]> git.ipfire.org Git - ipfire-2.x.git/blame - langs/zt/cgi-bin/zt.pl
[ipfire-2.x.git] / langs / zt / cgi-bin / zt.pl
1# Chinese Traditional (zt) Data File \r
3# This file is part of the IPCop Firewall.\r
4# \r
5# IPCop is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
6# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
7# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\r
8# (at your option) any later version.\r
9# \r
10# IPCop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
11# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
13# GNU General Public License for more details.\r
14# \r
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
16# along with IPCop; if not, write to the Free Software\r
17# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\r
18# \r
19# (c) The SmoothWall Team\r
20# \r
21# IPCop translation\r
22# (c) 2005 Ronald Ng \r
25%tr = ( \r
26%tr, \r
27 \r
28'a ca certificate with this name already exists' => '這個CA證書名字已經存在', \r
29'a connection with this common name already exists' => '這個連接名稱已經存在', \r
30'a connection with this name already exists' => '這個連接名稱已經存在', \r
31'access allowed' => '訪問允許', \r
32'action' => '指令', \r
33'add' => '新增', \r
34'add a host' => '新增主機', \r
35'add a new rule' => '新增規則', \r
36'add network' => '新增網絡', \r
37'add new alias' => '新增別名', \r
38'add new lease' => '新增固定租約', \r
39'add service' => '新增服務', \r
40'add xtaccess' => '新增外部訪問', \r
41'admin user password has been changed' => 'admin密碼修改成功', \r
42'administrator user password' => 'admin密碼', \r
43'adsl settings' => 'ADSL 設定', \r
44'advanced' => '高級', \r
45'again' => '重試', \r
46'alcatelusb help' => '要使用Speedtouch USB 你必須上傳它的固件,請到speedtouch.com下載<b>Embedded Firmware</b> 解壓縮並上傳合適的你的程序: 當 Rev<4使用KQD6_3.xxx 或者 Rev=4使用ZZZL_3.xxx', \r
47'alcatelusb upload' => '上傳Speedtouch USB Firmware', \r
48'alias ip' => 'IP 別名', \r
49'aliases' => '別名', \r
50'aliases not active' => '紅色 (RED) 介面卡需要為靜態才能使別名 (Aliases) 生效', \r
51'all updates installed' => '全部更新已經安裝', \r
52'alt dialup' => '撥號', \r
53'alt home' => '主頁', \r
54'alt information' => '信息', \r
55'alt logs' => '日誌', \r
56'alt services' => '服務', \r
57'alt system' => '系統', \r
58'alt vpn' => '虛擬專用網', \r
59'april' => '四月', \r
60'archive not exist' => '設定文件不存在', \r
61'are you sure' => '你確定嗎?', \r
62'arp table entries' => 'ARP 列表:', \r
63'august' => '八月', \r
64'authentication' => '鑒定:', \r
65'automatic' => '自動', \r
66'available updates' => '可用更新:', \r
67'back' => '後退', \r
68'backup' => '備份到軟盤', \r
69'backup config floppy' => '備份設定軟盤', \r
70'backup configuration' => '備份設定:', \r
71'backup sets' => '備份設定', \r
72'backup to floppy' => '備份到軟盤', \r
73'bad characters in script field' => '腳本有錯誤的字符', \r
74'bad characters in the telephone number field' => '電話號碼中有非法字符', \r
75'bad destination range' => '目標通訊埠範圍第一個值應該小於等於第二個值', \r
76'bad ignore filter' => '有害信息忽略過濾:', \r
77'bad return code' => '返回錯誤代碼', \r
78'bad source range' => '源通訊埠範圍錯誤,第一個值應該大於等於第二個值', \r
79'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => '當防火牆連接或斷開時發出警告聲', \r
80'behind a proxy' => '在代理之後:', \r
81'blue' => '藍色接口(無線)', \r
82'blue access' => '無線網絡', \r
83'blue interface' => '藍色接口', \r
84'broadcast' => '廣播', \r
85'broken pipe' => '壞通道', \r
86'buffers' => '磁碟緩存', \r
87'ca certificate' => 'CA證書', \r
88'ca name' => 'CA名稱', \r
89'cache management' => '緩存管理', \r
90'cache size' => '緩存容量 (MB):', \r
91'cached' => '緩存', \r
92'cancel' => '取消', \r
93'cannot enable both nat traversal and compression' => '不能夠啟動雙向NAT和壓縮', \r
94'cannot enable ntp without specifying primary' => '不指定根無法啟動NTP服務', \r
95'cannot specify secondary dns without specifying primary' => '不指定第一個DNS無法輸入第二個DNS', \r
96'cannot specify secondary ntp without specifying primary' => '不指定第一個NTP服務器無法輸入第二個NTP服務器', \r
97'cannot specify secondary wins without specifying primary' => '不能指定第二個WINS服務器,請先指定主WINS服務器', \r
98'cant change certificates' => '不能改變證書', \r
99'cant enable xtaccess' => '不能啟動外部訪問規則,因為端口轉發沒有打開', \r
