the free firewall for your home or SOHO

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IPFire is a linux based firewall distribution with a lot of extras. Development base of the new release 2.1 was Linux from Scratch, a stable and flexible guide to build a linux distribution. According to this the system was set up and tighten up with nice extras like Asterisk PBX, Samba, CUPS and many more...

So you can get anything out of ipfire you can imagine. Without any addons installed it is an ultra-fast firewall but can also be a full-featured home server. It's up to you what you want. Check it out...

2007/11/08 - IPFire 2.1 FINAL

Community Mail

Hey Community!
Today is the day we release the final version of ipfire. You can get the download of the 2.1 here.
After the first release of august 2005 the project relaunched an extremely flexible, stable and fast firewall, which was finally finished.

One of the highlight of this security accessorie are the extensions to make a real home server out of it. You are able to install additional addons to the system with only a few mouse clicks. There are for example:

Here is the full list of addons.

Mitch - for the developers on

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IPFire is new-developed firewall build with the latest releases of linux 2.6 and tools. You are able to install a lot of addons and you will see a firewall can become a home server.

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