#!/usr/bin/python3 ############################################################################### # # # libloc - A library to determine the location of someone on the Internet # # # # Copyright (C) 2020 IPFire Development Team # # # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # # ############################################################################### import argparse import ipaddress import logging import math import re import socket import sys import telnetlib # Load our location module import location import location.database import location.importer from location.i18n import _ # Initialise logging log = logging.getLogger("location.importer") log.propagate = 1 class CLI(object): def parse_cli(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=_("Location Importer Command Line Interface"), ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() # Global configuration flags parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help=_("Enable debug output")) parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true", help=_("Enable quiet mode")) # version parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s @VERSION@") # Database parser.add_argument("--database-host", required=True, help=_("Database Hostname"), metavar=_("HOST")) parser.add_argument("--database-name", required=True, help=_("Database Name"), metavar=_("NAME")) parser.add_argument("--database-username", required=True, help=_("Database Username"), metavar=_("USERNAME")) parser.add_argument("--database-password", required=True, help=_("Database Password"), metavar=_("PASSWORD")) # Write Database write = subparsers.add_parser("write", help=_("Write database to file")) write.set_defaults(func=self.handle_write) write.add_argument("file", nargs=1, help=_("Database File")) write.add_argument("--signing-key", nargs="?", type=open, help=_("Signing Key")) write.add_argument("--backup-signing-key", nargs="?", type=open, help=_("Backup Signing Key")) write.add_argument("--vendor", nargs="?", help=_("Sets the vendor")) write.add_argument("--description", nargs="?", help=_("Sets a description")) write.add_argument("--license", nargs="?", help=_("Sets the license")) write.add_argument("--version", type=int, help=_("Database Format Version")) # Update WHOIS update_whois = subparsers.add_parser("update-whois", help=_("Update WHOIS Information")) update_whois.set_defaults(func=self.handle_update_whois) # Update announcements update_announcements = subparsers.add_parser("update-announcements", help=_("Update BGP Annoucements")) update_announcements.set_defaults(func=self.handle_update_announcements) update_announcements.add_argument("server", nargs=1, help=_("Route Server to connect to"), metavar=_("SERVER")) # Update overrides update_overrides = subparsers.add_parser("update-overrides", help=_("Update overrides"), ) update_overrides.add_argument( "files", nargs="+", help=_("Files to import"), ) update_overrides.set_defaults(func=self.handle_update_overrides) # Import countries import_countries = subparsers.add_parser("import-countries", help=_("Import countries"), ) import_countries.add_argument("file", nargs=1, type=argparse.FileType("r"), help=_("File to import")) import_countries.set_defaults(func=self.handle_import_countries) args = parser.parse_args() # Configure logging if args.debug: location.logger.set_level(logging.DEBUG) elif args.quiet: location.logger.set_level(logging.WARNING) # Print usage if no action was given if not "func" in args: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) return args def run(self): # Parse command line arguments args = self.parse_cli() # Initialise database self.db = self._setup_database(args) # Call function ret = args.func(args) # Return with exit code if ret: sys.exit(ret) # Otherwise just exit sys.exit(0) def _setup_database(self, ns): """ Initialise the database """ # Connect to database db = location.database.Connection( host=ns.database_host, database=ns.database_name, user=ns.database_username, password=ns.database_password, ) with db.transaction(): db.execute(""" -- announcements CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS announcements(network inet, autnum bigint, first_seen_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_seen_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS announcements_networks ON announcements(network); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS announcements_family ON announcements(family(network)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS announcements_search ON announcements USING GIST(network inet_ops); -- autnums CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS autnums(number bigint, name text NOT NULL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS autnums_number ON autnums(number); -- countries CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS countries( country_code text NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, continent_code text NOT NULL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS countries_country_code ON countries(country_code); -- networks CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS networks(network inet, country text); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_network ON networks(network); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_family ON networks USING BTREE(family(network)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_search ON networks USING GIST(network inet_ops); -- overrides CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS autnum_overrides( number bigint NOT NULL, name text, country text, is_anonymous_proxy boolean, is_satellite_provider boolean, is_anycast boolean ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS autnum_overrides_number ON autnum_overrides(number); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS network_overrides( network inet NOT NULL, country text, is_anonymous_proxy boolean, is_satellite_provider boolean, is_anycast boolean ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS network_overrides_network ON network_overrides(network); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS network_overrides_search ON network_overrides USING GIST(network inet_ops); """) return db def handle_write(self, ns): """ Compiles a database in libloc format out of what is in the database """ # Allocate a writer writer = location.Writer(ns.signing_key, ns.backup_signing_key) # Set all metadata if ns.vendor: writer.vendor = ns.vendor if ns.description: writer.description = ns.description if ns.license: writer.license = ns.license # Add all Autonomous Systems log.info("Writing Autonomous Systems...") # Select all ASes with a name rows = self.db.query(""" SELECT autnums.number AS number, COALESCE( (SELECT overrides.name FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE overrides.number = autnums.number), autnums.name ) AS name FROM autnums WHERE name <> %s ORDER BY number """, "") for row in rows: a = writer.add_as(row.number) a.name = row.name # Add all networks log.info("Writing networks...") # Select all known networks rows = self.db.query(""" -- Return a list of those networks enriched with all -- other information that we store in the database SELECT DISTINCT ON (network) network, autnum, -- Country COALESCE( ( SELECT country FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT country FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), networks.country ) AS country, -- Flags COALESCE( ( SELECT is_anonymous_proxy FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT is_anonymous_proxy FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), FALSE ) AS is_anonymous_proxy, COALESCE( ( SELECT is_satellite_provider FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT is_satellite_provider FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), FALSE ) AS is_satellite_provider, COALESCE( ( SELECT is_anycast FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT is_anycast FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), FALSE ) AS is_anycast FROM ( SELECT known_networks.network AS network, announcements.autnum AS autnum, networks.country AS country, -- Must be part of returned values for ORDER BY clause masklen(announcements.network) AS sort_a, masklen(networks.network) AS sort_b FROM ( SELECT network FROM announcements UNION ALL SELECT network FROM networks UNION ALL SELECT network FROM network_overrides ) known_networks LEFT JOIN announcements ON known_networks.network <<= announcements.network LEFT JOIN networks ON known_networks.network <<= networks.network ORDER BY known_networks.network, sort_a DESC, sort_b DESC ) networks """) for row in rows: network = writer.add_network(row.network) # Save country if row.country: network.country_code = row.country # Save ASN if row.autnum: network.asn = row.autnum # Set flags if row.is_anonymous_proxy: network.set_flag(location.NETWORK_FLAG_ANONYMOUS_PROXY) if row.is_satellite_provider: network.set_flag(location.NETWORK_FLAG_SATELLITE_PROVIDER) if row.is_anycast: network.set_flag(location.NETWORK_FLAG_ANYCAST) # Add all countries log.info("Writing countries...") rows = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM countries ORDER BY country_code") for row in rows: c = writer.add_country(row.country_code) c.continent_code = row.continent_code c.name = row.name # Write everything to file log.info("Writing database to file...") for file in ns.file: writer.write(file) def handle_update_whois(self, ns): downloader = location.importer.Downloader() # Download all sources with self.db.transaction(): # Create some temporary tables to store parsed data self.db.execute(""" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _autnums(number integer, organization text) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _autnums_number ON _autnums(number); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _organizations(handle text, name text NOT NULL) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _organizations_handle ON _organizations(handle); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _rirdata(network inet NOT NULL, country text NOT NULL) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE INDEX _rirdata_search ON _rirdata USING