# # Unbound configuration file for IPFire # # The full documentation is available at: # https://www.unbound.net/documentation/unbound.conf.html # server: # common server options chroot: "/etc/unbound" username: "unbound" pidfile: "/var/run/unbound.pid" num-threads: 2 port: 53 do-ip4: yes do-ip6: no do-udp: yes do-tcp: yes prefetch: yes so-reuseport: yes cache-min-ttl: 3600 cache-max-ttl: 86400 unwanted-reply-threshold: 10000 do-not-query-localhost: yes # logging options logfile: "log/unbound.log" use-syslog: no verbosity: 1 log-queries: no log-time-ascii: yes # Unbound Statistics statistics-interval: 3600 statistics-cumulative: yes extended-statistics: yes # privacy options hide-identity: yes hide-version: yes qname-minimisation: yes minimal-responses: yes # hardening options (some experimental) harden-glue: yes harden-large-queries: yes harden-dnssec-stripped: yes harden-short-bufsize: no harden-below-nxdomain: no harden-referral-path: no harden-algo-downgrade: no use-caps-for-id: yes # listen on localhost interface interface: # file with ipfire interfaces include: "/etc/unbound/interfaces.conf" # control which clients are allowed to make (recursive) queries access-control: refuse access-control: allow access-control: ::0/0 refuse access-control: ::1 allow access-control: ::ffff: allow # file with ipfire networks include: "/etc/unbound/access.conf" # dnssec main options val-clean-additional: yes val-log-level: 1 # file with ipfire dnssec configuration include: "/etc/unbound/dnssec.conf" # DNS Rebinding # For DNS Rebinding prevention # # All these addresses are either private or should not be routable in the global IPv4 or IPv6 internet. # IPv4 Addresses private-address: # Broadcast address private-address: private-address: # Loopback Localhost private-address: private-address: private-address: private-address: # Used for testing inter-network communications private-address: # Documentation network TEST-NET-2 private-address: # Documentation network TEST-NET-3 private-address: # Documentation network MCAST-TEST-NET # IPv6 Addresses private-address: ::1/128 # Loopback Localhost private-address: 2001:db8::/32 # Documentation network IPv6 private-address: fc00::/8 # Unique local address (ULA) part of "fc00::/7", not defined yet private-address: fd00::/8 # Unique local address (ULA) part of "fc00::/7", "/48" prefix group private-address: fe80::/10 # Link-local address (LLA) # file with root servers root-hints: "/etc/unbound/root.hints" # custom DNS zone files include: "/etc/unbound/zones/*.conf" # DHCP leases (if configured) include: /etc/unbound/dhcpleases.conf # Blocklists include: "/etc/unbound/blocklists/*.conf" # end server config # enable remote control only on localhost remote-control: control-enable: yes control-use-cert: yes control-interface: server-key-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.key" server-cert-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.pem" control-key-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_control.key" control-cert-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_control.pem" # end remote control config # custom DNS forward config include: "/etc/unbound/forward.conf"