{% extends "../base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Processors") }}{% end block %} {% block body %}
({{ _("minimum") }})

{{ "%.0f" % clock_speed_min }} {{ _("MHz") }}

({{ _("average") }})

{{ "%.0f" % clock_speed_avg }} {{ _("MHz") }}

({{ _("maximum") }})

{{ "%.0f" % clock_speed_max }} {{ _("MHz") }}

{{ _("Vendors") }}

{% if lang == "de" %}

Eine Aufstellung über den beliebtesten Prozessor-Hersteller:

{% else %}

This chart shows us which vendors is the most favorite for the CPUs used in IPFire.

{% end %}
{% for vendor, percentage in cpu_vendors %}
{{ vendor }}
{% module ProgressBar(percentage) %}
{% end %}

{{ _("Architectures") }}

{% for name, percentage in arch_map %}
{{ name }}
{% module ProgressBar(percentage) %}
{% end %}
{% end block %}