDIG="timeout 5 $SDIG" export NSEC3DIG="timeout 5 $NSEC3DIG" export SAXFR="timeout 30 $SAXFR" export PDNSCONTROL="timeout 5 $PDNSCONTROL" rm -f test-results failed_tests passed_tests skipped_tests ${testsdir}/*/real_result ${testsdir}/*/diff ${testsdir}/*/*.out ${testsdir}/*/start ${testsdir}/*/step.* passed=0 failed=0 skipped=0 touch passed_tests failed_tests skipped_tests for a in $(find $testsdir -type d | grep -v ^.$ | grep -v .svn | grep -v ^confdir | LC_ALL=C sort) do if [ ! -x $a/command ] then continue fi testname=$(basename $a) export testname echo "$testname: " if [ "${PDNS_DEBUG}" = "YES" ]; then cat $a/description fi echo "$testname: " >> test-results cat $a/description >> test-results SKIPIT=0 if [ -e $a/skip ] then SKIPIT=1 result=" Skipped test $a" else for reason in $skipreasons $context do if [ -e $a/skip.$reason ] then SKIPIT=1 result=" Skipped test $a for reason $reason" break fi done fi FAIL=0 for reason in $skipreasons $context do if [ -e $a/fail.$reason ] then FAIL=1 break fi done if [ "$spectest" != "" ] && [ "$spectest" != "$testname" ] && [ "$testname" != "00dnssec-grabkeys" ] then SKIPIT=1 result=" Skipped test $a because it's not the specified single test" fi if [ $SKIPIT = 1 ] then echo $testname >> skipped_tests skipped=$[$skipped+1] else $a/command > $a/real_result expected=$a/expected_result diffopts="-u" if [ -e $a/expected_result.i ]; then expected=$a/expected_result.i diffopts="${diffopts} -i" fi for extracontext in $extracontexts do [ -e "$a/expected_result.$extracontext" ] && expected=$a/expected_result.$extracontext done [ -n "$context" ] && [ -e "$a/expected_result.$context" ] && expected=$a/expected_result.$context diff ${diffopts} $expected $a/real_result > $a/diff 2>&1 if [ -s $a/diff ] then if [ $FAIL = 0 ] then result=" Failed test $a" echo $testname >> failed_tests failed=$[$failed+1] else result=" Expected failure for reason $reason, test passed $a" echo $testname >> passed_tests passed=$[$passed+1] fi else if [ $FAIL = 0 ] then result=" Passed test $a" echo $testname >> passed_tests passed=$[$passed+1] else result=" Unexpected pass for reason $reason, test failed $a" echo $testname >> failed_tests failed=$[$failed+1] fi fi fi echo "$result" echo echo "$result" >> test-results echo >> test-results done echo -n $passed out of $[$passed+$failed] echo -n " (" res=$((echo scale=2; echo 100*$passed/\($passed+$failed\)) | bc ) echo -n "$res%) " echo tests passed, $skipped were skipped