100'cant start openssl' => '不能啟動OpenSSL', \r
101'caps all' => '全部', \r
102'capsclosed' => '關閉', \r
103'capsopen' => '開啟', \r
104'capswarning' => '警告', \r
105'cert' => '證書', \r
106'certificate' => '證書', \r
107'certificate authorities' => '認證授權', \r
108'certificate does not have a valid ca associated with it' => '證書不是一個有效的CA證書', \r
109'certificate file move failed' => '證書刪除失敗', \r
110'cfg restart' => '恢復備份建議重起系統', \r
111'chain' => '鏈', \r
112'change passwords' => '更改密碼', \r
113'check vpn lr' => '檢查', \r
114'city' => '城市', \r
115'clear cache' => '清除Cache', \r
116'clenabled' => '客戶端啟動', \r
117'click to disable' => '單擊關閉', \r
118'click to enable' => '單擊啟動', \r
119'clock has not been synchronized' => '時鐘沒同步', \r
120'clock last synchronized at' => '上次時間同步在', \r
121'common name' => '普通名稱', \r
122'compression' => '壓縮:', \r
123'computer to modem rate' => '電腦至調製解調器的速度:', \r
124'concentrator name' => '接入中心名稱:', \r
125'confirmation' => '確認', \r
126'connect on ipcop restart' => '用IPCop重啟連接:', \r
127'connect the modem' => '連接modem', \r
128'connect timeout' => '連接超時:', \r
129'connected' => '已連接', \r
130'connecting' => '連接中...', \r
131'connection' => '連接', \r
132'connection debugging' => '連接調試', \r
133'connection status and controlc' => '連接狀態和控制:', \r
134'connection tracking' => 'IPTables連接跟蹤', \r
135'connection type' => '連接類型', \r
136'connection type is invalid' => '連接類型無效', \r
137'connections' => '連接跟蹤', \r
138'connections are associated with this ca. deleting the ca will delete these connections as well.' => '連接與CA關聯,刪除CA將刪除連接', \r
139'could not be opened' => '無法打開', \r
140'could not connect to' => '無法連接到', \r
141'could not connect to www ipcop org' => '無法連接到www.ipcop.org', \r
142'could not create directory' => '無法建立目錄.', \r
143'could not download latest patch list' => '無法下載最新的補丁列表', \r
144'could not download latest updates' => '無法下載最新的升級程序', \r
145'could not download the available updates list' => '無法下載可用升級列表.', \r
146'could not open available updates file' => '無法打開可用更新文檔.', \r
147'could not open installed updates file' => '無法打開已安裝的更新文檔', \r
148'could not open update information file' => '無法打開更新信息文檔,此文檔被破壞.', \r
149'could not retrieve common name from certificate' => '你不能從證書中恢復名稱', \r
150'country' => '國家', \r
151'create' => '創建', \r
152'credits' => '開發人員榜', \r
153'cron server' => 'CRON服務', \r
154'current' => '當前', \r
155'current aliases' => '當前別名:', \r
156'current dynamic leases' => '當前動態租約', \r
157'current fixed leases' => '當前固定租約', \r
158'current hosts' => '當前主機:', \r
159'current profile' => '當前配置文件:', \r
160'current rules' => '當前規則:', \r
161'custom networks' => '定制網絡', \r
162'custom services' => '定制服務', \r
163'dat without key' => '沒有密碼無法恢復一個加密文檔', \r
164'date' => '日期', \r
165'date not in logs' => '日期不在日誌中', \r
166'day' => '日', \r
167'day after' => '以後', \r
168'day before' => '以前', \r
169'days' => '日', \r
170'ddns hostname added' => '動態DNS主機名已增加', \r
171'ddns hostname removed' => '動態域名刪除', \r
172'december' => '十二月', \r
173'def lease time' => '默認租用時間', \r
174'default lease time' => '默認租期', \r
175'default networks' => '默認網絡', \r
176'default renewal time' => '默認更新時間', \r
177'default services' => '默認服務端口表', \r
178'delete' => '刪除', \r
179'demon login script' => '登錄腳本', \r
180'description' => '內容', \r
181'dest ip and port' => '目標.IP:通訊埠', \r
182'destination' => '目的', \r
183'destination ip' => '目的IP地址', \r
184'destination ip bad' => '無效的目的IP地址', \r
185'destination net' => '目標網絡', \r
186'destination port' => '目標通訊埠', \r
187'destination port numbers' => '目標通訊埠範圍必須是一個有效的值或範圍', \r
188'destination port overlaps' => '目標通訊埠範圍和已存在的通訊埠範圍重疊', \r
189'detail level' => '詳細程度', \r
190'device' => '設備', \r
191'dhcp configuration' => 'DHCP 設定', \r
192'dhcp mode' => 'DHCP 模式', \r
193'dhcp server' => 'DHCP服務', \r
194'dhcp server disabled' => 'DHCP 服務關閉', \r
195'dhcp server disabled on blue interface' => '藍色接口上DHCP服務關閉', \r
196'dhcp server enabled' => 'DHCP 啟動.重新啟動中', \r
197'dhcp server enabled on blue interface' => '藍色接口上DHCP服務開啟', \r
