## Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors ## ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. ## include $(top_srcdir)/src/Common.am include $(top_srcdir)/src/TestHeaders.am SUBDIRS= cert_generators cert_validators noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libsecurity.la libsecurity_la_SOURCES= \ BlindPeerConnector.cc \ BlindPeerConnector.h \ Context.h \ EncryptorAnswer.cc \ EncryptorAnswer.h \ Handshake.cc \ Handshake.h \ forward.h \ KeyData.h \ LockingPointer.h \ NegotiationHistory.cc \ NegotiationHistory.h \ PeerConnector.cc \ PeerConnector.h \ PeerOptions.cc \ PeerOptions.h \ ServerOptions.cc \ ServerOptions.h \ Session.cc \ Session.h