## Copyright (C) 1996-2020 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors ## ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. ## include $(top_srcdir)/src/Common.am include $(top_srcdir)/src/TestHeaders.am SUBDIRS= external noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libapi.la libstate.la libacls.la ## General data-independent ACL API libapi_la_SOURCES = \ Acl.cc \ Acl.h \ BoolOps.cc \ BoolOps.h \ Checklist.cc \ Checklist.h \ forward.h \ InnerNode.cc \ InnerNode.h \ Options.h \ Options.cc \ Tree.cc \ Tree.h ## Data-dependent Squid/transaction state used by specific ACLs. ## Does not refer to specific ACLs to avoid circular dependencies. libstate_la_SOURCES = \ CharacterSetOption.h \ Data.h \ Strategy.h \ Strategised.cc \ Strategised.h \ FilledChecklist.cc \ FilledChecklist.h \ Address.h \ Address.cc ## data-specific ACLs libacls_la_SOURCES = \ IntRange.cc \ IntRange.h \ RegexData.cc \ RegexData.h \ StringData.cc \ StringData.h \ Time.cc \ Time.h \ TimeData.cc \ TimeData.h \ AllOf.cc \ AllOf.h \ AnnotateClient.cc \ AnnotateClient.h \ AnnotateTransaction.cc \ AnnotateTransaction.h \ AnnotationData.cc \ AnnotationData.h \ AnyOf.cc \ AnyOf.h \ Asn.cc \ Asn.h \ AtStep.cc \ AtStep.h \ AtStepData.cc \ AtStepData.h \ ConnectionsEncrypted.cc \ ConnectionsEncrypted.h \ ConnMark.cc \ ConnMark.h \ DestinationAsn.h \ DestinationDomain.cc \ DestinationDomain.h \ DestinationIp.cc \ DestinationIp.h \ DomainData.cc \ DomainData.h \ ExtUser.cc \ ExtUser.h \ HasComponent.cc \ HasComponent.h \ HasComponentData.cc \ HasComponentData.h \ HierCodeData.cc \ HierCodeData.h \ HierCode.cc \ HierCode.h \ HttpHeaderData.cc \ HttpHeaderData.h \ HttpRepHeader.cc \ HttpRepHeader.h \ HttpReqHeader.cc \ HttpReqHeader.h \ HttpStatus.cc \ HttpStatus.h \ Ip.cc \ Ip.h \ LocalIp.cc \ LocalIp.h \ LocalPort.cc \ LocalPort.h \ MaxConnection.cc \ MaxConnection.h \ Method.cc \ MethodData.cc \ MethodData.h \ Method.h \ MyPortName.cc \ MyPortName.h \ Note.h \ Note.cc \ NoteData.h \ NoteData.cc \ PeerName.cc \ PeerName.h \ Protocol.cc \ ProtocolData.cc \ ProtocolData.h \ Protocol.h \ Random.cc \ Random.h \ ReplyHeaderStrategy.h \ ReplyMimeType.h \ RequestHeaderStrategy.h \ RequestMimeType.h \ SourceAsn.h \ SourceDomain.cc \ SourceDomain.h \ SourceIp.cc \ SourceIp.h \ SquidError.h \ SquidError.cc \ SquidErrorData.cc \ SquidErrorData.h \ Tag.cc \ Tag.h \ TransactionInitiator.cc \ TransactionInitiator.h \ Url.cc \ Url.h \ UrlLogin.cc \ UrlLogin.h \ UrlPath.cc \ UrlPath.h \ UrlPort.cc \ UrlPort.h \ UserData.cc \ UserData.h \ AclDenyInfoList.h \ Gadgets.cc \ Gadgets.h \ AclSizeLimit.cc \ AclSizeLimit.h ## Add conditional sources ## TODO: move these to their respective dirs when those dirs are created EXTRA_libacls_la_SOURCES = SSL_ACLS = \ CertificateData.cc \ CertificateData.h \ Certificate.cc \ Certificate.h \ ServerCertificate.cc \ ServerCertificate.h \ ServerName.cc \ ServerName.h \ SslError.cc \ SslError.h \ SslErrorData.cc \ SslErrorData.h if ENABLE_SSL libacls_la_SOURCES += $(SSL_ACLS) endif EXTRA_libacls_la_SOURCES += $(SSL_ACLS) ADAPT_ACLS= \ AdaptationService.h \ AdaptationService.cc \ AdaptationServiceData.h \ AdaptationServiceData.cc if ENABLE_ADAPTATION libacls_la_SOURCES += $(ADAPT_ACLS) endif EXTRA_libacls_la_SOURCES += $(ADAPT_ACLS) ARP_ACLS = Arp.cc Arp.h Eui64.cc Eui64.h if ENABLE_EUI libacls_la_SOURCES += $(ARP_ACLS) endif EXTRA_libacls_la_SOURCES += $(ARP_ACLS)