198'dial' => '撥號', \r
199'dial user password' => '撥號用戶密碼', \r
200'dial user password has been changed' => '撥號用戶密碼已經更改', \r
201'dialing mode' => '撥號方式:', \r
202'dialup settings' => '撥號設定', \r
203'disk usage' => '硬碟使用情況:', \r
204'display' => '顯示', \r
205'display hostname in window title' => '在windows title上顯示主機名', \r
206'dmz pinhole configuration' => 'DMZ設定', \r
207'dmz pinhole rule added' => 'DMZ規則成功增加', \r
208'dmz pinhole rule removed' => 'DMZ規則移除', \r
209'dmzpinholes for same net not necessary' => 'DMZ不能是同一個網絡,請選擇不同的源或目標網絡', \r
210'dns check failed' => 'DNS 檢查失敗', \r
211'dns proxy server' => 'DNS代理服務器', \r
212'dod' => '按需撥號', \r
213'dod for dns' => '按需撥號for DNS:', \r
214'dod waiting' => '按需撥號等待中', \r
215'domain' => '域', \r
216'domain name' => '域名', \r
217'domain name suffix' => '域名後綴:', \r
218'domain not set' => '域未設定.', \r
219'downlink speed' => '下傳速率(kbit/sec)', \r
220'download ca certificate' => '下載CA證書', \r
221'download certificate' => '下載證書', \r
222'download host certificate' => '下載主機證書', \r
223'download new ruleset' => '下載新的規則設定', \r
224'download pkcs12 file' => '下載PKCS12文件', \r
225'download root certificate' => '下載根證書', \r
226'driver' => '驅動程式', \r
227'dst port' => '目標通訊埠', \r
228'dstprt range overlaps' => '目標通訊埠範圍和一個已定義的通訊埠重疊', \r
229'dstprt within existing' => '目標通訊埠已存在', \r
230'duplicate ip' => '輸入了重複的IP地址', \r
231'duplicate mac' => '重複的MAC地址', \r
232'duplicate name' => '重複的名稱', \r
233'dynamic dns' => '動態 DNS', \r
234'dynamic dns client' => '動態DNS客戶端', \r
235'e-mail address too long' => '地址太長;不能超過40個字符', \r
236'eciadsl help' => '使用ECI ADSL 你必須上傳synch.bin 文件,請到ECIADSL網站下載並上傳<b>synch.bin</b>', \r
237'eciadsl upload' => '上傳ECI ADSL Synch.bin', \r
238'edit' => '更改', \r
239'edit a rule' => '編輯現有規則:', \r
240'edit advanced settings when done' => '完成後將編輯高級設定', \r
241'edit an existing alias' => '編輯現有別名', \r
242'edit an existing host' => '編輯一個存在的主機', \r
243'edit an existing lease' => '編輯現有的租期', \r
244'edit hosts' => '主機設定', \r
245'edit network' => '編輯網絡', \r
246'edit service' => '編輯服務', \r
247'empty' => '空白', \r
248'enable ignore filter' => '啟動忽略過濾器', \r
249'enable javascript' => '啟動Javascript', \r
250'enable wildcards' => '啟用通配符:', \r
251'enabled' => '啟用:', \r
252'enabled on' => '啟動', \r
253'enabledtitle' => '啟動', \r
254'encapsulation' => '封裝', \r
255'encrypted' => '加密', \r
256'end address' => '結束地址:', \r
257'err bk 1' => '創建文件錯誤', \r
258'err bk 2 key' => '創建key文件錯誤', \r
259'err bk 3 tar' => '追加文件錯誤', \r
260'err bk 4 gz' => '壓縮文件錯誤', \r
261'err bk 5 encrypt' => '加密文件錯誤', \r
262'err rs 1' => '恢復文件錯誤', \r
263'err rs 6 decrypt' => '解密文件錯誤', \r
264'err rs 7 untartst' => '無效的解密文件', \r
265'err rs 8 untar' => '解壓文件錯誤', \r
266'error messages' => '錯誤信息', \r
267'esp encryption' => 'ESP加密:', \r
268'esp grouptype' => 'ESP組類型:', \r
269'esp integrity' => 'ESP 完整性:', \r
270'esp keylife' => 'ESP密鑰存活時間:', \r
271'esp keylife should be between 1 and 24 hours' => 'ESP密鑰存活時間在1到24小時.', \r
272'every' => '每一個', \r
273'expected' => '預期的', \r
274'expires' => '過期', \r
275'export' => '導出', \r
276'external access' => '外部訪問', \r
277'external access configuration' => '外部訪問配置', \r
278'external access rule added' => '外部訪問規則添加成功', \r
279'external access rule removed' => '外部訪問規則移除成功;重新啟動服務', \r
280'external aliases configuration' => '外部別名配置', \r
281'february' => '二月', \r
282'filename' => '文件名', \r
283'filesystem full' => '文件系統已滿', \r
284'firewall' => '防火牆', \r
285'firewall hits' => '防火牆命中總數', \r
286'firewall log' => '防火牆日誌', \r
287'firewall log viewer' => '防火牆日誌查看', \r
288'firewall logs' => '防火牆日誌', \r
289'firmware' => '固件', \r
290'firmware upload' => '上傳固件/驅動', \r
291'fixed ip lease added' => '增加固定IP租約', \r
292'fixed ip lease modified' => '固定IP租期修改', \r
293'fixed ip lease removed' => '刪除固定IP租約', \r
294'force update' => '強制更新', \r
295'forwarding rule added' => '轉發規則添加;重新啟動服務', \r
296'forwarding rule removed' => '轉發規則被移除;重新啟動服務', \r
297'forwarding rule updated' => '轉發規則已升級;重新啟動服務', \r
