## Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors ## ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. ## include $(top_srcdir)/src/Common.am DNSSOURCE = \ dns_internal.cc STOREMETA_SOURCE = \ StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMeta.h \ StoreMetaMD5.cc \ StoreMetaMD5.h \ StoreMetaSTD.cc \ StoreMetaSTD.h \ StoreMetaSTDLFS.cc \ StoreMetaSTDLFS.h \ StoreMetaObjSize.h \ StoreMetaURL.cc \ StoreMetaURL.h \ StoreMetaVary.cc \ StoreMetaVary.h LOADABLE_MODULES_SOURCES = \ LoadableModule.cc \ LoadableModule.h \ LoadableModules.cc \ LoadableModules.h SUBDIRS = mem base anyp helper dns ftp parser comm error eui acl format clients sbuf servers fs repl store DiskIO proxyp DIST_SUBDIRS = mem base anyp helper dns ftp parser comm error eui acl format clients sbuf servers fs repl store DiskIO proxyp if ENABLE_AUTH SUBDIRS += auth AUTH_LIBS= auth/libauth.la AUTH_ACL_LIBS= auth/libacls.la endif DIST_SUBDIRS += auth SUBDIRS += http ip icmp ident log ipc mgr DIST_SUBDIRS += http ip icmp ident log ipc mgr SSL_LIBS= if ENABLE_SSL SUBDIRS += ssl SSL_LIBS += \ ssl/libsslsquid.la \ ssl/libsslutil.la endif DIST_SUBDIRS += ssl security SUBDIRS += security SNMP_ALL_SOURCE = \ SnmpRequest.h \ snmp_core.h \ snmp_core.cc \ snmp_agent.h \ snmp_agent.cc if ENABLE_SNMP SNMP_SOURCE = $(SNMP_ALL_SOURCE) SUBDIRS += snmp SNMP_LIBS = snmp/libsnmp.la $(SNMPLIB) else SNMP_SOURCE = endif DIST_SUBDIRS += snmp if ENABLE_ADAPTATION SUBDIRS += adaptation endif DIST_SUBDIRS += adaptation if ENABLE_ESI SUBDIRS += esi ESI_LIBS = \ esi/libesi.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libTrie/libTrie.a \ $(XMLLIB) \ $(EXPATLIB) else ESI_LIBS = endif DIST_SUBDIRS += esi DELAY_POOL_ALL_SOURCE = \ BandwidthBucket.cc \ BandwidthBucket.h \ CommonPool.h \ CompositePoolNode.h \ delay_pools.cc \ DelayId.cc \ DelayId.h \ DelayIdComposite.h \ DelayBucket.cc \ DelayBucket.h \ DelayConfig.cc \ DelayConfig.h \ DelayPool.cc \ DelayPool.h \ DelayPools.h \ DelaySpec.cc \ DelaySpec.h \ DelayTagged.cc \ DelayTagged.h \ DelayUser.cc \ DelayUser.h \ DelayVector.cc \ DelayVector.h \ MessageBucket.cc \ MessageBucket.h \ MessageDelayPools.h \ MessageDelayPools.cc \ NullDelayId.h \ ClientDelayConfig.cc \ ClientDelayConfig.h if ENABLE_DELAY_POOLS DELAY_POOL_SOURCE = $(DELAY_POOL_ALL_SOURCE) else DELAY_POOL_SOURCE = endif if ENABLE_XPROF_STATS XPROF_STATS_SOURCE = ProfStats.cc else XPROF_STATS_SOURCE = endif if ENABLE_HTCP HTCPSOURCE = htcp.cc htcp.h endif if ENABLE_UNLINKD UNLINKDSOURCE = unlinkd.h unlinkd.cc UNLINKD = unlinkd else UNLINKDSOURCE = unlinkd.h UNLINKD = endif WIN32_ALL_SOURCE = \ win32.h \ win32.cc \ WinSvc.h \ WinSvc.cc if ENABLE_WIN32SPECIFIC WIN32_SOURCE = win32.cc WINSVC_SOURCE = WinSvc.cc else WIN32_SOURCE = WINSVC_SOURCE = endif if ENABLE_WIN32_IPC IPC_SOURCE = SquidIpc.h ipc_win32.cc else IPC_SOURCE = SquidIpc.h ipc.cc endif noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libsquid.la EXTRA_PROGRAMS = \ unlinkd \ recv-announce \ ufsdump ## cfgen is used when building squid ## ufsdump is a debug utility, it is possibly useful for end users with cache ## corruption, but at this point we do not install it. noinst_PROGRAMS = \ cf_gen sbin_PROGRAMS = \ squid bin_PROGRAMS = libexec_PROGRAMS = \ $(UNLINKD) cf_gen_SOURCES = cf_gen.cc nodist_cf_gen_HEADER = cf_gen_defines.cci ## cf_gen must be stand-alone executable. It is a purely build-time executable. cf_gen_LDADD= cf_gen.$(OBJEXT): cf_gen_defines.cci ## cf_gen.cc needs src/cf_gen_defines.cci AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_builddir)/src ACL_REGISTRATION_SOURCES = \ AclRegs.cc \ AuthReg.cc # common library for all the binaries and tests. This is kindof a catch all # and smaller libraries split from this are encouraged. Using lt convenience # libraries, dependencies should not be a problem either. libsquid_la_SOURCES = \ CommCalls.cc \ CommCalls.h \ DescriptorSet.cc \ DescriptorSet.h \ SquidConfig.cc \ SquidConfig.h \ comm.cc \ comm.h squid_SOURCES = \ $(ACL_REGISTRATION_SOURCES) \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(DNSSOURCE) \ $(HTCPSOURCE) \ $(IPC_SOURCE) \ $(SNMP_SOURCE) \ $(STOREMETA_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ $(WINSVC_SOURCE) \ $(XPROF_STATS_SOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AccessLogEntry.h \ AsyncEngine.cc \ AsyncEngine.h \ AuthReg.h \ BodyPipe.cc \ BodyPipe.h \ CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ CacheManager.h \ CachePeer.cc \ CachePeer.h \ ClientInfo.h \ ClientRequestContext.h \ CollapsedForwarding.cc \ CollapsedForwarding.h \ CollapsingHistory.h \ CommRead.h \ CommandLine.cc \ CommandLine.h \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ ConfigParser.h \ CpuAffinity.cc \ CpuAffinity.h \ CpuAffinityMap.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.h \ CpuAffinitySet.cc \ CpuAffinitySet.h \ Debug.h \ Downloader.cc \ Downloader.h \ ETag.cc \ ETag.h \ EventLoop.cc \ EventLoop.h \ ExternalACL.h \ ExternalACLEntry.cc \ ExternalACLEntry.h \ FadingCounter.cc \ FadingCounter.h \ FileMap.h \ FwdState.cc \ FwdState.h \ Generic.h \ HappyConnOpener.cc \ HappyConnOpener.h \ HierarchyLogEntry.h \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ HttpControlMsg.cc \ HttpControlMsg.h \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrContRange.h \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrSc.h \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.h \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderMask.h \ HttpHeaderRange.h \ HttpHeaderStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ HttpReply.h \ HttpRequest.cc \ HttpRequest.h \ HttpUpgradeProtocolAccess.cc \ HttpUpgradeProtocolAccess.h \ ICP.h \ Instance.cc \ Instance.h \ IoStats.h \ LogTags.cc \ LogTags.h \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ MemObject.h \ MemStore.cc \ MemStore.h \ MessageSizes.h \ NeighborTypeDomainList.h \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ Parsing.h \ PeerDigest.h \ PeerPoolMgr.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.h \ PeerSelectState.h \ PingData.h \ Pipeline.cc \ Pipeline.h \ RefreshPattern.h \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RemovalPolicy.h \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ ResolvedPeers.cc \ ResolvedPeers.h \ SBufStatsAction.cc \ SBufStatsAction.h \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ Store.h \ StoreClient.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreFileSystem.h \ StoreIOBuffer.h \ StoreIOState.cc \ StoreIOState.h \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.h \ StoreSearch.h \ StoreStats.cc \ StoreStats.h \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StoreSwapLogData.h \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ TimeOrTag.h \ Transients.cc \ Transients.h \ XactionInitiator.cc \ XactionInitiator.h \ XactionStep.h \ cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ cache_manager.cc \ carp.cc \ carp.h \ cbdata.cc \ cbdata.h \ clientStream.cc \ clientStream.h \ clientStreamForward.h \ client_db.cc \ client_db.h \ client_side.cc \ client_side.h \ client_side_reply.cc \ client_side_reply.h \ client_side_request.cc \ client_side_request.h \ debug.cc \ defines.h \ dlink.cc \ dlink.h \ enums.h \ errorpage.cc \ errorpage.h \ event.cc \ event.h \ external_acl.cc \ fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ fde.h \ filemap.cc \ fqdncache.cc \ fqdncache.h \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ globals.h \ gopher.cc \ gopher.h \ helper.cc \ helper.h \ hier_code.h \ http.cc \ http.h \ icp_opcode.h \ icp_v2.cc \ icp_v3.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ internal.cc \ internal.h \ ipcache.cc \ ipcache.h \ lookup_t.h \ main.cc \ mem_node.cc \ mem_node.h \ mime.cc \ mime.h \ mime_header.cc \ mime_header.h \ multicast.cc \ multicast.h \ neighbors.cc \ neighbors.h \ pconn.cc \ pconn.h \ peer_digest.