#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # # Copyright (C) 2014 IPFire Team # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################### use strict; use Locale::Country; # enable only the following on debugging purpose use warnings; use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/header.pl"; #workaround to suppress a warning when a variable is used only once my @dummy = ( ${Header::colouryellow} ); undef (@dummy); my $string=(); my $memory=(); my @memory=(); my @pid=(); my @guardian=(); my %cgiparams=(); # Path to the guardian.ignore file. my $ignorefile ='/var/ipfire/guardian/guardian.ignore'; # Path to the guardian.target file. my $targetfile ='/var/ipfire/guardian/guardian.ignore'; our %netsettings = (); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings", \%netsettings); our %color = (); our %mainsettings = (); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings); &General::readhash("/srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/".$mainsettings{'THEME'}."/include/colors.txt", \%color); our %settings = (); $settings{'GUARDIAN_ENABLED'} = 'off'; $settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKINTERFACES'} ='default'; $settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKTIME'} = '86400'; $settings{'GUARDIAN_LOGFILE'} = '/var/log/guardian/guardian.log'; $settings{'GUARDIAN_SNORT_ALERTFILE'} = '/var/log/snort/alert'; $settings{'ACTION'} = ''; my $errormessage = ''; &Header::showhttpheaders(); # Get GUI values. &Header::getcgihash(\%settings); &Header::getcgihash(\%cgiparams); ## Perform input checks and save settings. # if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'save'}) { # Check for valid blocktime. if ($settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKTIME'} ne '') { if (($settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKTIME'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/) || ($settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKTIME'} le '0')) { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian invalid blocktime'}"; } } # Check Logfile. if ($settings{'GUARDIAN_LOGFILE'} ne '') { if ($settings{'GUARDIAN_LOGFILE'} !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]+$/) { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian invalid logfile'}"; } } # Check input for snort alert file. if ($settings{'GUARDIAN_SNORT_ALERTFILE'} ne '') { if ($settings{'GUARDIAN_SNORT_ALERTFILE'} !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]+$/) { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian invalid alertfile'}"; } } # Only continue if no error message has been set. if ($errormessage eq '') { # Write configuration settings to file. &General::writehash("${General::swroot}/guardian/settings", \%settings); # Update configuration files. &BuildConfiguration(); } ## Add a new entry to the ignore file. # } elsif ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'add'}) { # Check if any input has been performed. if ($settings{'NEW_IGNORE_ENTRY'} ne '') { # Check if the given input is no valid IP-address or IP-address with subnet, display an error message. if ((!&General::validip($settings{'NEW_IGNORE_ENTRY'})) && (!&General::validipandmask($settings{'NEW_IGNORE_ENTRY'}))) { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian invalid address or subnet'}"; } } else { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian empty input'}"; } # Go further if there was no error. if ($errormessage eq '') { my $new_entry = $settings{'NEW_IGNORE_ENTRY'}; # Open file for appending the new entry. open (FILE, ">>$ignorefile") or die "Unable to open $ignorefile for writing"; # Write the new entry to the ignore file. print FILE "$new_entry\n"; close(FILE); } ## Remove entry from ignore list. # } elsif ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'remove'}) { my $id = 0; # Open ignorefile and read content. open(FILE, "<$ignorefile") or die "Unable to open $ignorefile."; my @current = ; close(FILE); # Re-open ignorefile for writing. open(FILE, ">$ignorefile") or die "Unable to open $ignorefile for writing"; flock FILE, 2; # Read line by line from ignorefile and write them back except the line with the given ID. # So this line is missing in the new file and the entry has been deleted. foreach my $line (@current) { $id++; unless ($cgiparams{'ID'} eq $id) { print FILE "$line"; } } close(FILE); ## Block a user given address or subnet. # } elsif ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'block'}) { # Check if no empty input has been performed. if ($settings{'ADDRESS_BLOCK'} ne '') { # Check if the given input is no valid IP-address or IP-address with subnet, display an error message. if ((!