298'free' => '剩餘', \r
299'fritzdsl help' => '對於Fritz!DSL fcdsl / fcdslsl / fcdsl2 / fcdslusb / fcdslslusb 型號的,你必須上傳驅動<b>fcdsl-(your_version).tgz</b>', \r
300'fritzdsl upload' => '上傳Fritz!DSL驅動', \r
301'gateway' => '網關', \r
302'gateway ip' => '網關IP', \r
303'generate a certificate' => '產生一個證書:', \r
304'generate root/host certificates' => '產生根/主機證書', \r
305'generating the root and host certificates may take a long time. it can take up to several minutes on older hardware. please be patient' => '產生根/主機證書需要較長時間,尤其是老機器,請耐心等待', \r
306'global settings' => '整體設定', \r
307'graph' => '圖表', \r
308'green' => '綠色接口(本地)', \r
309'green interface' => '綠色接口', \r
310'gui settings' => '語言設定', \r
311'gz with key' => '只有加密文檔才能在本機恢復', \r
312'hangup' => '掛斷', \r
313'hangup string' => '掛斷:', \r
314'high' => '高', \r
315'high memory usage' => '高端內存使用', \r
316'holdoff' => '延時(秒)', \r
317'host' => '主機', \r
318'host certificate' => '主機證書', \r
319'host configuration' => '主機設定', \r
320'host ip' => '主機IP', \r
321'host to net vpn' => '主機到網絡的VPN', \r
322'hostname' => '主機名', \r
323'hostname and domain already in use' => '主機名和域已使用', \r
324'hostname cant be empty' => '主機名不能為空白', \r
325'hostname not set' => '沒有設定主機名', \r
326'hosts config added' => '主機設定增加', \r
327'hosts config changed' => '主機設定改變', \r
328'hours' => '小時', \r
329'hours2' => '小時', \r
330'ibod for dual isdn only' => 'iBOD 只能使用雙路ISDN.', \r
331'icmp selected but no type' => '選擇ICMP協議,但沒有指定ICMP類型', \r
332'icmp type' => 'ICMP類型', \r
333'idle' => '閒置', \r
334'idle timeout' => '閒置超時', \r
335'idle timeout not set' => '沒有設定空閒超時', \r
336'ids log viewer' => '查看入侵日誌', \r
337'ids logs' => '入侵檢測日誌', \r
338'iface' => '接口', \r
339'ignore filter' => '忽略過濾', \r
340'ike encryption' => 'IKE加密:', \r
341'ike grouptype' => 'IKE組類型:', \r
342'ike integrity' => 'IKE完整性:', \r
343'ike lifetime' => 'IKE存活期:', \r
344'ike lifetime should be between 1 and 8 hours' => 'IKE存活時間在1到8小時', \r
345'import' => '導入', \r
346'info' => '信息', \r
347'init string' => '初始化字符串:', \r
348'insert floppy' => '插入一張格式化過的軟碟,點擊<i>備份到軟碟</i> 開始備份.<p>', \r
349'install new update' => '安裝新的更新:', \r
350'installed' => '已安裝', \r
351'installed updates' => '已安裝更新:', \r
352'instant update' => '直接更新', \r
353'interface' => '介面', \r
354'interfaces' => '介面:', \r
355'internet' => '互聯網', \r
356'intrusion detection' => '入侵檢測', \r
357'intrusion detection system' => '入侵檢測系統', \r
358'intrusion detection system log viewer' => '查看入侵檢測系統日誌', \r
359'intrusion detection system2' => '入侵檢測系統:', \r
360'invalid broadcast ip' => '無效的廣播IP', \r
361'invalid cache size' => 'cache 大小無效', \r
362'invalid characters found in pre-shared key' => '在共享密鑰發現無效的字符', \r
363'invalid date entered' => '無效的日期輸入', \r
364'invalid default lease time' => '無效的默認租期', \r
365'invalid domain name' => '無效的域名.', \r
366'invalid downlink speed' => '無效的下行鏈路速率', \r
367'invalid end address' => '無效的end地址', \r
368'invalid fixed ip address' => '無效的固定IP地址', \r
369'invalid fixed mac address' => '無效的固定MAC地址', \r
370'invalid hostname' => '無效的主機名.', \r
371'invalid input' => '無效的輸入', \r
372'invalid input for authentication method' => '輸入的鑒定方法無效', \r
373'invalid input for city' => '輸入的城市無效', \r
374'invalid input for country' => '輸入的國家無效', \r
375'invalid input for department' => '輸入的部門無效', \r
376'invalid input for e-mail address' => '輸入的email地址無效', \r
377'invalid input for esp keylife' => 'ESP的密鑰存活期無效', \r
378'invalid input for hostname' => '輸入的主機名無效', \r
379'invalid input for ike lifetime' => '輸入的IKE存活期無效', \r
380'invalid input for name' => '輸入的用戶全稱或系統主機名無效', \r
381'invalid input for organization' => '輸入的組織無效', \r
382'invalid input for remote host/ip' => '輸入的遠端主機名/ip無效', \r
383'invalid input for state or province' => '輸入的州或省無效', \r
384'invalid ip' => '無效的IP地址', \r
385'invalid keep time' => '保持時間必須是一個有效值', \r
386'invalid key' => '無效的key', \r
387'invalid logserver address' => '無效的syslog服務器地址', \r
388'invalid max lease time' => '無效的最大租期', \r