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h \ peer_select.cc \ peer_sourcehash.cc \ peer_sourcehash.h \ peer_userhash.cc \ peer_userhash.h \ protos.h \ redirect.cc \ redirect.h \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ sbuf/StringConvert.h \ send-announce.cc \ send-announce.h \ stat.cc \ stat.h \ stmem.cc \ stmem.h \ store.cc \ store_client.cc \ store_digest.cc \ store_digest.h \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ store_log.cc \ store_log.h \ store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ store_swapin.cc \ store_swapin.h \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ swap_log_op.h \ time.cc \ tools.cc \ tools.h \ tunnel.cc \ typedefs.h \ urn.cc \ urn.h \ wccp.cc \ wccp.h \ wccp2.cc \ wccp2.h \ whois.cc \ whois.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h EXTRA_squid_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_ALL_SOURCE) \ $(LOADABLE_MODULES_SOURCES) \ $(SNMP_ALL_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ $(WIN32_ALL_SOURCE) \ $(all_AUTHMODULES) \ ConfigOption.h \ ProfStats.cc \ htcp.cc \ htcp.h \ ipc.cc \ ipc_win32.cc noinst_HEADERS = \ MemBuf.h \ SquidString.h \ SquidTime.h BUILT_SOURCES = \ cf_gen_defines.cci \ cf_parser.cci \ globals.cc \ hier_code.cc \ icp_opcode.cc \ lookup_t.cc \ repl_modules.cc \ swap_log_op.cc CLEANFILES += $(BUILT_SOURCES) nodist_squid_SOURCES = \ $(BUILT_SOURCES) squid_LDADD = \ $(AUTH_ACL_LIBS) \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ $(AUTH_LIBS) \ acl/libapi.la \ clients/libclients.la \ servers/libservers.la \ ftp/libftp.la \ helper/libhelper.la \ http/libhttp.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ libsquid.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ DiskIO/libdiskio.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ security/libsecurity.la \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ error/liberror.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ proxyp/libproxyp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ eui/libeui.la \ icmp/libicmp.la \ log/liblog.la \ format/libformat.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(XTRA_OBJS) \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(CRYPTLIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ $(ESI_LIBS) \ $(SNMP_LIBS) \ mem/libmem.la \ store/libstore.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(EPOLL_LIBS) \ $(MINGW_LIBS) \ $(KRB5LIBS) \ $(SYSTEMD_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) if ENABLE_LOADABLE_MODULES squid_SOURCES += $(LOADABLE_MODULES_SOURCES) squid_LDADD += -L$(top_builddir) $(LIBLTDL) squid_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic -dlopen force ## when static module linking is supported and enabled: ## squid_LDFLAGS = -all-static -dlopen self ## ## LTDL headers require their local include path... AM_CPPFLAGS += $(INCLTDL) endif ## Kerberos libraries require their include path... AM_CPPFLAGS += $(KRB5INCS) unlinkd_SOURCES = unlinkd_daemon.cc unlinkd_LDADD = \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) recv_announce_SOURCES = recv-announce.cc ## What requires what.. ## many things want ACLChecklist.cc ## ACLChecklist.cc wants AuthUserRequest.cc ## ACLChecklist.cc wants AuthScheme.cc ## ACLChecklist.cc wants ACLProxyAuth.cc directly ## ACLProxyAuth.cc wants ACLUserData ## ACLProxyAuth.cc wants ACLRegexData ## cache_cf.cc wants $(AUTH_LIBS) ## cache_cf.cc wants store/libstore.la ## cache_cf.cc wants AnyP::PortCfg ## client_side wants client_db ## client_db wants SNMP_SOURCE ## snmp_core wants ACLStringData ## tools.cc wants ip/libip.la ## client_side.cc wants ip/libip.la ## libbase.la wants cbdata.* ## libbase.la wants MemBuf.* ufsdump_SOURCES = \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ MemBuf.cc \ MemBuf.h \ Parsing.h \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ tests/stub_StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ String.cc \ cbdata.cc \ cbdata.h \ debug.cc \ dlink.cc \ dlink.h \ tests/stub_fd.cc \ fd.h \ helper/ChildConfig.h \ int.cc \ int.h \ mem/forward.h \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ tests/stub_time.cc \ ufsdump.cc ufsdump_LDADD = \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ eui/libeui.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ base/libbase.la \ libsquid.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ $(XTRA_OBJS) \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(CRYPTLIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(EPOLL_LIBS) \ $(MINGW_LIBS) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) ufsdump_DEPENDENCIES = \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ eui/libeui.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ base/libbase.la \ libsquid.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ DiskIO/libdiskio.la \ $(REPL_OBJS) nodist_ufsdump_SOURCES = \ globals.cc sysconf_DATA = \ squid.conf.default \ squid.conf.documented \ mime.conf.default data_DATA = \ mib.txt LDADD = \ $(AUTH_ACL_LIBS) \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ eui/libeui.la \ acl/libstate.la \ $(AUTH_LIBS) \ acl/libapi.la \ base/libbase.la \ libsquid.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ $(EPOLL_LIBS) \ $(MINGW_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) include $(srcdir)/tests/Stub.am EXTRA_DIST = \ cf_gen_defines \ cf.data.pre \ cf.data.depend \ cf.data.sed \ mk-globals-c.awk \ mk-string-arrays.awk \ repl_modules.sh \ $(STUB_SOURCE) \ tests/STUB.h \ mib.txt \ mime.conf.default snmp_core.o snmp_agent.o: ../lib/snmplib/libsnmplib.la $(top_srcdir)/include/cache_snmp.h globals.cc: globals.h mk-globals-c.awk $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mk-globals-c.awk < $(srcdir)/globals.h > $@ || ($(RM) -f $@ && exit 1) ## Generate files containing string arrays for various enums.... hier_code.cc: hier_code.h mk-string-arrays.awk $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mk-string-arrays.awk < $(srcdir)/hier_code.h > $@ || ($(RM) -f $@ && exit 1) lookup_t.cc: lookup_t.h mk-string-arrays.awk $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mk-string-arrays.awk < $(srcdir)/lookup_t.h > $@ || ($(RM) -f $@ && exit 1) icp_opcode.cc: icp_opcode.h mk-string-arrays.awk $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mk-string-arrays.awk < $(srcdir)/icp_opcode.h > $@ || ($(RM) -f $@ && exit 1) swap_log_op.cc: swap_log_op.h mk-string-arrays.awk $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mk-string-arrays.awk < $(srcdir)/swap_log_op.h > $@ || ($(RM) -f $@ && exit 1) ## other generated files... test_cache_digest: test_cache_digest.o CacheDigest.o debug.o globals.o store_key_md5.o $(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $@.o CacheDigest.o debug.o globals.o store_key_md5.o $(STD_APP_LIBS) ## If autodependency works well this is not needed anymore cache_cf.o: cf_parser.cci # cf_gen builds the configuration files. cf_gen$(EXEEXT): $(cf_gen_SOURCES) $(cf_gen_DEPENDENCIES) cf_gen_defines.cci $(BUILDCXX) $(BUILDCXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(srcdir)/cf_gen.cc -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir)/include/ -I$(top_builddir)/src # squid.conf.default is built by cf_gen when making cf_parser.cci squid.conf.default squid.conf.documented: cf_parser.cci true cf_parser.cci: cf.data cf_gen$(EXEEXT) ./cf_gen$(EXEEXT) cf.data $(srcdir)/cf.data.depend # The cf_gen_defines.cci is auto-generated and does not exist when the # dependencies computed. We need to add its include files (autoconf.h) here cf_gen_defines.cci: $(srcdir)/cf_gen_defines $(srcdir)/cf.data.pre $(top_builddir)/include/autoconf.h $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/cf_gen_defines <$(srcdir)/cf.data.pre >$@ || ($(RM) -f $@ && exit 1) ## TODO: generate a sed command file from configure. Then this doesn't ## depend on the