## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors ## ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. ## include $(top_srcdir)/src/Common.am include $(top_srcdir)/src/TestHeaders.am # TODO: get rid of this when config filename is no longer a global constant. # its only here so the pinger globals.cc will link. DEFS += -DDEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE=NULL # ICMP Specific Configurations if ENABLE_PINGER libexec_PROGRAMS = pinger else EXTRA_PROGRAMS = pinger endif noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libicmp-core.la libicmp.la # ICMP API definition ... libicmp_core_la_SOURCES = \ Icmp.h \ Icmp.cc # Squid Internal ICMP helper interface libicmp_la_SOURCES = \ IcmpConfig.cc \ IcmpConfig.h \ IcmpSquid.h \ IcmpSquid.cc \ net_db.h \ net_db.cc # pinger depends on these but install/dist is done elsewhere. COPIED_SOURCE= \ debug.cc \ globals.cc \ SquidConfig.cc \ SquidNew.cc \ stub_HelperChildConfig.cc \ stub_libmem.cc \ STUB.h \ time.cc # ICMP lookup helper pinger_SOURCES = \ Icmp.h \ IcmpPinger.h \ IcmpPinger.cc \ Icmp4.h \ Icmp4.cc \ Icmp6.h \ Icmp6.cc \ pinger.cc nodist_pinger_SOURCES = $(COPIED_SOURCE) pinger_LDFLAGS = $(LIBADD_DL) pinger_LDADD=\ libicmp-core.la \ $(top_builddir)/src/ip/libip.la \ $(top_builddir)/src/base/libbase.la \ $(COMPAT_LIB) \ $(XTRA_LIBS) CLEANFILES += $(COPIED_SOURCE) ##install-pinger: ## @f=$(PINGER_EXE); \ ## if test -f $(libexecdir)/$$f; then \ ## echo $(MV) $(libexecdir)/$$f $(libexecdir)/-$$f; \ ## $(MV) $(libexecdir)/$$f $(libexecdir)/-$$f; \ ## fi; \ ## echo $(INSTALL_SUID) $$f $(libexecdir); \ ## $(INSTALL_SUID) $$f $(libexecdir) || exit 1; \ ## if test -f $(libexecdir)/-$$f; then \ ## echo $(RM) -f $(libexecdir)/-$$f; \ ## $(RM) -f $(libexecdir)/-$$f; \ ## fi ## files we need to pull in from other locations ## copied like this to avoid subdir-objects collisions on 'make clean' debug.cc: $(top_srcdir)/src/debug.cc cp $(top_srcdir)/src/debug.cc $@ globals.cc: $(top_srcdir)/src/globals.h cp $(top_builddir)/src/globals.cc $@ time.cc: $(top_srcdir)/src/time.cc cp $(top_srcdir)/src/time.cc $@ SquidConfig.cc: $(top_srcdir)/src/SquidConfig.cc cp $(top_srcdir)/src/SquidConfig.cc $@ SquidNew.cc: $(top_srcdir)/src/SquidNew.cc cp $(top_srcdir)/src/SquidNew.cc $@ stub_HelperChildConfig.cc: $(top_srcdir)/src/tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc cp $(top_srcdir)/src/tests/stub_HelperChildConfig.cc $@ stub_libmem.cc: $(top_srcdir)/src/tests/stub_libmem.cc STUB.h cp $(top_srcdir)/src/tests/stub_libmem.cc $@ STUB.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/tests/STUB.h cp $(top_srcdir)/src/tests/STUB.h $@