#!/bin/sh if [ ! -d .venv ]; then python3 -m venv .venv fi . .venv/bin/activate python -V pip install -U pip | cat pip install -r requirements.txt | cat protoc -I=../pdns/ --python_out=. ../pdns/dnsmessage.proto protoc -I=../pdns/ --python_out=. ../pdns/dnstap.proto mkdir -p configs [ -f ./vars ] && . ./vars export PDNS=${PDNS:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdns_server} export PDNSUTIL=${PDNSUTIL:-${PWD}/../pdns/pdnsutil} export PDNSRECURSOR=${PDNSRECURSOR:-${PWD}/../pdns/recursordist/pdns_recursor} export RECCONTROL=${RECCONTROL:-${PWD}/../pdns/recursordist/rec_control} LIBFAKETIME_DEFAULT=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketimeMT.so.1 # ubuntu default LIBAUTHBIND_DEFAULT=/usr/lib/authbind/libauthbind.so.1 if [ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ]; then # macOS is not /really/ supported here; it works for some tests, and then you might need sudo. LIBFAKETIME_DEFAULT=/usr/local/lib/faketime/libfaketime.1.dylib LIBAUTHBIND_DEFAULT="" fi if [ $(uname -s) = "OpenBSD" ]; then # OpenBSD is not /really/ supported here; it works for some tests, and then you might need sudo. LIBFAKETIME_DEFAULT="" LIBAUTHBIND_DEFAULT="" fi export LIBFAKETIME=${LIBFAKETIME:-$LIBFAKETIME_DEFAULT} export LIBAUTHBIND=${LIBAUTHBIND:-$LIBAUTHBIND_DEFAULT} export PREFIX=127.0.0 for bin in "$PDNS" "$PDNSUTIL" "$PDNSRECURSOR" "$RECCONTROL" "$LIBFAKETIME" "$LIBAUTHBIND"; do if [ -n "$bin" -a ! -e "$bin" ]; then echo "E: Required binary $bin not found. Please install the binary and/or edit ./vars." exit 1 fi done set -e if [ "${PDNS_DEBUG}" = "YES" ]; then set -x fi if ! "$PDNSRECURSOR" --version 2>&1 | grep Features | grep -q dnstap-framestream; then export NODNSTAPTESTS=1 fi # LIBFAKETIME is only added to LD_PRELOAD by the pyton code when needed if [ "${LIBASAN}" != "" -o "${LIBAUTHBIND}" != "" ]; then LD_PRELOAD="${LIBASAN} ${LIBAUTHBIND}" nosetests -I test_WellKnown.py --with-xunit $@ else nosetests -I test_WellKnown.py --with-xunit $@ fi