Makefile. cf.data: cf.data.pre Makefile sed \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT[@]%$(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_ICP_PORT[@]%$(DEFAULT_ICP_PORT)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_CACHE_EFFECTIVE_USER[@]%$(CACHE_EFFECTIVE_USER)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE[@]%$(DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_SSL_CRTD[@]%$(DEFAULT_SSL_CRTD)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_UNLINKD[@]%$(DEFAULT_UNLINKD)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_PINGER[@]%$(DEFAULT_PINGER)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_DISKD[@]%$(DEFAULT_DISKD)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_LOGFILED[@]%$(DEFAULT_LOGFILED)%g;" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_CACHE_LOG[@]%$(DEFAULT_CACHE_LOG)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_ACCESS_LOG[@]%$(DEFAULT_ACCESS_LOG)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_STORE_LOG[@]%$(DEFAULT_STORE_LOG)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_PID_FILE[@]%$(DEFAULT_PID_FILE)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_NETDB_FILE[@]%$(DEFAULT_NETDB_FILE)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_SWAP_DIR[@]%$(DEFAULT_SWAP_DIR)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_SSL_DB_DIR[@]%$(DEFAULT_SSL_DB_DIR)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_ICON_DIR[@]%$(DEFAULT_ICON_DIR)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR[@]%$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_ERROR_DIR[@]%$(DEFAULT_ERROR_DIR)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_PREFIX[@]%$(DEFAULT_PREFIX)%g" \ -e "s%[@]DEFAULT_HOSTS[@]%$(DEFAULT_HOSTS)%g" \ -e "s%[@]SQUID[@]%SQUID\ $(VERSION)%g" \ -f $(srcdir)/cf.data.sed \ < $(srcdir)/cf.data.pre >$@ repl_modules.cc: repl_modules.sh Makefile $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/repl_modules.sh $(REPL_POLICIES) > repl_modules.cc include $(top_srcdir)/doc/manuals/Substitute.am squid.8: $(srcdir)/squid.8.in Makefile $(SUBSTITUTE) < $(srcdir)/squid.8.in > $@ man_MANS = squid.8 EXTRA_DIST += squid.8.in CLEANFILES += squid.8 install-data-local: install-sysconfDATA install-dataDATA @if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE) ; then \ echo "$@ will not overwrite existing $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE)" ; \ else \ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/mime.conf.default $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE)" ;\ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/mime.conf.default $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE); \ fi @if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) ; then \ echo "$@ will not overwrite existing $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)" ; \ else \ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) squid.conf.default $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) squid.conf.default $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE); \ fi echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) squid.conf.default $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE).default"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) squid.conf.default $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE).default; \ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) squid.conf.documented $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE).documented"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) squid.conf.documented $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE).documented; \ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_LOG_PREFIX); \ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_SWAP_DIR); \ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)`dirname $(DEFAULT_PID_FILE)` uninstall-local: squid.conf.default @$(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/remove-cfg.sh "$(RM)" $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE) $(srcdir)/mime.conf.default @$(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/remove-cfg.sh "$(RM)" $(DESTDIR)$(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) squid.conf.default CLEANFILES += cf.data squid.conf.default squid.conf.documented \ test_tools.cc *.a test_tools.cc: $(top_srcdir)/test-suite/test_tools.cc cp $(top_srcdir)/test-suite/test_tools.cc . # stock tools for unit tests - library independent versions of dlink_list # etc. # globals.cc is needed by test_tools.cc. # Neither of these should be disted from here. TESTSOURCES= \ tests/STUB.h \ test_tools.cc \ globals.cc ### Template for new Unit Test Program ## - copy template below and substitute X for class name ## - place code being tested in _SOURCES ## - place stubs etc. requiredd to link in nodist_*_SOURCES ## - add other component .(h|cc) files needed to link and run tests ## #check_PROGRAMS += tests/testX #tests_testX_SOURCES= \ # tests/testX.cc \ # tests/testX.h #nodist_tests_testX_SOURCES= \ # X.cc \ # tests/stubs_as_needed.cc #tests_testX_LDADD=\ # $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ # $(COMPAT_LIB) \ # $(XTRA_LIBS) #tests_testX_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## A demonstration test that does nothing but shows the salient points ## involved in writing tests. check_PROGRAMS += tests/testBoilerplate tests_testBoilerplate_SOURCES = \ tests/testBoilerplate.cc \ tests/testBoilerplate.h nodist_tests_testBoilerplate_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) tests_testBoilerplate_LDADD= \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testBoilerplate_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) # Unit Tests are listed below by sub-directory with order matching the SUBDIRS # dependency-based list so that simpler code is tested before more complex code # which uses it. ## Tests of mem/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testMem tests_testMem_SOURCES = \ tests/testMem.cc \ tests/testMem.h nodist_tests_testMem_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_time.cc tests_testMem_LDADD = \ mem/libmem.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testMem_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of base/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testCharacterSet tests_testCharacterSet_SOURCES = \ tests/testCharacterSet.cc \ tests/testCharacterSet.h nodist_tests_testCharacterSet_SOURCES = \ base/CharacterSet.h tests_testCharacterSet_LDADD = \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testCharacterSet_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testEnumIterator tests_testEnumIterator_SOURCES = \ tests/testEnumIterator.cc \ tests/testEnumIterator.h nodist_tests_testEnumIterator_SOURCES = \ base/EnumIterator.h tests_testEnumIterator_LDADD = \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testEnumIterator_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testLookupTable tests_testLookupTable_SOURCES = \ tests/testLookupTable.cc \ tests/testLookupTable.h nodist_tests_testLookupTable_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ base/LookupTable.h \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc tests_testLookupTable_LDADD = \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testLookupTable_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testRefCount tests_testRefCount_SOURCES = \ tests/testRefCount.cc \ tests/testRefCount.h nodist_tests_testRefCount_SOURCES = \ base/RefCount.h tests_testRefCount_LDADD = \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testRefCount_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testYesNoNone tests_testYesNoNone_SOURCES = \ tests/testYesNoNone.cc \ tests/testYesNoNone.h nodist_tests_testYesNoNone_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_SBuf.cc \ base/YesNoNone.h \ tests/stub_debug.cc tests_testYesNoNone_LDADD = \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testYesNoNone_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of anyp/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testURL tests_testURL_SOURCES = \ tests/testURL.cc \ tests/testURL.h \ tests/testUriScheme.cc \ tests/testUriScheme.h nodist_tests_testURL_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ tests/stub_HttpHeader.cc \ tests/stub_HttpRequest.cc \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ String.cc \ tests/stub_access_log.cc \ anyp/Uri.h \ anyp/UriScheme.h \ tests/stub_cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_libhttp.