#!/usr/bin/perl # # IPCop CGI's - base.cgi # # This code is distributed under the terms of the GPL # # (c) place a name here # # $Id: base.cgi,v 2005/11/03 19:20:50 franck78 Exp $ # # # This file is a starting base for writting a new GUI screen using the three box model # Box 1 : global settings for the application # Box 2 : line editor for multiple data line # Box 3 : the list of data line, with edit/remove buttons # # This example do the following # Read global settings: # a NAME and an interface (IT) # Lines of data composed of: # an ipaddress (IP), an enabled/disabled options (CB), a comment (CO) # # # All you need to do is # replace 'XY' with your app name # define your global $settings{'var name'} # define your strings # write validation code for Settings1 and Settings2 # write HTML box Settings1 and Settings2 # adapt the sort function # write the correct configuration file # # # to fully troubleshot your code, uncomment diagnostics, Carp and cluck lines # use diagnostics; # need to add the file /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.x/pods/perldiag.pod before to work # next look at /var/log/httpd/error_log , http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/05/07/mod_perl.html may help #use warnings; use strict; #use Carp (); #local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck; require '/var/ipcop/general-functions.pl'; # Replace all occurences of with CONFIG_ROOT # before updating cvs IPCop file. require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/header.pl"; # Files used our $setting = "${General::swroot}/XY/settings"; # particular settings my $datafile = "${General::swroot}/XY/data"; # repeted settings (multilines) our $conffile = "${General::swroot}/XY/XY.conf"; # Config file for application XY # strings to add to languages databases or in addon language file $Lang::tr{'XY title'} = 'XY service'; $Lang::tr{'XY settings'} = 'XY setup'; $Lang::tr{'XY add data'} = 'add data'; $Lang::tr{'XY edit data'} = 'edit data'; $Lang::tr{'XY data'} = 'XY data'; # informationnal & log strings, no translation required my $msg_added = 'XY added'; my $msg_modified = 'XY modified'; my $msg_deleted = 'XY removed'; my $msg_datafileerror = 'XY data file error'; our $msg_configfileerror = 'XY configuration file error'; my %settings=(); # Settings1 $settings{'NAME'} = ''; # a string field than must be 'GOOD' or 'good' $settings{'IT'} = ''; # a 'choose' field for color interface $settings{'TURBO'} = 'off'; # a checkbox field to enable something # Settings2 for editing the multi-line list # Must not be saved by writehash ! $settings{'IP'} = ''; # datalines are: IPaddress,enable,comment $settings{'CB'} = 'off'; # Every check box must be set to off $settings{'COMMENT'} = ''; my @nosaved=('IP','CB','COMMENT'); # List here ALL setting2 fields. Mandatory $settings{'ACTION'} = ''; # add/edit/remove.... $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # point record for ACTION # Define each field that can be used to sort columns my $sortstring='^IP|^COMMENT'; my $errormessage = ''; my $warnmessage = ''; &Header::showhttpheaders(); # Read needed Ipcop settings (exemple) my %mainsettings=(); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings); # Get GUI values &Header::getcgihash(\%settings); # Load multiline data. Do it before use in save action our $f = new Multilines (filename => $datafile, fields => ['IP','CB','COMMENT'], comment => 1 ); ## ## SAVE Settings1 ## # Remove if no Settings1 needed if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'save'}) { # #Validate static Settings1 here # if (($settings{"NAME"} ne "GOOD") && ($settings{"NAME"} ne "good")) { $errormessage = 'Enter good or GOOD in Name field'; } unless ($errormessage) { # Everything is ok, save settings map (delete ($settings{$_}) ,(@nosaved,'ACTION','KEY1'));# Must never be saved &General::writehash($setting, \%settings); # Save good settings $settings{'ACTION'} = $Lang::tr{'save'}; # Recreate 'ACTION' map ($settings{$_}= '',(@nosaved,'KEY1')); # and reinit var to empty # Rebuild configuration file if needed &BuildConfiguration; } ERROR: # Leave the faulty field untouched } else { &General::readhash($setting, \%settings); # Get saved settings and reset to good if needed } ## ## Now manipulate the multiline list with Settings2 ## # Basic actions are: # toggle the check box # add/update a new line # begin editing a line # remove a line # $KEY1 contains the index of the line manipulated ## ## Toggle CB field. ## if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}) { $f->togglebyfields($settings{'KEY1'},'CB'); # toggle checkbox $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # End edit mode &General::log($msg_modified); # save changes $f->savedata || die "$msg_datafileerror"; # Rebuild configuration file &BuildConfiguration; } ## ## ADD/UPDATE a line of configuration from Settings2 ## if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'add'}) { # Validate inputs if (! &General::validip($settings{'IP'})) {$errormessage = "Specify an IP value !"