#!/bin/sh # # $Id: rc.firewall,v 2006/01/12 01:24:30 franck78 Exp $ # eval $(/usr/local/bin/readhash CONFIG_ROOT/ppp/settings) eval $(/usr/local/bin/readhash CONFIG_ROOT/ethernet/settings) IFACE=`/bin/cat CONFIG_ROOT/red/iface 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/tr -d '\012'` if [ -f CONFIG_ROOT/red/device ]; then DEVICE=`/bin/cat CONFIG_ROOT/red/device 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/tr -d '\012'` fi iptables_init() { # Flush all rules and delete all custom chains /sbin/iptables -F /sbin/iptables -t nat -F /sbin/iptables -t mangle -F /sbin/iptables -X /sbin/iptables -t nat -X /sbin/iptables -t mangle -X # Set up policies /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT # Empty LOG_DROP and LOG_REJECT chains /sbin/iptables -N LOG_DROP /sbin/iptables -A LOG_DROP -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG /sbin/iptables -A LOG_DROP -j DROP /sbin/iptables -N LOG_REJECT /sbin/iptables -A LOG_REJECT -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG /sbin/iptables -A LOG_REJECT -j REJECT # This chain will log, then DROPs packets with certain bad combinations # of flags might indicate a port-scan attempt (xmas, null, etc) /sbin/iptables -N PSCAN /sbin/iptables -A PSCAN -p tcp -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "TCP Scan? " /sbin/iptables -A PSCAN -p udp -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "UDP Scan? " /sbin/iptables -A PSCAN -p icmp -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "ICMP Scan? " /sbin/iptables -A PSCAN -f -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "FRAG Scan? " /sbin/iptables -A PSCAN -j DROP # New tcp packets without SYN set - could well be an obscure type of port scan # that's not covered above, may just be a broken windows machine /sbin/iptables -N NEWNOTSYN /sbin/iptables -A NEWNOTSYN -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "NEW not SYN? " /sbin/iptables -A NEWNOTSYN -j DROP # Chain to contain all the rules relating to bad TCP flags /sbin/iptables -N BADTCP # Disallow packets frequently used by port-scanners # nmap xmas /sbin/iptables -A BADTCP -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -j PSCAN # Null /sbin/iptables -A BADTCP -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j PSCAN # FIN /sbin/iptables -A BADTCP -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN -j PSCAN # SYN/RST (also catches xmas variants that set SYN+RST+...) /sbin/iptables -A BADTCP -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST -j PSCAN # SYN/FIN (QueSO or nmap OS probe) /sbin/iptables -A BADTCP -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,FIN SYN,FIN -j PSCAN # NEW TCP without SYN /sbin/iptables -A BADTCP -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW -j NEWNOTSYN /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j BADTCP /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -j BADTCP } iptables_red() { /sbin/iptables -F REDINPUT /sbin/iptables -F REDFORWARD /sbin/iptables -t nat -F REDNAT # PPPoE / PPTP Device if [ "$IFACE" != "" ]; then # PPPoE / PPTP if [ "$DEVICE" != "" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -i $DEVICE -j ACCEPT fi if [ "$RED_TYPE" == "PPTP" -o "$RED_TYPE" == "PPPOE" ]; then if [ "$RED_DEV" != "" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -i $RED_DEV -j ACCEPT fi fi fi # PPTP over DHCP if [ "$DEVICE" != "" -a "$TYPE" == "PPTP" -a "$METHOD" == "DHCP" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -p tcp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $DEVICE -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -p udp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $DEVICE -j ACCEPT fi # Orange pinholes if [ "$ORANGE_DEV" != "" ]; then # This rule enables a host on ORANGE network to connect to the outside # (only if we have a red connection) if [ "$IFACE" != "" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A REDFORWARD -i $ORANGE_DEV -p tcp -o $IFACE -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A REDFORWARD -i $ORANGE_DEV -p udp -o $IFACE -j ACCEPT fi fi if [ "$IFACE" != "" -a -f CONFIG_ROOT/red/active ]; then # DHCP if [ "$RED_DEV" != "" -a "$RED_TYPE" == "DHCP" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -p tcp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -p udp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT fi if [ "$METHOD" == "DHCP" -a "$PROTOCOL" == "RFC1483" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -p tcp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A REDINPUT -p udp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT fi # Outgoing masquerading /sbin/iptables -t nat -A REDNAT -o $IFACE -j MASQUERADE fi } # See how we were called. case "$1" in start) iptables_init # Limit Packets- helps reduce dos/syn attacks # original do nothing line #/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m limit --limit 10/sec # the correct one, but the negative '!' do nothing... #/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m limit ! --limit 10/sec -j DROP # Fix for braindead ISP's /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu # CUSTOM chains, can be used by the users themselves /sbin/iptables -N CUSTOMINPUT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j CUSTOMINPUT /sbin/iptables -N CUSTOMFORWARD /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -j CUSTOMFORWARD /sbin/iptables -N CUSTOMOUTPUT /sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -j CUSTOMOUTPUT /sbin/iptables -t nat -N CUSTOMPREROUTING /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j CUSTOMPREROUTING /sbin/iptables -t nat -N CUSTOMPOSTROUTING /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j CUSTOMPOSTROUTING # filtering from GUI /sbin/iptables -N GUIINPUT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j GUIINPUT # Accept everything connected /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # localhost and ethernet. /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i lo -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -j DROP # Loopback not on lo /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -d -m state --state NEW -j DROP /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i lo -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -s -m state --state NEW -j DROP /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state NEW -j DROP /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i $GREEN_DEV -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT -p ! icmp /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $GREEN_DEV -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT # If a host on orange tries to initiate a connection to IPCop's red IP and # the connection gets DNATed back through a port forward to a server on orange # we end up with orange -> orange traffic passing through IPCop [ "$ORANGE_DEV" != "" ] && /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $ORANGE_DEV -o $ORANGE_DEV -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT # accept all traffic from ipsec interfaces /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i ipsec+ -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i ipsec+ -j ACCEPT # allow DHCP on BLUE to be turned on/off /sbin/iptables -N DHCPBLUEINPUT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j DHCPBLUEINPUT # IPSec chains /sbin/iptables -N IPSECRED /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j IPSECRED /sbin/iptables -N IPSECBLUE /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j IPSECBLUE # WIRELESS chains /sbin/iptables -N WIRELESSINPUT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -j WIRELESSINPUT /sbin/iptables -N WIRELESSFORWARD /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW -j WIRELESSFORWARD # RED chain, used for the red interface /sbin/iptables -N REDINPUT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j REDINPUT /sbin/iptables -N REDFORWARD /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -j REDFORWARD /sbin/iptables -t nat -N REDNAT /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j REDNAT iptables_red # DMZ pinhole chain. setdmzholes setuid prog adds rules here to allow # ORANGE to talk to GREEN / BLUE. /sbin/iptables -N DMZHOLES if [ "$ORANGE_DEV" != "" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $ORANGE_DEV -m state --state NEW -j DMZHOLES fi # XTACCESS chain, used for external access /sbin/iptables -N XTACCESS /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -j XTACCESS # PORTFWACCESS chain, used for portforwarding /sbin/iptables -N PORTFWACCESS /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW -j PORTFWACCESS # Custom prerouting chains (for transparent proxy and port forwarding) /sbin/iptables -t nat -N SQUID /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j SQUID /sbin/iptables -t nat -N PORTFW /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j PORTFW # Custom mangle chain (for port fowarding) /sbin/iptables -t mangle -N PORTFWMANGLE /sbin/iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j PORTFWMANGLE # Postrouting rules (for port forwarding) /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 1 -j SNAT \ --to-source $GREEN_ADDRESS if [ "$BLUE_DEV" != "" ]; then /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 2 -j SNAT --to-source $BLUE_ADDRESS fi if [ "$ORANGE_DEV" != "" ]; then /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 3 -j SNAT --to-source $ORANGE_ADDRESS fi # run local firewall configuration, if present if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.local ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.local start fi # last rule in input and forward chain is for logging. /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT " /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "OUTPUT " ;; stop) iptables_init # Accept everyting connected /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # localhost and ethernet. /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i $GREEN_DEV -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT if [ "$RED_DEV" != "" -a "$RED_TYPE" == "DHCP" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT fi if [ "$PROTOCOL" == "RFC1483" -a "$METHOD" == "DHCP" ]; then /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp --source-port 67 --destination-port 68 -i $IFACE -j ACCEPT fi # run local firewall configuration, if present if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.local ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.local stop fi /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT " /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "OUTPUT " ;; reload) iptables_red # run local firewall configuration, if present if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.local ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.local reload fi ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart}" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0