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc tests_testURL_LDADD = \ libsquid.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ base/libbase.la \ ip/libip.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testURL_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of dns/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testDns tests_testDns_SOURCES = \ tests/testRFC1035.cc \ tests/testRFC1035.h nodist_tests_testDns_SOURCES= tests_testDns_LDADD = \ dns/libdns.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testDns_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of parser/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testTokenizer tests_testTokenizer_SOURCES = \ tests/testTokenizer.cc \ tests/testTokenizer.h nodist_tests_testTokenizer_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ parser/Tokenizer.h tests_testTokenizer_LDADD = \ parser/libparser.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testTokenizer_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of sbuf/* and String handling objects check_PROGRAMS += tests/testSBuf tests_testSBuf_SOURCES = \ tests/testSBuf.cc \ tests/testSBuf.h \ tests/SBufFindTest.cc \ tests/SBufFindTest.h nodist_tests_testSBuf_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc tests_testSBuf_LDADD = \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testSBuf_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testSBufList tests_testSBufList_SOURCES = \ tests/testSBufList.cc \ tests/testSBufList.h nodist_tests_testSBufList_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc tests_testSBufList_LDADD = \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testSBufList_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testString tests_testString_SOURCES = \ tests/testString.cc \ tests/testString.h nodist_tests_testString_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_SBuf.cc \ String.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc tests_testString_LDADD = \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testString_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of fs/* if ENABLE_FS_ROCK check_PROGRAMS += tests/testRock tests_testRock_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(STOREMETA_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AccessLogEntry.h \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ tests/stub_CachePeer.cc \ CollapsedForwarding.cc \ CollapsedForwarding.h \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ ETag.cc \ EventLoop.cc \ FadingCounter.cc \ FileMap.h \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ tests/stub_HttpRequest.cc \ LogTags.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ tests/stub_Port.cc \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ ResolvedPeers.cc \ ResolvedPeers.h \ tests/testRock.cc \ tests/testRock.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreIOState.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.h \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ Transients.h \ tests/stub_access_log.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ tests/stub_cache_manager.cc \ cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_client_db.cc \ tests/stub_client_side.cc \ tests/stub_client_side_request.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ fde.h \ filemap.cc \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_http.cc \ tests/stub_icp.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ tests/stub_ipc.cc \ tests/stub_ipcache.cc \ tests/stub_libanyp.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libeui.cc \ tests/stub_libformat.cc \ tests/stub_libicmp.cc \ tests/stub_liblog.cc \ tests/stub_libmgr.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ log/access_log.h \ mem_node.cc \ tests/stub_mime.cc \ mime.h \ tests/stub_neighbors.cc \ tests/stub_pconn.cc \ repl_modules.h \ tests/stub_stat.cc \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ tests/stub_store_client.cc \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ tests/stub_store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testRock_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ hier_code.cc \ swap_log_op.cc tests_testRock_LDADD = \ http/libhttp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ libsquid.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ $(COMMON_LIBS) \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ DiskIO/libdiskio.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libapi.la \ acl/libstate.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ eui/libeui.la \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ ipc/libipc.la \ base/libbase.la \ mem/libmem.la \ store/libstore.la \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testRock_LDFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(LIBADD_DL) else EXTRA_DIST += \ tests/testRock.cc \ tests/testRock.h \ tests/testStoreSupport.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.h endif if ENABLE_FS_UFS check_PROGRAMS += tests/testUfs tests_testUfs_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(STOREMETA_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AccessLogEntry.h \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ tests/stub_CachePeer.cc \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_CollapsedForwarding.cc \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ ETag.cc \ EventLoop.cc \ FadingCounter.cc \ FileMap.h \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ tests/stub_HttpRequest.cc \ LogTags.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ tests/stub_Port.cc \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreIOState.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.h \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ tests/stub_UdsOp.cc \ tests/testUfs.cc \ tests/testUfs.h \ tests/stub_access_log.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ tests/stub_cache_manager.cc \ cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_client_db.cc \ client_db.h \ tests/stub_client_side.cc \ tests/stub_client_side_request.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ fde.h \ filemap.cc \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_helper.cc \ tests/stub_http.cc \ tests/stub_icp.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ tests/stub_internal.cc \ internal.h \ tests/stub_ipc.cc \ tests/stub_ipcache.cc \ tests/stub_libanyp.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libeui.cc \ tests/stub_libformat.cc \ tests/stub_libicmp.cc \ tests/stub_liblog.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ log/access_log.h \ mem_node.cc \ tests/stub_mime.cc \ mime.h \ tests/stub_neighbors.cc \ tests/stub_pconn.cc \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ tests/stub_stat.cc \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ tests/stub_store_client.cc \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ tests/stub_store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testUfs_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ hier_code.cc \ swap_log_op.cc tests_testUfs_LDADD = \ http/libhttp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ CommCalls.o \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ libsquid.