############################################################################### # IPFire.org - An Open Source Firewall Solution # # Copyright (C) - IPFire Development Team # ############################################################################### name = tcl major_ver = 8.5 version = %{major_ver}.11 release = 1 thisapp = tcl%{version} groups = Development/Languages url = http://tcl.sourceforge.net/ license = TCL summary = Tool Command Language, pronounced tickle. description The Tcl (Tool Command Language) provides a powerful platform for\ creating integration applications that tie together diverse \ applications, protocols, devices, and frameworks. end source_dl = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/%{name}/Tcl/%{version}/ sources = tcl%{version}-src.tar.gz build requires autoconf automake perl >= 5.14.2-9.ip3 end CFLAGS += -DTCL_NO_STACK_CHECK=1 make_extra = TCL_LIBRARY=%{datadir}/%{name}%{major_ver} configure_options += \ --disable-threads \ --enable-symbols \ --enable-shared prepare_cmds cd unix && autoconf end build cd unix ./configure \ %{configure_options} make %{PARALLELISMFLAGS} %{make_extra} end install cd unix make install %{make_extra} INSTALL_ROOT=%{BUILDROOT} cd .. ln -svf tclsh%{major_ver} %{BUILDROOT}/usr/bin/tclsh # for linking with -lib%{name} ln -svf lib%{name}%{major_ver}.so %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir}/lib%{name}.so # paths don't look at /usr/lib for efficiency, so we symlink into tcl8.5 for now mkdir -pv %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir}/%{name}%{major_ver} ln -svf ../%{name}Config.sh %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir}/%{name}%{major_ver}/%{name}Config.sh mkdir -pv %{BUILDROOT}%{includedir}/%{name}-private/{generic,unix} find generic unix -name "*.h" -exec cp -p '{}' %{BUILDROOT}%{includedir}/%{name}-private/'{}' ';' ( cd %{BUILDROOT}%{includedir} for i in *.h; do [ -f %{BUILDROOT}%{includedir}/%{name}-private/generic/${i} ] && ln -sf ../../${i} \ %{BUILDROOT}%{includedir}/%{name}-private/generic; done ) # remove buildroot traces sed -i -e "s|$PWD/unix|%{libdir}|; s|$PWD|%{includedir}/%{name}-private|" %{BUILDROOT}%{libdir}/%{name}Config.sh rm -rf %{BUILDROOT}%{datadir}/%{name}%{major_ver}/ldAix end # Keep libtclstub*.a. keep_libraries %{libdir}/lib%{name}stub%{major_ver}.a end end packages package %{name} package %{name}-devel template DEVEL end package %{name}-debuginfo template DEBUGINFO end end