BTREE(family(network), masklen(network)); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _rirdata_network ON _rirdata(network); """) # Remove all previously imported content self.db.execute(""" TRUNCATE TABLE networks; """) for source in location.importer.WHOIS_SOURCES: with downloader.request(source, return_blocks=True) as f: for block in f: self._parse_block(block) # Process all parsed networks from every RIR we happen to have access to, # insert the largest network chunks into the networks table immediately... families = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT family(network) AS family FROM _rirdata ORDER BY family(network)") for family in (row.family for row in families): smallest = self.db.get("SELECT MIN(masklen(network)) AS prefix FROM _rirdata WHERE family(network) = %s", family) self.db.execute("INSERT INTO networks(network, country) \ SELECT network, country FROM _rirdata WHERE masklen(network) = %s AND family(network) = %s", smallest.prefix, family) # ... determine any other prefixes for this network family, ... prefixes = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT masklen(network) AS prefix FROM _rirdata \ WHERE family(network) = %s ORDER BY masklen(network) ASC OFFSET 1", family) # ... and insert networks with this prefix in case they provide additional # information (i. e. subnet of a larger chunk with a different country) for prefix in (row.prefix for row in prefixes): self.db.execute(""" WITH candidates AS ( SELECT _rirdata.network, _rirdata.country FROM _rirdata WHERE family(_rirdata.network) = %s AND masklen(_rirdata.network) = %s ), filtered AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (c.network) c.network, c.country, masklen(networks.network), networks.country AS parent_country FROM candidates c LEFT JOIN networks ON c.network << networks.network ORDER BY c.network, masklen(networks.network) DESC NULLS LAST ) INSERT INTO networks(network, country) SELECT network, country FROM filtered WHERE parent_country IS NULL OR country <> parent_country ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING""", family, prefix, ) self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO autnums(number, name) SELECT _autnums.number, _organizations.name FROM _autnums JOIN _organizations ON _autnums.organization = _organizations.handle ON CONFLICT (number) DO UPDATE SET name = excluded.name; """) # Download all extended sources for source in location.importer.EXTENDED_SOURCES: with self.db.transaction(): # Download data with downloader.request(source) as f: for line in f: self._parse_line(line) def _parse_block(self, block): # Get first line to find out what type of block this is line = block[0] # aut-num if line.startswith("aut-num:"): return self._parse_autnum_block(block) # inetnum if line.startswith("inet6num:") or line.startswith("inetnum:"): return self._parse_inetnum_block(block) # organisation elif line.startswith("organisation:"): return self._parse_org_block(block) def _parse_autnum_block(self, block): autnum = {} for line in block: # Split line key, val = split_line(line) if key == "aut-num": m = re.match(r"^(AS|as)(\d+)", val) if m: autnum["asn"] = m.group(2) elif key == "org": autnum[key] = val # Skip empty objects if not autnum: return # Insert into database self.db.execute("INSERT INTO _autnums(number, organization) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (number) DO UPDATE SET \ organization = excluded.organization", autnum.get("asn"), autnum.get("org"), ) def _parse_inetnum_block(self, block): logging.debug("Parsing inetnum block:") inetnum = {} for line in block: logging.debug(line) # Split line key, val = split_line(line) if key == "inetnum": start_address, delim, end_address = val.partition("-") # Strip any excess space start_address, end_address = start_address.rstrip(), end_address.strip() # Convert to IP address try: start_address = ipaddress.ip_address(start_address) end_address = ipaddress.ip_address(end_address) except ValueError: logging.warning("Could not parse line: %s" % line) return # Set prefix to default prefix = 32 # Count number of addresses in this subnet num_addresses = int(end_address) - int(start_address) if num_addresses: prefix -= math.log(num_addresses, 2) inetnum["inetnum"] = "%s/%.0f" % (start_address, prefix) elif key == "inet6num": inetnum[key] = val elif key == "country": if val == "UNITED STATES": val = "US" inetnum[key] = val.upper() # Skip empty objects if not inetnum or not "country" in inetnum: return network = ipaddress.ip_network(inetnum.get("inet6num") or inetnum.get("inetnum"), strict=False) # Bail out in case we have processed a network covering the entire IP range, which # is necessary to work around faulty (?) IPv6 network processing if network.prefixlen == 0: logging.warning("Skipping network covering the entire IP adress range: %s" % network) return # Bail out in case we have processed a network whose prefix length indicates it is # not globally routable (we have decided not to process them at the moment, as they # significantly enlarge our database without providing very helpful additional information) if (network.prefixlen > 24 and network.version == 4) or (network.prefixlen > 48 and network.version == 6): logging.info("Skipping network too small to be publicly announced: %s" % network) return # Bail out in case we have processed a non-public IP network if network.is_private: logging.warning("Skipping non-globally routable network: %s" % network) return self.db.execute("INSERT INTO _rirdata(network, country) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO UPDATE SET country = excluded.country", "%s" % network, inetnum.get("country"), ) def _parse_org_block(self, block): org = {} for line in block: # Split line key, val = split_line(line) if key in ("organisation", "org-name"): org[key] = val # Skip empty objects if not org: return self.db.execute("INSERT INTO _organizations(handle, name) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (handle) DO \ UPDATE SET name = excluded.name", org.get("organisation"), org.get("org-name"), ) def _parse_line(self, line): # Skip version line if line.startswith("2"): return # Skip comments if line.startswith("#"): return try: registry, country_code, type, line = line.split("|", 3) except: log.warning("Could not parse line: %s" % line) return # Skip any lines that are for stats only if country_code == "*": return if type in ("ipv6", "ipv4"): return self._parse_ip_line(country_code, type, line) def _parse_ip_line(self, country, type, line): try: address, prefix, date, status, organization = line.split("|") except ValueError: organization = None # Try parsing the line without organization try: address, prefix, date, status = line.split("|") except ValueError: log.warning("Unhandled line format: %s" % line) return # Skip anything that isn't properly assigned if not status in ("assigned", "allocated"): return # Cast prefix into an integer try: prefix = int(prefix) except: log.warning("Invalid prefix: %s" % prefix) return # Fix prefix length for IPv4 if type == "ipv4": prefix = 32 - int(math.log(prefix, 2)) # Try to parse the address try: network = ipaddress.ip_network("%s/%s" % (address, prefix), strict=False) except ValueError: log.warning("Invalid IP address: %s" % address) return self.db.execute("INSERT INTO networks(network, country) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO \ UPDATE SET country = excluded.country", "%s" % network, country, ) def handle_update_announcements(self, ns): server = ns.server[0] with self.db.transaction(): if server.startswith("/"): self._handle_update_announcements_from_bird(server) else: self._handle_update_announcements_from_telnet(server) # Purge anything we never want here self.db.execute(""" -- Delete default routes DELETE FROM announcements WHERE network = '::/0' OR network = ''; -- Delete anything that is not global unicast address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 6 AND NOT network <<= '2000::/3'; -- DELETE "current network" address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE local loopback address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE RFC 1918 address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE test, benchmark and documentation address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE CGNAT address space (RFC 6598) DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE link local address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE IPv6 to IPv4 (6to4) address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE multicast and reserved address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- Delete networks that are too small to be in the global routing table DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 6 AND masklen(network) > 48; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND masklen(network) > 24; -- Delete any non-public or reserved ASNs DELETE FROM announcements WHERE NOT ( (autnum >= 1 AND autnum <= 23455) OR (autnum >= 23457 AND autnum <= 64495) OR (autnum >= 131072 AND autnum <= 4199999999) ); -- Delete everything that we have not seen for 14 days DELETE FROM announcements WHERE last_seen_at <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '14 days'; """) def _handle_update_announcements_from_bird(self, server): # Pre-compile the regular expression for faster searching route = re.compile(b"^\s(.+?)\s+.+?\[AS(.*?).\]$") log.info("Requesting routing table from Bird (%s)" % server) # Send command to list all routes for line in self._bird_cmd(server, "show route"): m = route.match(line) if not m: log.debug("Could not parse line: %s" % line.decode()) continue # Fetch the extracted network and ASN network, autnum = m.groups() # Insert it into the database self.db.execute("INSERT INTO announcements(network, autnum) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO \ UPDATE SET autnum = excluded.autnum, last_seen_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", network.decode(), autnum.decode(), ) def _handle_update_announcements_from_telnet(self, server): # Pre-compile regular expression for routes route = re.compile(b"^\*[\s\>]i([^\s]+).+?