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ acl/libacls.la \ DiskIO/libdiskio.la \ acl/libapi.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ ipc/libipc.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ ip/libip.la \ mem/libmem.la \ store/libstore.la \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testUfs_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) else EXTRA_DIST += \ tests/testUfs.cc \ tests/testUfs.h endif ## Tests of store/* and Store objects check_PROGRAMS += tests/testStore ## why so many sources? well httpHeaderTools requites ACLChecklist & friends. ## first line - what we are testing. tests_testStore_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_CollapsedForwarding.cc \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ ETag.cc \ EventLoop.cc \ FileMap.h \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ tests/stub_HttpReply.cc \ tests/stub_HttpRequest.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ tests/testPackableStream.cc \ tests/testPackableStream.h \ Parsing.cc \ tests/stub_Port.cc \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ tests/testStore.cc \ tests/testStore.h \ tests/testStoreController.cc \ tests/testStoreController.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ tests/testStoreHashIndex.cc \ tests/testStoreHashIndex.h \ StoreIOState.cc \ tests/stub_StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.h \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ tests/stub_UdsOp.cc \ tests/stub_access_log.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ tests/stub_cache_manager.cc \ cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_client_side.cc \ tests/stub_client_side_request.cc \ tests/stub_comm.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ tests/stub_fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.h \ filemap.cc \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_helper.cc \ tests/stub_http.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ tests/stub_libanyp.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libcomm.cc \ tests/stub_libdiskio.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libeui.cc \ tests/stub_libformat.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ tests/stub_libsslsquid.cc \ log/access_log.h \ mem_node.cc \ tests/stub_mime.cc \ mime.h \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ tests/stub_stat.cc \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ tests/stub_store_client.cc \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ tests/stub_store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ tests/stub_store_swapout.cc \ tests/CapturingStoreEntry.h \ tests/TestSwapDir.cc \ tests/TestSwapDir.h \ tests/stub_time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testStore_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ swap_log_op.cc tests_testStore_LDADD= \ libsquid.la \ http/libhttp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ mem/libmem.la \ store/libstore.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ DiskIO/libdiskio.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ CommCalls.o \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testStore_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of DiskIO/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testDiskIO tests_testDiskIO_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AccessLogEntry.h \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ tests/stub_CachePeer.cc \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_CollapsedForwarding.cc \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ tests/testDiskIO.cc \ tests/testDiskIO.h \ tests/stub_ETag.cc \ EventLoop.cc \ FadingCounter.cc \ FileMap.h \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ tests/stub_HttpRequest.cc \ LogTags.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ tests/stub_MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ tests/stub_Port.cc \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ ResolvedPeers.cc \ ResolvedPeers.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreIOState.cc \ tests/stub_StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.cc \ tests/testStoreSupport.h \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ tests/stub_UdsOp.cc \ tests/stub_access_log.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ tests/stub_cache_manager.cc \ cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_client_db.cc \ client_db.h \ tests/stub_client_side.cc \ tests/stub_client_side_request.cc \ client_side_request.h \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ fde.h \ filemap.cc \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_helper.cc \ tests/stub_http.cc \ tests/stub_icp.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ tests/stub_internal.cc \ internal.h \ tests/stub_ipc.cc \ tests/stub_ipcache.cc \ tests/stub_libanyp.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libauth_acls.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libeui.cc \ tests/stub_libformat.cc \ tests/stub_libicmp.cc \ tests/stub_liblog.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ tests/stub_libstore.cc \ log/access_log.h \ mem_node.cc \ tests/stub_mime.cc \ mime.h \ tests/stub_neighbors.cc \ tests/stub_pconn.cc \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ tests/stub_stat.cc \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ tests/stub_store_client.cc \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ tests/stub_store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ tests/stub_time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testDiskIO_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ hier_code.cc \ swap_log_op.cc tests_testDiskIO_LDADD = \ libsquid.la \ http/libhttp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ SquidConfig.o \ CommCalls.o \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ DiskIO/libdiskio.la \ acl/libapi.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ ipc/libipc.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ mem/libmem.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testDiskIO_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of auth/* if ENABLE_AUTH check_PROGRAMS += tests/testACLMaxUserIP tests_testACLMaxUserIP_SOURCES = \ tests/testACLMaxUserIP.cc \ tests/testACLMaxUserIP.h nodist_tests_testACLMaxUserIP_SOURCES = \ ConfigParser.cc \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ tests/stub_HttpHeader.cc \ tests/stub_HttpRequest.cc \ tests/stub_MemBuf.cc \ Parsing.cc \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ String.cc \ tests/stub_access_log.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ tests/stub_cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_client_side.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ dlink.cc \ tests/stub_errorpage.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ globals.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libhttp.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc tests_testACLMaxUserIP_LDADD = \ $(AUTH_ACL_LIBS) \ acl/libapi.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libacls.la \ SquidConfig.o \ ip/libip.la \ parser/libparser.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testACLMaxUserIP_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) else EXTRA_DIST += \ tests/testACLMaxUserIP.cc \ tests/testACLMaxUserIP.h endif ## Tests of http/* and HTTP Protocol objects check_PROGRAMS += tests/test_http_range tests_test_http_range_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(DNSSOURCE) \ $(HTCPSOURCE) \ $(IPC_SOURCE) \ $(SNMP_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AuthReg.h \ BodyPipe.cc \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ CachePeer.cc \ CachePeer.h \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_CollapsedForwarding.cc \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.h \ CpuAffinitySet.cc \ CpuAffinitySet.h \ tests/stub_ETag.cc \ tests/stub_EventLoop.cc \ FadingCounter.cc \ FileMap.h \ FwdState.cc \ FwdState.h \ HappyConnOpener.cc \ HappyConnOpener.h \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ tests/stub_HttpControlMsg.cc \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ HttpRequest.cc \ tests/stub_HttpUpgradeProtocolAccess.cc \ IoStats.h \ tests/stub_IpcIoFile.cc \ LogTags.