&General::validip($settings{'ADDRESS_BLOCK'})) && (!&General::validipandmask($settings{'ADDRESS_BLOCK'}))) { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian invalid address or subnet'}"; } } else { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian empty input'}"; } # Go further if there was no error. if ($errormessage eq '') { my $block = $settings{'ADDRESS_BLOCK'}; # Call helper to unblock address. system("/usr/local/bin/guardianctrl block $block &>/dev/null"); } ## Unblock address or subnet. # } elsif ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'unblock'}) { # Check if no empty input has been performed. if ($settings{'ADDRESS_UNBLOCK'} ne '') { # Check if the given input is no valid IP-address or IP-address with subnet, display an error message. if ((!&General::validip($settings{'ADDRESS_UNBLOCK'})) && (!&General::validipandmask($settings{'ADDRESS_UNBLOCK'}))) { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian invalid address or subnet'}"; } } else { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'guardian empty input'}"; } # Go further if there was no error. if ($errormessage eq '') { my $unblock = $settings{'ADDRESS_UNBLOCK'}; # Call helper to unblock address. system("/usr/local/bin/guardianctrl unblock $unblock &>/dev/null"); } ## Unblock all. # } elsif ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'unblock all'}) { # Call helper to flush iptables chain from guardian. system("/usr/local/bin/guardianctrl flush-chain &>/dev/null"); } else { # Load settings from file. &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/guardian/settings", \%settings); } # Call functions to generate whole page. &showMainBox(); &showIgnoreBox(); # Display area only if guardian is running. if ( ($memory != 0) && (@pid[0] ne "///") ) { &showBlockedBox(); } # Function to display the status of guardian and allow base configuration. sub showMainBox() { my %checked = (); $checked{'GUARDIAN_ENABLED'}{'on'} = ''; $checked{'GUARDIAN_ENABLED'}{'off'} = ''; $checked{'GUARDIAN_ENABLED'}{$settings{'GUARDIAN_ENABLED'}} = 'checked'; $checked{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKINTERFACES'}{'default'} = ''; $checked{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKINTERFACES'}{'all'} = ''; $checked{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKINTERFACES'}{$settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKINTERFACES'}} = "checked='checked'"; &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'guardian configuration'}, 1, ''); &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left', '', $errormessage); # Print errormessage if there is one. if ($errormessage) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'error messages'}); print "$errormessage \n"; &Header::closebox(); } # Draw current guardian state. &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'guardian'}); # Check if guardian is running and grab some stats. &daemonstats(); # Display some useful information related to guardian, if daemon is running. if ( ($memory != 0) && (@pid[0] ne "///") ){ print < $Lang::tr{'guardian service'} $Lang::tr{'guardian daemon'} $Lang::tr{'running'} PID $Lang::tr{'memory'} @pid[0] $memory KB END } else { # Otherwise display a hint that the service is not launched. print < $Lang::tr{'guardian service'} $Lang::tr{'guardian daemon'} $Lang::tr{'stopped'} END } &Header::closebox(); # Draw elements for guardian configuration. &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'guardian configuration'}); print <
$Lang::tr{'guardian common settings'}
$Lang::tr{'guardian enabled'}: $Lang::tr{'guardian blockinterfaces'}: $Lang::tr{'guardian blockinterfaces default'} $Lang::tr{'guardian blockinterfaces all'}
$Lang::tr{'guardian blocktime'}:
$Lang::tr{'guardian logfile'}:
$Lang::tr{'guardian snort alertfile'}:
END print <