389'invalid maximum incoming size' => '無效的最大進入字節', \r
390'invalid maximum object size' => '無效的最大對像字節', \r
391'invalid maximum outgoing size' => '無效的最大流出字節', \r
392'invalid md5sum' => '無效的MD5校驗值', \r
393'invalid minimum object size' => '無效的最小對像字節', \r
394'invalid netmask' => '無效的子網掩碼', \r
395'invalid port' => '無效的端口', \r
396'invalid primary dns' => '無效的主DNS.', \r
397'invalid primary ntp' => '無效的主NTP服務器地址', \r
398'invalid secondary dns' => '無效的次DNS.', \r
399'invalid secondary ntp' => '無效的第二NTP服務器地址', \r
400'invalid start address' => '無效的起始地址', \r
401'invalid time entered' => '無效的時間輸入', \r
402'invalid time period' => '無效的時間間隔', \r
403'invalid uplink speed' => '無效的上行連路速率', \r
404'invalid upstream proxy username or password setting' => '無效的代理服務器的用戶名口令設定', \r
405'invalid vpi vpci' => '無效的VPI/VPCI設定', \r
406'invalid wins address' => '無效的WINS地址.', \r
407'invert' => '倒置', \r
408'ip address' => 'IP地址', \r
409'ip address in use' => 'IP地址已被使用', \r
410'ip alias added' => '外部IP別名增加', \r
411'ip alias changed' => '外部IP別名改變', \r
412'ip alias removed' => '外部IP別名刪除', \r
413'ip info' => 'IP信息', \r
414'ipcop has now rebooted' => '防火牆正在重新啟動.', \r
415'ipcop has now shutdown' => '防火牆正在關機.', \r
416'ipcop side' => '防火牆側:', \r
417'ipcop side is invalid' => '防火牆側無效', \r
418'ipcops hostname' => '防火牆的主機名', \r
419'ipinfo' => 'IP 信息', \r
420'isdn settings' => '附加ISDN設定:', \r
421'isdn1' => '單路ISDN', \r
422'isdn2' => '雙通道ISDN', \r
423'january' => '一月', \r
424'javascript menu error1' => '如果菜單不能夠顯示,請在系統-語言設定菜單中關閉Javascript', \r
425'javascript menu error2' => '錯誤', \r
426'july' => '七月', \r
427'june' => '六月', \r
428'kernel' => '系統核心', \r
429'kernel logging server' => '內核日誌服務', \r
430'kernel version' => '系統核心版本:', \r
431'lan' => '局域網', \r
432'languagepurpose' => '選擇所顯示的語言:', \r
433'lease expires' => '租約到期', \r
434'legend' => '圖例', \r
435'loaded modules' => '載入模組:', \r
436'local ntp server specified but not enabled' => '本地NTP服務沒有啟動', \r
437'local subnet' => '本地子網:', \r
438'local subnet is invalid' => '本地子網無效.', \r
439'local vpn hostname/ip' => '本地VPN 主機名/IP', \r
440'log' => '日誌:', \r
441'log enabled' => '日誌激活', \r
442'log server address' => 'Syslog 服務器', \r
443'log settings' => '日誌設定', \r
444'log summaries' => '日誌摘要', \r
445'log summary' => '日誌摘要', \r
446'log viewer' => '日誌查看', \r
447'log viewing options' => '日誌查看選項', \r
448'logging server' => '日誌服務', \r
449'loginlogout' => '登入/登出', \r
450'lookup failed' => '反向lookup失敗', \r
451'low' => '低', \r
452'ls_dhcpd' => 'DHCP服務器:', \r
453'ls_httpd' => 'HTTP服務器:', \r
454'ls_kernel' => '內核和防火牆:', \r
455'ls_modprobe' => '模組載入:', \r
456'ls_pam_unix' => '本地用戶登錄:', \r
457'ls_sshd' => '遠程用戶登錄:', \r
458'ls_syslogd' => '系統日誌:', \r
459'mac address' => 'MAC地址', \r
460'mac address in use' => 'MAC地址已使用', \r
461'main page' => '首頁', \r
462'manual' => '手動', \r
463'manual control and status' => '手動控制和狀態', \r
464'manually' => '手動', \r
465'march' => '三月', \r
466'marked' => '已標記', \r
467'max incoming size' => '最大流入大小(KB):', \r
468'max lease time' => '最大租期(mins):', \r
469'max outgoing size' => '最大流出量(KB):', \r
470'max renewal time' => '最長更新時間', \r
471'max retries not set' => '最大重試未設定', \r
472'max size' => '最大目標大小(KB):', \r
473'maximum retries' => '最大重試', \r
474'may' => '五月', \r
475'medium' => '中', \r
476'memory' => '內存:', \r
477'method' => '方式:', \r
478'min size' => '最小目標大小(KB):', \r
479'minutes' => '分鐘', \r
480'missing dat' => '未找到加密文檔', \r
481'missing gz' => '未找到解密文檔', \r
482'modem' => '調製解調器', \r
483'modem configuration' => 'Modem設定', \r
484'modem on com1' => '在 COM1 的Modem', \r
485'modem on com2' => '在 COM2 的Modem', \r
486'modem on com3' => '在 COM3 的Modem', \r
487'modem on com4' => '在 COM4 的Modem', \r
488'modem on com5' => '在 COM5 的Modem', \r
489'modem settings have errors' => 'Modem設定有誤', \r
490'modem speaker on' => 'Modem的喇叭開啟:', \r
491'modulation' => '調製', \r
492'month' => '月', \r
493'months' => '月', \r
494'mounted on' => '掛載', \r
495'name' => '名稱', \r
496'name is invalid' => '名稱無效', \r