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ tests/stub_MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.h \ Pipeline.cc \ Pipeline.h \ RefreshPattern.h \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ ResolvedPeers.cc \ ResolvedPeers.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreIOState.cc \ tests/stub_StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ tests/test_http_range.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ cache_manager.cc \ tests/stub_carp.cc \ carp.h \ cbdata.cc \ clientStream.cc \ tests/stub_client_db.cc \ client_side.cc \ client_side.h \ client_side_reply.cc \ client_side_request.cc \ debug.cc \ dlink.cc \ dlink.h \ errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ tests/stub_external_acl.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ filemap.cc \ fqdncache.cc \ fqdncache.h \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_gopher.cc \ gopher.h \ helper.cc \ hier_code.h \ http.cc \ icp_v2.cc \ icp_v3.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ internal.cc \ internal.h \ tests/stub_ipc_Forwarder.cc \ ipcache.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libdiskio.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libeui.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ tests/stub_libstore.cc \ tests/stub_main_cc.cc \ mem_node.cc \ mime.cc \ mime.h \ mime_header.cc \ mime_header.h \ multicast.cc \ multicast.h \ neighbors.cc \ neighbors.h \ pconn.cc \ peer_digest.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h \ peer_select.cc \ peer_sourcehash.cc \ peer_sourcehash.h \ peer_userhash.cc \ peer_userhash.h \ tests/stub_redirect.cc \ redirect.h \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ stat.cc \ stat.h \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ store_client.cc \ tests/stub_store_digest.cc \ store_digest.h \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ store_log.cc \ store_log.h \ store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapin.cc \ store_swapin.h \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ time.cc \ tools.cc \ tools.h \ tests/stub_tunnel.cc \ urn.cc \ urn.h \ tests/stub_wccp2.cc \ wccp2.h \ tests/stub_whois.cc \ whois.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_test_http_range_SOURCES = \ $(BUILT_SOURCES) tests_test_http_range_LDADD = \ libsquid.la \ clients/libclients.la \ servers/libservers.la \ ftp/libftp.la \ helper/libhelper.la \ http/libhttp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ proxyp/libproxyp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ icmp/libicmp.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ log/liblog.la \ format/libformat.la \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ $(ESI_LIBS) \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ ipc/libipc.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ store/libstore.la \ $(SNMP_LIBS) \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(KRB5LIBS) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(SYSTEMD_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_test_http_range_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testHttp1Parser tests_testHttp1Parser_SOURCES = \ Debug.h \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ tests/testHttp1Parser.cc \ tests/testHttp1Parser.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemBuf.h \ tests/stub_MemObject.cc \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ String.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ tests/stub_cache_manager.cc \ tests/stub_cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_comm.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_event.cc \ tests/stub_libanyp.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ mime_header.cc \ mime_header.h \ tests/stub_stmem.cc \ tests/stub_store.cc \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ tests/stub_time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testHttp1Parser_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) tests_testHttp1Parser_LDADD= \ http/libhttp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ SquidConfig.o \ base/libbase.la \ ip/libip.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testHttp1Parser_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testHttpReply tests_testHttpReply_SOURCES = \ ConfigParser.cc \ tests/stub_ETag.cc \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ HttpControlMsg.cc \ HttpControlMsg.h \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrContRange.h \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrSc.h \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.h \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderMask.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ tests/testHttpReply.cc \ HttpReply.h \ tests/testHttpReply.h \ tests/stub_HttpRequest.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemBuf.h \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ SquidString.h \ SquidTime.h \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ tests/stub_access_log.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ tests/stub_cache_manager.cc \ tests/stub_client_side.cc \ cbdata.cc \ cbdata.h \ tests/stub_comm.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_errorpage.cc \ tests/stub_event.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ tests/stub_fd.cc \ tests/stub_libanyp.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libcomm.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libformat.cc \ tests/stub_libmgr.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ tests/stub_libsslsquid.cc \ log/access_log.h \ mime_header.cc \ mime_header.h \ repl_modules.h \ tests/stub_store.cc \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ tests/stub_time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testHttpReply_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) \ hier_code.cc tests_testHttpReply_LDADD=\ CommCalls.o \ http/libhttp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libapi.la \ acl/libstate.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ ip/libip.la \ base/libbase.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ mem/libmem.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testHttpReply_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testHttpRequest tests_testHttpRequest_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(DNSSOURCE) \ $(HTCPSOURCE) \ $(IPC_SOURCE) \ $(SNMP_SOURCE) \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AuthReg.h \ BodyPipe.cc \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ CachePeer.cc \ CachePeer.h \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_CollapsedForwarding.cc \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.h \ CpuAffinitySet.cc \ CpuAffinitySet.h \ tests/stub_ETag.cc \ tests/stub_EventLoop.cc \ ExternalACLEntry.cc \ FadingCounter.cc \ FwdState.cc \ FwdState.h \ HappyConnOpener.cc \ HappyConnOpener.h \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ tests/stub_HttpControlMsg.cc \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ HttpRequest.cc \ tests/testHttpRequest.cc \ tests/testHttpRequest.h \ tests/testHttpRequestMethod.cc \ tests/testHttpRequestMethod.h \ tests/stub_HttpUpgradeProtocolAccess.cc \ IoStats.h \ tests/stub_IpcIoFile.cc \ LogTags.