#!/usr/bin/perl # # IPFire HDD Shutdown state reader # # This code is distributed under the terms of the GPL # # 20.08.2007 Maniacikarus - IPFire.org - maniacikarus@ipfire.org # # begin my @proc = `cat /proc/diskstats`; my @devices = `kudzu -qps -c HD | grep device: | cut -d" " -f2 | sort | uniq`; my %diskstatus = ""; my $debug = 1; my $status = "unknown"; if ( @ARGV[0] eq "state" ){ my $hdd = @ARGV[1]; $status = `hdparm -C /dev/$hdd | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2`; if ( $status=~/standby/){ my $ftime = localtime((stat("/tmp/hddshutdown-$hdd"))[9]); print"Disk $hdddev status: standby (since $ftime)"; } else{ print"Disk $hdddev status: active"; } exit; } if ($debug){print "### Reading Diskstats ###\n";} foreach (@proc){ my @line = split(/ +/,$_); $diskstatus{$line[3]} =$line[12]; if ($debug){print "Getting device ".$line[3]." with the following value ".$line[12]."\n";} } if ($debug){print "### Searching for available Disks ###\n";} foreach (@devices){ chomp $_; if ($debug){print "Device ".$_." has ".$diskstatus{$_}." IO Requests.\n";} $status = `hdparm -C /dev/$_ | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2`; if ($diskstatus{$_} eq "0" && $status !=~/standby/){ if ($debug){print "Device ".$_." is set to standy.\n";} system("/sbin/hdparm -y /dev/$_"); system("touch /tmp/hddshutdown-$_"); } elsif ($diskstatus{$_} ne "0" || $status !=~/standby/){ if ($debug){print "Device ".$_." is active.\n";} if ( -e "/tmp/hddshutdown-$_" ) { system("unlink /tmp/hddshutdown-$_"); } } } # end