497'name must only contain characters' => '名稱只包含字符', \r
498'name too long' => '用戶全稱或系統主機名稱太長', \r
499'nat-traversal' => 'Nat阻斷:', \r
500'net' => '網絡', \r
501'net to net vpn' => '網絡到網絡的VPN', \r
502'netmask' => '掩碼', \r
503'network' => '網絡', \r
504'network added' => '定制網絡已填加', \r
505'network configuration' => '網絡配置', \r
506'network removed' => '定制網絡移除', \r
507'network status information' => '網絡狀態信息', \r
508'network time' => '使用網絡時間服務器 (NTP):', \r
509'network traffic graphs' => '網絡流量圖', \r
510'network updated' => '定制網絡已升級', \r
511'networks settings' => '防火牆-網絡設定', \r
512'newer' => '較新的', \r
513'next address' => '下一個地址', \r
514'no alcatelusb firmware' => '沒有Alcatel USB firmware。請上傳', \r
515'no cfg upload' => '沒有數據被上傳', \r
516'no dhcp lease' => '沒有得到DHCP租期', \r
517'no eciadsl synch.bin file' => '沒有ECI ADSL synch.bin文件,請上傳', \r
518'no fritzdsl driver' => '沒有Fritz!DSL驅動程式。請上傳', \r
519'no information available' => '沒有可用的信息', \r
520'no modem selected' => '沒有選擇調製解調器', \r
521'no set selected' => '沒有設定被選擇', \r
522'none found' => '找不到', \r
523'nonetworkname' => '沒有網絡名字被輸入', \r
524'noservicename' => '沒有服務名字被輸入', \r
525'not a valid ca certificate' => '無效的CA證書', \r
526'not present' => '<b>不可用</b> 的驅動', \r
527'november' => '十一月', \r
528'ntp configuration' => '網絡時間服務器設定', \r
529'ntp must be enabled to have clients' => '網絡時間服務器設定必須被啟動來服務客戶', \r
530'ntp server' => '網絡時間服務器', \r
531'ntp syncro disabled' => '時間服務器同步被關閉', \r
532'ntp syncro enabled' => '時間服務器同步被啟動', \r
533'ntpd restarted' => '重起時間服務', \r
534'number' => '數字:', \r
535'october' => '十月', \r
536'older' => '較舊的', \r
537'only digits allowed in holdoff field' => '延時只能填寫數字', \r
538'only digits allowed in max retries field' => '最大重試次數欄只能是數字', \r
539'only digits allowed in the idle timeout' => '空閒超時只能是數字', \r
540'orange' => '橙色(DMZ)', \r
541'organization cant be empty' => '組織不能為空', \r
542'organization name' => '組織名', \r
543'organization too long' => '組織名不能太長;不能超過60個字符', \r
544'original' => '原有的', \r
545'other countries' => '其他國家', \r
546'other login script' => '其他登錄腳本', \r
547'package failed to install' => '包裝軟體安裝失敗', \r
548'pap or chap' => 'PAP 或 CHAP', \r
549'password' => '密碼:', \r
550'password contains illegal characters' => '密碼包含非法字符', \r
551'password not set' => '密碼未設定.', \r
552'password too short' => '密碼太短.', \r
553'passwords do not match' => '密碼不符', \r
554'passwords must be at least 6 characters in length' => '密碼最少6個字符', \r
555'percentage' => '百分率', \r
556'persistent' => '持久', \r
557'phase1 group' => 'Phase1 組', \r
558'phonebook entry' => '電話簿條目', \r
559'pkcs12 file password' => 'PKCS12文件密碼', \r
560'port' => '通訊埠', \r
561'port forwarding configuration' => '通訊埠轉發設定', \r
562'ports' => '通訊埠', \r
563'ppp setup' => 'PPP 設定', \r
564'pppoe settings' => 'PPPoE設定:', \r
565'pptp settings' => 'PPTP設定:', \r
566'pre-shared key is too short' => 'Pre-shared key太短', \r
567'present' => '驅動程式可用', \r
568'primary dns' => '主要 DNS:', \r
569'primary ntp server' => '主時間服務器', \r
570'primary wins server address' => '主WINS服務器地址', \r
571'priority' => '優先級', \r
572'profile' => '設定文件', \r
573'profile deleted' => '設定文件被刪除', \r
574'profile has errors' => '設定文件有錯', \r
575'profile made current' => '替換當前的配置文件', \r
576'profile name' => '設定文件名', \r
577'profile name not given' => '設定文件名未給出', \r
578'profile saved' => '設定文件已存檔', \r
579'profiles' => '設定文件:', \r
580'proto' => '協議', \r
581'protocol' => '協議', \r
582'proxy' => '代理服務', \r
583'proxy access graphs' => '代理訪問圖', \r
584'proxy log viewer' => '查看代理日誌', \r
585'proxy logs' => '代理日誌', \r
586'proxy port' => '代理端口', \r
587'pulse' => '脈衝', \r
588'pulse dial' => '脈衝撥號:', \r
589'reboot' => '重新啟動', \r
590'rebooting' => '重起中...', \r
591'rebooting ipcop' => '重新啟動防火牆', \r
592'reconnection' => '重新連接', \r
593'references' => '參考', \r
594'refresh' => '更新', \r
595'refresh index page while connected' => '連接後刷新主頁面', \r
596'refresh update list' => '更新升級列表', \r
597'released' => '釋放', \r
598'remark' => '備註', \r
599'remark title' => '備註:', \r