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.h \ Pipeline.cc \ Pipeline.h \ RefreshPattern.h \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ ResolvedPeers.cc \ ResolvedPeers.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreIOState.cc \ tests/stub_StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ cache_manager.cc \ tests/stub_carp.cc \ carp.h \ cbdata.cc \ clientStream.cc \ tests/stub_client_db.cc \ client_side.cc \ client_side.h \ client_side_reply.cc \ client_side_request.cc \ debug.cc \ dlink.cc \ dlink.h \ errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ external_acl.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ fqdncache.cc \ fqdncache.h \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_gopher.cc \ gopher.h \ helper.cc \ hier_code.h \ http.cc \ icp_v2.cc \ icp_v3.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ internal.cc \ internal.h \ tests/stub_ipc_Forwarder.cc \ ipcache.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libauth_acls.cc \ tests/stub_libdiskio.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libeui.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ tests/stub_libstore.cc \ tests/stub_main_cc.cc \ mem_node.cc \ mime.cc \ mime.h \ mime_header.cc \ mime_header.h \ multicast.cc \ multicast.h \ neighbors.cc \ neighbors.h \ pconn.cc \ peer_digest.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h \ peer_select.cc \ peer_sourcehash.cc \ peer_sourcehash.h \ peer_userhash.cc \ peer_userhash.h \ tests/stub_redirect.cc \ redirect.h \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ stat.cc \ stat.h \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ store_client.cc \ tests/stub_store_digest.cc \ store_digest.h \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ store_log.cc \ store_log.h \ store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapin.cc \ store_swapin.h \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ time.cc \ tools.cc \ tools.h \ tests/stub_tunnel.cc \ urn.cc \ urn.h \ tests/stub_wccp2.cc \ wccp2.h \ tests/stub_whois.cc \ whois.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testHttpRequest_SOURCES = \ $(BUILT_SOURCES) tests_testHttpRequest_LDADD = \ libsquid.la \ clients/libclients.la \ servers/libservers.la \ helper/libhelper.la \ ftp/libftp.la \ http/libhttp.la \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ parser/libparser.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ ipc/libipc.la \ proxyp/libproxyp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ $(SNMP_LIBS) \ icmp/libicmp.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ log/liblog.la \ format/libformat.la \ store/libstore.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ $(ESI_LIBS) \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(KRB5LIBS) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(SYSTEMD_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testHttpRequest_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of ip/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testIpAddress tests_testIpAddress_SOURCES = \ tests/testIpAddress.cc \ tests/testIpAddress.h nodist_tests_testIpAddress_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_SBuf.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc tests_testIpAddress_LDADD = \ ip/libip.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testIpAddress_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of icmp/* check_PROGRAMS += tests/testIcmp # icmp/libicmpcore.la is used by pinger so SHOULD NOT require more dependancies! :-( tests_testIcmp_SOURCES = \ tests/testIcmp.cc \ tests/testIcmp.h nodist_tests_testIcmp_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_SBuf.cc \ SquidTime.h \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ globals.cc \ icmp/Icmp.h \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ time.cc tests_testIcmp_LDADD=\ icmp/libicmpcore.la \ ip/libip.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testIcmp_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testNetDb tests_testNetDb_SOURCES = \ tests/testNetDb.cc \ tests/testNetDb.h nodist_tests_testNetDb_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_SBuf.cc \ SquidTime.h \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ globals.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ time.cc tests_testNetDb_LDADD = \ icmp/libicmp.la \ ip/libip.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testNetDb_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of mgr/* and CacheManager objects check_PROGRAMS += tests/testCacheManager tests_testCacheManager_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(DNSSOURCE) \ $(HTCPSOURCE) \ $(IPC_SOURCE) \ $(SNMP_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AuthReg.h \ BodyPipe.cc \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ tests/testCacheManager.cc \ tests/testCacheManager.h \ CachePeer.cc \ CachePeer.h \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_CollapsedForwarding.cc \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.h \ CpuAffinitySet.cc \ CpuAffinitySet.h \ tests/stub_ETag.cc \ tests/stub_EventLoop.cc \ ExternalACLEntry.cc \ FadingCounter.cc \ FileMap.h \ FwdState.cc \ FwdState.h \ HappyConnOpener.cc \ HappyConnOpener.h \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ tests/stub_HttpControlMsg.cc \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ HttpRequest.cc \ tests/stub_HttpUpgradeProtocolAccess.cc \ IoStats.h \ tests/stub_IpcIoFile.cc \ LogTags.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.h \ Pipeline.cc \ Pipeline.h \ RefreshPattern.h \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ ResolvedPeers.cc \ ResolvedPeers.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ tests/stub_StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreIOState.cc \ tests/stub_StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ cache_manager.cc \ tests/stub_carp.cc \ carp.h \ cbdata.cc \ clientStream.cc \ tests/stub_client_db.cc \ client_side.cc \ client_side.h \ client_side_reply.cc \ client_side_request.cc \ debug.cc \ dlink.cc \ dlink.h \ errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ external_acl.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ filemap.cc \ fqdncache.cc \ fqdncache.h \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_gopher.cc \ gopher.h \ helper.cc \ hier_code.h \ http.cc \ icp_v2.cc \ icp_v3.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ internal.cc \ internal.h \ tests/stub_ipc_Forwarder.cc \ ipcache.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libauth_acls.cc \ tests/stub_libdiskio.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ tests/stub_libstore.cc \ tests/stub_main_cc.cc \ mem_node.cc \ mime.cc \ mime.h \ mime_header.cc \ mime_header.h \ multicast.cc \ multicast.h \ neighbors.cc \ neighbors.h \ pconn.cc \ peer_digest.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h \ peer_select.cc \ peer_sourcehash.cc \ peer_sourcehash.h \ peer_userhash.cc \ peer_userhash.h \ tests/stub_redirect.cc \ redirect.h \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ stat.cc \ stat.h \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ store_client.cc \ tests/stub_store_digest.cc \ store_digest.h \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ store_log.cc \ store_log.h \ store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapin.cc \ store_swapin.h \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ time.cc \ tools.cc \ tools.h \ tests/stub_tunnel.cc \ urn.cc \ urn.h \ tests/stub_wccp2.cc \ wccp2.h \ tests/stub_whois.cc \ whois.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testCacheManager_SOURCES = \ $(BUILT_SOURCES) # comm.cc only requires comm/libcomm.la until fdc_table is dead. tests_testCacheManager_LDADD = \ libsquid.la \ clients/libclients.la \ servers/libservers.la \ ftp/libftp.la \ helper/libhelper.la \ http/libhttp.la \ proxyp/libproxyp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ eui/libeui.la \ icmp/libicmp.la \ log/liblog.la \ format/libformat.la \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ $(ESI_LIBS) \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ anyp/libanyp.