{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Key Management") }}{% end block %} {% block body %}

{{ _("The keys are a very important component when it comes to security.") }} {{ _("Each package in the Pakfire Build Service is signed to prove its authenticity.") }}

{% for key in keys %} {% for subkey in key.subkeys %} {% end %} {% end %}
  {{ _("Fingerprint") }} {{ _("Created") }} {{ _("Expires") }}
{% for uid in key.uids %} {{ uid }}
{% end %}
{% if current_user and current_user.has_perm("manage_keys") and key.can_be_deleted() %} {% end %}
  {% if subkey.algo %} {{ _("Subkey") }} ({{ subkey.algo }}): {% else %} {{ _("Subkey") }}: {% end %} {{ subkey.fingerprint }} {{ format_date(subkey.time_created) }} {% if subkey.time_expires %} {% if subkey.expired %} {% end %} {{ format_date(subkey.time_expires, full_format=True) }} {% else %} {{ _("This key does not expire.") }} {% end %}
{% if current_user and current_user.has_perm("manage_keys") %} {{ _("Import new key") }} {% end %} {% end block %}