600'remote access' => '遠程訪問', \r
601'remote host/ip' => '遠端主機/IP', \r
602'remote logging' => '遠程訪問紀錄', \r
603'remote subnet' => '遠端子網:', \r
604'remote subnet is invalid' => '遠端子網無效.', \r
605'remove' => '刪除', \r
606'remove ca certificate' => '刪除CA證書', \r
607'reserved dst port' => '目標通訊埠被保留使用:', \r
608'reserved src port' => '源通訊埠被保留使用:', \r
609'reset' => '復位', \r
610'resetting the vpn configuration will remove the root ca, the host certificate and all certificate based connections' => '重新設定VPN配置,將刪除所有的根證書主機證書和所有的基於連接的證書', \r
611'restart' => '重新啟動', \r
612'restore' => '恢復', \r
613'restore defaults' => '恢復默認值', \r
614'restore hardware settings' => '恢復硬件設定', \r
615'reverse sort' => '反向排序', \r
616'root certificate' => '根證書', \r
617'root path' => '根路徑', \r
618'router ip' => '路由IP地址', \r
619'routing table entries' => '路由表', \r
620'rsvd dst port overlap' => '目的通訊埠範圍和一個IPCop服務通訊埠重疊:', \r
621'rsvd src port overlap' => '源通訊埠範圍和一個IPCop服務通訊埠重疊:', \r
622'running' => '運行中', \r
623'save' => '保存', \r
624'save error' => '無法存儲配置文件', \r
625'script name' => '腳本名稱', \r
626'secondary dns' => '第二DNS:', \r
627'secondary ntp server' => '第二時間服務器', \r
628'secondary wins server address' => '第二個WINS服務器地址', \r
629'seconds' => '秒', \r
630'section' => '部分', \r
631'select' => '選擇', \r
632'select dest net' => '選擇一個目標網絡', \r
633'select source net' => '選擇一個源網絡,如果你沒有配置橙色或藍色網絡,你不能夠使用DMZ', \r
634'send cr' => 'ISP要求發送回車符', \r
635'september' => '九月', \r
636'serial' => '串口', \r
637'service' => '服務', \r
638'service added' => '定制網絡已填加', \r
639'service name' => '服務名稱:', \r
640'service removed' => '定制網絡移除', \r
641'service updated' => '定制', \r
642'servicename' => '服務名稱', \r
643'services' => '服務:', \r
644'services settings' => '防火牆-服務設定', \r
645'set time now' => '設定現在的時間', \r
646'settings' => '設定', \r
647'shaping add options' => '增加服務', \r
648'shaping list options' => '流量控制服務', \r
649'shared' => '共享', \r
650'show ca certificate' => '顯示CA證書', \r
651'show certificate' => '顯示證書', \r
652'show host certificate' => '顯示主機證書', \r
653'show root certificate' => '顯示根證書', \r
654'shutdown' => '關機', \r
655'shutdown control' => '關機控制', \r
656'shutdown2' => '關機:', \r
657'shutting down' => '關閉中', \r
658'shutting down ipcop' => '正在關閉防火牆', \r
659'size' => '尺寸', \r
660'snort hits' => '符合入侵規則的總數', \r
661'sort ascending' => '升序', \r
662'sort descending' => '降序', \r
663'source' => '源', \r
664'source ip' => '源IP', \r
665'source ip and port' => '源IP:通訊埠', \r
666'source ip bad' => '不是一個有效的IP地址或網絡地址', \r
667'source ip in use' => '使用中的源IP:', \r
668'source net' => '源網絡', \r
669'source network' => '源IP或網絡(不填表示all):', \r
670'source port' => '源通訊埠', \r
671'source port in use' => '使用中的源通訊埠:', \r
672'source port numbers' => '源通訊埠必須是有效的通訊埠或通訊埠範圍', \r
673'source port overlaps' => '源通訊埠範圍和已存在的通訊埠範圍重疊', \r
674'speaker off' => '喇叭關閉:', \r
675'speaker on' => '喇叭打開:', \r
676'src port' => '源通訊埠', \r
677'srcprt range overlaps' => '源通訊埠範圍和已定義的通訊埠重疊', \r
678'srcprt within existing' => '源通訊埠範圍在已定義的通訊埠範圍中', \r
679'ssh access' => 'SSH訪問', \r
680'ssh fingerprint' => '指紋', \r
681'ssh host keys' => 'SSH 主機密鑰', \r
682'ssh is disabled' => 'SSH 目前關閉.', \r
683'ssh is enabled' => 'SSH 目前開啟.重新啟動', \r
684'ssh key' => '密鑰', \r
685'ssh key size' => '大小(bits)', \r
686'ssh keys' => '允許公鑰認證', \r
687'ssh no auth' => '你不允許任何授權方式;你將不能登錄', \r
688'ssh portfw' => '允許TCP 轉發', \r
689'ssh1 support' => '支持SSH1', \r
690'ssnetwork status' => '網絡狀態', \r
691'sspasswords' => '密碼', \r
692'ssport forwarding' => '通訊埠轉發', \r
693'ssproxy graphs' => '代理圖', \r
694'sssystem status' => '系統狀態', \r
695'sstraffic graphs' => '流量圖', \r
696'standard login script' => '標準登錄腳本', \r
697'start address' => '起始地址:', \r
698'state or province' => '洲或省', \r
699'static ip' => '靜態IP', \r
700'status' => '狀態', \r
701'status information' => '狀態信息', \r
702'stopped' => '停止', \r
703'subject' => '主題', \r
704'subnet is invalid' => '子網掩碼無效', \r
705'successfully refreshed updates list' => '成功刷新更新列表.', \r
