Introduction ------------ In DHCP, a unit test exercises a particular piece of code in isolation. There is a separate unit test per module or API. Each unit test lives in a directory beneath the code it is designed to exercise. So, we have: client/tests/ common/tests/ dhcpctl/tests/ And so on. Ideally each function would be invoked with every possible type of input, and each branch of every function would be checked. In practice we try to be a bit more pragmatic, and target the most basic operations, as well tricky code, and areas we have seen bugs in the past. Running Unit Tests ------------------ In order to run the unit tests for DHCP, use: $ make check This will run all of the unit tests. You can run a single test by going to the appropriate test directory and invoking the test directly: $ cd common/tests $ make test_alloc $ ./test_alloc There are also a number of options that you can use when running a test. To see these, use the "-u" flag on the program. Adding a New Unit Test ---------------------- To add an additional test to an existing test program, you must create a function for the new test in the C source file: static void mynewtest(void) { static const char *test_desc = "describe the test"; t_assert("mynewtest", 1, T_REQUIRED, test_desc); /* ... test code ... */ t_result(T_PASS); } Then add this function to the T_testlist[] array in the file: testspec_t T_testlist[] = { ... { mynewtest, "some new test" }, { NULL, NULL } }; Then you should be able to compile and run your new test. Adding a New Unit Test Program ------------------------------ To add a new program, such as when a new module is added, you can copy the "unit_test_sample.c" file (in this directory) to a new name, add the new file as a target in, and begin adding tests. Do not forget to add it to CVS via "cvs add". If there is no "tests" directory for a given subdirectory, then one must be created. This can be done by: 1. Creating the directory: $ mkdir $subdir/tests $ cvs add tests 2. Adding the subdirectory to the build system: Add to $subdir/ SUBDIRS = tests Add to the AC_OUTPUT macro in $subdir/tests/Makefile 3. Create a in the new directory, something like this: AM_CPPFLAGS = -I../.. check_PROGRAMS = test_foo TESTS = test_foo test_foo_SOURCES = test_foo.c test_foo_LDADD = ../../tests/libt_api.a # plus others... See existing for examples, and the Automake documentation: Support Functions ----------------- Here are a few of the most useful functions defined in t_api that you can use in testing: void t_assert(const char *component, int anum, int class, const char *what, ...); The name of this function is slightly misleading. It actually just prints out an error message in the test output. void t_info(const char *format, ...); Prints out a message in the test output. You should include "\n" at the end. void t_result(int result); Prints out the result in the test output. You should use one of the constants for this: T_PASS T_FAIL T_UNRESOLVED T_UNSUPPORTED T_UNTESTED T_THREADONLY Additional Testing ------------------ Other static or runtime testing is always an option. For instance, you can use valgrind to check for memory leaks. $Id: HOWTO-unit-test,v 1.2 2007/11/16 11:04:12 shane Exp $