= chcpu(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: User commands :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: chcpu == NAME chcpu - configure CPUs == SYNOPSIS *chcpu* *-c*|*-d*|*-e*|*-g* _cpu-list_ *chcpu* *-p* _mode_ *chcpu* *-r*|*-h*|*-V* == DESCRIPTION *chcpu* can modify the state of CPUs. It can enable or disable CPUs, scan for new CPUs, change the CPU dispatching _mode_ of the underlying hypervisor, and request CPUs from the hypervisor (configure) or return CPUs to the hypervisor (deconfigure). Some options have a _cpu-list_ argument. Use this argument to specify a comma-separated list of CPUs. The list can contain individual CPU addresses or ranges of addresses. For example, *0,5,7,9-11* makes the command applicable to the CPUs with the addresses 0, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11. == OPTIONS *-c*, *--configure* _cpu-list_:: Configure the specified CPUs. Configuring a CPU means that the hypervisor takes a CPU from the CPU pool and assigns it to the virtual hardware on which your kernel runs. *-d*, *--disable* _cpu-list_:: Disable the specified CPUs. Disabling a CPU means that the kernel sets it offline. *-e*, *--enable* _cpu-list_:: Enable the specified CPUs. Enabling a CPU means that the kernel sets it online. A CPU must be configured, see *-c*, before it can be enabled. *-g*, *--deconfigure* _cpu-list_:: Deconfigure the specified CPUs. Deconfiguring a CPU means that the hypervisor removes the CPU from the virtual hardware on which the Linux instance runs and returns it to the CPU pool. A CPU must be offline, see *-d*, before it can be deconfigured. *-p*, *--dispatch* _mode_:: Set the CPU dispatching _mode_ (polarization). This option has an effect only if your hardware architecture and hypervisor support CPU polarization. Available _modes_ are: *horizontal*;; The workload is spread across all available CPUs. *vertical*;; The workload is concentrated on few CPUs. *-r*, *--rescan*:: Trigger a rescan of CPUs. After a rescan, the Linux kernel recognizes the new CPUs. Use this option on systems that do not automatically detect newly attached CPUs. *-V*, *--version*:: Display version information and exit. *-h*, *--help*:: Display help text and exit. == EXIT STATUS *chcpu* has the following exit status values: *0*:: success *1*:: failure *64*:: partial success == AUTHORS mailto:heiko.carstens@de.ibm.com[Heiko Carstens] == COPYRIGHT Copyright IBM Corp. 2011 == SEE ALSO *lscpu*(1) include::../man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::../man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::../man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]