(\d+)\si\r\n", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) with telnetlib.Telnet(server) as t: # Enable debug mode #if ns.debug: # t.set_debuglevel(10) # Wait for console greeting greeting = t.read_until(b"> ", timeout=30) if not greeting: log.error("Could not get a console prompt") return 1 # Disable pagination t.write(b"terminal length 0\n") # Wait for the prompt to return t.read_until(b"> ") # Fetch the routing tables for protocol in ("ipv6", "ipv4"): log.info("Requesting %s routing table" % protocol) # Request the full unicast routing table t.write(b"show bgp %s unicast\n" % protocol.encode()) # Read entire header which ends with "Path" t.read_until(b"Path\r\n") while True: # Try reading a full entry # Those might be broken across multiple lines but ends with i line = t.read_until(b"i\r\n", timeout=5) if not line: break # Show line for debugging #log.debug(repr(line)) # Try finding a route in here m = route.match(line) if m: network, autnum = m.groups() # Convert network to string network = network.decode() # Append /24 for IPv4 addresses if not "/" in network and not ":" in network: network = "%s/24" % network # Convert AS number to integer autnum = int(autnum) log.info("Found announcement for %s by %s" % (network, autnum)) self.db.execute("INSERT INTO announcements(network, autnum) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO \ UPDATE SET autnum = excluded.autnum, last_seen_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", network, autnum, ) log.info("Finished reading the %s routing table" % protocol) def _bird_cmd(self, socket_path, command): # Connect to the socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(socket_path) # Allocate some buffer buffer = b"" # Send the command s.send(b"%s\n" % command.encode()) while True: # Fill up the buffer buffer += s.recv(4096) while True: # Search for the next newline pos = buffer.find(b"\n") # If we cannot find one, we go back and read more data if pos <= 0: break # Cut after the newline character pos += 1 # Split the line we want and keep the rest in buffer line, buffer = buffer[:pos], buffer[pos:] # Look for the end-of-output indicator if line == b"0000 \n": return # Otherwise return the line yield line def handle_update_overrides(self, ns): with self.db.transaction(): # Drop all data that we have self.db.execute(""" TRUNCATE TABLE autnum_overrides; TRUNCATE TABLE network_overrides; """) for file in ns.files: log.info("Reading %s..." % file) with open(file, "rb") as f: for type, block in location.importer.read_blocks(f): if type == "net": network = block.get("net") # Try to parse and normalise the network try: network = ipaddress.ip_network(network, strict=False) except ValueError as e: log.warning("Invalid IP network: %s: %s" % (network, e)) continue # Prevent that we overwrite all networks if network.prefixlen == 0: log.warning("Skipping %s: You cannot overwrite default" % network) continue self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO network_overrides( network, country, is_anonymous_proxy, is_satellite_provider, is_anycast ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO NOTHING""", "%s" % network, block.get("country"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anonymous-proxy"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-satellite-provider"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anycast"), ) elif type == "aut-num": autnum = block.get("aut-num") # Check if AS number begins with "AS" if not autnum.startswith("AS"): log.warning("Invalid AS number: %s" % autnum) continue # Strip "AS" autnum = autnum[2:] self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO autnum_overrides( number, name, country, is_anonymous_proxy, is_satellite_provider, is_anycast ) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING""", autnum, block.get("name"), block.get("country"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anonymous-proxy"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-satellite-provider"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anycast"), ) else: log.warning("Unsupport type: %s" % type) @staticmethod def _parse_bool(block, key): val = block.get(key) # There is no point to proceed when we got None if val is None: return # Convert to lowercase val = val.lower() # True if val in ("yes", "1"): return True # False if val in ("no", "0"): return False # Default to None return None def handle_import_countries(self, ns): with self.db.transaction(): # Drop all data that we have self.db.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE countries") for file in ns.file: for line in file: line = line.rstrip() # Ignore any comments if line.startswith("#"): continue try: country_code, continent_code, name = line.split(maxsplit=2) except: log.warning("Could not parse line: %s" % line) continue self.db.execute("INSERT INTO countries(country_code, name, continent_code) \ VALUES(%s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", country_code, name, continent_code) def split_line(line): key, colon, val = line.partition(":") # Strip any excess space key = key.strip() val = val.strip() return key, val def main(): # Run the command line interface c = CLI() c.run() main()