{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Change password") }}{% end block %} {% block body %}
{% if user == current_user %}

{{ _("You are going to change your password.") }}

{{ _("To do so, you need to enter your current password and the new password twice.") }}

{% else %}

{{ _("In this dialog, you may change the password of %s.") % user.realname }}

{% end %}
{% if error_msg %}
× {{ _("Oops!") }} {{ error_msg }}
{% end %}
{% raw xsrf_form_html() %}
{% if user == current_user %}

{{ _("Please provide your old password.") }}

{% end %}

{{ _("Choose a new password. Make sure that it is as strong as possible.") }}

{{ _("Confirm the new password.") }}

{{ _("Cancel") }}
{% end %}