END &Header::closebox(); } # Function to show elements of the guardian ignorefile and allow to add or remove single members of it. sub showIgnoreBox() { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'guardian ignored hosts'}); print < $Lang::tr{'guardian ignored hosts'} END # Check if the guardian ignore file contains any content. if (-s $ignorefile) { # Open file and print contents. open FILE, $ignorefile or die "Could not open $ignorefile"; my $id = 0; my $col = ""; # Read file line by line and print out the elements. while( my $ignored_element = ) { # Increase id number for each element in the ignore file. $id++; # Check if the id number is even or not. if ($id % 2) { $col="bgcolor='$color{'color22'}'"; } else { $col="bgcolor='$color{'color20'}'"; } print < $ignored_element
END } close (FILE); } else { # Print notice that currently no elements are stored in the ignore file. print "\n"; print "$Lang::tr{'guardian no entries'}\n"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; &Header::closebox(); # Section to add new elements to the ignore list. print <
$Lang::tr{'dnsforward add a new entry'}:
END } # Function to list currently bocked addresses from guardian and unblock them or add custom entries to block. sub showBlockedBox() { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'guardian blocked hosts'}); # Lauch helper to get chains from iptables. open(FILE, "/usr/local/bin/guardianctrl get-chain |"); print < $Lang::tr{'guardian blocked hosts'} END my $id = 0; my $address = ""; my $col = ""; my $interface = ""; # Read file line by line and print out the elements. foreach my $line () { # Skip descriptive lines. next if ($line =~ /^Chain/); next if ($line =~ /^ pkts/); # Generate array based on the line content (seperator is a single or multiple space's) my @comps = split(/\s{1,}/, $line); my ($lead, $pkts, $bytes, $target, $prot, $opt, $in, $out, $source, $destination) = @comps; # Assign different variable names. my $blocked_host = $source; # Increase id number for each element in the ignore file. $id++; # Check if the id number is even or not. if ($id % 2) { $col="bgcolor='$color{'color22'}'"; } else { $col="bgcolor='$color{'color20'}'"; } print < $blocked_host
END } close (FILE); # If the loop only has been runs once the id still is "0", which means there are no # additional entries (blocked hosts) in the iptables chain. if ($id == 0) { # Print notice that currently no hosts are blocked. print "\n"; print "$Lang::tr{'guardian no entries'}\n"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; &Header::closebox(); # Section for a manual block of an IP-address. print <
$Lang::tr{'guardian block a host'}:
END } &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage(); # Function to check if guardian has been started. # Grab process id and consumed memory if the daemon is running. sub daemonstats() { $memory = 0; # for pid and memory open(FILE, '/usr/local/bin/addonctrl guardian status | '); @guardian = ; close(FILE); $string = join("", @guardian); $string =~ s/[a-z_]//gi; $string =~ s/\[[0-1]\;[0-9]+//gi; $string =~ s/[\(\)\.]//gi; $string =~ s/ //gi; $string =~ s/\e//gi; @pid = split(/\s/,$string); if (open(FILE, "/proc/$pid[0]/statm")){ my $temp = ; @memory = split(/ /,$temp); close(FILE); } $memory+=$memory[0]; } sub BuildConfiguration() { my %settings = (); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/guardian/settings", \%settings); my $configfile = "${General::swroot}/guardian/guardian.conf"; # We set this to 1 (enabled) to prevent guardian from blocking the ISP gateway. my $HostGatewayByte = "1"; # Grab interface of red network zone. my $red_interface = &General::get_red_interface(); # Open configfile for writing. open(FILE, ">$configfile"); print FILE "Interface $red_interface\n"; print FILE "BlockOption $settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKINTERFACES'}\n"; print FILE "HostGatewayByte $HostGatewayByte\n"; print FILE "LogFile $settings{'GUARDIAN_LOGFILE'}\n"; print FILE "AlertFile $settings{'GUARDIAN_SNORT_ALERTFILE'}\n"; print FILE "IgnoreFile $ignorefile\n"; print FILE "TargetFile $targetfile\n"; print FILE "TimeLimit $settings{'GUARDIAN_BLOCKTIME'}\n"; close(FILE); # Restart the service. if ($settings{'GUARDIAN_ENABLED'} eq 'on') { system("/usr/local/bin/guardianctrl restart &>/dev/null"); } else { system("/usr/local/bin/guardianctrl stop &>/dev/null"); } }