]> git.ipfire.org Git - ipfire-2.x.git/shortlog
2024-08-02  Michael Tremervectorscan: Fix check for CPU support core187
2024-07-23  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: ship /usr/bin/unshare v2.29-core187
2024-07-23  Arne Fitzenreiterutil-linux: ship /usr/bin/unshare
2024-07-18  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: exclude squid access.log from update
2024-07-18  Arne FitzenreiterRevert "squid: Comment out access.log in rootfile"
2024-07-10  Michael Tremermake.sh: Update contributors
2024-07-10  Michael Tremermake.sh: Run "make.sh lang"
2024-07-10  Michael Tremersamba: Fix rootfiles
2024-07-08  Adolf Belkasquid: Comment out access.log in rootfile
2024-07-08  Matthias Fischerapache: Update to 2.4.61
2024-07-08  Adolf Belkasamba: Update to version 4.20.2
2024-07-04  Michael Tremerruby: Add rootfile for all architectures
2024-07-04  Michael Tremerriscv64: Update util-linux rootfile
2024-07-04  Michael Tremervectorscan: Build as a fat library
2024-07-04  Michael Tremercore187: Ship the OpenVPN CRL updater
2024-07-04  Peter MüllerCore Update 187: Rewrite the SSH configuration on update
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship and restart the firewall
2024-07-02  Michael Tremersysctl: Conntrack: Disable picking up loose TCP connections
2024-07-02  Michael Tremerfirewall: Implement generating SYNPROXY rules
2024-07-02  Michael Tremerfirewall.cgi: Add a checkbox to enable SYN flood protection
2024-07-02  Michael Tremerfirewall: Enable SYNPROXY for untracked packets
2024-07-02  Michael Tremerfirewall: Don't filter output INVALID packets
2024-07-02  Michael Tremerfirewall: Split CONNTRACK chain
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship and restart Apache
2024-07-02  Matthias Fischerapache: Update to 2.4.60
2024-07-02  Michael TremerOpenSSH: Ship the entire suite of helper programs
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship and restart OpenSSH
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaopenssh: Update to version 9.8p1
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Restart Suricata during the update
2024-07-02  Matthias Fischersuricata: Update to 7.0.6
2024-07-02  Matthias Fischernano: Update to 8.0
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship BIND
2024-07-02  Matthias Fischerbind: Update to 9.16.50
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship ipblocklist-sources
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaipblocklist-sources: Update to include the Abuse.ch...
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaipblocklist-sources: Update to include the 3CORESec...
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaapcupsd: Update email scripts to work with dma
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaspeexdsp: New package required for build of tshark...
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaasciidoctor: New package required for build of tshark...
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaruby: New package required for build of asciidoctor...
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkatshark: Update to version 4.2.5
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship zstd
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkazstd: Update to version 1.5.6
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship xfsprogs
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaxfsprogs: Update to version 6.8.0
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkatraceroute: Update to version 2.1.5
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkatmux: Update to version 3.4
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship iw
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaiw: Update to version 6.9
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkautfcpp: Required for build of latest version of taglib
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkataglib: Update to version 2.0.1
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship header.pl + dns.cgi
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkadns.cgi: Remove the decode and encode lines as now...
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaheader.pl: Add utf-8 handling into cleanhtml command
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship strongSwan
2024-07-02  Peter Müllerstrongswan: Create firewall rules for outgoing IPsec...
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship /etc/sysctl.conf
2024-07-02  Peter Müllersysctl: Disable bpf() calls from unprivileged users...
2024-07-02  Peter MüllerTor: Update to
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship vpnmain.cgi
2024-07-02  Michael Tremervpnmain.cgi: Allow passing strings with double @@ as IDs
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship squid
2024-07-02  Matthias Fischersquid: Update to 6.10
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship PPP
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkappp: Fix definition of directory for pid files
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship ca-certificates
2024-07-02  Peter Müllerca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle
2024-07-02  Robin Roevenszabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.30 (LTS)
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkahplip: Update to version 3.23.12
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship ethtool
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaethtool: Update to version 6.9
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkampd: Ship to use new libid3tag library
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaminidlna: Ship to use new libid3tag library
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkalibid3tag: Update to version 0.16.3
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship mdadm
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkamdadm: Update to version 4.3
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship cURL
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkacurl: Update to version 8.8.0
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkawsdd: Update to version 0.8
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship libedit
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkalibedit: Update to version 20240517-3.1
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship GnuTLS
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkagnutls: Update to version 3.8.5
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkafetchmail: Update to version 6.4.38
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Regenerate initramdisks for intel-microcode
2024-07-02  Michael Tremercore187: Ship intel-microcode
2024-07-02  Adolf Belkaintel-microcode: Update to version 20240531
2024-06-27  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: ship oath-toolkit
2024-06-27  Adolf Belkaoath-toolkit: Update to version 2.6.11
2024-06-27  Matthias Fischermonit: Update to 5.34.0
2024-06-27  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: ship sqlite
2024-06-27  Adolf Belkasqlite: Update to version 3.46.0
2024-06-27  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: dhcpcd
2024-06-27  Adolf Belkadhcpcd: Update to version 10.0.8
2024-06-27  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: ship ntp
2024-06-27  Matthias Fischerntp: Update to 4.2.8p18
2024-06-27  Arne Fitzenreiterutil-linux: update aarch64 rootfile
2024-06-27  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: ship whois
2024-06-27  Adolf Belkawhois: Update to version 5.5.23
2024-06-27  Arne Fitzenreitercore187: ship vim