#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [ "${PDNS_DEBUG}" = "YES" ]; then set -x fi export PDNS=${PDNS:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_server} export PDNS2=${PDNS2:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_server} export PDNSRECURSOR=${PDNSRECURSOR:-${PWD}/../pdns/recursordist/pdns_recursor} export RECCONTROL=${RECCONTROL:-${PWD}/../pdns/recursordist/rec_control} export SDIG=${SDIG:-${PWD}/../pdns/sdig} export NOTIFY=${NOTIFY:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_notify} export NSEC3DIG=${NSEC3DIG:-${PWD}/../pdns/nsec3dig} export SAXFR=${SAXFR:-${PWD}/../pdns/saxfr} export ZONE2SQL=${ZONE2SQL:-${PWD}/../pdns/zone2sql} export ZONE2LDAP=${ZONE2LDAP:-${PWD}/../pdns/zone2ldap} export PDNSUTIL=${PDNSUTIL:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdnsutil} export PDNSCONTROL=${PDNSCONTROL:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_control} export RESOLVERIP=${RESOLVERIP:-} export FIX_TESTS=${FIX_TESTS:-NO} ALGORITHM=${ALGORITHM:="hmac-md5"} KEY=${KEY:="kp4/24gyYsEzbuTVJRUMoqGFmN3LYgVDzJ/3oRSP7ys="} MAKE=${MAKE:-make} export ALGORITHM export KEY _show_help=0 for arg; do case "$arg" in (--help|help) _show_help=1 ;; esac done; unset -v arg if [ "$_show_help" -eq 1 ]; then grep -v '^#' << '__EOF__' Usage: ./start-test-stop [] [wait|nowait] [] [] context is one of: bind bind-dnssec bind-dnssec-nsec3 bind-dnssec-nsec3-optout bind-dnssec-nsec3-narrow geoip geoip-nsec3-narrow gmysql-nodnssec gmysql gmysql-nsec3 gmysql-nsec3-optout gmysql-nsec3-narrow godbc_mssql-nodnssec godbc_mssql godbc_mssql-nsec3 godbc_mssql-nsec3-optout godbc_mssql-nsec3-narrow godbc_sqlite3-nodnssec godbc_sqlite3 godbc_sqlite3-nsec3 godbc_sqlite3-nsec3-optout godbc_sqlite3-narrow gpgsql-nodnssec gpgsql gpgsql-nsec3 gpgsql-nsec3-optout gpgsql-nsec3-narrow gsqlite3-nodnssec gsqlite3 gsqlite3-nsec3 gsqlite3-nsec3-optout gsqlite3-nsec3-narrow lmdb-nodnssec lmdb remotebackend-pipe remotebackend-unix remotebackend-http remotebackend-zeromq remotebackend-pipe-dnssec remotebackend-unix-dnssec remotebackend-http-dnssec remotebackend-zeromq-dnssec #remotebackend-pipe-nsec3 remotebackend-unix-nsec3 remotebackend-http-nsec3 #remotebackend-pipe-nsec3-narrow remotebackend-unix-nsec3-narrow remotebackend-http-nsec3-narrow tinydns ldap-tree ldap-simple ldap-strict lua2 lua2-dnssec lua2-nsec3 lua2-nsec3-narrow #ext-nsd ext-nsd-nsec ext-nsd-nsec3 ext-bind ext-bind-nsec ext-bind-nsec3 * Add -presigned to any ext-nsd, ext-bind, bind, gmysql or gsqlite3 test (except narrow) to test presigned operation. * Add -both to any bind or gmysql test (except narrow) to test normal and presigned operation. * Add 'wait' (literally) after the context to not kill pdns_server immediately after testing. 'nowait' will kill it. * A cachettl can be supplied if you want to run tests with a ttl setting set. The default cachettl is 0. * Specifictest can be used to run only one single test. __EOF__ exit fi unset -v _show_help trap "kill_process 2" EXIT INT TERM source ../regression-tests/common bindwait () { check_process configname=$1 domcount=$(grep -c ^zone named.conf) if [ ! -x $PDNSCONTROL ] then echo "No pdns_control found" exit fi loopcount=0 while [ $loopcount -lt 20 ] do sleep 5 done=$( ($PDNSCONTROL --config-name=$configname --socket-dir=. --no-config bind-domain-status || true) | grep -c 'parsed into memory' || true ) if [ $done = $domcount ] then return fi let loopcount=loopcount+1 done if [ $done != $domcount ] then echo "Domain parsing failed" >> failed_tests fi } securezone () { local zone=$1 local configname=$2 if [ -n "$configname" ] then configname="--config-name=$configname" fi if [ "${zone: 0:16}" = "secure-delegated" ] then $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname import-zone-key $zone $zone.private ksk 2>&1 $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname add-zone-key $zone rsasha256 1024 zsk active 2>&1 $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname rectify-zone $zone 2>&1 $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname set-publish-cds $zone 2>&1 $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname set-publish-cdnskey $zone 2>&1 else # check if PKCS#11 should be used if [ "$pkcs11" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$slot" == "" ]; then slot=0 else slot=$((slot+1)) fi sudo softhsm --init-token --slot $slot --label label$slot --pin 123$slot --so-pin 123$slot kid=`$PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname hsm assign $zone ecdsa256 zsk softhsm label$slot 123$slot label$slot 2>&1 | grep softhsm | awk '{ print $NF }'` kid=`$PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname show-zone $zone | grep 'ID =.*ZSK' | awk '{ print $3 }'` $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname hsm create-key $zone $kid else $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname secure-zone $zone 2>&1 if [ "${zone: 0:20}" = "cdnskey-cds-test.com" ]; then $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname set-publish-cds $zone 2>&1 $PDNSUTIL --config-dir=. $configname set-publish-cdnskey $zone 2>&1 fi fi fi } kill_process () { set +e trap - EXIT INT TERM if [ $1 -gt 1 ] then echo "exitvalue$1" >> failed_tests ./toxml ./totar fi pids=$(cat pdns*.pid) if [ -n "$pids" ] then kill $pids # make sure they die. loopcount=0 done=0 while [ $loopcount -lt 10 ] && [ $done -eq 0 ] do done=1 for pid in $pids do kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then done=0 fi done let loopcount=loopcount+1 sleep 1 done kill -9 $pids fi rm pdns*.pid exit $1 } if [ ! -x $PDNS ] then echo "$PDNS is not executable binary" exit fi if [ ! -x $PDNS2 ] then echo "$PDNS2 is not executable binary" exit fi address="${PDNS_LISTEN_ADDR:-}" port=$1 [ -z "$port" ] && port=5300 context=$2 [ -z "$context" ] && context=bind-dnssec wait=$3 [ -z "$wait" ] && wait=nowait cachettl=$4 [ -z "$cachettl" ] && cachettl=0 spectest=$5 testsdir=./tests for prog in $SDIG $SAXFR $NOTIFY $NSEC3DIG; do if `echo $prog | grep -q '\.\./pdns'`; then ${MAKE} -C ../pdns ${prog##*../pdns/} || exit fi done # Copy original zones because the test might modify them (well only the dyndns stuff, but let's make this work for others as well) for zone in $(grep 'zone ' named.conf | cut -f2 -d\") do if [ -f zones/$zone.orig ] then cp -f zones/$zone.orig zones/$zone fi done rm -f pdns*.pid rm -f *_tests rm -f pdns-*.conf presigned=no both=no if [[ "$context" =~ .+-presigned.* ]] then presigned=yes port=$((port-100)) eval "$(echo "$context" | sed -r 's/(.+)(-presigned)(-(.*))?/context=\1 presignedcontext=\4/')" if [ -z "$presignedcontext" ] then presignedcontext=$context fi fi if [ "${context: -5}" = "-both" ] then both=yes port=$((port-100)) context=${context%-both} presignedcontext=$context fi optout=0 pkcs11=0 if [ "${context: -13}" = "-nsec3-optout" ] then optout=1 fi if [ "${context: -7}" = "-pkcs11" ] then pkcs11=1 context=${context:0:-7} fi # check for lua if $PDNS --version 2>&1 | grep Features: | grep -q "lua" then lua_prequery="--lua-prequery-script=./check_stest_source" skiplua=0 else lua_prequery="" skiplua=1 fi source backends/common start_master if [ "$skiplua" == "1" ]; then skipreasons="$skipreasons nolua" fi check_process dotests () { nameserver= ./runtests $spectest ./toxml ./totar cat ./trustedkeys if [ -s "./failed_tests" ] then for t in `cat failed_tests` do echo -e "\n\n$t" cat ${testsdir}/$t/diff done if [ "${!1}" -eq 0 ] then eval "$1=1" fi fi } ## TODO: give sdig a timeout RETVAL=0 export address export port export context export extracontexts export skipreasons export testsdir export optout sleep 2 if [ $presigned = no ] || [ $both = yes ] then dotests RETVAL fi if [ $presigned = yes ] || [ $both = yes ] then start_slave export port export context export skipreasons dotests RETVAL fi if [ "$wait" = "wait" ] then echo tests done! push enter to terminate instance read l fi trap "kill_process $RETVAL" EXIT