{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Build") }}: {{ _("Watchers of %s") % build.name }}{% end block %} {% block body %}

{{ _("Build") }}: {{ _("Watchers of %s") % build.name }}

{{ _("This is a list of all users who watch this build.") }} {{ _("If you write a comment or the status of the build is changed, they all will get a message.") }}

{% if current_user in watchers %}

{{ _("You are already watching this build.") }}

{% elif build.owner and current_user == build.owner %}

{{ _("You are the owner of this build. So you don't need to watch it.") }}

{% else %}

{{ _("Watch this build.") }}

{% end %}
{{ _("Build") }} {{ build.name }}

{{ _("List of all watchers") }}

{% end block %} {% block sidebar %}

{{ _("Actions") }}

{% end %}