}; if (! $settings{'COMMENT'} ) {$warnmessage = "no comment specified"}; unless ($errormessage) { if ($settings{'KEY1'} eq '') { #add or edit ? # insert new data line $f->writedata(-1, $settings{'IP'},$settings{'CB'},$settings{'COMMENT'}); &General::log($msg_added); } else { # modify data line $f->writedata($settings{'KEY1'}, $settings{'IP'},$settings{'CB'},$settings{'COMMENT'}); $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # End edit mode &General::log($msg_modified); } # save changes $f->savedata || die "$msg_datafileerror"; # Rebuild configuration file &BuildConfiguration; # if entering data line is a repetitive task, choose here to not erase fields between each addition map ($settings{$_}='' ,@nosaved); } } ## ## begin EDIT: move data fields to Settings2 controls ## if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'edit'}) { $f->readdata ($settings{'KEY1'}, $settings{'IP'}, $settings{'CB'}, $settings{'COMMENT'}); } ## ## REMOVE: remove selected line ## if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'remove'}) { $f->deleteline ($settings{'KEY1'}); $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # End remove mode &General::log($msg_deleted); # save changes $f->savedata || die "$msg_datafileerror"; # Rebuild configuration file &BuildConfiguration; } ## ## Check if sorting is asked ## if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /$sortstring/ ) { my $newsort=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; my $actual=$settings{'SORT_XY'}; # Reverse actual sort or choose new column ? if ($actual =~ $newsort) { $f->setsortorder ($newsort ,rindex($actual,'Rev')); $newsort .= rindex($actual,'Rev')==-1 ? 'Rev' : ''; } else { $f->setsortorder ($newsort ,1); } $f->savedata; # Synchronise file & display $settings{'SORT_XY'} = $newsort; map (delete ($settings{$_}) ,(@nosaved,'ACTION','KEY1')); # Must never be saved &General::writehash($setting, \%settings); $settings{'ACTION'} = 'SORT'; # Recreate an 'ACTION' map ($settings{$_}= '',(@nosaved,,'KEY1')); # and reinit var to empty } ## ## Remove if no Setting1 needed ## if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq '' ) { # First launch from GUI # Place here default value when nothing is initialized } &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'XY title'}, 1, ''); &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left', '', $errormessage); my %checked =(); # Checkbox manipulations if ($errormessage) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'error messages'}); print "$errormessage "; &Header::closebox(); } ## ## First box Settings1. Remove if not needed ## $warnmessage = "$Lang::tr{'capswarning'}: $warnmessage" if ($warnmessage); &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'XY settings'}); print "
"; $checked{'IT'}{'RED'} = ''; $checked{'IT'}{'GREEN'} = ''; $checked{'IT'}{'ORANGE'} = ''; $checked{'IT'}{'BLUE'} = ''; $checked{'IT'}{$settings{'IT'}} = "checked='checked'"; $checked{'TURBO'} = ($settings{'TURBO'} eq 'on') ? "checked='checked'" : ''; print< Name: INTERFACE red Turbo: green blue orange
END ; print<
* $Lang::tr{'this field may be blank'} $warnmessage END ; &Header::closebox(); # end of Settings1 ## ## Second box is for editing the an item of the list ## $checked{'CB'} = ($settings{'CB'} eq 'on') ? "checked='checked'" : ''; my $buttontext = $Lang::tr{'add'}; if ($settings{'KEY1'} ne '') { $buttontext = $Lang::tr{'update'}; &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'XY edit data'}); } else { &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'XY add data'}); } # Edited line number (KEY1) passed until cleared by 'save' or 'remove' or 'new sort order' print <
$Lang::tr{'ip address'}: $Lang::tr{'enabled'} $Lang::tr{'remark'}: *

* $Lang::tr{'this field may be blank'}
END ; &Header::closebox(); ## ## Third box shows the list ## # Columns headers may be a sort link. In this case it must be named in $sortstring &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'XY data'}); print < $Lang::tr{'ip address'} $Lang::tr{'remark'} $Lang::tr{'action'} END ; ## ## Print each line of @current list ## my $key = 0; $f->readreset; # beginning of data for ($key=0; $key<$f->getnumberofline; $key++) { my($cb,$comment,$ip) = $f->readbyfieldsseq($key,'CB','COMMENT','IP'); #Choose icon for checkbox my $gif = ''; my $gdesc = ''; if ($cb eq "on") { $gif = 'on.gif'; $gdesc = $Lang::tr{'click to disable'}; } else { $gif = 'off.gif'; $gdesc = $Lang::tr{'click to enable'}; } #Colorize each line if ($settings{'KEY1'} eq $key) { print ""; } elsif ($key % 2) { print ""; } else { print ""; } print <$ip $comment
END ; } print ""; # If table contains entries, print 'Key to action icons' if ($key) { print <  $Lang::tr{'legend'}:  $Lang::tr{ $Lang::tr{'click to disable'}    $Lang::tr{ $Lang::tr{'click to enable'}    $Lang::tr{ $Lang::tr{'edit'}    $Lang::tr{ $Lang::tr{'remove'} END ; } &Header::closebox(); &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage(); ## Ouf it's the end ! ## ## Build the configuration file for application XY ## sub BuildConfiguration { open(FILE, ">/$conffile") or die "$msg_configfileerror"; flock(FILE, 2); #Global settings print FILE "#\n# Configuration file for application XY\n#\n\n"; print FILE "# do not edit manually\n"; print FILE "# build for Ipcop:$mainsettings{'HOSTNAME'}\n\n\n"; print FILE "service=$settings{'NAME'}\n"; print FILE "activate-turbo\n" if $settings{'TURBO'} eq 'on'; print FILE "interface=$settings{'IT'}\n\n\n"; #write data line { my ($IP,$CB,$COMMENT); $f->readreset; while (defined ($f->readdataseq($IP,$CB,$COMMENT))) { if ($CB eq "on") { print FILE "$IP\t\t\t\t\t#$COMMENT\n"; } else { print FILE "#DISABLED $IP\t\t\t\t#$COMMENT\n"; } } } close FILE; # Restart service #system '/usr/local/bin/restartyourhelper'; }