706'summaries kept' => '保存摘要', \r
707'swap' => '交換分區', \r
708'system graphs' => '系統狀態圖', \r
709'system log viewer' => '查看系統日誌', \r
710'system logs' => '系統日誌', \r
711'system status information' => '系統狀態信息', \r
712'telephone not set' => '電話未設定.', \r
713'the following update was successfully installed' => '以下更新已成功安裝', \r
714'the statistics were last updated at' => '本次統計最新更新與', \r
715'there are updates' => '有幾個可用的系統更新,請到"系統更新"查詢更多信息', \r
716'there are updates available' => '有幾個可用的系統更新,我們強烈建議你盡快安裝.', \r
717'there was no file upload' => '沒有文件上傳', \r
718'this feature has been sponsored by' => '贊助人', \r
719'this field may be blank' => '這個字段可以為空白', \r
720'this is not a valid archive' => '這不是一個有效的文件', \r
721'this is not an authorised update' => '這是一個未經授權的更新,或者是你的更新列表太舊.', \r
722'this update is already installed' => '這個更新已經安裝.', \r
723'time' => '時間', \r
724'time date manually reset' => '手動設定時間', \r
725'time server' => '時間服務', \r
726'timeout must be a number' => '超時時間必須是數字', \r
727'title' => '標題', \r
728'to install an update' => '要安裝一個更新,請上傳 .tgz.gpg文件:', \r
729'toggle enable disable' => '啟動或禁用', \r
730'tone' => '音頻', \r
731'tone dial' => '音頻撥號:', \r
732'traffic shaping' => '流量控制', \r
733'traffic shaping settings' => '流量控制設定', \r
734'transfer limits' => '傳輸限制', \r
735'transparent on' => '透明', \r
736'type' => '類型', \r
737'unable to alter profiles while red is active' => '紅色接口啟動時無法改變配置文件', \r
738'unable to contact' => '無法連接到', \r
739'unencrypted' => '未加密', \r
740'unknown' => '未知', \r
741'unnamed' => '未命名', \r
742'update' => '升級', \r
743'update time' => '更新時間:', \r
744'update transcript' => '更新過程紀錄', \r
745'updates' => '系統更新', \r
746'updates installed' => '更新已安裝', \r
747'updates is old1' => '你的升級文件是', \r
748'updates is old2' => '很久沒有升級了,我們建議你到<b>系統/升級</b>去進行更新', \r
749'uplink speed' => '上傳速度(kbit/sec)', \r
750'upload' => '上傳', \r
751'upload a certificate' => '上傳證書:', \r
752'upload a certificate request' => '上傳一個證書申請:', \r
753'upload ca certificate' => '上傳CA證書', \r
754'upload file' => '上傳文件', \r
755'upload p12 file' => '上傳PKCS12文件', \r
756'upload successful' => '上傳成功', \r
757'upload synch.bin' => '上傳synch.bin', \r
758'upload update file' => '上傳更新文件:', \r
759'upstream password' => '上游數據流密碼:', \r
760'upstream proxy host:port' => '上游代理(主機:端口)', \r
761'upstream username' => '上游數據流用戶名:', \r
762'uptime and users' => '正常用戶時間和用戶', \r
763'usb modem on acm0' => 'USB調製解調器在ACM0', \r
764'usb modem on acm1' => 'USB調製解調器在ACM1', \r
765'usb modem on acm2' => 'USB調製解調器在ACM2', \r
766'usb modem on acm3' => 'USB調製解調器在ACM3', \r
767'use' => '使用', \r
768'use a pre-shared key' => '使用一個Pre-Shared Key:', \r
769'use dov' => '使用DOV (Data Over Voice):', \r
770'use ibod' => '使用按需帶寬(iBOD):', \r
771'use only proposed settings' => '使用唯一推薦設定', \r
772'used' => '已使用', \r
773'username' => '使用者名稱:', \r
774'username not set' => '使用者名沒有設定', \r
775'users department' => '用戶的部門', \r
776'users email' => '用戶的email地址', \r
777'users fullname or system hostname' => '用戶的全稱或系統主機名稱', \r
778'valid root certificate already exists' => '一個有效的根證書已經存在', \r
779'virtual private networking' => '虛擬專用網絡', \r
780'vpn configuration main' => 'VPN設定-首頁', \r
781'waiting to synchronize clock' => '等待同步時鐘', \r
782'warning messages' => '警告信息', \r
783'web hits' => '符合條件的站點總數', \r
784'web proxy' => 'Web代理', \r
785'web proxy configuration' => 'Web代理設定', \r
786'web server' => 'Web服務', \r
787'website' => '網站', \r
788'week' => '星期', \r
789'weeks' => '周', \r
790'wildcards' => '通配字元', \r
791'wireless' => '無線網絡', \r
792'wireless config added' => '無線網絡設定增加', \r
793'wireless config changed' => '無線設定已更改', \r
794'wireless configuration' => '無線網絡設定', \r
795'xtaccess all error' => '無法對所有人設定外部訪問', \r
796'year' => '年', \r
797'you can only define one roadwarrior connection when using pre-shared key authentication' => '你可以使用pre-shared key定義一個連接.<br />也可以已經有一個pre-shared key 的連接,或者增加一個', \r
798'your department' => '你的部門', \r
799'your e-mail' => '你的email地址', \r
800 \r
801); \r