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ $(SNMP_LIBS) \ mem/libmem.la \ store/libstore.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(KRB5LIBS) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(SYSTEMD_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testCacheManager_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testStatHist tests_testStatHist_SOURCES = \ tests/stub_DelayId.cc \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ tests/stub_MemBuf.cc \ tests/stub_MemObject.cc \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ StatHist.cc \ tests/testStatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ tests/testStatHist.h \ String.cc \ tests/stub_cache_manager.cc \ tests/stub_cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_comm.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_mime.cc \ mime.h \ tests/stub_pconn.cc \ repl_modules.h \ tests/stub_stmem.cc \ tests/stub_store.cc \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h nodist_tests_testStatHist_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) tests_testStatHist_LDADD = \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) tests_testStatHist_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of ConfigParser check_PROGRAMS += tests/testConfigParser tests_testConfigParser_SOURCES = \ ClientInfo.h \ ConfigParser.cc \ tests/testConfigParser.cc \ tests/testConfigParser.h \ tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ tests/stub_MemBuf.cc \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ String.cc \ tests/stub_acl.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ tests/stub_cbdata.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_time.cc \ tests/stub_tools.cc \ tools.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testConfigParser_SOURCES = \ $(TESTSOURCES) tests_testConfigParser_LDADD = \ libsquid.la \ ip/libip.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ base/libbase.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testConfigParser_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Tests of Event handling check_PROGRAMS += tests/testEvent tests_testEvent_SOURCES = \ $(DELAY_POOL_SOURCE) \ $(DNSSOURCE) \ $(HTCPSOURCE) \ $(IPC_SOURCE) \ $(SNMP_SOURCE) \ $(UNLINKDSOURCE) \ $(WIN32_SOURCE) \ AccessLogEntry.cc \ AuthReg.h \ BodyPipe.cc \ tests/stub_CacheDigest.cc \ CacheDigest.h \ CachePeer.cc \ CachePeer.h \ ClientInfo.h \ tests/stub_CollapsedForwarding.cc \ ConfigOption.cc \ ConfigParser.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.cc \ CpuAffinityMap.h \ CpuAffinitySet.cc \ CpuAffinitySet.h \ tests/stub_ETag.cc \ tests/testEvent.cc \ tests/testEvent.h \ EventLoop.cc \ EventLoop.h \ ExternalACLEntry.cc \ FadingCounter.cc \ FileMap.h \ FwdState.cc \ FwdState.h \ HappyConnOpener.cc \ HappyConnOpener.h \ HttpBody.cc \ HttpBody.h \ tests/stub_HttpControlMsg.cc \ HttpHdrCc.cc \ HttpHdrCc.h \ HttpHdrContRange.cc \ HttpHdrRange.cc \ HttpHdrSc.cc \ HttpHdrScTarget.cc \ HttpHeader.cc \ HttpHeader.h \ HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h \ HttpHeaderFieldStat.h \ HttpHeaderTools.cc \ HttpHeaderTools.h \ HttpReply.cc \ HttpRequest.cc \ tests/stub_HttpUpgradeProtocolAccess.cc \ IoStats.h \ tests/stub_IpcIoFile.cc \ LogTags.cc \ MasterXaction.cc \ MasterXaction.h \ MemBuf.cc \ MemObject.cc \ MemStore.cc \ Notes.cc \ Notes.h \ Parsing.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.cc \ PeerPoolMgr.h \ Pipeline.cc \ Pipeline.h \ RefreshPattern.h \ RemovalPolicy.cc \ RequestFlags.cc \ RequestFlags.h \ ResolvedPeers.cc \ ResolvedPeers.h \ tests/stub_SBufDetailedStats.cc \ SquidMath.cc \ SquidMath.h \ StatCounters.cc \ StatCounters.h \ StatHist.cc \ StatHist.h \ StoreFileSystem.cc \ StoreIOState.cc \ tests/stub_StoreMeta.cc \ StoreMetaUnpacker.cc \ StoreSwapLogData.cc \ StrList.cc \ StrList.h \ String.cc \ Transients.cc \ tests/stub_cache_cf.cc \ cache_cf.h \ cache_manager.cc \ tests/stub_carp.cc \ carp.h \ cbdata.cc \ clientStream.cc \ tests/stub_client_db.cc \ client_side.cc \ client_side.h \ client_side_reply.cc \ client_side_request.cc \ debug.cc \ dlink.cc \ dlink.h \ errorpage.cc \ event.cc \ external_acl.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ fatal.h \ fd.cc \ fd.h \ fde.cc \ filemap.cc \ fqdncache.cc \ fqdncache.h \ fs_io.cc \ fs_io.h \ tests/stub_gopher.cc \ gopher.h \ helper.cc \ hier_code.h \ http.cc \ icp_v2.cc \ icp_v3.cc \ int.cc \ int.h \ internal.cc \ internal.h \ tests/stub_ipc_Forwarder.cc \ ipcache.cc \ tests/stub_libauth.cc \ tests/stub_libauth_acls.cc \ tests/stub_libdiskio.cc \ tests/stub_liberror.cc \ tests/stub_libeui.cc \ tests/stub_libmem.cc \ tests/stub_libsecurity.cc \ tests/stub_libstore.cc \ tests/stub_main_cc.cc \ mem_node.cc \ mime.cc \ mime.h \ mime_header.cc \ mime_header.h \ multicast.cc \ multicast.h \ neighbors.cc \ neighbors.h \ pconn.cc \ peer_digest.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.cc \ peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h \ peer_select.cc \ peer_sourcehash.cc \ peer_sourcehash.h \ peer_userhash.cc \ peer_userhash.h \ tests/stub_redirect.cc \ redirect.h \ refresh.cc \ refresh.h \ repl_modules.h \ stat.cc \ stat.h \ stmem.cc \ store.cc \ store_client.cc \ tests/stub_store_digest.cc \ store_digest.h \ store_io.cc \ store_key_md5.cc \ store_key_md5.h \ store_log.cc \ store_log.h \ store_rebuild.cc \ store_rebuild.h \ tests/stub_store_stats.cc \ store_swapin.cc \ store_swapin.h \ store_swapmeta.cc \ store_swapout.cc \ tests/CapturingStoreEntry.h \ time.cc \ tools.cc \ tools.h \ tests/stub_tunnel.cc \ urn.cc \ urn.h \ tests/stub_wccp2.cc \ wccp2.h \ tests/stub_whois.cc \ whois.h \ wordlist.cc \ wordlist.h nodist_tests_testEvent_SOURCES = \ $(BUILT_SOURCES) tests_testEvent_LDADD = \ libsquid.la \ clients/libclients.la \ servers/libservers.la \ ftp/libftp.la \ helper/libhelper.la \ http/libhttp.la \ proxyp/libproxyp.la \ parser/libparser.la \ ident/libident.la \ acl/libacls.la \ acl/libstate.la \ acl/libapi.la \ dns/libdns.la \ base/libbase.la \ ip/libip.la \ fs/libfs.la \ anyp/libanyp.la \ icmp/libicmp.la \ comm/libcomm.la \ log/liblog.la \ format/libformat.la \ $(REPL_OBJS) \ $(ADAPTATION_LIBS) \ $(ESI_LIBS) \ $(SSL_LIBS) \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisccontainers.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscencoding.la \ $(top_builddir)/lib/libmiscutil.la \ ipc/libipc.la \ mgr/libmgr.la \ store/libstore.la \ sbuf/libsbuf.la \ $(SNMP_LIBS) \ $(NETTLELIB) \ $(REGEXLIB) \ $(SSLLIB) \ $(KRB5LIBS) \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(SYSTEMD_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testEvent_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) check_PROGRAMS += tests/testEventLoop tests_testEventLoop_SOURCES = \ tests/testEventLoop.cc \ tests/testEventLoop.h nodist_tests_testEventLoop_SOURCES = \ EventLoop.cc \ tests/stub_debug.cc \ tests/stub_fatal.cc \ tests/stub_time.cc tests_testEventLoop_LDADD = \ base/libbase.la \ $(LIBCPPUNIT_LIBS) \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) tests_testEventLoop_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) ## Run the unit tests. check_PROGRAMS only builds the binaries. TESTS += $(check_PROGRAMS) testHeaders ## Special Universal .h dependency test script ## aborts if error encountered testHeaders: $(srcdir)/*.h $(srcdir)/DiskIO/*.h $(srcdir)/DiskIO/*/*.h $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/test-suite/testheaders.sh "$(CXXCOMPILE)" $^ || exit 1 ## src/repl/ has no .h files and its own makefile. CLEANFILES += testHeaders .PHONY: testHeaders